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November 06, 1923 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-06

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171 A t rtartt4t t1'1 I

which, through the generosity of the

,rnnrranmnnnnnim/o!/rA'ilfl R


W If Y 4JIIt4? I6(I 7" t b manager, was increased to more than
----two hundred. The action exemplifies
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF TIHE a splendid and generous spirit.I
UNIVERSITY OF ICRIGAN IIt has always been such generous'
Published ievery morningbexcet Boa personal action that has nsured the
during the IUniersityyear by t Boar band making even one football trip a
Control of Student Publications. _ __-;year. Each fall the same process of
Members of Western Conference Editorial soliciting aid from the students and
Association. __ the townspeople has been followed.
The Associated Press is exclusively en. It is impossible to expect that enough !
titled to the use for republication of a news funds to pay for more than one trip
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub- can be raised in this manner and so,
lished therein. _.. for that reason, the band remained inj
Entered A the postoff ce at Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor while the hardest game
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate y.
of p o tage granted by '1thisd Assistant Post- played at Iowa last Saturday. The
master eneral. y A t onmtie Michigan schedule was being
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, on re iigan s he wascbein
$4.00. amount required for the Wisconsin
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- trip
nard Street.i is still far short of its quota al-
l-'bots"n: Editorial, 24t4 and 176-MI; lsi though attempts have been made to!
tis; 960.
-- --- - raise it for several weeks past. Thej
Signed communications, not exceeding 300 Wisconsin game is the only other away
words, will be published in The Daily at o
the dis:retion of the Editor. Upon request, from home game and another hard one.
the identity of communicants will be re-
garded as onfidential.muaswi _re Whether the band will be there or not
-d a e .depends on the generosity of the stu-.
EDITORIAL STAFF dents and townspeople.
Telephones, 2414 and 176-M The band should be assured a perm-'
anent support of some sort from year
MANAGING EDITOR to year which will insure its football
HOWARD A. DONAHUE trips at least. The time is here, hasj
been here for several years, for action
NesEdito Julian E. Mack
City Editor....harry flrey along this line by some University de-
Editorial Board Rairmab... C. Moriarty partment

A Breakfast Serial





(The Minnesota Daily)
Beware of a repetition of what hap-
pened to Wisconsin. This is the lesson
taught to Minnesota men and women
In the editorial reprinted here, pub-

a I IM I k"

: I

= WIR Ul




This is the sword that reached its---------------
lished first in The Daily Cardinal, of-
In the huk of the monster huge and ficial student paper of the University
of Wisconsin.
stark Minnesota is paid a great tribute in
By aid of the string which guided the this editorial. Our loyalty, our spirit,
feet our determination never to quit, our
Through the silent signless spooky fight, are recognized by Wisconsin.
' street How long before the few remaining
Of Theseus the bold who led the band knockers, and kickers, will realize
Which came from Athens afar to the that Minnesota speaks for herself and
Ithat the cynics, the grouches, have no
Of the maid who tried the guest to effect upon her.
ensnare At Wisconsin the Gopher rooters did
As she taught him to solve the tortu- themselves proud, just as the team did.
ous lair Tomorrow the, big game with North-
zt. an xih h ih nl

A Wonder Selection of Personal
Engraved Christmas ,Cards
- --AT--
Order Early




Night Edit ars
E. H. Ailes A. B, Connable
R. A. Billington 1. FI Fiske
Haray C. Clark J. G. Garlinghouse
P., M.2,Wagner
Spoits Editor..............Ralph N. Byers
Women's EditWi...........\\'nona Hlibbard
Telegraph Editor...............fR. B. Tarr
Sunday Magazine Editor......F. L. ilden
Music Editor..............Ruth A Howell!
Assistant City Editor.....Kenneth C. Kellark
Editorial Board
Paul Einstein Robert Ramsay
Andy w Propper
B. G. Baeteke 1'. S. Mansfield
J. N. lerkman E. C. Mack -
elen 1lrown Verena Moran
l Bertxaduite Cote Regina Reichmain
G, V7. Davis WNV . .ncnan
Il~,old Ehrlich -. . Stona
V, C. Yinngcrl K. E. Styer
SP. ieI N. P. Thal
Dorothy S1in S. B- Tremble
oseph W. .. Wamiour
Elizabetb i< xP I
T'f-phone 960
Advertisng............... ,.. E. I. Dunne
Advertising .............C. Purdy
Advertising.......... ...W. Roesser
Advertising................W. K. Scherer
Acoats... . . C. W. Christie
Circulation .. ............Perry M. Hayden
Publication..............Lawrence Pierce


