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November 14, 1903 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1903-11-14

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The' Mkichigan Daily



No. -42

Championship Contest On Ferry Field
This Afternoon-Begins Promotly
At 2 O'clock-Each University
Has Won Two Games In
Past Years.
This afternoon on Ferry Field Mich
igan will meet her old gridiron rival.
Wisconsin, and the bater for suprem
acy will ie one of the fierces. eves
waged for western hampionshipplon
brs. Today's straggle ill in large'
measre decide t he 1Big Four leader
ship in fooball. If Mbihigan wins
from the Badgers iy a larger cer
than does Minnesoa, and also defeas
Chicago, the yellow and le will bs
triumphant.. if Wisconsin loses io
day's game andi wino on 'Thanksagiving
day. the Gopher claims for thr
Championships will go glimmering, and
Michigan will be, eel of the running
If Wisconsin can defea boh Micbs
gan ansi Minesota her righ 1o hr
considleresd "Champions of tlbs'l
will'e secure regarsles of thicag'
vicory shich was sie etirly t
Eckersall's right leg and noltis as
periority in straight, ioobai.
Coach Yos nows tha the Badger
are more foromidable than te scrr
against. Chicago wol idicae, am(
freely predicts ta 110' cnt essil
be the fiercet ever seen on Ferr
Field. Tosay's gamoe is the rbbe
in Michigan-Wiscnsin foolball go
na. IFou'goes have ee dlayed
andi each Universiy hassowon Itwe
This fadt inroducees a rivalry (of ln
standing intothek cones, swich is
sure Is recal inieals play'rst1iviantg
iso his limti for le' glry of his alsos
The ganme will iegins prmtsly a
2:00 t~p. mc. andsl lie rscrs-breaig
attendance will proaly caseo.
great rush arostns the etrance gaes
To faciliate materasnomscls no s
sible the managemetaiserisoussatha
the spectators appear at the grosnds
early in the afternoom.
Light work was orseres ly Csach
Yost last- night, in final prearatio
for today's sruggle. Ithie signal
practice James rats the 'Variy ansi
Norcross direcesd the scruss. All the
regulars were in line, ansI te moss
returnedl to the gymnaiu in bhe
est of condition and spiris, Alhssugb
-handicapped by his spraines writ.
James got his plays off quicly .and
passed the pigskin acratelyYsts
choice, last night, in all prsbability,
means that James will otart the game
today. Captain Resdens and Gregory.
who have not been in the bet sf
conditioss drinsg the pat wee, are
as spry aso any of the Wolverites at
present. Yost directed Hammsond
while the latter scored time after
(Continued on Page Three.)

