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November 06, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 38) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY ___._r__ , -_.._ 171 A t rtartt4t t1'1 I which, through the generosity of the ,rnnrranmnnnnnim/o!/rA'ilfl R 'i i W If Y 4JIIt4? I6(I 7" t b manager, was increased to more than ----two hundred. The action exemplifies OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF TIHE a splendid and generous spirit.I UNIVERSITY OF ICRIGAN IIt has always been such generous' Published ievery morningbexcet Boa personal action that has nsured the du...…

November 06, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 38) • Page Image 5

… TUESD"AY, NOVEMBER f, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY French Society Exhibits Works In Alumni Hall! An event of first rate importance for Ann Arbor art circles began- yes- terday in the opening of the exhibit of etchings and smiall' colored paintings in the upper gallery of Alumni Mem- orial Ball. The work exhibited is that of La Societe des Graveurs Modernes Francais, of Paris, France, and con- sists of more than one hundred etch- ings of many s...…

November 06, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 38) • Page Image 6

…'TTC lHE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1923 ..--.. \ ,: r... . ...... r"" 'uiitL iiiY+' ,,,, i. , .. _ ._ ,I S"TI IKS S Ae STRUGGLE WITH HAWKEYE hore Teamn Displays Best Playing refused to quit. Van Dervoort con- of Season in Downing tinued playing until after being in- 4wao jured the second time he had to be carried from the gridiron. VANDERVOORT AND GRUBE Slaughter and Steele were both BOTIH INJUREI1 iN FRACAS going strong throug...…

November 06, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 38) • Page Image 7

…)VEMBR 0,1 230 -; .i vLti... _i _s , TH4E MICHIGAN DAILY ADVE~RTISING AT 3 P.M. LOST ! WANTED LOST "at, night near Tun t~ ria n jA NUMBER of energetic students de- Churchi purple silk umbrella. Re- siring to earn money during spare ward. Phone 3011-R. hours. Con~genial and profitable dGNW STWTHwork:. For 'particulars, address the '1Ield, WRITursA.H on Palmer , Garvin Institute, 4109 Woodward ,Fild' hurda.-Reward Mar- {AveDtot ih garet Bl...…

November 06, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 38) • Page Image 8

…EIGHIT THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, NOVEMBR 6,s 192; DAILYOFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. in. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday.) Volume 4 TUESD)AY, NOVE3IB.ER 6, 19213 'umber 3S University Senate : The first regular meeting of the University Senate for the year 1923- 1924 will be held in Room C, Law Building, at eight o'...…

November 06, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 37) • Page Image 1


November 06, 1921 • Page Image 1

…1JEir tgan &ut& SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1921 "University Opens September 16" (By Hughston . .XcBain) W hat The Daily W ould Say Should The i birthdays. For example, if a person And from now on, each and every Calwas born March 9, he would have to year the University shall commence Liberty Calendar Be Universally figure from the first of the year count- on Tuesday, Sept. 16. Christmas va- Aing 1 days for January...…

November 06, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 37) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _s..d. _ ..,,_._.. ..,,,..,. ... . ....., .. . . .. 1TP ffEtr4tgau n a~ OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFGTHE UNIVERSITN' OF MICHITGAN Put'lished every mornKn excert Monday during ctte ifnlve, year by the Roard in Control of Student Pubheatrions. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Pres is exclusively entitled to the use to, ublication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise diterl in this paper and the local...…

November 06, 1921 • Page Image 2

…2 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE T_ SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1921 N THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1921 I a WM.GOODYEAR & COMPANY A Sale of Silk Underwear 1I II What's Nelv at Goodyear's \l' ',\I Silk undergarments, as you know, are the acme of dainty luxury. Usually they cost more than many wo- men can easily afford to pay. But at these prices - which are very special - they are marked so that ev- ery woman may purchase. Th...…

