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October 22, 1908 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1908-10-22

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TIi A4K I\ff('ifAK DAILY

In Comparison With Other Uni
versities Both In Quantity and
Quality-S. L.A. Is at the Head.
The Studtens'fLetreeof ouritown
I.' iierit Iiof Michig fe rsee a bte
stittinin Amerkica. AlIIof le' ten
the iff ren pr fes in lachi se anic
iiifo'pek. Snce a ltareei'lent
ieir, lt ecogin izedfitllet and i x1
peiirinerth eiseics chenriyeither
wilb fiiltttaI.mJittn',itt 'f and inrf -i
TeiUiversfi teof Wticin lveciue'
cours eu iiei ffu l v feelit re atni"ee
spcakrs,-acob Riis, Henr \V ltier
seiason tieifrithese f Xitttteeiti s
ilt$r:;o. Ti make I lli u nil e t
tuu twice thattwhicht l soia-
tion tsk o the s Vitis he e tni'
liteakersi Ina led ontiieiS. I.. A. couIs
At te U ivesit of Mim culteef 't
ire Poe rs uslll. Inw l Js
e flh CW . t iFo lkJ. 1. oii i lXlusl lt c- l
lte I'e c ulle uttick et ii liiie
II Co iiiiii o l~m-elfh of I e
ipfet X'itglu
iTeiueIuue l'nttuw f2'teun i tuflti urf11e
fctuueor riiher e' r ta iiip nme n t rm.
foruw icthue sl tudaent a ali
lipe do ulute ollot i ng:ute
si'gortit or li d ies itVe etil tryn it
'Ill- GerrudI il ler oceI t C o'Ill
fK~vt \ilc, lecurr:K atherine~f'l
The 5l m iiiguu 1 ityo asi t fn 'ia gel
tilrc c ny nicompoe d f t hrie'tii. -
fiuffow ;feian illofe pteachire', JorhettoA.
iofitis ittc ofts e ttt $1.,; ot rm It at
SeatTigllraneeChicagofingayin thlee
moaOrchesOrSa. . oRK
'Ioteafionsgrlti esulettoios, beitre
i e is et lon heyrois ecolege iely iiti
fe sueln ets et is Uttteit y iif th t te
areuettiingfttterhes itho untryiee t te.
tieleaslt'pfrti te t h'iieir ftl
etsiTO EMBot, lERS OFtf''s' vtetii
idecru Nft Oti refy I tilt ill le ite
upprlasfeenit uly f wot deti fuiinit ts f

Mifchigant audiietnce.
since tiot eiii tile' spettters is a
"ireeltll buttrett" lecttrer, te AttttArtor
autdtiette' will htave tite satisfattiott of
knoinlg thtat it is gettintg an atddress
gt r 'ft handlnt ols ef thait'hasttt en
adis soi staeewetitte speaker thteft
cattnnot feeltht hftcis atpatof the' ad-
fresihittelff. UpoIn thite sucecess oif tll
idrs dpns in great patthle in-
tleest'anf personality ita t tepeker
puts itto it.Int tile ease of ite tell ad-
crcsses this yetar orignltiy attd variely
are the dfitngnishaing featuren.

