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November 06, 1923 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-06

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hore Teamn Displays Best Playing refused to quit. Van Dervoort con-
of Season in Downing tinued playing until after being in-
4wao jured the second time he had to be
carried from the gridiron.
VANDERVOORT AND GRUBE Slaughter and Steele were both
BOTIH INJUREI1 iN FRACAS going strong throughout the game,
Slaughter turning the tide of battle
Returning from their victorious trip in the final quarter when things
to Iowa, ' Michigan's Varsity first looked quite black for the Wolverines.
string men were given a rest yester- This came when the Hawkeyes started
day afternoon before starting in on in- down the field and advanced by means
tensive preparation for the coming of line plunges and passes to about
game with the Marines next. Saturday. the 25 yard line of the Wolverines.
Such was not the case with the sub- Here Butch threw the proverbial
stitutes however as they were given a wrench into the machinery when he
hard scr mnage against Coach Math- intercepted one of Fisher's passes.
ers, yearling maggregation. The second Kipke then punted out of danger.
triyernpregto chforthe The field generalship of Uteritz was
string men proved too much for the of its usual high calibre, the light
longend of the score.n n I quarter being master of the situation
The Varsity backfield comprised of at all times. His uncanny ability to
Parker at quarter, Vick at full, and tcll what play will work best was well
Rockwell and Baker on the halves demonstrated in the opening period
wa too fast a combination and with when he signaled a fair catch on the
Neisch and Witherspoon on the ends Iowa 39 yard line in order that Kipke
the aerial attack was of such a cali might have a free chance to drop kick.
bre that the yearlings could not cope! And Kike did drop kick for three
with it., jppoints. The kicking of the Wolverine
On the line the Varsity was com- leader was of old time form, his plac-
posed of Brown at center, Hawkins ing of punts being of the highest qual-
and White at guards, and Kunow and ity. Time after time the punts went
and hit atguadsaii Kuow nd ut f bund inidethe Iowa 15 yard
babcock taking care of the tackles. out of bounds isidelthe w yrd,
.The line alsoshowedupwell, the line. Steger did his share of the work,
yearlings with their strongest line-up I his best dispay being on defense when
he consistently broke up Iowa passes
in the fray being unable to make buts
little headway against the regulars. when the Iowans were proving them-
Tars.feselves dangerous. His work on inter-
Tcap Satfsfed. . ference also was good.
The Wolverines are happy over their r eam Weakened
victory over the Hawkeyes and not-! Micigan hopes received a setback
withstanding the injuries which were rmithegamhowerinenasb
receive .in, the,game believe that they from the game howeverin the injuries
I oVnDervoort and Grube. Both men
stand an excellent chance of repeating a in the hospital with injured legs
their performape of last year, of'1r ntehsialwt nue es
thei pti f~lnaCe ast ear ofand neither one will stand any chance
going through the season without a de-s
feat. Although disappointed that Iowa of getting into the Marine fracas.
should mar the. Michigan record of Muirhead is also on the list of inca-
whitewashes which had been hung up pacitated men and may not start
during the previous games they are, against the Leathernecks. It is prob-
tisfiedtohaebeatnthh able that Kunow and Babcock, the
rogh-og Ioa teatter of whom showed to good ad-
Tgh-going Iowa coteam. proved a hard vantage after he replaced Vandy in
contestfrotebegnning for thethe Iowa game, will take care of the
Man contsfo te bteinnngsforte tackles this week. Grube may be out
wellthey can b work under fire. The in suit this week but will not be in
entir'team worked best when the shape to start against the Marines.
Iowans were close to the goal line and Grube put a nice game against the
whenever the Hawkeyes became dan- IIawkeyes and his absence would be
gerous that was when the Varsity greatly felt should anything happen to
went harded. When Iowa did score it "Red" Miller.
was through a break, coining after a
blocked drop kick. The Hawkeyes in I tramural tes
the second period took the ball wel g
into Wolverine territory and finally---
'made first down on about the 15 yard Followers of tennis are assured that
line. -Here the Varsity began to get the freshmen will have a strong crew
in its best licks and for three downs
Towa failed to gain an inch. On the next spring after witnessing O'Connell
fourth down Fisher dropped back to and R. U. Martin fight for the champ-
attempt a drop kick but Michigan ionshi of the campus in the singles
broke through and blocked the kick last Saturday, in which the former
only to see the Iowans recover the emerged the victor, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4.
ball on the Michigan 12 yard line for The champion was never in danger
first down again. With the same work, of being headed, and won all of the
to repeat the Wolverines went to it' games in a impressive manner, using
with a will and for three more downs a back hand stroke that spelled de-
held the heavy Iowa line, the Hawk-I feat for Martin every time it came
eye backfield losing three yards on the into action. Martin played a good
three downs. On the fourth down i game and seemed to be waiting for the
Fisher, this time 15 yards from the breaks. Those that came he took good
line of scrimmage, was able to get his advantage of.
kick away, the ball sailing between Both of these men are freshmen on'
the posts for the first score on the the campus and come here with previ-'
Varsity this season. . ous successes behind thehm, O'Con-
Powerful in Pinches I nell being the present singles title
Michigan's showing in the game was holder in the amateur 'ranks of Wis-
little short of phenomenal. All'of the' consin, while Martin was the all-
men were on their, toes every minute campus champion at Vanderbilt last
of play, and but for a few unfortunate year. Both men will be eligible for
breaks the score would have probably freshmen and are expected to giake
been even larger. Four times the the team without much trouble as
Wolverines broke through the Iowa they have already taken the measure
line and blocked punts only to have
some Iowa man fall on the ball. I
Three times the Wolverine to break
through was "Louie" Curran, who
though sick before the opening of the
gam, went in and played the best
game of his career. Both he and