November 06, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 37) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY -r Theat,,ers: R Ililililllll1111ll llllillllll1lillllll': ARCADE Tiom Moore, Goldwyn star, has the leading role in "Made "in Heaven" which begins today. This comedy is cleverly written, well acted and full of good fun. "Experience," George Fitzmaurice's spectacular production, begins Wed- SCHOOL OF DANCING All the latest steps in mod- ern ballroom dancing taught in private lessons. Private and class lessons in ballet, nat...…

November 06, 1921 • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, NOVEMBII 6, 1921 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE 3 Learning Spanish First Hand (By Millard I. Pryor) "I felt in a general way that every prospective language teacher should live for a while in the country whose language he intends to teach," is a statement made by Prof. Charles P. Wagner, of the Spanish department. "Only the foundation can be laid in the classroom. The best plan is to saturate oneself with the theory of the subject and...…

November 06, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 37) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. V j 1k ii he SprtoY Rfnmn know you will be pleased with the surroundings in out~ new teria. Our ambition is to please and this noon our menu follows : -MENU- Consomme with Vegetables see of Chicken with Biscuit Roast Beef with Brown Sauce Individual Veal Pies French Fried Potatoes Mashed Potatoes Baked Squash Creamed Corn SALADS h Fruit Salad Head Lettuce with Thousand Island Dressing Banana and Nut Salad Pickles and...…

November 06, 1921 • Page Image 4

…4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1921 Reviewing The Reviewers (By I. D. S.) and the remarks concerning it are anyone would have been arrested for writing 'Three Soldiers' was to ex- When Sinclair Lewis wrote 'Main extraordinarily varied, ranging from writing while the war was in progress. pose what he considered a nation- Street' he stepped into a fair sized utter damnation, through a long It purports to be the 'Now It Can ...…

November 06, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 37) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,. . " .. . .l i e + « . . " ." ', . ,. . . 1 w . . y 1, f t . . , , .. ;, . r~ ,.... ~, . ".. ,. "".. ..* . .,. Y . ", a .; + " i . ®r ', f ! ": i jy.+ ]. . . + 5 - " +. , F F " e. _ "Under TheSports fanner" COMING MICHI GAN-WISCONSIN GAME RECALLS LAST BATTLE 16 YEARS AGO GOW HERALDED AS POSSIBLE FUTURI CHAMPION IN AQUATIC SPORT W (Conducted by W. F. E. ) Editor's note: - This column is to be conducted as ofte...…

November 06, 1921 • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1921 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE "Three Soldiers" in Judge, has such ture." He regrets the fact that the a matter of fact, he was neither of If this is, indeed, the author's pur- a good time snickering to himself novel will probably' he discussed as these, as The Nation's critics make pose, he has fulfilled it well. It is over the author's funny name that he propaganda rather than literature. clear. He was merely a hypersen...…

November 06, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 37) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I ADAME PETROVA WHO APPEARS TuN(lGhT A13ii ater in "The White Peacock," a play written by the star herself, who has gained much fame as a writer and actor. ICE CREAM FRATERNITY MARBTHAN SET FORNOVEMBER22 Entries in Intramural Run Assure Popularity of New Event Entries for the interfraternity mar- athon which is to be held on Nov. 22 are coming in rapidly in the Intra- mural office, advance dope indicating that this inn...…

November 06, 1921 • Page Image 6

…6 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1921 7 T S1ooks and Authors "THE CHARMED CIRCLE" But I'm beginning to see it's all such a wonderful little plan. Lines cross- ing and crossing, and our destinies to "The Charmed Circle," a first novel make up the pattern-A charmed by Edward Alden Jewell, is a blithe circle!'" volume, delicately sophisticated, yet At times the little plan seems some- pervaded with an ingenuous delight. w...…

November 06, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 37) • Page Image 7

