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November 14, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-11-14

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An ou c me tIOWA LIKES OUR SPIRIT. Lyman Cooley B.ore the Engineering Varsity and Scrubs at I Again.
CheeruForeMectganoaseWellThe couldand snow yesterday were
OuHaeca l ke eyer o Mciana Wlarly codin e to good patce ant
Ou pca ie as For Their Own Men-Great Last e4on eoe h niern scoseqence much fumbling and
1W of foreign and Ovation Given the Victors. iociety Mi-.% Lyman Cooley, chief engi- slow plaYtgi woe Indlged Inu. Sweeley
_____riner of The Chicago Drainage Canal, was the only 'Varsity man who did
domestic fabrics when Y-he university of owa, foot- gave a very pleasing and Insrucive not ptir his appearance. Wilson was
For the Fall and Winter of 0900 has ball tem arrived home Monday morn- lecture on the Nicaragua Cnal. aginowant h ie-prigthsoutlnedye
- ~~~ig it was set at depot by 5000 oyal At ~he opening of ils discourse Dir. leo-drta BlsghtplAd ufloe endTo
arrvedan isaraagd fr nspc-mnhood. Our teanm is wothy of Cooley retS several extracts fomn dif Neal tkig the other. Snow hardly
Lion. Tihe oioe careful. attention enithusiasllc admirers, who proceeded ferent English perodicals that were felt lue getig into the srimmage on
to ho 'tevcbas god tme Fie hudtoomties10to 182a, all of which acounot of his knee, )and. fllowed up
is'given to the styles and finiash of t show tevcosagoilm.Fv oedithaio-Ithe question oil a canal lthe tam, sclling tle signals with
suit whthe to e ssedforhundred sludes pulled the tllyhoin loactrosothe isthiinus of i'anaioa was oie 'oeek,,idoing te passing." Both 'War-
ofevery a-il eesae h lyr o theofth foreimiot qoios in osoavigo- osy tnd sorub showed up stronger on
bu~espurposesorfrfldrsnovrttcnpswhracebrlia tion circ-les. le offensive than on defensive, and
wos held. All aohog'the hine of march Oanarivig it o 'ioral Amnei-ca Mr. whets either took tltoalito t wis o
occasons. flelonsess oer' decorateud with old Coole y statedl tot le found Slo e ootho 1 o1 N rc ask o f onS
lIIflCO gold untiog and yellow corn From soloandomdcninoery f or excovatotnul- that no scorng resulted froms th play.
VLJ U1 eeyiogttilshcct og eeouateotss and essivaue; a o not Joe iligre of Ithe '1tt aioul'17teams
:o8 E.-Washington St. f~ig n lorhhlsea- vt h of what wio5 there nwas oever used nor wvas with the i-nches. Sic will prb-
__utuiversity bell too bidding the boys wel- ever could .be. n sieaking of Sle ably remiain a week or so, adding his
"cme home. On the campus tioc uni, putting through of the anal the one knoot-eoge of toe gme, ond lts enthu-
vesity battery was stationedanod can- obstacle that the United States might alamo to lihi-ginerl fund fron which
BA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~n~on f7, 111/ added their roar to Slenoose trade noet with wstslit of securing a clar r Sleteass dians its suliy.
BA H T W E S bySle yelling students. titlebTh strms said to b prevalent
Three thousand pieeoioed in the on -k Nicaragua, Mr. woley hied to Gelgists Find the Steers Farm Rch
- AT omarh, each one carryiogii monster b a nmyth, for the wb-arves tat oere-
ATstalk of corn, and at very foot of the saaio nSo hrso h aeao in Specimens.