"Dutch" Marion put up a nice game
getting down under punts and getting
their men consistently.
Too much credit can not be given
"Red" MViller for his part in bringing
home a Michigan victory. "Red" prac-
tically tore the Iowa line to shreds in.
the opening period smashing the for-
ward wall for substantial gains every
time he took the bail. In fact through-
out the game he was good for yardage;
until exhaustion from crashing into
the line forced the substitution of
Blott, the Star
Jack Blott proved the hero of the
hour by his playing in the first period
when because he was on the alert and
ready to take advantage of a break he
enabled Michigan to score . her lone
touchdown. The Wolverine center
showed how far he ranks above other
Conference pivot men by this one play
alone. There are few centers in the
country, who after passing the ball
from the line of scrimmage can be
down the field ready to recover a kick.!
The playing of the entire line'
against the much heavier team is de-

Starting with last night when
when the first practice session of
candidates for the all-freshian
basketball squad was held, prac-
tices 'will be held on the first
four nights of every week from
8:15 to 9:15 o'clock in Water-
man gymnasium. All tryouts
must furnish their own equip-


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Coach. j COACHING-PAST AND gobbled up after it is proven success-
PRESENT I ful. There are probably out of the
hundreds of coaches throughout the
of Michigan's Varsitysquad.Theproblems of coaching today, so I country, twenty-five who are responsi-
s these men the tournament far as I can see, have not changed ble' or the dashing, brilliant game of
to light two possible comers very materially from those of the 1 today. They saw the possibilities of
and Olian. They are not as early days of football although as the new plays, put these possibilities into
I as the first two, however. game advances new features in tech- practice and soon they were added as
nic and theory of play develop. regular features of the game. In the
m The duties of as coach, while seem- age of specialization men have de-
much delayd Pcu Cof bnady j ingly light except during the actual voted their whole lives to the game of
Zeta Psi and Phi Crhi finally playing season, are contrarily heavy football and as in all fields of en-
as winners of two of the fra- and to meet with successful results, a! deavor, the game has advanced.
speedball leagues thus filling' coach must put in a full year of faith- The fundamental bucking and run-
ks of the necessary 10 teams ful preparation and even then one ning game can not be varied to any
final series for the title. They little event can throw an otherwise I great extent as can be the forward
ke their official debut in the successful season into a failure. pass which revolves around the suc-
ranks tomorrow against two Coaches were not known in the cess of getting a man in the open to
opponents. early days of the game. A group of receive the ball. Football fundament-
men would gather and form two teams als, since the last revision of import-
ving is the speedball schedule! something after the fashion of the 'ance in the rules, the barring of the
balance of the week for the school lot "one-o-cat" and would play I pushing and pulling tactics, have been
1 sectional groups: 3:15 the game with little regard to rules pretty much the same. Systems of
today, team 3 vs. team 4, 4:15 or the finer points. blocking are the same from coast to
team 6 vs. team 7; 3:15 However, as with every other part coast, tackles are m'ade primarily in
tomorrow, team 1 vs. team 3, of the game, when it began to attract the same fashion, side stepping, open
vs. team 10; 3:15 o'clock, spectators, the desire to win cropped field running, line play, etc. is taught
y, team 2 vs. team 5, 4:15 up in the schools and consequently after the same general fashion but,
team 6 vs. team 9; 3:15 the teacher or professor of football, cach coach has -an angle peculiar to
team 7 vs. team 10. came into being and as the game his style of play in which he develops
grew in interest, so did his position in- his men and it is his conception of
lass teams playing speedball 'crease in responsibilities until today this play taught to his men, personnel.
duled to meet as follows: 4:15 coaches are considered a prime re- being equal, that makes the winner or
Wednesday, fresh engineers quisite for any team. loser.
>r engineers. A coach's life has always been a Scouting has done much to revolu-
,r estrenuous one and in looking over the tionize the system of play. And in-
'successful coaches today, both in large cidentally scouting is one of the least
gthe- fraternity speedball universities and small colleggs, one known practices. in the game today.
winners who are playing for finds that by far the greatest percent There is an often misconstrued, opin-
games have been scheduled have not been coaching over ten years. ion that a scout is a spy. That he is

