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November 14, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…4 be VOL. N.. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMB3ER 14, 1900. No. 4. An ou c me tIOWA LIKES OUR SPIRIT. Lyman Cooley B.ore the Engineering Varsity and Scrubs at I Again. CheeruForeMectganoaseWellThe couldand snow yesterday were OuHaeca l ke eyer o Mciana Wlarly codin e to good patce ant Ou pca ie as For Their Own Men-Great Last e4on eoe h niern scoseqence much fumbling and 1W of foreign and Ovation Given the Victors. iociety Mi-.% Lyman Cool...…

November 14, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 46) • Page Image 2

…THE UN [VERSITY OF ' MICHIGAN DAILY. ............... 2. ._.EU~EIST f WUGNDIY Published Daily (Moodaoosexcepteddrngthe College year, ao THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN MAIN .ORelco I0OANCIF Oee CCs Argus Bldg, Main S. 336 S. Stale Street. Both 'Phones 13. :yeow Stat' 'Phone 123. _ NIANAGING EDITOR, 0. H. HANS. '01 BUSINESS MANAGER, - Fi. NB rr~.I~xr. '00 Y, EDITORS: ATBLLTICS, . 0. 11-osov, '01,E A.B. McDoOO.I.,'Ol B W. A.XNKon ,'Ulv,'0. .. MiSs ...…

November 14, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 46) • Page Image 3

…THUE UMVEESI IY OF MICBIGAN DAILY. 3 SUIT CASES All styles, materials, colors and prices. We call your attention however to our speial Case. It is made of colored brid ti leather, steel frame in top and body, strong locks and catches, heavy stitched leather handle, Irish linen lined. OODSPEED'S' 117 MAtIN K, . MICHIGAN CENTRAL -oooo~~o~++~ooooooooo BEiLL BRAND" 1.1 Nagar FaIs 'l%/e. H*VMndolin .and ulr String costs 'TeNaaaFlsRue"E,~L.INRLX j...…

November 14, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 46) • Page Image 4

…THE UNI'VERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY CTALES OF TaiE IEX=TANKS A Book of Hard Luck Stories By CL&RENCE Lotns ()uLLEN Re-published fromi the Siunday edition of the New York Stin 'Any mAn witi can appreciate a a good thing and fails to read this book, will be camping out-that's all" FOR SALE BY Excursion Rates INTO GOOD CLOTHES *WE CAN SHOW YOU more than 1000 of the mest inviting styles for Fall and Winter Suitings that were ever brought togethe...…

November 14, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…1FIR8T Yr.AIJ1. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1901. No. 45 COULD NOT SCORE. et 'Vr. ty squadtis given an ample oportuny'to get hn suchhshaeaitsto Cr~~h~warrant usng him tsit atight pium- r sFailed to Break the 'Varsit' Sai~tuday, and not at stone will remin De8fence-itYtlt ittea iteen the tntrn Ito prevnt the "virgin get Bail ine ant roon Iat"of the ichign BaiThey WereXYt Uable to aggregatiota 'teng utientd by ;ill Gajn~r a~ rowdExu...…

November 14, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 45) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHiBAN DAILY-NEWS WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT Tf IILORS 0K OUR FALL LINE is the best we have ever showvn, containing ALL THE Black and Blue. Styles, and a very fine line oif Fancy Suitin gs and Trousering.s in the latest patterns and color- ings. The largest assortment in the state. WILD 60. to8 E. Wash'ngtoi St Tutti Frutti One of our famous Fountain beverages, served in origin- al style at QUARRY'S CAMPUS DRUG STORE, R. E. JOLLY'S Lunche...…

November 14, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 45) • Page Image 3

…Sona - supplamnt A E. 3 e'1101. Cause we are built upona a plan Long m 1' Yllw ndBle.BYtI.he ma ts of which wtcan With frct h t he Yelaaflow and l heIRaIt h 1 t. rah- lmt , -ar i ar it tho Sortthe, sore arunning up frm the Prort light: ii hold 1 gitnn '. (etI Flut t fo tlo fllty rue Iiuet I halr h ri, hy u-s-i, aver yiell; -k ot ho s - Vu s hyre 'tai u: h 5o t,-will dug ,.,andi 'Icer, till tie Now wh-at ha ve yon Moue,-i'ca, idveine, -ig as)"...…

November 14, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 45) • Page Image 4

