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November 14, 1908 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1908-11-14

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THiiE MICHIGAN DAILY' thir het ut that w aeaeta ther - - - - A
efforta. Its a5
G. WilCompny lo ae tntost not forget tiat we _S
u l An~i t I it -A~rrx RT~x .are watching <a gate pa alot totr lF W NES
G. H. Wild Coffipnesy Afanagf gder--JOHN IWUF. hTtt ome grotnd and that tee are en; thia htsalo edt ____________
that ar(lane.\a;e hutldl not dIas a abouta Do yott kowta ttyou
The Larx sttock intloan ac hbody ay~itg te wold refrait frot GLOVE wll see the
fin ;1Ct _________________________ doing iadiittally One cotttesstote
ot S1TL'W0y NOVEMBElIR 4. tsol0l te viaitoraaatal curerespect for tffiala ______________P___ e n'y nal
________________yles_________n__htotld bthtlble of the thiglacst order nt
E cu ie Stles In D iy rpres asgn nt w ill att seciall itt tec case of ter latter saounie l P lg; iiCl t Ith o omno
Eie o at retor' coi;actat web at illy t o hegoud aeli'len,"anS t4 ouavtvIwth much more comfort if
attoirat tata e lexparess. Tepu rpo e otthe gt t il ale tary- N h tytou wsear a
aOL N S oriNAT at ae IPRtaNt a ot' ;, ttaitg, caind it ttatst le aatntttt tttthea cactsiLove l ie olyte ae r lr"eatttr by iteat
do hIfl I thettirdutay. tIt ioautr actiota itt tesacgte whoti arieclutsielyte atcorrectVe t
T thteti ne f ua o t aartat ttgaitte atter eaaeathatat p tttasitllitacifavoa leattit legeat lo'a aiaraaoteat he, a ttttcm
iswiiganiul n 3pn o hem f.;-cod ;
p atan txotoy nlIalttgfi lrte college attthletic aworla. Sa, aaethcle Medium and heavy weights
F or Gentlemen's Wear hst Otta teamt has trtggletlvaliantly' air are intnintg or lsitg, let actithat C aeafar eatsa, to cents iiin Satr- in solid color or in
altyeradta ur t ate slc th i a te aid sittc ta;p Ifhism il t to e c urteotus, raspectfulatI at i aN tter & Ca- State St. 401 two colors
ta r thtagt e~ated tteSaio f t motictobstrucinbtacaalesaato atal fair. aat etrtaieta standllo ___________be-___________________
Overcoats, I anci N eti;;ga. antd 'i'oit a tc atti ai 'taca, h indlatour teato iithe a-tai. Y u c n o p n
Tronoeturan d nalaflhigh l as adificulttioter;' boarttc aitha a patint __ __IYUClo pn
abrcs atnd speciat Sta lits ahopefulnesthaitpatl motas tahigly far tu-o t t.aato-taotfv I 5 0
Fol Dress Suits a oflnatralatca;1tlttas thoutatof 1atcl IN;tfot a;ataDricaga; a; ; a II inksIft
ifaitaeral taitltte va ttatal t l hia I s outdilattic itsitpreal;estoratito better avantge
Specialty htat 1 aiiatg' f tae sast, btat;walach amasteraaoathaat ]cat-a-ao room f'at o ub t .'a t_______
ca a t;' treac-ta;tte i rgardedalas attic1 a cia afeatr;e il tie aitirec-afar;wa a
ofth ;mst form;idabclle eaaombiatioste a ati i aatte aH -ot Chloc olae it i t tpo
G j rf ] ~ th co nt y, ur eam is atc ed to i t a c l a tat i tarov e al atp t. 'No ti g H ot C o lic 1