That fthe Michigan cross ,country I h win III IthILLnW
team is one of the ,trongest hill and
dale aggregations that Michigan ihas 4ONLY TWENTY MEN ANSWER
ever had was proven Saturday when FIRST CALLS FOR
the athletes partook in the annual I TRYOUTS
Harpham Trophy run.
In winning first honors. Larry Dav-' Wrestling, a sport which has for
is, Steve's best bet established a new some time been actively recognized
record for the course traveling thIe
distance of five miles in the exception- by every other school in the Big Ten
al time of 27 minutes 16 seconds. with the exception of Michigan, prom-
Davis looms up as one of the brightest ises to emerge into the limelight this
prospects for firt honors in the Con.. year. Coach Barker, national inter-
ference run which is slated to take collegiate champion at Ames in 1920.
place the latter part of the month. who has been procured to coach the
The Conference run is one of the most team has already issued a call for can-
hotly contested meets that occur in didates for the squad, weighing under
cross country realms. 135 pounds, and with the close of the
In winning second place Saturday, football season will settle down to the
Captain Arndt won second honors in task of pi'eparing a team which will
the , Harpham trophy tun for three he fit to enter inter-collegiate matches
successive years. This is a feat that this winter.
has never before been accomplished. A special room in Waterman gym-
What makes Arndt's performances 'nasium has been reserved for the
more striking, is the fact that firestgrapplers and a new mat will he laid
honorsin the meet have never gone ttoday.
to any one athlete more than once. Practice sessions for the lighter
Chue w the race in 1921, Isbll as weights will be held regularly from
year and Davis this year. 7:30 to 9:30 Tuesday and Thursday
With the exception of Roy Calahan night. Up to the present time only
the squad is in the best of condition. 25 men have appeared in apswer to
Calahan, who ran some fast trials I the call for tryouts, none of whom ap-
during the first part of the season pear to have had good coaching pre-
may be lost to the squad for the rest viously.
of the season due to a minor operation
which he will ha've to undergo the shoot and found the balls frozen. He
latter part of the week. Steve has spotted them and missed, much to the
counted on great results from this amusement of the gallery.
man and his loss will be felt.
Coach Farrell now has his squad Claiimimng that schools and colleges
at work in preparation for the trian- over the country are doing all 'possi-
gular meet with Illinois and Ohio ble to make football a clean and re-
state which takes place on Ferry spected sport Coach Alonzo Stagg,
Field Saturday morning. The meet 62-year-old director of athletics at the
will no doubt be close but the Wolver- University of Chicago, in a letter to
ines seem to be the favorites. thousands of "friends of college foot-
ball" this week denounces profession-
Sport Snap Shots al football as a menacing advance to-



league 'r
the title


as 1ouws: 3: 15, today, Bet Theta Pi
vs. Phi Kpppa Sigma; 4:15 o'clock,
Phi Gamma Delta vs. Alpha Sigma
Phi; 3:15 o'clock, toilmorrow, Phi Chi
vs. Phi Sigma Delta; 5 o'clock, Alpha
Rho !Chi vs. Zeta Psi.
Tryouts for the '27E speedball team
report at 4 o'clock this afternoon at
Ferry field toGeorge Lamb, chairmanI
of the class, athletic committee.
Fraternity athletic managers should
take careful notice of the rulings on
their runners in the coming cross,
country meet. If any man is unable
to appear for the daily practice ses-1
sions, which are being held under thel
supervision of Coach Sullivan, Intra-
mural' trainer, he may train himself
if he informs the Intramural depart-
ment of his intention of doing so. He
will be given a test a week before the
regular meet by the Intramural offici-
als in order to ascertain his physical
condition. If hbe passes the test, he
will be allowed to compete Nov. 19. I