Is it that art in the United States
is, becoming more and more mingled
with commercialism, or is it that this
country is beginning to appreciate its

values much'I more than in former'
This question is prompted by the
recent news that many of the most
famous opera houses in South Amer-
ica are on the verge of being closed
because they are unable to attract the
best artists. The managers complain
that because of the enormously high
salaries Aaierica pys, they are un-
able in any way to compete with us.
They are of theopinion, it seems, thatr
the artists are attracted here mainlyI
because of the vast sums involved.
If this be the truth it is indeed a
most serious situation. Is art becom-
ing a business? Will it too fall into
the commonplace?
To judge from= the interest given toI
art in'thO past few years here in the
United States, we are forced to take
issues with our neighbors. The mat-
ter of salaries is ,merely incidental.
It is rather that the American public1
is becoming more alert; and that the
artists are attracted here because theyj
are given a more marked and willing1
response. They are being appreciated5
more, and too, the elemnent of humant
interest is perhaps a more sincere one.
It is a matter of greater personial in-

Where ImanLIy U.a111m aWit Loyis P western is to be played. Lets it never
Fared down the aliment'ry canal be said that Minnesota is a pink tea
Of, the Minotaur so huge in span, school, that our rooters will not sup-'
The man-bodied bull and the bull- port the team. Minnesota is a red-
headed man, blooded school. At the game tomor,
Far off in the Cretan labyrinth. row, let us proclaim it to the world,
(To be continued) not only through our football team,'
ARISTOPHANES. but through the way we support it.
Following is the editorial published
The item at the top of the column, The Daily Cardinal
Nine people-mostly girls, doesn't PINK TEA WISCONSIN-
mean anything tq us, but a guy who'
Wisconsin went down to defeat, noti
has been very critical indeed sug- a tie, at the hands of Minnesota yes-:
gested that we use it instead of the'
terday and the responsibility for that
"lame gags that you've been running ,
"amthe gagspthayou'venrolumnningedefeat, lies at the feet of he Wisconsin
at the top of your wet column." We student body and alumni!
certainly hope you enjoy it.
cyCheering of the weakest and most
A puerile sort greeted the valiant efforts
AGAINST OUR L B RARYof the Badger team on Randall field
Although I'm scarcely five feet y
Syesterday. Big brawny mluscular
four, voiced men with dainty damsels at
I've bravely tried and stretched their sides feebly hurrahedsforetheir
and tried; team or breathed a few mumbled
In every reading room there is, words of "On Wisconsin," as a concil-
The Century Dictionary's skied. lation to the earnest invocations of
Dear A-B-Celt and Salsi-Tech, cheer leador Ez Crane and his men.
Drop E-F-G and Proper Names, Time after time, Larry Hall, pep
How sad it is that you're no more, leader of a few years back, fervently
Meant for the use of tiny dames! called for lunged supported only to go
I cannot buy the costly thing, through the motions of a skyrocket in
And spread it on the parlor floor; ludicrous silence while the Minnesota
I use the general one perforce, stands, bellowed and roared and in
spite of their limited numbers drown-


excitement with one of his father's I for one will withdraw and I knowI
nightgowns and a little kindling wood. of others who will do the same. But'
Our conservative University of Mich- I will have to be shown as will thou-
sands of other members."
igan was given a similar scare in the
fall of 1921 when a member of the
faculty "admitted" that he was a mem- IIt should here be made known thatr
ber of the Klan and furthermore that this faculty man's name was never
he was proud of it. made known. The reporter was made
He said: "The Ku Klux Klan is an to understand that secrecy was es-
organization of true American men, sential even in a friendly conversation
in the highest sense of the term, who with a college newspaper reporter, and
want the laws of America to express the student journalist did not violate
the true fundamentals of the Declara- this trust.
tion of Independence and who want Two years have passed since thati
the enforcement of the law to be with- professor made his declaration to thel
out fear or fav ror. repoter. It would be interesting to
"It is not intended to make war ku now what progress the Klan has'
upon any particular group, but it is imiade. I would be still more.interest-
to make sure that no particular group infg to know the mind of the Klan pro-
will make war upon America. - ;fessor, if he is still a member of tile
"I do not approve of some of the Klan. If he perhaps is, we may ex-'
things that a Michigan kewspaper pect to find a charred bit of wood on
h;s said about the Klan; if however the Library lawn tomorrow morning.
this paper can prove that these things Or perhaps some student wag will
were done in the name of the Klan, do it.