X-A1.I N ) NTI IfllXf'l I ' ~
ad theCntraiil liific ad1oter1 MAN OF A TO
titSeOirtt~Sie IN SUTHAFRtICei From a Poor Boy He Has Risen
Mir. tlatttttottis "tnose for goldf'gulli to Fame as Millionaire Mag-
himt a tpositon ill t893 ititthBarnta t azine Editor.
brothlies, twhtose deelopmiftentis ill Suit .
Atterica heftco111k cthatge of. Sit great tntingttthaii t StattelciSidnuey XeClutre
a is etalftuility tu"t Ceciii Rhtodef ell- fits set 1o1ut t to d ihs ealway's beenitato
gge i m ilill hifs employiit. It tws i inoiiilifsftetihithiter itlie itis gettg iol
that atmall cItipaiy t wo eheat i n edutcattittion tetttarryinlg f th atgit-
isas 1lmod ifRttt hotdf fiies, antdl Dr. Jenttt let olftone ot is profesnsrtighinlst tile
sonl, mae.Ietip1itou the ceutrtity now, obecttins if thnistwoldi-lie fater-in-
kwit aie s Rt'Ittte'siti. little' didittoe fats tece te i success fttl suittr tis
iso lnew oeti if it thtinkth tuth is esitetit 10111 irtthie e staletishing of Xllerlea'
tio lildiiatffecltti ettoldl, seconel tt ty fotretmttst mzntet.
litilo tittttiI hedamn iscovetrie's ill Sout11 'Samt"' XcCile'htas altty s hd itstftf
by'11111. 1,1 lte ttti eganfthdee lop-ittt antte and ill8511. peculirtothis o~t tn'
mea if theI' ititnes i of Tiscounetry i' tidet'if iErint ctite' illgoodiuistead.If thtis
Bie this workttttefor tile Bitiisht Sotints'taditofte re spontsibilitites of atttetget-

out1 ready mottntey inltis pttrse ftc agreed
lt ptty' "Mtartk waitt $T,ooo fttr teasel
letters frotttartoad.
Mir. Mlur~ite is otte of tile test jttdges
ttt thte ttrld of literattre as a ,eott-
ttodity. He tan discovered ttatns' sri-
lees wehoitase tbeett "brottghti 011'' li
itt attd taade famons. He kttows per-
sonatlly'tmore swriters in idifferentpfarts
ttf te worldf tattay att' nlitng.
sMAKtES 'tie e Rt:t's" A.s s-cerss.
Itt 1893 "ikfeCftre'nsufagazitte" wsas
etaliishtedf. ft Iwas gotid, btut thtedeeit
sidfe of tcelgersvwas appallittg, $287,-
000 bieintgttt thte ftttt. 'MceCure exerted
ltitttelf tuore thtatntever ill secutrintg ar-
ticles. Histmaigaz/intewsno1101foerite
sitle purpose eof amttusitng its readers
Wth fltstories, butito edcteeassyell..
j iMiss ItdatAI. fTrbtell, whlo is to deliver
thte atddtresitere tnt thecenttietttial 0anti-
vetary' of L.ineolnt's biretht, Febrtuary 12,
wvas etngageud eti$4o atwneck to nrite
"'Te ILife otfLinieoltn." Sit exellent
w~eeiher atrtieles thttt thtety nere reaud
ity totusattts taniditettmagazitne tadcth
at large sai'le tit t eb111tlstwipedi
Financttttalftrotublfes exsnoti longetr
ftte 'ute. _MeClure, fotte fcisnowtsv'eratl
litte's a'tttilliottaitre. He is stilt atise
itt tistsork. flit editoriatl poliey is ho
fittsotl, att etcis eontstntly' invsestigalt-
ing, flookitngilltotitugs foitmiitself.isi
eonsttat travelintg keeps htitttitt touceh
twitht eurrent esets atndt happenings itt
till flarts otf thte worldf. Otn every' speeialf

Afric lcomfny ishe atedaslcsutntg
engner fr heConsoilitedh (oldt
ieldis uoi Southi-Aftriecau elldte' Rand-
I ,uuiusats ;od iiing companuuy'.
I e uwanlie first itoiads'uuetietc hee?,f
meat I tfthedeert aru n'esif the W't-
the nsworldi eu lteufbyhtyis getuitut. I it
tin imus prtf an1th positionsle fcgae m-

zinc a pblihinghoue, ad asyndti-
cite'. ore havie bee'tuaetfaer eitt Itndianta
ontile' nalue' farupontututswhicefwttorkated
asta boy. tutu"Samttiwasu shruted, itt-
dututuoshandtiuttths. tie setteed ho
ou touecolliege',tutudIint ord ertthe ft ttigt
etrGlsutrg-, ite putuleu teedles,