…. ., ; YOU CANIJ PAY $500 for a HAT and be no better satisfied than with a 'VARSITY at $3.00. GOODSPEE D'S G 117 MAIN aSTRE GUESS AGAIN 0 Michigan Albion 50 Case 5 7 Indiana 33 N'western 29 Buffalo 128 Chicago .. Beloit .. 25 Dollars For a What will be the total? my guerss.. N AM .............. . ........................... . The first to g ness correctly or neares4 total of HOME DIAMES gets a Snit of Clothes marde to order P REE OF Da. CI ARG...…

November 14, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 45) • Page Image 5

…TIlE 1M1CIIGAN DAILY-NEWS h f or ewindows and then take a look inwd ls D)olsS o and Xou will see the larget .ed Ilofi T K A'LOOiK7salected stock of New Fall Suiits and Overcoats betln.ej Detroit, awl Chisago The most complete line of Men's Fuirnishings and Hats in the city, The F enM inAnnArbo rfor the celbrted YPSILANI UNDERWEAR, MAN JJ I AN SIJIIIS and HOWARD HTS. WADHIM$, RYAIN & I1ULL~ S200-.202 S. Main Street. JOHN J- SCHANzCHSDITSECL1RLQ...…

November 14, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 45) • Page Image 6

…TUlE MICHIGAN D)AILY-NEWS HOT DRINKS. CANDIES Armour's Vigoral, ChocolateMarsh i'doll two, Tomato Bouillon, (Chocolate (Chips, Celery Bouillon, Movl Creais. Hot Chocolate. Loss:: ' oSparrow'samd SUtrim ns in packas. .CALKINS' PHARMACY324 50. 1S TATE ST. MILLER'S ABRIDGMENT COMPILED LAWS MICHIGAN Being a belection of the moiat imoritiant statutes arranged and ANNOTATEI) for the use of Students. ONE VOLUME, - - $3.00 CALLAGHAN & COMPANY, (L~aw P...…

November 14, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 46) • Page Image 2

…TILE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWF Crous~rsDAILA LWS 10 - N-I 1 - rouscrs I NWEST BOOKS1 ATA G. HOWILD cD. 10 E. Washingto nSt ANN AI BO R4 - MICHO. our (onsde Pricks Us MIANAGING EDITiORl, E'AROL 1. IfOtli.1 . ') I BSINEISS 'TANAGERI, 1-(COE 1-1. HUSON.'0 EDOITORLS, (jENERAL N5155 F l3t \' ;il't' ti11 " 'j:1;2t1 it tii2t lllt ilt. .:t' I t ;: i'S :III t'lIi tl tIt" t l'llrti+rtl 1 ?tll 1'il lt t r111 ifltif' ( t r;l ^ 1i I I t I+) l]1 ' sliti A ht 1:I:...…

November 14, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 46) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAW DAILY--N EWS - - = Extract from the Laws of the TH!iH T IG N NFURNESSIA Irt; Srat~e of New York. " T ENOGH OFH THEM D titl iti r SO J' OF ' E a rlfw.3,trhl. Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, and aUl the it e ilsl r ai new~est Men's urnishinf T I1 nei'- l tt iti ma ii ltl io i'wi 1ti-i T 11 RACKET BRAND Barkers Collars are Stamped "Linen" 4t --U i ni'atlUAIo lRYANcst & tt3hRE VI ii W XtiIN C (0erB1ands Advert. ise nSoldasLnent. I I f 1...…

November 14, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 46) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY-KNEWS Speci1-al Sale of, Over1coats. The Alfred Benja mini Celebrated Custom made, Fulton & Broadway Box, worn by all stlish dressers in the east. The make and (duality' speak fo0 themselv es. WXe desire to annouce that we are selling them at a close mar= gin (luring onir rem~oval sale. 0i. J. BUS, .manager. GiLOVES CLEANED't~n11 0, Lovell's Cornier Store (o.M 342 S. State St. Home Supply Store. i NNI \lt ilEl Will Close Ou...…

November 14, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…The' Mkichigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1903. No. -42 BATT[[ wiTm BADERS. Championship Contest On Ferry Field This Afternoon-Begins Promotly At 2 O'clock-Each University Has Won Two Games In Past Years. This afternoon on Ferry Field Mich igan will meet her old gridiron rival. Wisconsin, and the bater for suprem acy will ie one of the fierces. eves waged for western hampionshipplon brs. Today's straggle ill i...…

November 14, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. FallTHE3 MICHIGAN DAILY h il Enteed as secodclss matter at the Asn Pubalideddily lloioiyecpted dung the at the 1, nit rity of Michigan. ,IfU Editor Today-C. STEVENSON. The Largest and Mot I_________________ Complete Lino of [NGIN[ERS VS. LAWS. Y W YA ~ u-I Championship Game in the Inter-Class W OO51 L11 Li'N S Series to e Played This Morning HUUL~i~iAt 10 Olook. 'Thle senior engineers will entertain lie eneiior ngineer of ...…

