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September 06, 1973 • Page Image 45

… Thursday, September 6, 1913 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Thursdt~y, September 6, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Basketball: legitimate darkhorse By GEORGE HASTINGS The 1973 Michigan basketball squad won't draw the pre-season raves from Big Ten cage Ana- lysts that its immediate prede- cessor did. This year's squad does not possess the height of the 1972 five, lacks its experience in the rugged conference play, has no big 6.10 center, and doe...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 46

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursciov_ ,P-nfP.I l,)0r A 1071 TH~ MICHIGAN DAILY Tk1 irc:Arni ~r',femk~.. t'~ 1 O7~ i l rui auuy, .)CpleITluer Q, 171 J : Basebalk WELCOMES YOU TO ofMI delicious PIZZA, SUBS & SANDWICHES!I r IJ / \ FREE DELIVERY! r6630511 FEATURING: " MR. TONY'S FAMOUS SUBMARINES! [all sizes up to 6-Ft.!] * DELICIOUS PIZZA [9; 12" & 14"] with 11 extra items! * new, exciting HOT TORPEDO SANDWICH! " MR. TONY'S taste-tanta...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 47

…Tage Seven Thursday, September 6, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wrestling: Penthouse By JIM ECKER Russia has its five-year plans. China toys with seven-year op- erations. But for the Michigan wrestlers, a brief two-year time- table projects the Wolverines in- to the NCAA grappling title pic- ture. And according to the sched- ule, this is the second year of their championship march. Last season, Michigan capped a brilliant undefeated dual meet ...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 48

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 6. 1973' -- I r- i Intra-Murals: Fun and By BRIAN DEMING Between the first quaddieburg- er and the last Gino Giant, be- tween the first toke and the last demonstration, between the first dreary lecture and the last skip- ped recitation, between the first Saturday night and the last morning after, there comes a time in the life of every U of M resident wh...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 49

…Page Ninc Thursday, September 6, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 6, 1973 THE MICHiGAN DAILY Page Nine's Football ticket info ED. NOTE: Information courtesy of Michigan Ticket De- partment. Students purchasing football tickets this year will be charged $18.00 through the Students Accounts Office. Each student will be given a football coupon during regis- tration. The coupon may be exchanged for a season ticket on the exchange ...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 50

…r Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY, Thursday, September 6, 1973 ; . 4 ;. =x . Page en TE MICIGANDAIL tins .f Y I t r LOW RATES-You can rent a refrigerator for as little as $3.64 per month. Televisions are as low as $4.68 per month. " VARIETY-The Cellar has 4 sizes of refrigerators from 2 i DAILY RENT-You pay only for the number of days you have the unit (3 month minimum). If you keep a frig for 7 months and 18 days, you pay for 7 months...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 52

…Thursday, September 6, 1973 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY . Y, It, I LOOKING FOR A VIABLE LIFESTYLE ALTERNATIVE? CO-oils THE BETTER WAY There are students and community co-ops at U-M and hundreds of other campuses across the U.S. and Canada. To find out more about co-ops, come to' NORTH AMERICAN STUDENT COOPERATIVE ORGANIZATION LEARN THE BETTER WAY Literature and information on the co-op movement, how to start c...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 53

… Thursday, September 6, 1913 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PneTh're .a c r r: ; scaping rom th By'MARTIN PORTER It seemed like suicide, but we were desperate to get out of Ann Arbor. . Fourteen degrees farenheit, 9:30 p.m. and we were going to hitch-hike to Chicago. Jim, Mike and I were sitting around discussing some mysteri- ous nausea that had sunk deep- ly into our stomachs during the previous week. No, it wasn't painful, nor did it disrupt an...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 54

…Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY I Th'u rsdav. Antombor 6: 1 C)7 Page Four TH~ MICHIGAN DAILY I I j t a%%Ayf )ap r- I luuI u It 7f :7 W HAT'S A STEAKC TV By ERIC SCHOCH Supplement Co-editor The University Television ter. Just the word telev Cen- 'ision themselves are made on broad- sisl cast 2-inch video tape, but some nee are also transferred tofilm and I-inch tape for audio visual use I- by schools and other groups. equ fro: THOUGH THE...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 55