…i Student Finds Pleasant Work, Congenial Spirit At University The cold weather is near or here and we have the nece a spirit of good will and well as the work in the machine shop. y here at the University "I have been most fortunate in find- articles to make yoU comfortable EAT THE 712 itStateI ANYWHEHE. BUT AT REX'S CLUB LUNCH Arbor Street and Packard Streets "There is congeniality A Reliable Jeweler C HAPMAN 113 South Main ack to We are ...…

November 06, 1921 • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1921 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE 7 1 1 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1921 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE 7 The Story of "Box 147" (Continued From Page One) doors. They were laden down with bundles, which separated into white paper, stencils, and a can of mimeo- graphing ink. One sat down at a typewriter and wrote madly. The mimeographing machine was inked- and half the inker as well! One fed the paper, one turned the wheel, one st...…

November 06, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 37) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHTGAN DAILY If you are hungry, or If you are- thirsty, or If you just need a friend,-- Drop in at that friendly place. TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM SERVICE MEN WORING EoRiPE. 01, Lr e IZ COMPLETION; WIL L DDIATE TJ SOLILRDAD For every order of 4 (By Lyman Fenwick) Archer '2, P . Lawtn '2, rold -fr'om 7.30 A. M. uni Like the ghost in Hamlet, "Doom'd Frog'41 n a .Auud'4 for a certain term to walk the night" 208-Mtte nuono hesr seems to hav...…

November 06, 1921 • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1921 THIIHGNDAL AAIE UDYtOEME ,12 - I t1 -"-"'i III UNITARIAN CHURCH State and Huron Sts. SIDNEY S. ROBINS, Minister "The Adventure of World Good Will" is the subject of the sermon at the service Nov. 6, 10:40 A. M. Prof. Francis W. Kelsey will speak at 6:00 P. M. on "Our Heritage from the Past." V. P. N. U. supper at 5:30. Out at 7. All Seats Free! i i I TODAY'S CHURCH. SERVICES I' -'I ...…

November 06, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 37) • Page Image 9

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ti men r5 ":'he e wl b e a' Miiethiig korI,'io house presidents at 4 o'clock Wedfres- d~y Nov~ 9; ini Sarah 'CMWdll' An~gell Dean.Myra $r Jordan will bQ at home for all University women from 3 to 6 o'clock Tuesday afternoons. Thesre will be a meeting of the Jun- ior Girls' play committee at 4 o'clock -Moniday afternoon in Betsy Barbour house.- 9 Indoor work in gymnasium classes will start on Thursday, Nov. 10. Uppercla...…

November 06, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 37) • Page Image 10

…i [ l .'-7 V +.. rr _ """ _" FFICIAL BULLETIN I SUNDRAY, INOVEMTBER at011991 N(umber 87 C e a ti n n ti a B b, ircles in view of the pending c9nfer- nce at Washington on limitation of rinament and Far Eastern ques- Jons. Washington, Nov. 5.-"The assassi- nation of Premier Hara will resalt in ao change in Japan's attitude toward :he conference on limitation of arm- ment and Far Eastern questions," Baron- Shdehara, the Japanese am- as...…

November 06, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 37) • Page Image 11

…4t atit SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1921 University Opens September 16" (By Hughsten . MeBain) W hat The Daily W ould Say Should The birthdays. For example, if a And from now on, each and every was born March 9, he would year the University shall commence Liberty Calendar Be Universally figure from the first of the yes on Tuesday, Sept. 16. Christmas va- A ing 31 days for January, 28 f cation will begin Friday, ...…

November 06, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 37) • Page Image 12

…I iL iVMiCIUAN JAILY MAGALINE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1921 WM. GOODYEAR & COMPANY A Sale of Silk Underwear { . I'1 What's Nekv at Goodyear's \i "" 'I Silk undergarments, as you know, are the acme of dainty luxury. Usually they cost more than many wo- men can easily afford to pay. But at these prices - which are very special - they are marked so that ev- ery woman may purchase. The more foresighted will not only buy for their own needs; they...…