GH.Wild Coulpany ;iraer t t u it i givta-t eita5;alt tilae Fl0 oaaitc at- Hot VioralI\ 11 S
ledr i neicat. fOar opponenats ceartn'tilfaitfull 'itthlaierfforta IHot eel Botilloit- U iest o k tr
311 South State Street sas la tidsnoco'acaaiaet a Ve :awiiivlcertat;crownat ithactlahat 1-ls ot Cicken Brot 1cUiestBokor
_____________________________them____play___ 1atyeat;;, aida otit;cmari'isn itt h l o reat; tho an aply epaysa le 1-ot Clain Broth
nllfrsnweknwthey areettetaenergy uad th watrry aehihathe testa Hot Lemonade______________________
lhs ert anc'etaera-e ct . hit t a- har axertad i;bhaual if thie iha tsa-e] I-ot Maled Milk
SPEIAL AL f elt at e againsh taatuthi ctitinfa.tuti'oueatltt at c tult Hot Tomato Boullon; C.IEfB A 1R TT EL rL
YLLALeeLE d uut'thveau' ftar mregatrdittoinia-tartat tosat'sight ioifto- fact [il heIo C.riBAIt''IbI-
orMn r a r o urtetige. IOur tainuuu, teca-oftfhi geat a tuual ta aatvia-ca Hmt Sandwich
ON w-e ottas e r icucculit; gamtu plalt-'-tilice tintirol " to the uncati>ag adun;u- Chickent Shaudaielt _ - __ oe
hd r erfatil n the nwtui tle oa l altw initeffl' saZe al ous , c orpsu of c inttut riedeahs setved twith etIe
ntplkytth ucThywHigh Neck iii let at- aliteri most a'talaising (.'afets with all other ditk B O O K S
dentauteahprr'a so teiticstat ours.taiaigm'a.
SW A E S ooF fndrchoeaice eletioantof yells XC. hlII~htNEOr(IElN'1 ".NNI'4I
IV L AT Em S~~ a a I thhai-a itg suat adt vti uuSIN \lIS NI S51HAV INN'tltN'a NTS L . A KNSL
tesdays only e 'i ie alt;retarathemuselvecc are eart- I haithra f all fifty-ceut satatickats at fwDRUGGIST1-
-.tmterefuorts tat get the est r- illthuee cat ed ofifhaltoruutha blacherts 324 South State Street Medical
,alts._______________________u_ t oth the hu'leatist c-i- ae natpectedl to aveasan(tut'of tha fn t-cnt a ___D en tal________________________
c-a-tonof er t ~udnh o'ttat eta'ics a l a etthat lcaae stl at that athetc
D II ~ ~ -)t aecst.'It atc;aaahwo'erda tutufficthet. 'theimupressionuuaescan tpatlat
Iol ive u-a-'tinsu. 'oiu t'pu;tctaasactions, , I. IandalI ahotul atinC tese V N LELargest Stock tatlNIicigata
teayour titat itisnot iprima ily tat at-a-harmersau' hittthe an uau-gmau~ e at; areta eo d H n a o k
Buy them now foretheme acaterlpreecee tnt;the fel ti aaaidurges all i thisa leatler t avtt; 300 East Waiingtos St. Seodan LwBok
at etacherthu erura'st';ttailla athecheatflags. Theciturtie uantutber; i ghlt Lun clhes I as'wa d Medcal Dctiotaaries
n-tora iga'stetcourataeo-theinutifa at;'t1givanea wealthu f cla' ha thanlach
Pennsy amt ae ht;tt ;tairhua reta tilttta ;htcatiualta Confectionary QatB ooks etc.
to r o e c at tut them;it a a;apirit siltdialay -hue( hloek le ' oNi'lata e ty and Completelitne Ness ad Se-
tawiIbetunable thema t1 brng usa best advanetage. Ice Creamriomd land
Iictry. The a is rital roout, root, Fle holeraof satsecaafaaettins ,ift.