November 14, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 3

…THE MICIIGAN DAILY. IACHrIGANCEN "TheNiagara Falls Route" THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct connections at Chicago for St. Louis, KassCity, St. Paulad the West For informaos and througisticketsccslon or write toW W.W. CASE, Agent. Ann Arbor GEORGE BISCHIOFF, rLOk1t5T. CHOICIE CUT PLOWE5R5 & PLANITS Chapin St., between Huron St. asd Miller Ave. Phone 809. N~ew Brunlswick Tables AT REID'S BILLIARD PARL...…

November 14, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. lilAT PABTICILAJ! SOI IYII NG PURITAN ~ HOES1 l~O 1f A i'lIS! 'THEM i A0111!. - E x r i I i 1 ; a i. 4 (jrolvo in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. E~njoyed in America. 'MIOCUL SMOKE MAKILS EGYIPTIAN SMOKLRS Cok Tisor Piain. SvetheCupon.. The'W. C. Kernl Ca, 411 E. 57th St., Chicago, s Caps and Gowns made to or- der and rented. Pennants for all colleges and r fraternities carried" s in stock. Class Pins, Class and Team }...…

November 14, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily AN N \RBOCR, MICHIG 1N, I N ) A i A10 L "Rt14,tH3 VOL. XVI- Nit. 43. "LITTLE EVA" PRAISES HERRNSTEIN'S TEAM Chicago Weak at (uarda and Center -Eckersall's Kick the Feature - Boone Has Quit at Last. Last SatutatieCach Turier of the' all-frei w-itnesed le gameain lahic iea i eea-tedl IPurdute blitas'ctre oa tt) o o 'tthegam wa f itt andilPir- dui g ii the firstt tlt. Iuing ithle secand ha lie teica irettif lia briceiandihat...…

November 14, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 43) • Page Image 2

…TIlEt MICI-IGAN DAILY Leading IMERCHANT TAILORS The largest stock in the City of exclusive styles in Woolens for Gentlemen wear. Of high-class fabrics and special style for stu- dents. Wild SG. H. Wild Co. i 311 S. ytate St. HAV E YOU A SWEATER VEST? TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY. Enterd asscondeclasmtlter tth e m Arber Postotier Published dail-y (Alonasexceited) durin the college yewr, at 117 Fst Wasthinigton street. Bell phoee$92-.IHeee shoen76. Man...…

November 14, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 43) • Page Image 3

… SP.ALDING' SATHLTIC LIBRlARY No. 247 OFFICIAL COLLEGIATE BASKET BALL GUIDE FOR 1905-6 E~dted by IJarry A. Fisher' Contin new ,thotocia ulto oeall i o,>iteamadttesofs it ~ralrs ~r t sot heottege~ PRICE 10 CENTS BY MAIL rlln7 Ctlaleof !Athletic Spoto ;sho t5 ()1/lt it 5llplrnts 1 ~efur It / .Athtletic E0/etc A . 0.SPA1LDING (ea.BROS. H USTON BROTHERS Scors to JA .W. REED, 312 S. Statte STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan too Arnotd I...…

November 14, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 43) • Page Image 4

…Thu MICIItOAN DAILY Hockifig Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCEILLENT TRAIN SE:RVICE You will find Four Trains Daily~ 'From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night 'Trains Union Depots in Toledo and Co- lumbus s. E. CLARK, 32 Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. &PENDYOURVACATIOII ON THE, 6REAT LAKES l-RTiP ShID TROIT D CEVEAN D Aie EVLND .5.0A.M sstkRIGicsticscihailtitlcccd i~cic,,uiicst.,,duc cI LeSeEVELAND, eB daNB 'of 1 ily 1...…

November 14, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Tes. XVI. PENN AND MICHIGAN SEEM EVENLY MATCHED Both Teams not all to he wished But Line may be drawn betwen Eastern and Western (Ga e. halll ta inh wi~ll Il 8 111)11 I f' It 11' 118 're etilnslolr h1p1 s of0 ;dl' toi' 1011100 >a l trans11thathei 111)8ut)oly ,Irmn 1110a11 81)1i', 8111>spirito Jo Ivill u ho III,- at lic on trof11 Ile Not 11111811 thf, 1l11an ta1bh 1 111)811 l l 111811 111811'o 18jo wenthelllfr 11 log 1111 11...…

November 14, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 44) • Page Image 2