ALL monigontesoresbf Slok ad achte players were showered with hodb-n there for many years could
PRICES the yelowv cereal. Busoess men of the not staond thoc wave- of Lake Mihgan fle mmonoooooo turtle tbotleanod giaS
FOR city appeoared with a mnster foot ball for a single season.loaer skull, Shilh oere recntly
YOUR ROOM O THE o M ttn feet longeod joined lin Sle porode. fle earthqluake thosryovas epiotded foud n teSloe re farm, %otlo of this
Ministes stood on -le sidewaolssan by Sle speaker. Nooe had ever occiety, together with cevrtl othr bones
yseled ot the old godond le chaoion- currd Infle o-egioon of le cnl, tnr lwhiove lot-n foono here, indiat-
pionso tot the n-ct. Work oil the uniter- bhat 00005or-urredoinlostlsoc ontry fo u th lat the ailso which they be-
WidrsPam c sity wa s SspolendleotSle fao-ulties joou- he oneihrbt tiaidr acoay years. Tie climaote on Slhe whole Isie sv tr naie lot region,
i,, with cerinsg studoenotoo-inpoying toos ielot, ther samoe astotoof thor Eot hoovooreatidiconoideroble interest too
saras. stateSt hounoor o -oeteoomo othclut 0005 ehi- Iilit.I loliM.Cohycii toicswmlito
-ogo and dfeateod Mirhigoan. 'fiere Po.Rseli r
oo'e llt ell tt:A oooh ioc Opalrid heosrul Amia's ithi the Slama rot huosh i r-ig oog1ethuse
-ee il yls f:". ga lnetrfof a ovam oanil prediitedgro-aot osibil-Alis cass in gology o oomoke some care-
:EEYNN 'rslendidolihoe.of crossed htto yoars, maiii me-or toill ties oss the country oandoh aolocotsd thio-fiexmsinaotioni In 0-istes pas'ts of
C PPCIASamd TO- bet"1 hostening of ule comupletho of thor sle swamp, in search of ooluoble speso-
N EW BACCO-even the store The twig paraohe- wenS stroaight o the Nicaragua canasol y te Amerio'iaones for ter stay. "it there could
itsef is new. We have remodeled tieolcpishtndmgamdhrliecooo-poelibotusnchetouhaoowkd
place and invite all our friends to call olaptlulin__dhrtechi-pepeb,'hlauh____lctan wre
and inspect what we have, Your cant Aloos haolted. Coacho Knmipe owas called - _ip for that w-ork as there is in foot-
beat our LUNCHES uphon for at speet-h. Ie jpublichl- bool"sid he to tdiraDily'yesterday,
ln. rt. JJSL L Y, :3018 S, State&St. ionehtetao o sokmgOi esto omhc s na s "we would secure some valuable add-
__________________reputations and said thttonamt D- toit Banquet. t~on to the museum, and rih informo-
troll pplayed the bos too bal he hsod -lion oil fle same time"
ev+41 4= 4 4 oer seenad defeated Sloe bst ta eSc .Brouwoi cara o rfsRsellhaoraizdano
o teo lotwe.st. Oler members Lei.Da-oroloiscarnaot Pof a-s1hsogni g-
At 1 TI' the reception coonmultec which nill of- logical club amn-hhgs --Ident and
AL EG E TIS mee cotmpelled to haiht- Eds000, 010hohate tim e annuaol banmquet to libe cred mapsaof the vicinity ofAnn
AND isasoe such a 5splendit record t Di estt.br h lb-ilmk aeu u
Ti ~~~~~~~~~giveniThurday evening by theoc nivr- ro.''s hbilmk rfa a
0A kI ! poosed tihrt-cshiers tfor Michigasn.iy of Michian Assecioationi 01Deroit vohtigottonand orecordetile go1ogca
Z ~ VN ~ +These neoe give nubita i oih, ad, a-anouce te oloin 'cetin -- te upnes e u- mps. 'Ihs will
when ou s e teol ow aycomte:be ot tluocasant and rofi hic e etpoy
CH CO A ES 15u theigronds at fle big goae tldtof Lv .Btbucara;Wlla -tfrtt' oiya
IN i-41b, t-2 lb & I IbBOXES the genlesanlytosonner los whirci h'AMoe s- - Wie ilimEdrtlcSer fr sfrfgr~ hc
ousaleit0mar an thee wA. tSeeedsbnote MiohiganWmotetmm s ve0ysmthe oo eech mo inrone tliit
'ih radm otodss cease- sQstratibysheMbygomroe -,Myra L. SPos, Witouao C. May- s ,er mir. s suol .i att
qasatl Yam realways the erotwd siply oent oiod.'foday b -y, 'ie-J Lyn 'homaos W. Plot-tiiitlloha osve beto wn-i ou-coto shookout