This is a significant fact in that it sneaking into practice sessions, en-
proves exclusively that truly success- deavoring to secure signals and codes
ful coaches, year after year, are far I and watching the training of theI
in the minority for a coach must be; teais. This is far from the truth. A1
successful in victories to continue in I scout today never sees an opponents I
the game for any length of time. team in action, only at regular public
I can say truthfully that in no other; games, never, knowingly secures an
profession is a man forced to face the opponents signals nor takes an unfair
obstacles that confront him as a coach. advantage. This department of coach-
How long would men in other pro- ing is ,horoughly understood among
fessions last if the results of their the coaches themselkes and they ex-
work, exemplified by other men, were tend complimentary tickets to a visit-
placed in competition with the others ! ing scout and show him all possible
in their profession? There can be but courtesies that he may secure all of
one winner in a group and many would' the datapossible.
fall by the wayside. More and more each year, coaches
And then in addition to turning out # and teachers of competitive games and
winners, the coach must stand up fav- physical edlucation are receiving added
orably in public opinion which often 'respoiisibilities and coaching has ad-
times is fickle. le must gain and hold vanced from a practically unknown
the favorable opinion of the public, field into one of the foremost and lead-
the alumni and his student body who I ing professions.
are loud in their praise of winners and __
equally so in their criticism of the"[{
loser. A coach's life is, and has al- I(GYMNASTS NOTICE.
wa'ys been a strenuous one.'-
A rI..'All

wards tearing 'uown the moral spirit
- Iof the game which colleges are trying
During the fourteenth inning of the ( to build up.
world's 18-2 title billiard tourney be-
tween Welker Cockran and Erich Tommy Gibbons, the pugilist who
Hagenlacher, Thursday, in New York. stayed ten rounds with Jack'Dempsey
Cockran had to be persuaded to con- I last summer, is seeking a match ivith
tinue one of his runs during the game. the winner of the Jack Renault-Floyd
He Tad the balls fairly wide at the Johnson fight, according to Eddie
head of the table and tried a wide Kane, manager of the St. Paul fighter.
cushion draw, drivingthe red all to
the foot of the table. Cockra n
dropped his cne just as the ball !miss-Mason, Mich., Nov. 5.-Mason H1gh
ed the white ball. He sat down ani defeated St. Johns High, 3 to 0, Sat-
had to be coaxed back to shoot when urday.
the referee ruled that the red ball, in
returning to the head of the table, Harbor Springs, Mich., Nov. 5.-East
struck the two other' balls together. Jordan defeated Harbor Springs Sat-
Once convinced, Cockran got up to urday, 7 to 6.


.""._.....a ..... .............. ...... *i

A coach s success varies with his or-
iginality and strategy in workjng out,
means of offense and defense and his

JLESEARCII CLUB TONIGIT ability to transmit his knowledge to
the personnel which is given him to
L. M. Gould, of the geology depart- develop. Thirty years ago, when the
ment, will be the principal speaker game was practically in its infancy, it!
at the regular meeting of the Junior had not naturally been played over'
Research club to be held' at 8 o'clock a long enough period of time to de-
tonight in room G 231, Natural Sci- velop the fundamentals and technic to
ence building. Mr. Gould's topic will the stage that one finds it today.
be "Geologic Reconnaissance in the Coaches, and there were few of them in
La Sal Mountains." H. F. Fruth, of those days, had not given the game
the physics department will also be sufficient consideration 'to even dream'
on the program speaking on "Residual of its full possibilities and the game
Ionization." Those interested are in- of today is a result of many years of
vited to attend the meeting. careful planning by some or the great-
est authorities in the country.{
Golfers in the United States number Each year sees a nei angle of the
7,500,000. present open game which is eagerly

All men wll ohavenak hd experi-
ence or are interested in gymnas-
tic work are requested to meet
with Dr. May, Director of'Water-
man gymnasium at 4 o'clock, to-
morrow afternoon, when plans for
the gym team will be discussed.

More tryouts for assistant
basketball manager are needed.
All men who have been on the
campus one year are eligible.
Men caring to try out are ask-
ed to report at the gymnasium
at 7:30 o'clock any night.

I 'I

j Jr


-: :.




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