gin ee'rItatule1as instltutaltein It i, At ' u'un, fle'-e'lie' worktfedftthard ttpitreatedf itt "?McfClure's :Matgazinte,"
oresforu'ttifilutus if udollars'tuworuthuo id stl ituiedifnutriusly, fort, itnfupite ttetre is aeufcpstf Itittedexpetsaet
m,.inr lcdintheii' Uitedl Staut'es.o is lutemptl 'tofi sa e up ufmuontey, itis wtorkf, butinittchcteAir. te, lue Isef
cah uaituh l uiunuti-iltouufifte'ettcents mtore feutti fir w-itflue gettetael em.tt
T' I 1CV it FEt ItutHODE.uniutset uo'uffte 'sutbjeeitfeitg'it ehgetefttt
ii lien heu i nee d.I. hart iff tc tt e
ki. turtttitti el e 5itulgstupfpot e' t 'Iut ele i'tttu rutsoutu th 11 f tie s uorkerens twho ute efireteef
li.1ltuite' if faes tsulh es.sr n 'n 1 n d at 1 1 uuu t itttg ICluuuuuec' slitlil e' ft t Iin t s' t itt
tsui inutsiuiret hitel e' itf fhueis tunn li ult bllul iet'iitttu! XWhtnettfcspeaks fif eaeres fetl ttat
ftriendus. Not onlty' ditdfititttttttt illMVMue elne inefp thimttt leurittg tuttfillie htstsnomtethintol lusey, euttulite ' kttowN
t art sntte' ptossibleu the fouatluioun t it Iof ttheI itl-l' , 88.' 1huwts' 10 nay it itt atceear, ttottg soie
1ileĀ«i rautdfo heei 82"te Rhsit fnscholaritpsin th coif-etut i ell\I r. .1 eff tre'vitits fGatesbuttg'!liftseasy' antdfferestusive, yet xpusitive,
lt, butut hue'hate soeee einuplaedcai idir' et 11, it is tn uile' o f its Itrustie'es'n d"lteI iu ' eelof eaying tittgs deleightse alf.
inte t inighti'erieducatiii.it.Ihe' ienmtut itintguishued a lumnitu. -
Shown itgreat interest ill studentstea'tuthe .I... t(~gk
aduvsanceettf thueit'edehucationu, fleet felt it_\!eu11:et t uue'.eiu t et' 5,hi G h'M t tSlt
fle' it tht-eesternu nivttuersities. XI- kftert'gnu IuaeioeutAItr. _Mc'flurue' itituo
uthought Ifes busuness aes arn ecmosf eX-. B Stoll.u fothu llowigXifsn IurdthtinsSieet- fThue' managern eefelie iff telyceunm
ateintg, hue'is cthaitrtatnt ef tile' tttllng liearti i t, wo hd "lete oteseluI- chustbureus whlsch dehaes ittfottuter' }ears fttt-1
andtte aurgiuicaeparetet otef Hflee oo. "arIs"pocetwase t utttichd uu f v f tettrations forithte'
gett univ115ersity'. andthe has tt ve d as h5'h is huearut wstoe lut. lipsInle nfirs t IS.L.A.coeursesnh110nthitug beuttce
a professor o uf Yleheons'euof wtilt m stthere waleareenlig 11to ild IeabiyceinIllgreaitet prutise'forthue' program' ltfoe ths
dea el uutuu'hue'isfnoe dsh thai ithe ceuld teahis heeft ti er. euaid ''t"Iutust admttit thatt
t'iiiESxxIu ci.NDisle slice It. . tih e etlathe.XXAuee e tld tieem-h y1111hftegtainhedfconlsidteetably uy lutlsc-
tiufictnunifttilii.tteIce ploverIthat i le iwouldlik tehits isages ecurin1g atuytof olun spuekerseadeutu ra cte-