Full line at Ifrai tia rt tfitishaltndtulit; tisaonte wayt tuIatd, hose tickets act inM"tat'Iutra- Phones 78 L 78 Blue Old books takena;nlxelantge
etalhy cayut oyattaitytur ashare it thecevantu. cal at;;the back withilareal tettcil, are it; _________________________
.notaaheeoitf tmastatiobiaheIkept thur yllowa I"andthtese sholdloesely C E. BA.RTlHELL,
Sfaa aut ivll i itd . NW'he;fortun~a'e ttems atalhluthur ignuals f the yell Ileadr.
t11 Xthaubreauevenl~ay farte-;;'fightets, therea'326 S. TATE STREET
Students' Bookstore. cliaysentacats tapitg uptantautptatu' stcttaiTo * tsa aV tiitrt a. NISecond Floor Tel. 761
ah feeitg of diappolaitmencttmithe Tonight thur membaler of te fotal-a
s ta. 'liargroautud scensttaoa;gia eay. teamtaarc ta t he ategucahaof temt-p 1h nhsis htbcsa wnigagein fde e h e aaathe
A, G. Spalding & Brs. patasuddhaenly;diaappear. Andlfromuta; performancte of Rogers Brohear "It. It Pay Ko
plyrspit f ieacatnaotitgcotuld Pa amaaa." 'ITe tact; aill occupty boaoc.
The 1 a;et t-tat atera iintuu' mttre lihartetitug It is thur timtwhn-lcaMr. NiAbbot, of thec.NWhiiney, gives a- TeSasnsO l -Tw fotocm tou frayhig
55 Ita at txi ta faaiti-a he geeateatupotert is neeed tat all uratce that thurpiey' is otae of tte het NEWs CREATION 25c. in the jewelry line, largest
Foot Bai, Bastket ,GlBal,natee Skates, Tsuadclaey hiaata'ea. Itis oughtitetato amtusical athttansnever astageald ;ad full of -It's reversile. ade 'ith Easy stock, lowest prices are our
Appatrat us Ghasium lMi ci ihigani uauieca 7 hr oght fananitlhuttorousa situatins. Te cornt- te-slding Space " and Patented induceoents
Spa dtrO'; a It u ly itutarata-at otie I'at bcahitg ithle astas thaet wiii paly isaaone of tell hknownuu tad reog- Lock Front.''4-ly, Quarter Sizes. One careful comparison is all
Caui eeo illnSprtsa; nt a ntist gumta- - te tluu-t, twheather thu eatam he atit- iecl amerit. we ask The result will
tanaous tauge tio al rea ny-tua t ' r t i ngo oig ftinsd aant- _ - _ .-h e pleasing.
A. G. SPALDING & BROS. n.I eclaa'iogolgttoii'tshtttOhchiaIritaohatdipota at " W'M OLLEGE
NcnYca ttat"t lee i s, tt 1 thead~tug htttas'oue lututeah ato tat-iga isvebs dr soons, atinleai SCOL LEENwD, Ciao Dtot uchsrp'rt hVorfgtn e adecuie eina ulrsJEWELER
Ieraesthaeal nwhithaeyarte aditag'Jewelry Sorena16 5, Main St eodltstUNTD StttRTfCOLLAt 220 Sostb Mats Street.
Michigan 12 Pennsylvania o kl?.
Will please you. So will our liue of Tally-Hb Coats
anl Jersey Vests. Do't be cold at the game. /

Hanadknit Sweater Coats ------------------$5.00 "THE DRESSING""
Chevy Chase Sweater Coats------- -----$.50-FOTHNSING#
Wilton Jersey Coats ---------------------- $3.50FO.TAKiVN
Wright & Ditson Jersey Vests ------------ $.00.
Lot of $5.00 V-Neck Sweaters ------------ $2.50 In the Shape of a New-Made-To-Mesure
Lot of $5.00 High-Neck Sweaters ----$2.00 S i rO ec a
Every pattermn is strictly up-to-date. Qualty to every $20 to $30' N
VN I V E R S I T Y T 0 R E ThreeButton Novelty ROSS 23 East Liberty Street
Overcoat No 540 FRD WI. GOS Ann Arbor, Mich eaitt .' a .a.a Mn
121 Washington l. The Randall Studio, Randall&d Pack, 'Pops. Phne 598

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