… ,; c n ,-, t11 a r c- .. ro s -- _r A !-+ W C r .--" w+ v w r'' *"' v (= ,, a *' v (v .f: :f; r.-+ v ... 1; r =+ l ... ' ,; r a.. W !W... .. N "" - W ' _ y . Y M ^'( F~ K ti.k r :f u ('G (y r'^ "t .+ I w ' ..r pf _ n..a ^.J V r t++ .-+ y "'' h ""' en+ r . : F-y 1 FM + .+ ;r .^.. R %S . .. c nj A s c POOL umrdl s con IL Fir " . z , -,0 w c0 =J O _. f J. J, ,J;. :/ '. !. , J ..... j r", , , ; ... s :.. f :.: ..- - 4, :. -' R {; ..v W =...…

November 14, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 44) • Page Image 3

…1 Sani Burchields Frye Tailoring Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM BUAOHFIEID & CO. 106 EAST HURONY STREET ... Ht M I C(HI G A N Dt A I L Y FURNISIHED) IOU.SF==Fw Rent A I ( 1 N T II) S t)N l'\ CW itin(I 5 O MockI s ()tSIlic II 01. Ill Mack (M Co. __ SIS SOR S OF ALL KINDS From Manicure and Embroidery to Tailor and Paper-Hanger's SHEARS __AT MUEHLIG & SCHMIID'S HARDWARE liii e574 2'5 S '.Iun'treet \XWE are Showing' this week extra good v...…

November 14, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 44) • Page Image 4

…H MICHIGAN DAILY IHOAG'S COr. il .;1 = in IVI Sn Intl FOR 10 CENTS Pictures, Pipes Leather (iinarncnl an d Stathicry IL PE ANUTS ROASTED platy Fwd 1\'e 1I!12 'It .BEFSTI' 22>t 1w Money, One Pound Packages, 10l cents. Blanched Salted Peanuts, 15c per lb.; 2 lbs for 25c. DEAN ft. CO., Ltd., 214 S. Mahn St. A XX() I7X &MLNb Altumll 11111II(1r 2lt 1 l t1;1 12 2T~ 2 1 1 11 1111.11. :I t0 C 11 1121',ell 1I ;ill 22 111111112es ! r1 i I TS1 T 1 ...…

November 14, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol-. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, 2NTWH-IGANi, THU RSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1907. No. 4;. MICHIGAN ENDS ' HARD WORK TODAY, Varsity Defense Looks Good- Open Scrimmage Today-Dope on Big Game. 9 1itelitig luckt' the 'scrtis fotr reeatedl I-s n alwrays imprttegnable, te var- ,itV last night caoitletedl its tletettit'e arratngetmets fot' the gianit s tuggle ot te year. lotday, ini te presenett of the 'lctaoter' the tetit trill lhe giveit ...…

November 14, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 45) • Page Image 2

…THE ICHIIGAN DAILY. wlloll-v out ofi harniIy citltite gen- IT cil scheel of lccor(1(catioftn - n acvir G" I. V "few s-tincont-eigrilotti parts inci sere GManagingiEditor-PllL SCOTe MOWRiER. to blot vervy-erotly the kindly -jenife- Business Manager-C. E. WINSTE:AD. canccec icit ist embodied in the celiole:. We0«1(1l like to potiote here a gouti -ETR The ILarges tock -entinictentto carry thro ghtout tierwec-k. in te Civ Leo s. . . A.F. Rithie Y ...…

November 14, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 45) • Page Image 3

…THE MIC!IPGA±t K9t1A Y Before and after the gsn. A R T PC U E f s+j;jtoles 1(5tu buy SOTIUTHTAMEICAfl The'flt ti pr r slsooet i usd5 sare M7 ~II'' ~vi~iascheduled forntSurnaydo \os 3 and LK A E + ~L AAAAAL Monday.NOV, a; 55 1 tirsrt cntsI To Ioad a Conklin Fountain Pen, just dip it in any 0_1b____1 will he ieteen the Jeffts-uiin socity ink press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill its osn anHesre-she Nentgnlcrt r ese nd l~ tih d rti; se ~Stain...…

November 14, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 45) • Page Image 4

…. D)kiL . I, r Special (her Ten full size In uing Sanitol packages of I sn I coupons cut from For only $1.00 mgzns Tiisthe Assortmen~t. mgzns kindly Sanitol Tooth Powder 25. SantoTothPfor25 SaitlTole owe 2c s frdelivering San~itoltLiquid Antiseptic a... SaintlBath Pow'der . 25c Sanitol Tooth Brush . 35c Santitol Shaving Cremee. 25(z Saitl eb Pwdr 2c through s Reeguler retail prie .$2.70 of t t wid rS tit prpa'raeon E. E. CALKINS, Druggist. 32...…

