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November 14, 1900 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-11-14

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All styles, materials, colors and prices. We call your
attention however to our speial Case. It is made of
colored brid ti leather, steel frame in top and body, strong
locks and catches, heavy stitched leather handle, Irish
linen lined.
117 MAtIN K, .
MICHIGAN CENTRAL -oooo~~o~++~ooooooooo BEiLL BRAND"
1.1 Nagar FaIs 'l%/e. H*VMndolin .and ulr String costs
'TeNaaaFlsRue"E,~L.INRLX j LJB R O S MJ* K.youno more thllt 1st or oats.
CENTRAL sTrAlnDD TIMES. + Now on the llot r at NTR' THE
Taking effect Septembr 10, 1900 C#
kieWoEAT ' 709 N. UNIVERSITY PaVENUE SI abreMscSoe
Atlantic Eapretn. . . 745 We have on our tables an Etircoy New Line SbeeraMui Soe
raud a ids Express ...:.. 10.of.Fall andS; 31 w. Liberty fit. Ann Arbor.
'MMad pe..........347P.Mr~. x f7,'alad inar.lltirgs
)(,.Y.Botonnpe it........... 8It Will Pay You to See Us.
rant Eatern ......S..94
14Fr]an Eprss"*94o. .R E E
oton N.Y and hica c.............94R HN R XU' j jB R O S . '
Q.$ ndWeHalnExpres........ 545. ..Ag i. . in with every
Chi.E ts rei . ......:r.a . 545 " -,26 ffi ht sra Alarm Citc.
Cicago Nght Ep51 ARTISTIC TAILORS," During Otber.
Steanohia Tickets. att Casec.and t and f- am. , $K JFC3M© iC °Ff?'IC> Q&C+O+mO+O4O+O+O+O+O+Oe
-LOiunpean points A a .t rates., Fuli inor- > s. ... -.-
satien an anpitratio._ ..__
. W. RUGGLES. Ht W.SIATEO {'Kirk I ctyts't8, Scgccc ccinaw 'Iitndr lttiledi todleighty-iie cases i T
0,.A&TArt, Chimeto. Ar'tAnn Acior. of ccthelt,1-kitoco i ftiiny of iEtddys wee trectecdin The ophthalmic iticil J
TWho ccxe to years been. promiet aua litineslaid ilciie Uiivrsityioc
in1the iumbter lidutry of lie vciey, pisi tring the oleieyear 189.10). NEW
dl -d ~ict ci5t. Miatys thosptlct cidccnigt Thicee iundredt andctsixy-tree of thie
(atuccy, frnt injuries tthe hecd, ptent~us were yeme ad 56.ier Of T5J EJ
I isuslitiuccl iii an cctoicibiie aeciulinthli eictl umbicu ,7wer01 eus,
icla tarusdcty iighi. The ciucenobile 64 ecir ecses an c 5,liiei t thoit AND nc C (i Oas AtLO
~ o ~ I ~ tat occuicedi by two oiler gentlemcen, eaise,.We are etter preared than ever
Tkn Tf isnn CABLE y ,isf. niteicr of whcomca er Severely hucrt. c -- - to git the best 6f carriage service,
Taing leffoAn rt, r bundayrMay 21, 555ade___dcdedht
Trisirt nnAbrby Cntrai Stand.Wcccircisccii iieilc i having added two scbbr tired
.nd Titie. DNT holTAilS MOE ieeicc "MyFrictidtfrocnct Idia" cc few
9OCUT11 NORTH Royal NTTigers, 10c; ATY 'iisrctes, .O1 ecsoics ago.Ilie till ie seit here ini coachet to out stoc.
'No. .- 7:25 A. 0. No. .- 856 A. 19. -A c iiifotiMxco cHt~ ~ tolmtres Livery
Na.o . -iiclWA. S, -ot 10P.-ta . - -cilg cciixiiic ob
No. 4.- 8 i5 . . N. 3.- 4:.6 P. t. troin beds iare not only durabitle beso other succss. eroime Sarrinuein ccliHONEe1.1 55E LIBERTY ST.
N. M2--8:05 7.'. !N.i -sos A. X.bit froi clcr y lcilpdit ie es iiiiiicciai a', wvho grodiated fromt