Central 'irne (Slow 'rime)
Leave Chamber of Commerce
Week Days Sundays
6:45 a.1. . 6:45 a. n.
12:45 p. m. 6:45 p. m.
4:45 p. m.
JAS. H. ELLIOTT, Proprietor
Phone 926-'M Adrian, Mich.
Limiteds: 6 a. m., 9:10 a. m. and
every two hours to 9:10 p. m.
Express: 7 a. m., 8 a. m. and every
two hours to 8 p. m.
Locals: 7 a. m., 8:55 a. m. and
every two hours to 8:55 p. m.,
11 p. in. To Ypsilanti only, 11:40
p. in., 12:25 a. m. and 1:15 a. m.
Limiteds: 8:47 a. m. and every two
hours to 8:47 p.in.
Express (im.aking local stops) :"9:50
a. m. and every two hours to 9:50
p. m.
Locals: 7:50 a. m., 12:10 a. m.

dennie Caplan
John Conlin
Allin B. Crouch
Louis M. Dexter,
Joseph J. Finn
David A. Fox
Lauren Inaight
le. E. Hawkinson

Edw. D. Hoedlemaker
Harold A. Marks
Byron Parker
H. M. Rockwell
IH. E. Rose
Will Weise
C. F!. White
R. C. Winter

fAnd must its altitude deptore
I will not use another make,
The Century's my life-long frier
Till it's set down within my rei
My education's at an end.
I would our flossy arclitect
Had made a ten-foot pop
Unpainted, if the funds gavec
And set it where we'd all be ab
To olTen every book at ponce-
Compare the use of nounsa


I ed the whispers of Wisconsin's thou-
Men of Wisconsin! Has the old Bad-
ger spirit gone so far into the depths
of memory that a football game means
nothing more than a pleasing date?
Do you know that the women make
more noise now than you do, and that
even though they accept your invita-
tions to games they would rather go
alone and cheer for the team?
One man in the crowd yesterday
grumbled every time he had to stand
up because he happened to be com-


- terest ,
Two hard games now remain before Twenty-Five Years
Michigan can again lay claim to the-
Conference championship. The Mich- A o At lichzgan
igan-Iowa game Saturday completed
only half the Wolverine Conference 11From the files of thie U. of M. Daily,
competition for ,this year, and, al- Noyeinmber 6, 1898
though some sport writers believe the
hardest half of the schedule is com- Owing to the rush of press matter
pleted, there are 'still two difficult on the wires of Evanston, it was ab-
games to be won. The season how- r solutely impossible for the Daily toI
ever is quickly closing and this month secure a longer account of the game
will see the making or breaking of tan she did for her extra, the. first
thea championship hopeWs..hall extra ever put out by a col-
Only a short timq after the Minne- lege newspaper. It reports however
sota game which is the last on this a victory for the Varsity of G to 5
year's schedule, the Conference foot- over her opponent, Northwestern.
ball mentors will meet to decide the Students at Northwestern are about
games their respective teams will to become proficient in the art of get-
compete in next fall. It is true that ting married or Professor Cumorock
next season is a year away but it is of the scholl of oratory will know the
just at this time that popular expres- reason why. There are to be no more
sion should signify the type of sched- awkward grooms or frightened brides,
ule desired by the students and the . .
or nervous bridesmaids or grooms-
alumni of the University. men when the graduates of North-
Cornell has, to the present, carried .h
western, come to the point of getting
through a consistent and successful maried. The groom will be taught to
season and is now rated as the strong- lunge into his pocket for the ring
est teani in the east by sport writers and get it out at the first effort, and
throughout the country. Her victory thus save ten years wear and tear
over' Dartmiouth last Saturday was tme on pis nervous system when the real
crown to her hope's for Dartmouth had y
a tem wichwasadmtfely upeiorday of fate arrives. The bride will be
a team which was admittedly superior trained to keep the color in her cheeks
to the Harvard team which it defeated amd to look
andto ookneither supremely sorrow-
several weeks ago. Michigan at pres- ful or intensely happy. The course
ent, without question, the strongest will not contain a love making branch
taam in the west. But a game this . .
for at a coeducationaly institution, the'
year between these two ancient rivals it themselves. It is understood that
is of course out of the question. students can take care of that part of
Next year's schgdule, however, is ibe the responses. It will be no longer
now being dcided and, if its makers the greatest point in the course will
give any consideration at all to the impossible for the spectators to make
desires of the supporters of the Wol- out whether tie parties in interest
verine tem-, they cannot fail to recog- ,have said, " will" or "I won't"? The
nize the populr demand for an east-
answer in every case will ring out
rern cewo >1. \ 1s:2 end home game like a pilot hailing a boat at sea.
' ith ed 'r s i or Pennsylvania isI .ai-
Tonght the final debate of the Lit-
the desire 'f I > olid student body -arv nenartment will be held in room
anmd aluumni a University. 24. The Alpha Nu will be represented
Now when ts schedule is still in by F. . Rheinfrank, A. R. Wistrand,
the making is the -time for followers of and G. A. Ohlinger, and the Adelphi
the Maize and Blue to make their de- by L. Young, C. D. Hurrey and A.'
sires on this matter known to the Evans. The winners of this debate
proper authorities as no amount of meet the winners in tomorrow's de-
protest or grumbling can afterwards bate for the filal University contest.
produce any results. At the Boston meeting of the Amern-