I suar tgeitloog them fresho rie studets cheered Michigans wihh cmiBl Wnte Ior Ds a.ofdetrort1 ithh-eaSl
~~ ~ gous-moo gegce as they did Iowoo osnd luau lllktmsou Isabela I.HSHull, John 5. B. codiionminher foronbg period, the
desothm are warinto-aizeoatd frSill, .Getrude Baaks, IHenry Itreat eiosnc r .t ot prhistori ani!-
CD. STATE ST. ad N. UIVERISITY AE blue, Oichigan's tottrs. Sot-in, idred Hinsdale, Wilbania m a s iootcave gonoweroot thee. It would
loosidon the siieanloesatDerot.said- Andersen, Anna 1. Wiley, Frederick ot tieia diticuttthing to et a drain
__Iowaontiesidelinesatetroit,_said:. Bltiss, Margsre Thaha. David Al. fromnfticspr~ing In such a noy as to
"t wish that all Iowa had boris thee coiertRacel A. toalcomison, Henry drains it, or at least sake i-I possible
4! 144 t 140+ 11 2 14 4 3to ee he andomet gme evr sw.tussel, Belle Dnadon, Edovordt W. to nvesigate to some distance below
and that you arc ever liky he see Pedlefo, Agnes Benton, Henry H." the m cc.ee
Mchigan officials sald to on. 'You Canpell, Helen L. satch, Ernes T. Te numbe ot vainbe seimn
hove won fairly ana w hope thatow-a Tappey, Mary T. Power, Hoy- Poo, v "ich Havebe n funalng th dth
Nowil moe on to the east and wniVic- OtvaWlinsBeEd-ha ro iiugh salse farm sems to mndite Ua
SP UL i l t bores for he great wt' We brought OtvoWlim aeHro .Sherrll, IFlorence H-sosn, 'Harlow P an exea vaotin Pa the ~tch t draIn the
PA LbiG Sack nith s the Mlihigau colors. Davock Maron S. Geri, George W. spring nouaddnit e -swa-sed efoto
flo gamesand spres w01 thinst uBaes, elle trolit, Bryant Walker, isef
S ='y y te gme end resnte the tous.Helen L. Hard, Byron S. Waite, Eva "Fraroer'sre auntly pickia,, 0010
W iH~f j -1IWe wear them gadly. The way tie W. Parker, Dexter Mo. Ferry, Jr., Gen.'strange hns In t r excavtonsao
Anitroboyse tookthreea-Sm00 P. Codd, Charles .S. ilcDonal, Linda various putpoer," said Prof. Russe
showsthatShenesprtospirit sp-Stsmhiv- tarris lctDonsod, Samuel S. Haris, 'te Sle Dily, "but lbey either throo
Mad o Aerca harysthtil lsp t trchi vs0- George A. Masn, Henry I. Bedan, them awaty orPt ig prcsaonthem.
Made'ofAmeica air stll ive an tha Dlehian tar-Pau F.BageyThey aevalntio e w study and I
- Wool of superior d~nte pssess the highest type of true Pu ' aly should like It very muh if tthey wonld
manhood. rEvery eam Is worthy of. send -fnem to tilt museum. There is
' in fit and fimiish a lasting memorial to the champions in shxs'lmes hout Farmers over he sats-e
tthe west"fle go-clo t ut-c sow es tire 00w ad'epecally in this sin would d
± Then he teamn escaped sard for tlu. 0us ayorIf thy wod gethmo
for hour the crowd stood and ceeooredrcstun Pro. Salo the observator, sya usw-en they find hem"
ifo Iowa and then fr Michigan. Not strit h sawvtwo meteors fall on Sun-
So-ntented wits the big clebratheo of day oight, hout last night the clouds hid Tooday t 4:10 p. mn. Miss Florence
th origth usns men organ- Sle pyrotechnic show if lhre was any Bin-O'iel will give an oohddress on
$3. ied another big parade, which took going on. "Jeruso~em As It Nov t" before Prof

place at night. _A'St-i'he tathletic park Said he: "Thesa showers will last Gler's class in New Testainu Study,
bonfires and fireworks were In corder. for Shre r four nights yet. They are The class meeta In Room 1, Newberry
~A AL .J ~ R peeches were mnace, bands played and to besee In the east, but owing t hail. 'MS Ben-OLlel lived Sn Jerusa-
W A H S .1,cannon roamed. The tay close- mark- the fact that the -moon In In a -bad po- 1em aevet'lveasTs. She i$sa he and

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