0ua betwee Anti Arbor and Taiedo oniy to use. Wie crry a compieco line of theilitc choictc'cctci'i ,dacys ccpron-c.- - -
Asuitalaen dlyexcept Sandasy. ce n liilieth iheretitsires. aitgiitg iiiacpccrt liti .1Maic froinsi Mexico.'
\vhi acp T, f WiLLS Agentit price fron $3 -o 15, 'Ills old fcieiccsbocea-ire making a--
W Ui.IT iNETT0O P. A Out brcass bets We warrat to beciiillcctgemciitcs 10 attend illi body. Sat 'it'.
f.slpse. t ittwith v lh45 ice oporciengihidiosotsdect0c c f
shows ihei. c V giill ili i ttli t tosty's. / .
or The Railroad "that'takes ithe MAIITINktIA t, 'ii
Businss.., iad iulFuritire, 4..'rpets and Draieries. .1muiictr oll Is calmstlindittiae chit.
Business atsant it - to aInitsictudotiet. The AnnAror
of g W b: ' f DI-.,A girt to do light bne usit t.u,(havccth'le f~tnstashckIcthe . e "j,
S SOLID VWST1JL;E TEINS 'Okfrbad n om l i iv4 t, /0/
' DILY 8ETourEN 4, xikfoyocrbanironici 4iv.rP
a '"~' U I ges focr studyIng aleoedci-(all 12-
TOLEDO, COLUM1BUS E.Liberty. Wcchai, Ityiin ; iete lresoe +
and ATH ENS. - agens for Ypsilanti ,otidcerwnar.i '
w. ,lhi ibr, tL. W Ladmact, Lutnchceons antidtines at icodeccite to~J . ' ia?; t +
0. P. A . Tra. At. prices furnsiied for spreads, parties It poccti iishc to keept acurati]e itic .h^1S!
COntiba, dbiu. Detroit. Mtch. aiid bals. Goad servie,'refined table a footballiiganmie, get ct sop watcha ct IDOL 'OhF','THL HOUR
cppsnhenta and ialuy cookfig; liuInn- htiicetJewelry Shore . Bt center afS if tian Is stilt ae
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- sic. 'itE CAPUS 47 Tom son t Wivtl'icticiio Laugh1inlintain Candls fr'iomu dat.serveddin any
bor Railway. Pest'o, .5i ecchcct tcitlrs Bookstore ade n ytr. evdI n
Cus leace for Detroit and Ypslanti 25 ier cent ohf on all suits andi over- ________ style .at ether stre.
ever half our, aeinning at 715 a. m. coats for 30 days only. GLEN, the Buly yur Operca Gltsses it Ilialer's 200 E. Wahngon.Pith S, State,
00th 7:45 p. m; After that to Detroit Tailoi, cor. Stateand Washington. Jelr Str. .
at84 .M,94 t ,ad1:5pTWaiting room, corner Ann sod Min Miss r. I e S. I. yilo, Weinit ie Expert watchi repairers at tlcciers
ate., Detroit, Ill Griswold o. oaoofvUcfothpate;h RglinSi'1be9
ONYLOND -yar, iiay be found tio season it hcw 'lie finest tionograpsiaandIother tni lniccrc('Csione~s
ntniteaDaods elandther Per. studiocit 313 So. DivisIon Sat. Terns teesity facny leter plaper and pds hI Eeryhig New a'o
sonal Property. Office at reidencen. OilE. resoitai. Vocers tried free of charge. ie city. Al styles. Schaler's Book. tltjU f-~C
Libet tet l uiscnetia.Hus t1lic0am. and Ito 8:30 and'ta if sitore, 10So. Maitnits1. 707 N. Uicvtrsiiy ve Ann Arbor
3050BOYS--- SEE THE 1.1.OF r1. SHOE

U. I 1% Barer ranat onr~n~rurnvrsly 6i Eat Wiiitin ~re
U.Q M e'r ae Uns a UI Inh t Embalmer and 61Jua nne"hoie steetn
r# ST a lTEy. 5 Fi.rol st I I FnrlDrcr 1 rS jutoehr .ck vs tis
Rhopo an, B at fth 'Is okand 2AA p hno h e atrawbutoiuS. Allekiids a~R~
SSpan at ifactiWon. 12SFourth na l e at'P un5ofr aoiing nAu idunni i F
Roms sasn. r~nasl 2" O eShop E.Lambert. R al Photos

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