November 14, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…The Michi _ 'car . XIX. \'O. 41.. WakINNER IN GAME TODAY IS PROBABLE WO RLD CHAMPION Both Teams Are Leaders in Their Respective Fields -Coaches and Players Are Confident But Not Boastful-Teams Are in Best of Condition and Determined. I;field lud(,c° : CC- rthv, Igor ti. head linesrtlan : 1xi-tut], W14crosin Cates obeli at 12 ()'clod: Itoon. ('l t ct II(IIdcrs arc requested t ctm w carp- as II( ssihlc tl') aid the i11:Ina cttt ill liandli...…

November 14, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 41) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY, . THiiE MICHIGAN DAILY' thir het ut that w aeaeta ther - - - - A efforta. Its a5 G. WilCompny lo ae tntost not forget tiat we _S u l An~i t I it -A~rrx RT~x .are watching <a gate pa alot totr lF W NES G. H. Wild Coffipnesy Afanagf gder--JOHN IWUF. hTtt ome grotnd and that tee are en; thia htsalo edt ____________ that ar(lane.\a;e hutldl not dIas a abouta Do yott kowta ttyou The Larx sttock intloan ac hbody ay~itg te wold re...…

November 14, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 41) • Page Image 3

… Sweeten Up with NUNNL[Y'S Ch ocolates l AT Qua rry's Money Loaned O tGalthes, iamtonds, Laowltool~s, or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at residenco 331 P. Liberty St Acen Arbor. Flours :8 to11:30 tm.~o 4:0eand 7to 9 p. M. JOSEPHT C. WATTS JOLLY'S 30r. STTiF ST. OYSTERS, STEAKS, Popua Prioes ICHOPS arnd Coffee Joe :pole g tis R11-ItB11ipe-,ItI-It 'ai ash Pio e,. Supior 'rode1...…

November 14, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 41) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY s. _ C. H. MAJORe CO. THE ARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE LATEST AND MOST UP-TO.DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE AND STEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES, BRUSHES, ULASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. Our specialty is fine Decorating, such as Paper-hanging Paint- ing, (interior and exterior) Wall-tinting, Kalsomining, Fresco- ing, etc., etc. We employ only skilled workmen and guarantee our work. Goods ...…

November 14, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

…0 C Z Z O - x . r r ,. .. . 'f. r ,r,; i w ._ "J- 'I ^ 4^ " _ 0 0 ' f .1V yc r 7: _ - = -+ O ) . -o, : - 0 CI) .si -.1 ..'..'1 i..r } .M/ / - C: 1 rrr.+ ' -= ._ J "" 'j. _ 1. - J -- - em ! .. l J.1 771 77* I 1 CS i . now 3c s c , -., r: r.M _-' U' -- -'9110. . !5,"; " .:A +; i III 9 9i 1 I Il ia it 1 I 'IIIIIM LL I it i Y Ii l ,I i 1 1 C C; I ti n + f f 1 i {1 i i Z Ef# t iI i f I I i i V if _ - E-u--. 3 , _ _ .. _ _ _ _ .. - _ _....…

November 14, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 36) • Page Image 2

…1li RMICTiTi'AAN 1)AsTIY THE MICIGAN DAIL.Y.I wil G. I. Wild Comlpally ]MERCHANT TAILORS : We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- il~gs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make Ftll Dross Suits a Specialty c ALL AN!) SEE US 311 SO. STATE STREET Aste NewStre G. H. Wild Companly Correct with Full Dress or Tuxedo, equally proper with a business suit. TRADE . '>.. MARK '9'' / t"BARE LINE . . COLLARS &CLIFEN...…

November 14, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 36) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY - . Tkis Space Reserved FOR Sam Burch~field # 8" z Co. Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS fL106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS 79c ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Fulily Guaae ed Wataih Repa.trirsg aspenialty THE FARMEIRS AND MEHNANICS BANK MAIN AND hURON STREETS Conital $50,000 Sarplas and Protits$IO0,000 Geeal Banking Busness. 3 peercent paid oa Tian and :savings Dtep...…

November 14, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 36) • Page Image 4

…I/It MICIII(.AN DAILY Without Wool Nothing is Worse Clothes to keep their shape, to wsear, must tie made of pure wool. A few clothes-lahels are sewed houestly into pure wool clothes, not many. S''1 i - BiocH'S label is, and each piece of cloth i;s t/ed for it. SBru-ixhocx offers you what no other imakers cani: A lit that is iiyht, ii style that is world-wide, 411- /i a/itthe/uhidal/en parts tht curethe test that lsam cratuy. We are proud to ...…

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