Hi ofieasprsdet fthIAei intaselfbecues 1 e'eiwis "oilt"gtlie 1111r1 1tia1snfee thfifts'yetar. Ytuthavi nens uti-
feXitiugffuitendin.uuu uiutimnen far i si i ti iihettilf ue uef ti tely ineis eourse, whiieft sihouidtcout
fesi eit 'eettuftu. i it tttulyyee' 1115to$5 2 Sile y tcide iithuher foreuhfttnitong' y0111'patrons. Ica
ittus ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ubad Au''ut fsftght~'iteitle'ufi t uufiis. e fl tile te irear tly truuthufllyh say thief youulavee' tile.best
euaing urt fsufuttue 1societies eof tis teios.Hi esth worku'esefuru'Colf. ls a ~ecee'utt ut'stgeffhfi-
etut cisttiieeelucut ifhu tihe li herioeil Im~uowu n asf"Outinug." 'There aeuthitfy fear I knowetof tetm all. Cotn-
uontibieutedin 1on11e' way'hue anotihi tell unteughncuerngy inthflueaotple of gaufuiuu nhe.XeoiuiatIXif
',t- Hammettitontd is atoriteettwhsereer Btoneieu utoutthilt etegeufe youth, so suf eetgtttf eti uesee't
lieluca' ue it li sullem ieiut hiif itelicnt 1teeNext' Yorke ttIuecoe a mue in uuc- isfi}touthefamonutisuccessfulfyeatr ftuce'
juntgle,ifut heudrawsitug ruotusof royalyc eiftile 1butens taeffefthue "Ccii- tile Assaciatiuont was first formtueu."
inthue mines, oe n te patuformu. It hsteen h an llalterfitsngeregforar tlitte. "Issttoel'hn hu.kocciau
bueenttile' goodmfofunte if Alin. Hammuuondu"It ishlei t lunyfththe ascutiuo',
to stitt fertehe typue if tin coutrymetnu'NxWStulUSuRTcERuS, eifth telue fnseraulsfpeakhern,
thueuitch is hueftloigs recogniuti'onuof a IOriginty ut mautrksevex ry' iprantt"I uwouuldi excepftnoe.'Youarteho he
tirain.Coetssriehave lioe theft inl ieCitess career. ftc iuauuguu- coansgrafulaeup~ontuhue turraty'of uuutaeue
it ini fteir ra ang toot. H lok rtedf ith e set e f syndtucitug stories, npeaukersnwvoutututiouthoveseeceured."
the getlueaninfit iciess stuit, anud 115 tewuse tutuiitches feur the Seundeay oewie y,"ecntl.aydc--ul
ouuuvfle tlt x "le ttt mceeuty'duch pets.XXWit abotut $15 int fifepocket aitt
esstc d itsnenrwithut thftcslightestecit a i tithe fiatr-roouuflut touhprovide foe, ftc YOUNG AXIERICAN ENGINEERS arsmnashhshdtehortobgnosakcnrcswihvryf-PSE AEDBYIAM O .
co sexvcreel timtes." atollsxxruler thaet hue could. Hie task
Stuchtaxhasbenthfle uature of the mtaix sItht ffete tit eueen It John tHays H-anmmuond younag eli-
ufutu huaae cioti neui vmum u femot t11teumost ifcl nto ecur'tlferog-ieers usho are jnst gifu a start its
caut entertauin roy-ally' ct Iis sumtunertwitets a t ptees nwhichs noutldtmafke a thueir wotrk and thuose whio save just
huotic fi f~fuuceueeor fie stfittr fauu naduticufron tuchnutical colleges anud