…Thursday, SepternbOr 6, 1 ' 73 1 t-iF MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Thursday, September 6, 1973 IME MICHI(~AN UAILY Page ~ The following is a collection of comments by Daily staff and their friends about the wide selection of restaurants, in our com- munity. 0 u r schizophrenic reactions in some cases should prompt you to experi- mernt in the gastronomic arts yourself, formal dining UNIVERSITY CLUB . Michigan Union You must be a paid-up membe...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 56

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY I hursday, September 6, 19-73 Page Six THE|IC||GAN|DAIL -1-11 -1--l- -1 1 1 - ._. MICHIGAN e~L4 t woes s eto Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors, Graduate Students an DESERVE THE BEST and ULRICH'S SERVE THE BE! USED and NEW TEXTBOOKS at Up to 1 for every course on the Michigan Campus t0 '30 900 00 d Faculty IT , i i O~USED BOOKS Orstock of GOOD USED Books is the largest in the city and at the BEST PRICES! We g...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 57

…f____________ Page Seven Thursday, September 6, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Anr (Continued from Page 3) true that you have to be a genius to go to school there? . '" And so on .-. "Is it true that there is some- thing great going on?" We were lucky that a bell rang informing the kid to get himself outside to fill a tank. He excused himself, put on his gloves and went to service an army-green Econoline van. I was glad that he had left...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 58

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 6, 1973 PaeEihTEMIHGArAIYThrdaSetmbr.,17 _. OUR STORY There are over a dozen audio shops in Ann Ar- bor. We all sell basically the same gear. In spite of this, Douglass Sound has become the recognized leader in audio sales and service. Our humanistic approach to sales and the best after-sale warranty policy available have made us unique in the city. SHOP AROUND Do some comparisons. Check ...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 60

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursdav., SentemhAr rn A 9' Pa e T w H E M C H G N1A L E E1 .u+ ..iuy,,;.aC ,. crr ,a r v, i 7 r WE WANT YOU TO HEAR MORE Altec AR Empire Garrard Audio Analyst J.B.L. BASF KLH Beyer B&O B&W Dual David Clark Design- Acoustics 0 One of the area s tuners, tape recorders, Marantz Maxell Nortroni Ortofon Pioneer Phase Li Phillips USIC!! Revox Shure Sony Scotch Stanton Sennheiser cs TEAC Thorens TDK inear Ta...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 61

… I Thursday, September 6, 1973 THE MICHIGAN{ DAILY Mage Three Thursda, Septmber 6,1973 TE MICHGAN DAIY t1'ae Thre Putting together University concerts By ERIC SCHOCH supplement co-editor When describing the Ann Arbor and University c o n c e r t scene, perhaps "variety" is the best word to use. Bands and performers appear- ing at the University last year in- cluded Commander Cody and his Lost Planet Airmen, Stevie Won- der, Cheech and...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 62

…Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thi wrarlrnr ",onfimOnNor A 1 107 I. 1 I r*urbU(J/,,)e1.i emI LJr D, 1'7 t- .1 768030 ' Order Your Subscription Today 764-0558 Touring groups highlight local dance experience U NEW BOOKS BY U-M AUTHORS ERIC S. RABKIN Narrative Suspense "When Slim Turned Sideways . .. Using the insights afforded by structuralism, linguistics, and modern criticism, the author provides a seminal study of the function an...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 63

…Thursdoy, September 6, 1975 THE MICHIGAN OAILY Ptve Five Thu ~do, Setemer ~ 193 TE MCHIGN fAII .. .. _.. : I Film: Something for everyone By PTCI{AD GLAIZ E Several years Ago, cheap cam- pus alternatives to costly corn- mnercial film-going were altnost non-existent: Ann Arbor's' Cine- ma Guild offered weekend nov- ies at low prices, and they had little if any conmpetition. Hardly the state of affairs today, when one can see first-run co...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 64

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY I hursday September 6, 1973 Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY I I - - I - - , r - - - - lillfill p ouR HI-Ft SOUNDD I EAKU Spping your way toward sociabil By GLORIA JANE SMITH After a few months (or weeks or even hours) of T.G.s, dorm mixers and quaddie keggers, stu- dents here often feel the need- often the desperate need-to get out from under University rafters and into the community for a bit of entertainment a...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 65

