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November 06, 1923 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-06

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flhl~nhlihl flirafih


W. Christmas
Workshop To Oe


It lii ~II~mIIIToys' and other gifts will be made
11111 I Ragain this year for the children o" the
Iinm niui ~hospitalI by menibcls of the *University
Ass Dilv tgii 1a i iio we ntti t flt, *ti openi from 2 to 5: 0o'clock W edrics-
$172730 (ay and Thursday .this week in stew-
berry hall, and will be cond~uctedo
these days each week hereafter until
MIlSS Me, U~tIII1)JDRECTS the beginning of C~hristmas vacation.
FOVIT 1DAY D)RIVE FOR FUMPNDS lvery woman on thie campus v,,ho
wishes to volunteer hier serices in this
t Exceeding the quota set by more than work, is asked to conme to thle work-
$200, the University Y. W. C. A. Satur- shol; and a ssist. "iea will be, served
day noon i ;ported that $1727.30 has ec ~eno hntewr si
been raised in their $1500 financial Nunmerous toys and gifts are being
drive which has been carried on since planned by the, comittee in charg~e.
Oct. 29. $759.15 of the amount There are 175 (lolls to be fdres sed, 150
was In cash payments, and the, re- ta!'letcn stockin ;, to be imacd and fil-
maining in. pledges to be redeemed ed and scambooks and paer doll sets
to be ineale. Last yoar the association
Nov. 19, Dec:, 10, or Jan. 7, de~s 175 dolls and filled. 140 stock-
Miss ;lean McArthur, campaign di-.
rector from~the finance service bureau ings. lMiss Dorothy Ketchum, of the
of the Nationial Young Women's Chris~- University hr -,pital, ,7ays that the chil-
tiana association., directed the drive. dren enjoy the doll:: more thsan any-
*Women who have not as yet been thing ch.;e wh ch can be dlone for tleml.
solicited aild who wish to contrib-'
lite to the fund, may bring their pledg- j USI CALE ... LEA( UJ
es to the Y. W. C. A. office in Newvber-. , I I : ...
ry hall. The office is open every dayTOGV E IA
until .5 o'clock.
- jMatinee Musicale studient league
Ifl IT niiiru Will give its firs : pub:lic recital at 4:15
EGT TVOIITC UI o'clock tomorrow. in 'the SeW olt of
IMusic auditorium. The programl will
FOR AnH[_R CONconsist of violin, piano, and vocal se-
'leg~ions. Admnission fee for non-mnen--
Eigh trout fo thearcem~ torn- Representatives of the Matinee Mus-
shooting last week and are requested ridor of the School of :Music during the
to report at 4 o'clock tomorrow to be- half hour preceding the concert to ac-
gin the actual competition. The fol- cp e ebr n oase
lowing girls made a sufficiently high cietinsewgneari nd toe a swter
average to participate in the contest:, crg anization.
June Notly) '25, Lucille Walker, '24, Matinee Musicale student league is
Mary Alshouse, '27, Hester Eppens, '26,, divided into three sections, piano, vo-
Nancy Harsh, '25, Wilmoth Luppold, sal and violin: Sep arate group meet-
'27,Margaret Draper, '26, and Norma ' igs are held once or twice a month
Clarke, '26. Although the competition according to tile decision of each'
is between individuals rather than be-i group, Public programs by the comn-
tween houses in ths tournament and Iblued groups will he given four times
the. interest is therefore less universal,, durinlg the year. Active membershipj
spectators are invited to witness the fee is $1.50; those who do not wVish1
matches,{ to attend the programps regularly mayj
Aspirants for the trophy offered for ! na"sscaemeresbypyn
the winner of the hockey tournament' a $2 fe,. Membership admits one to
will be narrowed down to four teams all the concerts given by the student
by Friday of this week. Kappa Alpha leagu~e and to the artist concerts given
theta will play: Pi Beta Phi at 5 b hlclMtneMscl f!
o'clock today if the weather is fav- wby hthe localeMtione Mialeniof
orable. Delta Zeta and Zeta Tau Alpha subsidiary.
will meet again on Friday to determine__________
the winner of their game, which was New York, Nov. 5.-The boar~d of
played to a tie last Friday. The «~in-; estimates yesterday appropriated $15,-
ners of these two gamnes wl be ar-' 000,O0q for new schools for New York
raigned against Betsy Barbour house City.

Honor loint. v llnot be accredited
to any one until shie has paid her
diue; to the Women's Athletic associa-
tion this year, regardless of whetherl
the points were earned this fall or pre-
vious to the current school year, Ex-
tension of the time limit for joining
the association has been granted for a
period of two weeks to acconmmodate
those who have not as yet had an op-
POrunt to sign upj.
Members of the athletic board wifl
ice ac the table in Barbour gymnasium
from 3 to 5 o'clock every afternoon
this week to accept the 75 cent niem-
berc:ship fee, and to explain any ques-
tions concerning the organization
whicha may be asked. If the applicant
leas less than 100 honor points to her
credit, her dlues will be 25 cents.
The entire new honor point system
will be announced in The Daily later.
Munich, Bavaria, Nov. 5.-It is re-
ported here that Gen. Ludendorff, al-
though a Prussian subject, ha o ac-
quired Bavarian citizenship.

Dean Jean Hlamilton will repeat lcec-
ture one of the Campus Activities ser-
ies at 4 o'clock today, in Sarah
Caswell Angell hail. All freshmen
and entering upperclass women who
missed the lecture when it was given
before will kindly report.

There will be no meeting of the'I The tryouts for Masques who, signed I
Michigan Dames today. The# next lup for work on costumes will. meet at
meeting will be Tuesday, Nov. 13. I 4 o'clock today in the work-shop onI
the second floor of Newberry hail to
Rifle practice classes begin today. hear the plans for the work.
fAll women who signed up for the s
Tuesday section will report at 4 o'- CimsW tsieTros
clock today at room 330, Engineering f New tryouts are needed for the ed-
building. The costume for this class itorial staff of Chimes, campus opinion
is the regulation gymnasium suit, or monthly. Opportunities are open for
knickers. f a number of jiors who will be elig-
ible for the position of managing edit-
Athena society, will meet at 7:151 or at the end or th~e year. Sophomores
o'clock tonight in the Alpha Nu rooms a re also need ed for the w'ork. They
of University hall. manuy report any afternoon this week to
John Bacon, '24, at the Chimes office
Iota Sigma Pi will meet at 7:15 o'-' in the Union.
clock in the library of the Marthal--

Mummers will meet at 4.
today at the Pi Beta Phi
836 Tappan road. Dues will
able at this meeting.
All women doing social

be pay-

work at the hospital in connection
with the University Y. W. (". A. are
invited to attend a party Thursday
night at Newberry hall. Invitations
have ben issued, but, anyone who has
not been n-otified is asked to conie any-
way, as some names have been omitted
through error.
All members of Masques and try-
outs are requested to be present at a
meeting at 5 o'clock tomorrow in Bar-
bour gymnasium.



Irll lll l l lpr l /1 ®


ant K.rappa1. KappaU.a n ie sem ~ii-
.finals of the tournament. -
A1 committee of five members of the.
,Senate council was appointed to coni-
eider candidates for honorary de-
grees, at the -meeting of that body held{
yesterday afternoon.

F.Ai @:! TiR



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Cora E' rif fi
Fran& Myo



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