If this privilege w(.re mine,
fortable while sitting down. May he
How 'twould improve my comic and his lady friend who seemed
blurbs!Il. M. P. amused at his sallies never visit a
Wisconsin game again and pass them-
Nete on the Klan selves off as loyal Wisconsin alumni!
The iight-gown brigade is certainly It may be bordering on mob rule
trying to get a death-grip on the edu- and Ku Kluxism to suggest it, but
cational centers of the country. The some organizations ought to be start
somelorganizationsdoughtdtoibe start
Goblins and Wizards and King Kluds ed to shanghai those men who insist
are running a life membership cam-I on fussing to the game. It's a man's
paign at Princeton, it would seem; game, men, and it's a game won not
it is rumored that hoods have been by eleven men but by the earnest co-
found under pillows in the Harvard operation of every rooting supporter.
dormitories; and now they stage a Wisconsin today has an ignoble rep-
swell exhibition in the great Mihigan utation of being the "co-eds' paradise."
edtcatlonll center, Ypsilanti. 'Wisconsin acknowledges and respects
The Ku Kluxers are most subtle in the woman's right to be here, but it,
their approach to this last citadel of resents tie disgrace of the charge.
conservativee intellect:f theychave'
SConservative intellect: they have Occurrences such as that at the game
erected the jolly symbol of their or- esterday serve only to strengthen the
ganization at three points between report.
here and Jackson, hoping thus to con- is this a man's school? Or is it a
vince tie canny stadtholders that jellyfish place where effeminate young-
Klanism is the ultimate in social, po- sters Stacomb their hair and lisp 'Ye
litical, and religious thought. This team" a one would say "May I have
appeal to the mental equipment of this next dance"?
passible Ku Kluxers is the most fetch- W
Wisconsin has had its heroes in the
ing thing about the organization, and past and it has its heroes of the pres-
is undoubtedly responsible for its rap- ent. In the past these heroes were
id development in this country. respected and honored, today they are
Well, if they convert Ypsi, the coun- left unlaureled due to a preference for
try's doomed, that's all. Ithe allurements of the sorority porch,
evening dance, and coupe ride.
Caligula last year used to say; quite Two games are left. Wisconsin can
often, that he thought the Rolls could make good by contracting 8,000 sore
exert a great force for good on the throats on both these week-ends. The
campus which is the home of this coll. women are good sports and contract
An womenare soy sthrttand cntr.c
And we daresay that he did. theirs, if the men won't pester them
All his achievements, however, must I with dates.
fade into the eternal limbo beside the Put a little rosin on your spine,
one which we, Jason Cowles, have ac- men, wipe off that powder on your
complished. Do you remember, Girls nose, wear a flannel shirt, if you like!
and Boys, what we said a few weeks Be a man! The consciousness of one
ago about the cherubim that hold the game lost should rest heavily and per-
sign on the Clem Library? We sug- sonally 'on Wisconsin men. Reforma-
gested that they be filed off. Well tion comes too late for Minnesota, but
(don't get excited now) they haven't a lesson may have been learned.
been filed off, but they've been repair- I

<<,? i
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; . ,o.N_ ._.__ _a

' t?+ k II


et last! Soft. grain leather
Walk-Over grain leather is tough and
warm, but it has that new, softer finish
that is so comfortable. Here's the Del-
mar, brand new, wide at the throat,
with the blunt lines that make Walk-
Over grain leaiher btog es the witer
oxford style for nen.
-if '


ed, polished up, their hair has been
combed with a stone chisel, the hold-
up-this-damn-sign-or-bust look has Y EST ER D A Y j
been smoothed offa their little mugs, B.SMYTI-E
and the whole facade of the buildingy
has been improved some 300 percent.
We, the originators and boosters of KNIGHTHOOD IS IN FLOWER
this reform, bow to a gratified public The sign of the fiery cross at Prince-
. .We are now one up on ton, Harvard and Ypsilanti may mean
Chimes. that an organization known as the


f, ~' 'l' zfl wre' £'TTTAt 1 rn

can association for the advancement
of sciencea paper of mucli interest



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