…Thursday, September 6, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pace Sevarlu Thu rsday, September 6, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY F %.Svc ti7C V -- I t I Surv ing By GLORIA JANE SMITH Scanning stages cross-campusa it becomes immediately obvious that Ann Arbor is indeed a hot- bed of dramatic activity. Produc- tions, both amateur and profes- sional, conventional and experi- mental, are presented by no less than a d o z e n active theatre groups Outstanding o...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 66

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursdav. Seotember 6. 1973 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thiir utH r jlf c. i E 1 a i BLIND 208 SFIRST AN A Europeoi neighb Enjoy breakfas in the o ton.-fri. 9am.-2am - I i! In search of the best 4N ARBOR n cafe blues club & orhood tavern college concert series (Continued from Page 3) cessful but financial disasters. The next year there was talk of reviving the festival again, but no one ...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 67

…Thursday, September 6, 19-73 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Parse Nine Thurday Setembr 6 193 TE MI~iGN DiLYMAGAINEPag Nn Concerts, classical n clubs reflect 7usic interests (Continued from Page 3) tion. The Symphonic and Con- cert bands offer experience with different repertoire. All three e-i- sembles are open to participation4 by non-music majors upon audi- tion. Contact the School of Music information office for procedure. EACH TERM, th...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 68

…Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY rhursday, September-6, 1973 Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY rhursday, September 6, 1973 U k I HUMPHREYB0GARTin: Sahara The Caine Mutiny The Maltese Falcon MARLON BRANDO'S classic western One-Eyed Jacks SATYAJIT RAY Weekend CHARULATA and THE ADVERSARY LAURENCE0u1IVIER in Pride and Prejudice Also starring Greer Garson, Margaret O'Sullivan. Directed by Robert Z. Leonard T GARY COOPER and BARBARA STANWYCK...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 70

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY frhurdavi Sentemka, 0;1074' Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,,,u avuyf %JVPIGIIlut:t V, 1 717 la ^ I I I A Non-Profit Store Run by S R { S tuden t k + ti{ k t ,'P f d F A STUDENT BOOKSTORE RESPONSIVE TO YOUR NEEDS. BOOKS Books for all U courses Lots of USED BOOKS at Least 25% off Ciff Notes, Monarch Notes, Schaums Outlines Plus all sorts of books to while-away your time with SCHOOL SUPPLIES N...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 71

…Thursday, September d, 1973, THE MICHIGAN DAILY t-age Three Thr-a,Spebe -193TE IHGA-AL Courses: Select, don't settlel y By MARILYN RILEY You're on your own, kid. No doubt your parents, teach- ers, counselors, dermatologist and next-door neighbors have all told you that when you get to the Big U, there will be nobody there to hold your hand. They were right-sort of. When you're looking for an adviser to help you figure out how to grad...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 72

…Page Four I THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 6, 1973 Poge Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY I - -- - ! _ _ . _ . ... _ ur ob s 0 0I '0 tu ents..1 * 4 UU th t 68 AS O tat eans you The Office of Student Services (O.S.S.) exists to maintain the balance between student needs and the rest of the University commu- nity. Through the five units of O.S.S. (Housing, Health Service, Career Planning and Placement, Office of Special Services and Pr...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 73

…11, , Thursday, September 6, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY racge t'I Ye I Thu rsdy Speme 6 97 HEMCHGN AL I OFFICES OF SPECIAL SERVICE and PROGRAMS The International Center- F endly people plus Assists in financial, immigration, housing, and personal adjustment of international stud for Americans planning overseas study and travel. Ground Floor, Michigan Union (South Information apd 9310. counseling . Religious Affairs Office- g ~tCounseling of...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 74

…Page Six THE-MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 6, 1973 Pd~ Sb~ THEMICHiGAN DAILY Regents have the fi nal say By REBECCA WARNER. Raw power politics is pretty hard to find at the University these days, other than infighting between student government fig- ures. Administrative action here. has slowed to a sedate pace as student activism hibernates, and bills s tributi donate suppo' WHE men ( arrive slew o ed in rooms food a of shi se...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 75

…Thursday, September 6, 1973. THE MICHIGAN DAILY rage Seven Thursday, September 6, 1973 THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Page Seven .1 A oin the Crowds ... Enjoy Shopping at Follett's! The first few weeks in a new environment can be quite challenging to even the strongest of people. To many of you your whole life will change . . . the strong may become weak, the weak may become strong. Only time will tell where and how you fit into this new spectrum of...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 76