hoit Glc s, or his ano ter reoideusegeutetrhuls tmutgif oit. lie decided uiversitiecshave tuever found a helter'
itt Laewcoodu, N. J., or cuts his paatuial ohmcis syiuecttho'uhthe todwritefrietud.ft taxsteets a constantlitm twit
yah,"Tue Alcecdo." Besides yaehtiun tsur teuetuehiItome uu fa to brnlg forstardf fle young theta,
'Air. Heuauond is partictularly fontd of pleiges tu tuhuemusiasmu fertehue successtie egsur iilefrfsiltwh
ridfig andufgolfiisg, atudf of hauntitng aug i ueni,. euuu' ceue gtfo seek 1o e fitly placed swiththe ecualsee
gamue.Hecause of Iis fast fontdnless, it anytsatue euttt it Amtericat nwhatever he ofephas opeoned oepae o on
is said fteatRoosevelt ansd heswotuld tmigh uefteas fohifeswork. Edifors were H ssoesdnn lcsfryus
lue au- dfccfa "aise" uiteot uttge ouson hunftitnuguousciu tntaAminecen uginteers, fuotlihere ande
trite as fpresfidentfandtic -e-presidenut. whle yeari's tay' ini eadvance if hueIwoulfd abroadue, titan any otlier livinugstan, atud
't'fe tutlus fie eu thef-ttitsttouuf fustit lute beenu a pride of Ihis fife flint lie Isas
Ih re ie fth amod fae roiste uedesiredf contrtibautionus. t
fly is idteal. SMrs. Htuammonutd, whfo tansswouldf secetm that Mclehure tad litle so largely cotrtihutted to bring Ameni-
travseeed withhlen husbadtni t mfit teof caeluebtut IHolmtes listetued graciouly~l, ccittenineerng atnd engineers to use
tin trips, is a moest deeocteud nife. Timhets srantge teesaty, hue closed acirai frontu hut the esteems of thse Old: World,
fte is itever too busy' to conscenlfor wset IMciClure asekedh. Hargaes -aind to win for temissnterntationsal ern-
himselff withu Iis chffilrent, particularly fits painedufhits owasvtehafterssardscienthsuhe ploymntantd distilsctiott. -
four-y-ear-olud daughter, who is ltmefaride simpl~ue statemtenut thact hueItaud beets "Mue-
oaf ten fathser,usothser ansd foulr brothuers. Clfureud,"iand soonethule mseaning of this Wheelers double-sided power as a
lie cell talk well, for hte is ca' bornirecmtrk teeaute clean, for this younig anud selnolar of great- intellect andc a eaecher
oratorcuesvwellf as et torts lmilning dii etarmnitn joerc" of literafture sueceed- who nmolded aisdlfashionsed mntandse
ginteen. IHis fife furnishtes manuty' airo-el te l to tiing eurticles from sRobeert wonmen attraeued Ike attenisuon of te
mantisic story, dlealiung eithuer directly ILtune Steenston, Professtur Tfyndeall, edclational sworld., Princetoln, in 1896l,
wvithim iiiself or withlupersons wiutswhomusa tI-fultartheCoisanitBoyle, kWilli ant Deatn conferred upon silo the Isonorary de-
lie has been associated. f-outewellatnd other fantonsmnt. Withu- gree L.L.D.