November 06, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 37) • Page Image 13

… Learning Spanish First Hand (By Millard H. Pryor) "I felt in a general way that every prospective language teacher should live for a while in the country whose language he intends to teach," is a statement made by Prof. Charles P. Wagner, of the Spanish department. "Only the foundation can be laid in the classroom. The best plan is to saturatie oneself with the theory of the subject and then to go to the foreign country. Students who have pr...…

November 06, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 37) • Page Image 14

…I THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAE, NOVEMBFRt , 1921 Reviewing The Reviewers (By It. D. S.) and the remarks concerning it are anyone would have been arrested for writing 'Three Soldiers' was to ex- When Sinclair Lewis wrote 'Main extraordinarily varied, ranging from writing while the war was in progress. pose what he considered a nation- Street' he stepped into a fair sized utter damnation, through a long It purports to be the 'Now It Can ...…

November 06, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 37) • Page Image 15

…"Three Soldiers" in Judge, has a good time snickering to h over the author's funny name th doesn't get time to offer much cism. He does say, however, "There is no question of its sin It is the hurt, angry cry of a fin who has felt the crush of the mi stamper. We heartily recomme to the disarmament conference.' Although he has not yet pu criticized the book, H. L. Menc quoted by the publishers as s that it is the best book yet w about the war b...…

November 06, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 37) • Page Image 16

… "THE CHARL ED CIRCLE" But I' a won (By L. E. W.) ing an "The Charmed Circle," a first novel make by Edward Alden Jewell, is a blithe circle! volume, delicately sophisticated, yet At ti pervaded with an ingenuous delight. what t neth's It is a comedy of adventure, the ad- too get ventures of Kenneth, an American boy, the sp living with his elderly, sentimental colors guardian in a Paris pension. ' most Kenneth is a worldly young seraph, whilec...…

November 06, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 37) • Page Image 17

…"GrowIth of The Soil"- May Lead Nuisance in Literature" was one of T he Story of "B ox 147" m be a lttle early to pick "the the Francis Bergen Foundation lee- novel of the year," but several review- tures. The Francis Bergen Lecture (Continued From Page one) least two Juniors on the staff, eo that ers, from a consideration of books Foundation is one of the most inter- doors. They were laden down with the magazine will functif, continual- publi...…

November 06, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 37) • Page Image 18

…UNITARIAN CHURCH State and Huron Ste. SIDNEY S. ROBINS, Minister "The Adventure of World Good Will" is the subject of the sermon at the service Nov. 6, 10:40 A. M. Prof. Francis W. Kelsey will speak at 6:00 P. M. on Our Heritagesfrom the Past." Y. P. R. U. supper at 1:30. Out at 7. All Seats Free!l FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Huron, Below State 10:30 - Worship and Commun- ion Service. Rev. Howard R. Chapman will preach. 12:00 - Sunday School Session....…

November 06, 1920 (vol. 31, iss. 29) • Page Image 1


November 06, 1920 (vol. 31, iss. 29) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDA i , .. > 0 4rg Atr~jgan JIafly OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday during the Univer- sity year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published therein. ...…

November 06, 1920 (vol. 31, iss. 29) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY pAG f) GOLF TOURNAMENT AROSESINTEREST Time for Qualifying is Extended Un til the Evening of Novem- her 7 GAME HAS REGULAR PLACE AMONG CONFERENCE SPORTS Play in the qualifying round of the All-campus golf tournament has pro- gressed throughout the week. For tie benefit of those who have been unable to get out, it has been thought wise to extend the time of qualifying until the evening of Nov. 7. Student members of the Ann ...…

November 06, 1920 (vol. 31, iss. 29) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY The Women's Athletic association _" .112 I TVTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM Crowded every meal BUT Room for All Our Last years customers One half block South of "MAJ" WINDOW SHADES PICTURE FRAMING Student Headquarters We carry complete stocks of "Brighten-Up" finishes In small size cans for all "touch-up" jobs around the house. PAINTS ENAMELS VARNISHES BRUSHES WALL PAPER KALCIMINES STAINS GLASS M -I I L. E. WENZEL...…