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 6, 1973 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 6, 1973- A choice in counseling Finding the classes and profs you want BY DIANE LEVICK supplement co-editor The days of scheduled appoint- ments with high school "guid- ance" counselors pouring over your SAT scores, predicting your future are gone. The only aca- demic counseling you'll get at the Big U is that which you request: I...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 77

…FREE ISSUE I L e ItIgan Paily FREE ISSUE t Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom Section One -General Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, September 6, 1973 Sixty-Four Pages i Financial aid picture , * 1FJYOUSEENEWS KCALL .DAtY Be it ever so humble .. If you're young, male and homeless, the University Housing Dept. definitely doesn't want you. Roughly 200 male students-sophomores through grads-have gotten the word that there's ju...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 78

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 6, 1973 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY I - -. i ill your, s /on ach witht emptying you pockets. r ur uarte ounder. C 1971 McDonaid's Carp.* Peek under the toasted sesame seed bun of our McDonald Quarter Pounder and you'll be nose to patty with beef: one thick, juicy quarter- pound of 100% pure beef. be smiling at two slices of cheese sandwiching one thick, juicy quarter-pound...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 79

…Thursday, Septernber..6, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY rage Three Thursday1 September. 6, ~ 973 EHE MICHIGAN DAILY v leming weathers the stor ms By REBECCA WARNER The political confrontations of the late sixties forced a number of exposed University faculty and administration figures to choose sides publicly. The time for vague liberalism seemed to be over when student demonstrators invaded the classrooms or sur- rounded the Administration...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 80

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I hursdoy, September 6, 19-73 Td I Welcome Fresh men to the UNIVERSITY of MICHIGAN and the CITY of ANN ARBOR We invite you to come downtown and shop in our department store. WE THINK YOU'LL LIKE WHAT YOU SEE.. . About the [ This Daily supplement is published as a service to incoming students, especially freshpersons, designed to acquaint them with the "Big U" and the city of Ann Arbor. Although some of the articles ar...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 81

…Thursday, September 6, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY *Page FivC Thursday, September 6, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fle m ng Tbl' ; . Y k+ 1: (Continued from Page 3) erate. You have to know that,'" Fleming says. Presently undisturbed by the "sometimes unpleasant" admin- istrative emergencies of the six- ties, Fleming has time to reflect on general directions of the Uni- versity. His turn of mind is patently academic-moral, delib-. crate and alwa...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 82

…Page Six prn GOkunD L r, r FRESjHPEO*PLE Luk is tine, and you can't have enough at it when taking chances. But when you make a really Jrn- Sportant investment, like buying fine jewelry, 0r watches, it's just not wise to trust luck, You want a reliable jeweler with proven knowledge ard integ- rity. As a memiber of the American Gem Society, Bay's_ ( Arcade Jewelry hop is well known for an adher- ence to ethical standards. The shop, located at 16...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 84

…Page Eight I HE MICHIGAN DAILY I hursdoy, September 6, 1973 Page Eight HE MICHIGAN DAILY 4tJ By DIANE LEVICK In the midst of Ann Arbor''s summer doldrums, the 14th an- nual Street Art Fair brought the city four days of fascinating ex- hibits, entertainment, and over 60,000 onlookers from all over the country. Held July 18-21 on S. Univer- sity Ave., the fair featured the work of 250 artists and crafts- persons from 30 states and Can- ada....…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 85

…Thursday, September 6, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY , _ n _ h I1t r. Thursday, September 6, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Noises...murder ...ghosts! By DIANE LEVICK Ghosts seem to pop up regu- larly in fraternities and in other haunts of fertile - minded stu- dents. Yet the "established" Ann Arbor area has a few of its own tales to offer to those who bother to unearth them. Closest to campus is the story of Dr Kellogg's Medical Works on Broadway, ...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 86

…Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 6, 1973 Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 6, 1973 . y.o_.._,._.. FHITHERE ! I AM AM APTERYX, A WINGLESS IR=D WITH HAIRY FEATHERS. Hove/AB~OUT A r LITTLE ACTO ,j ? - p ACTION is a growing movement of volunteers out to help people help themselves. It's the Peace Corps and VISTA, helping people overseas and right down the street. Please don't crawl under a rock. Get into ACTION...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 87