Aside From Being Teacher and
President at California lHe often
Acts as Athletic Official.
Comin eduutittfBenjamttitidfifeIe -f
eu 's long stdentcaeere'ueli an-c ar
aceitifcs tutatae-cadteuim oua
wsheev'er'tlutehs ehdoccasionato hu
His mind ha ucs nteeloedfuv'fithtedie-
tiont of tie sholar whous'itesine' ilife'
nothingugtmmihis feavrie'si-rutk andmistf
boomeks. foar he' ind.ittIaewaeyehsteen,
alie'teethe'situamtionus :'und imefmut.fi
hssuh inect, whfichthe inlt speakfeontei
tile euvtenigf Smueeutul en 9, "'f'Pacuiie'
0c-uc ute tnd Itt esent Sgifcaneutsitt
fitl knowlt egheittheelgto rsn
1-Is it tet liesnohlltilone i te'
clasiand 'tuuhiloloigy, tutu alsom iting
ushiichm are'ocuinett''tg aouandtuim. t
interentsof Californtfe ia tuentsiareis
out-t. he fis usumefy' aisfecatoru'of tein
gaesan atut hiltetis andii le' has eeth ut
officialf unhe calle' edmun. X'ffe'suty-
tg' eaund sueexvaig'fin ClGreee, lehaet
tile distnicionu of se rvinug asin tle of tie
mdge t cthliefitte rumrevival eel
thil Oftympice'gete
"tamvact. usem :,ucirto
Sit. XXWheeer, wit-leltia, eemi gr
lite' anidI etfaressenmuusmt heuphld,
liaus shtoasnuthatu hue uetofr'ummautm wr
Nesus rnltuicutancuesry. Ii, fstiuy' e-
gau lcmy' uaut ly clegfe,'New ta Ip
eshire, adTut fhemetnacdmemumy, Seineo.
Maiete. ft utig tesni emusrl t stein ih
shwe i priculare'tt destinrufe fort' if~o
the. ''huisfincr'eseduwhethficum I <
s-refuivesiy, froemuwxhisthe w,iin
grauaed'u it 18 eel te' gmelftwen-u-m
mie'. 'Tre' se t'e heelet' f hi'
umster'ns t' e, tdeivieruingtth ie c;s
chl orationft. Ili marked ab tehiity' geium
teontinb in eetionito hium r~
Forlt'eitmes'he tughtin uProvidencue'
tihshol utuheitsstn nhi
almaiteateriasiletutorinHishittuut' fon
k~n'ledgeutk himumfromiuthme.casro
to Grmay, werelife went'gstudsl
to muf iflosphufy iwasn reeied atmIeli-i
dleguieu'si'euu mmcm aulti ,
aufter'four nyearu's oftmferkan'mut I ti a
110n t cmirltiu, eit-ige, anudt.chiI e- -
lie'acieed atei iitnst'uctrshiin il i -
vardut soon elmm eft tote te hirof
itemfessore of eomparaiveuue fepuhilgy at
Cornel. Ihut tq8gy mim hie' suduiedinfi
Greece amutelsoet cedemasprotfesner o
tie Greeki-henugeg nd tutu iera'utue- i
thus'1A mecnimmScehoI of fClassicali Sudifen
eat :Ahetn. Ifs'ealsiedeuuce it tie' estama-
tion lattiesite'f mudfmorintinhi.
Hist eecteumii~jitnint89 is'rsidfent ol
thue Unuiersity' of fCaliforntia sitestutudu
frotnt a tige ' tuuiuhet uof fanius scolar
mueintioeduufumethehusiion,. lourtimfues
sitnce in eectioautolithe presientcy' of
Califortniae fis Sr.kWheeerfent mitt
oneity le degreeeof dotime ef lawsen-
twice int geo, at Brwnsi tutd fets'var,
andtic -eeitt 9o, fy' Yle tutu Jhn
Hlopkinst. 'Tis is f honors adedue'it
those peteininug'to mietmerhfipt mu
leartnetd socieiee is msuaterial idicaionu
uf ieeestrog recoard. STe utuent fimsef
emntates srength. fiUnde ifscdirctfion
flefUiserity of Caifornuiettits grimwvn
to he tuteefthe srotget istiuutiois ii
ute couttry.''he refuiremetldsteandmthehm
tatndard of work heve beets raised.
Asanitoerator tPresidfentihi eler is

to cotme before an autudietuce alreadfy jaetede
with five hours of hseavy pedlagogical
discuissions, antI fromthfle first sotutndlee
hifs voice to comastsad as lively attetion
as if hue were thue first amsonggthue fist of
elevent speakers. After lie fhdheftthue
platforms the audenuce greeted htu thu
loud atud conusuuued eapplatuse. f-heheser
fails'to inupress anttautdiensce,catdelhife
address here atflue unuitersity sifflhue
greatly appreciated, as comaitug frotmt e
mnt of stucs greatitntellect anti so great
cotntditug eloquence,.

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