November 06, 1920 (vol. 31, iss. 29) • Page Image 5

…6, 1920. THE MICHIGAN DAILY The Stage AT THE WHITNEY Michel Fokine and Vera Fokina, the! creators of the famous Ballet Russe and its greatest interpreters, are mak- ing a trans-continental tour under the direction of Richard G. Herndon, di- rector of the French-American asso- ciation for Musical Art. At their ap- pearances at the Metropolitan opera house and the Hippodrome in New York City they scored a success un- excelled by any dance...…

November 06, 1920 (vol. 31, iss. 29) • Page Image 6

…SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY HARDING TO CONSULT DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN LEADERSON LEAUE' Volume I SATUVRDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1920. Number 29. PLANS ASSOCIATION OF NATIONS WHICH AMERICANS WILL BACK The Regents at their meeting Nov. 3 determined to meet hereafter, ex- ept when otherwise specially voted, on the first Friday of each mouth at (By Associated Press) :30 a. m. The ne't meeting of the Regents will therefore be held Dec. &K Marion, Nov. 5. - Pre...…

November 06, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…-1I T mean al1 ASS( F bAY AN!I O 'D i X ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1919. i. P ,..... , ,.. T .s t - SEE THE TEAM OFF TOMORROW! Council To Take Up milk Question TIP BIKE S Tb WITH-. AGAINST The Wolverines leave at 8 o'clock Friday morning from the Mich- igan Central station for one of the strongest and most important games of their schedule. The Michigan band will be with them. Several hundred stu- dents fi...…

November 06, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 34) • Page Image 2

…Univer- use for therwise in, ssecond le sig- nce of at the' office. >man- Is ex- ...Managing Editor ... Business Manager ......News Editor .City Editor .Sports Editor .... Women's Editor . ....Telegraph Editor Os8iuts, Jr., ings. But there was a certain moderation in this specialization which permitted of an almost uuiver-' sally prevailing "classical education" among our col- leges and universities. Was the world, at that time, a sadder o...…

November 06, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 34) • Page Image 3

…C Y 1 11 tinguished himself .as one of the in- dividual stars of the game. His ag- gressiveness on, offense and defense formed a main asset in the law vic-1 tory. Freeman at left tackle and Kendall at the same right position; furthered the protection of the plung- s up :iar! Hands of Fresh Plays In ,. . KICKING ONE OF AFTERNOON ,With but a single practice session left before th'e Chicago battle, 'Coaph Yost again gave his varsity footb...…

November 06, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 34) • Page Image 4

…Tells of Experiences With all arrangements completed in as did some members of the S. A. T. C. London, the University expedition for By the way, Professor Kelsey says the exploration of the battlefields of there are 15,000 people here in Eng-' Ceasar, composed of Professor and land bound for India. Part of these, Mrs. F. W. Kelsey and son, Easton, of course, are returning troops. and Mr. George R. Swain of the Latin "Last night Easton and I w...…

November 06, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 34) • Page Image 5

…NY,.. 5 Mr. E. T. Clark, of Detroit, an- WORTHNE nounces a prize of $25.00 for the best OR'T1F Hnew and original Round for three or four voices, the compositions to be submitted before December 1, 1919. The rules for the competition are niversity that the text is to be selected by the worth- competitor, and the name of the writer ist aside is not to appear on the composition but le extra to accompany it. The competitors will en by P. themsel...…

November 06, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 34) • Page Image 6