Display of Loyaly and Enthusiasm in
University Hall Stirs Entire Stu
dent Body-Four Thousand At
tend Last Singing Practice-
°ww u} ,Many Speeches.
^tI sssr thosansotasents wih a loya
.ls'sessaraise siritIta ssrpased
il saifes'tat issosf fsrmer years,
lalstnihtIassemsslsed its Universiy
hssll sr te graes mass meeting in
nos.hehbstosry ssf Mchgancathleis.
, s sr Ithssusandslvices sang the thrl.
ling c allegsonsg, ansslfssssr thosansd
th raslaylle'slas snever bss'fsre the
Isrs'sfsl, astirrisg yellasf he Yellow
In svsi ws a aglrioussaoccasion. From
Iss' nessoment, liss' meeig opeed till
helst'ol"It..! bRab! Micigan" sond
'sf troughk thes'ha... sne continuos
displaby sf wvsonerful etussiasm
sesssthe gresasdience of men ansI
wsmsen. Wills he bans, the speeches,
thb is'ntgng anss the yelling, Uivoser
Oiy Iall lreas'ssls'slaawils scene thIa
wlssnver ise forgssttsn y tbsse wos
attensed. Whet, after repaed en
reiis, CsachsYsst ansi the fooball
em aere pr'vailes u11on1 tsIapear
afrs'helas'ddseos, the crws sosf
s'ils'slrotser ierally lststelt'
hess. ilasryssiss'rsssto is ssfeet antI
'esrs's, sang, threw is halst I e
'ir andish outsedsi sicapproval f Wllt-
gnss'a"lsrrysop" ansi Michigan'.
'essie. I was a iprsis smomen for
loyal sslV'sv'rises. Nss prosder m
Ients-sssshapier msomsnt ever came
10 a Michsigan susent.
"King Lear" Will he the Subject cfi Dr. Frack Burns of Manila, Philip
Iths Lecture by the President f pins Islands. Addressed the Senor
Minnesota Uniersity-P'resident Medcal Clas On Diseases Prev'
Eliot of Harvard Wll Seak alent in tice Trpic.
Here in Decmber."
_________ Is 'l')siT'hsrsd y sm ss'nin;t he ss' s iosr
'h'l Stud' entss'ss Lea' tures is s''5.'' isimedissl lss wssss sssiss'sasbly Drt'
isntsamis'pilesuressin'i' si s'ss ssite rs'sssl Rsisns, f Maila, 1. ., onsssomecs
toi Is't 5ssh'se ss itboy Prs. I'yrsW ofssthe ss'os110essisisl disass'st tse
Nsislill, si l sssasss lss'sss less'. Is. 1ilsissi is a gs'sssssase ossl
wvhis 'will 51p5015Iis s'ss'sisg ;iss si lss' l'niisrsiy sitMi'igssnt liavisg
versity Halsitn"lhing Le.s'"Ilrs.si rs's'iviol !Jssisgrs's'frssmtilis"lirary a -
lenst Nsrth' op) s'sss i s''s' iesss as ''ssss Is' 555i15 i's I i I blss, anisifromsthess
of' he losss blrilliasnt colleges rI Il'' iss's ls i slslsss '5 i n 1i396t.. Sont ist
sde'tsaiIis'heNori'w ss ansssdIi ss ss'Isy'ishesansls ssai brokes' ssst, 1St'
driss thisisvesinge sill lacs s siiRinrnlssia sappoliiitds'surssge'osi ofia
t''reissintNsss'ths'oip isIt ~'slnasls'osf'(l'lililpslsl andsisidusrisgis say wsss
Yals', isi Ihei'clasa sf' 57, ad wostsslls sap'inted i ci h 'ie(lsts'salhficesri i'ofiiMa-
after'war'd i's"ilis he s'stel from t15he is'lab.
1 toLs'awvScholtssl.I is'nIthelshe 'lattesir po ssiin was 5 'i'5respon -
lii'e.lIsw (5'Norfll.,Cnii and il l l siie on , ae sid siss'se 5 thani ssslsa}
1861 sas cs'l'shosf l(ho Staso Iisis'ho u lisi,(I dtc lies's 555's 'iss 1111 si's'l i ssfi-
I-cres's'ills i'. lFr'ontsI Ph 1tis i ll:' sc'si l0ysi'.''l'ssllsg itis' pre'jsicss'f CAPT ABBOTT OF WISCONSI N.
hs' 'sassedirin-ci'ii 'hisf f itheIis'Newsf'aIi he Iii i iIs I isslila'sh scisuirs
vets Dasily Patllatdiism. lHe' oc'iupieds'ilansii1 titary tlil'5'5e. 'iThe i5a'rduoust" Al I'srell patis, led by Yelmat