…Thursday, September E, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Poei.v Thursday, September 6, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Local 'porn': Business as By DIANE LEVICK "When properly viewed, every- thing is lewd; I could tell you tales about Peter Pan, And the Wizard of Oz is a 'dirty old man!" -Tom Lehfer from his song "Smut" In view of the June 21 Supreme Court r uli n g and subsequent crackdowns on obscenity, Lehrer, the Harvard math teacher turn- ed humo...…

September 06, 1973 • Page Image 88

…I I THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 6, 1973 __ Thursday,1SeiAember 6, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 6, 1973 1! 4 ?,q v f I i "I 342 EAST LIBERTY AT DIVISION HOURS 11:30-3:00 am. 7 Days a Week *.nC-IE : .A..D SVE * +®® eewweeu~~ (. / 769-8030 1 1 I Lage )-Lare Sqare i. r 1 1 " 18 10" 14" I / .7 2. 3.5 .70 1 / ~maI Medum Lrge iarg Squre/ l2' ~ 14'' ]6'' 18'' 1O''14 / T FOODS PIZZA MR. PIZZA now of...…

September 06, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…/ A SUNDAY DAILY See Editorial Page Y L 5kFAO 7!Iad1 INTOXICATING Nigh-84 Low--67" Partly cloudy, warm and windy Vol. LXXXI, No. 5 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, September 6, 1970 Ten Cents Ten Pages Poori By TAMMY JACOBS Daily News Analysis "We're here to collect an overdue debt," Mrs. Kate Emerson of the County Welfare Rights Organization (WRO) has been telling members of county churches for the past two weeks. Members of WRO and the...…

September 06, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…Page Two J . THE !MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, September 6, 197O'0 ai Casting an aura, of friendship in Stratford toot 4499V.W By LAURIE HARRIS TH1E BACK stage entrance a theatre is hardly what one not experienced in b a c k stages would expect. In Strat- ford, Ontario, it is a small room with fluorescent lighting, a desk, mailboxes 'and a door. Oh, and two seats for the eager signature hunter to relax in. Intermission during the Mer- chan...…

September 06, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…CONCERT CHAMBER STRINGS OF ANN ARBOR First Unitarian Church 1917 Washtenaw WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 9-8:00 P.M. Admission without charge DONATION TO CORRELLO /MEMORIAL FUND OF AA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA I i page three Q £frt ijzn 41P t fit NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 BUSINESS PHONE: 764-0554 Sunday, September 6, 1970 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three I ..... ........ t ~ * ....k X 5 A ** By The Associated Press Marxist wins slim in Chilean presidential ...…

September 06, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

… a special feature the Sunday daily by our staff Number 28 Night Editor: Jim Beattie September 6, 1970 Back in the U S. back in the Ky JONATHAN MILLER The first inkling that we had were approaching the United Ste when a stewardess walked up the the packed DC-8 with an aerosol of DDT. She was spraying us, she ed, because U.S. "health" regul quired that she do so. That trick may work with a load of middle class tourists buta college stu...…

September 06, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 5) • Page Image 5

…Sunday, September 6, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five For Direct Classified Service Phone 764-0 Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m.-Noon 557 UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES LINES 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days add. 2 1.00 2.00 2.40 3.20 3.90 4.50 .55 3 1.15 2.30 2.90 3.90 4.80 5.60 .75 4 1.30 2.60 3.60 4.80 5.90 6.80 .85 5 1.55 3.10 4.30 5.70 7.00 &.10 1.05 6 1.80 3.60 5.00 6.60 8.1O 9.40 1.20 7 2.05 4.10 5.65...…

September 06, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 5) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, September 6, 1970 Page IM Six T H M I HI A D AIL Y Sunday, September 6, 1970 E FALL TERM OF THE ICHAVEZ SUCCESS: Lettuce grower to negotiate with farm workers' union ICC calls railroads to account I A PROGRAM IN JEWISH STUDIES SALINAS, Calif. W) - C e s a r Chavez' United Farm Workers Or- ganizing Committee has scored a second major breakthrough in an interunion struggle t h a t has sharply curt...…

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