…rest to University Women PRESS WILSON MALES APPEAL FOR RED CROSS 9 II VEI campaignl tic asso- ay. Girls s on the tions 'and ciation which not only strengthens comradeship among University women, Ibut also aims to raise the standard of hygienic living," said Phyllis Wiley, '21, vice-president of the association and manager of the campaign, in speaking of the drive. GIRL RESERVES LEXRN ABOUT GAMES AND STORY TELLING n1o abet inm nouses 'an...…

November 06, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 34) • Page Image 7

…[S THAT FIl SENT TO ( I r 'he Mikhigan Daily: who know anything about the football squad realize the y are in assisting to shape up ty. This year they have prac- ken the place of the scrubs the hammering of the Var- in, and day out, without hope it recognition. Under Confer- ings an All-fresh team may outside schedule. Those who at h long season means can nid the hard, giuelling work a 7 puts in during his first year. ight, under Conference...…

November 06, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 34) • Page Image 8

… Appoint- Wednes- in r~oom )rs, grad- ho desire N - -N Although the majority of; romi high schools, 163 of ails received since Janu- from colleges and univer- 4 from normal schools. Appointment committee is primarily to assist those teach, it is also willing rs if possible. Each year ests come for secretaries, etc. on at the time of the 'reg- nent is free but a fee of 'ed for late registrati~n. .I Wft r 4R , , t ../ 1 " I w ,TIS ING...…

November 06, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…UDY; PROBABLY SHOWERS 1 00e, Ilk 4b fIaiIx ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AND NIGHT WI] SEARVCE X. No. 31 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1918. PRICE THREE PEACE TERMS READY FOR HUN; EP NCEAU GREESI WITH WILSON LY FOR E ARMIES UND ALL ) PUBLISH REPLY SOON Acceptance ader of Autocracy shington, Nov. 5.-Marshal Foch lhe terms of armistice for Ger- and awaits application for them e German military command in eld. government at Berl...…

November 06, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 31) • Page Image 2

… rniqigau iallj L NEWSPAPER AT THE ERSITY OF MICHIGAN every morning except Monday niversity year by the Board in tudent Publications. )F THE ASSOCIATED3 PRESS iated Press is exclusively entitled or republication of all news dis- ted to it or not otherwise credited .r and also the local news =pub- t the postoffice at Ann Arbor, second class matter. ns by carrier or mail, $3.50. nn Arbor Press Building. usiness, 96o; Editorial, 2414. ations not...…

November 06, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 31) • Page Image 3

…MICIiJON - A!L S F~R''S '.Intramural ll11111111111111lii 1111111111111.11111#11#1lft111111111111111111111111111111 ff1111111 lii111#11111111111111 i IIrn MICHIGAN TEAM TOI BE PICKED TODAYI __ GIS TEAM NEW OTA Of TRICK PLAS D PRACTICE HANDED. COACH TO ELEVEN LAST NIGHT BY Again, Coach Yost put his fighting >otball team through another two ours of secret practice, in prepar- ion for the Chicago battle, of the >ming Saturday, last evenin...…

November 06, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 31) • Page Image 4

…12 1Ld 1- ..... Y WITH REQUEST TO I K INFLUENZA MASKS t made to the students aembers for the return of s being only fairly well h. The boxes that were main walks of the cam- no means being filled. ty health physician says of the masks returned is red to the number which it. A large amount is ex- and if the students look vhen they enter the cam- ptacles in which to throw ay be.seen. ge or reclaiming is one of the many goods brought about ...…

November 06, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…WEATHER ALLY FAIR AND WARMRE r Sir i6r at i DAY AND NIGHT V SERVICE No. 31. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6. 1917. PRICE MENACE 5 RIGHT BY DRIVE JUNIORS CLASS NOMINATE CANDIDATES SING THE TAGLIAMENTO BY UTONS MEANS TROUBLE TO CADORNA LIN REPORTS 6,000 'RISONERS CAPTURED Of Italy's General Relieved, mporarily; Prepare Stronger' Position By Associated Press) ustro-German forces tst the Italians on the: operat- Taglia- ment...…

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