thle cairi'of rericsi'anis digli liti-'s'srI. i ascit's'sislsliaiiig this tssl, ts- es' VbcAs'e'sansIsigitg lshby Profes-
ertnslrs' at ilsa ss sslma 'terfr'om11 Il gus' lisr swiiii ith tlis"unhealy' climtesr ts'anlev, fsrmer Flack Paul
sustil 58. It was; theis that i els s'.5br1oi.i'Dr. llsrnssadosswt, asisiseississ'w Jnes swas calssd spon fsr a few
tenids'redlIt'pie'sprsi's'y osi 1iiis'asis5ll tiis coisnilry fssir5tisellrplssa'litfI'e-wrslofIetcoiragement. His short
t'niversit y, wibsh5 uaiisitio ihestsill gi.iig his lhalhi. poinateds iemiarksa isislbse'gratness of
hoslds, Doring lhis t 'smi il li tstill li 1Thu1isrsay ivasaa gier'al l te 1" team started the evening's
thce heaidsf Iis italisutisnsbe, as' itsdiscuisin itt'heiis' liassawh'is'itpie d'eostra io. Then cams' Attoney
brosughti i rom.t u a.snk isliih sisssec ' al'in ''ur ne"5p'ssss"'is. Amnsg Wderesyr wills a ringing speech in
classt1 onosisi'lli issy the'sequll theils'mo55's'imiiosss'anisars'Ysllssw fs'r''paise sf Michin.sf the t'niversiy,
sf aiy iills'e riislils' sssa. imalariais. lss'slesr , s'ler'sa ItyhsissfIthe tams, of CiachYost, and of the
Pr''aesintNorllroilisisited A'nn'ts'iAt-i'eis'sai'.lsssssisis'plag tueand tshli'ss, bothrtsess'tIhemsselve. IEvey word was
hsor as1ths'esmi-5' 'li sl a i sil5 r'sils5 'ostaiou'i5sindchrlithc. S'.iButnsS a fssce Itatbrosgh sew life, new
its 1887, anid s'-va s's csill iias htstdthla it ai tionitos isIhu' iiesil spiri ts ftsesheering sussent. Mr.
time sse 'sithle mottsbrIsillianti lii'n if5l' f trainig liiiss' diseseacs, which Wessmeyer' urges a kindly, gentle.
the occasin. HI Is' llrI""sidentI of'hsvsng bissistcseeds'lfsr ss manymatly trealment osithe Wisconsin
lbs NatisonatlEduioni sal Asscitionysars, ae'deeseaas'dlfnithlbsliiniol team ansI the Wiscnsi rooters, and
two yearssags, anitileslcrifi'ed shalis'eople, alers'is's gra averasin t this )ule was brought slt by all the
bissdy wih man~y sirinig .addsre'sss. medl'ics'esf al11soasraamongstiahis 0a'tsser lseaers. Itscharacterized
'fTseasssoc.iat intakelsfliis ''1tionf iii's, tandsl(Iis 5supe'rst5isssn is ss Mr. YsstlfasIbis'graes fiotball
I tunny 5f announclsi'ng thal Presislnts'ti'i assatilsiis aflsi p'hysiiants at casclft 1his' lnites Saes.
Elios t f ars assi sUn'isiiy,hisa cn-s'svsry sr.'T'ess'atsivl's'sbelisvs' Ihat5 At tis jsnc'ltsrethe bads, playing
sentssed tsslsr sssIlles sisulnisissdy o si(rus aretidealycon'coct15ionlissitf 11oi- a hrilig march, sitered the hal, and
lhis Utives rsit y. 'lhe exact sitt'ssfson, sasIdtatIl sst'o tou s'smeiie'will atsedsIstill nmsre life ts the meeting.
Presisdenlt Fliss asls'sii' aperane a sassot 5515a01c'rI tai i s al t. Nausraly Asitan McGsgin gave Is the as.
bees arrangisd, Isit lthrsottht c'srrs' linlughl Ihei issobsemitof tms'si'al I 'al'disncs' lbslihopefubmesesage from
(t'sntlinsud'oisg.' ''s's.) ltontinuied on Page't'wso.) (Continued fron page 3.)

DAILY -F[oothaII [xtrd - DAILY
With- Full Account of Game for Sale by all Newsboys after 6 p. m. Today; also at Lovell's
Store, Corner State and 'William Streets

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