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September 06, 1973 - Image 67

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Michigan Daily, 1973-09-06

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Thursday, September 6, 19-73


Parse Nine

Thurday Setembr 6 193 TE MI~iGN DiLYMAGAINEPag Nn

classical n

clubs reflect
7usic interests

(Continued from Page 3)
tion. The Symphonic and Con-
cert bands offer experience with
different repertoire. All three e-i-
sembles are open to participation4
by non-music majors upon audi-
tion. Contact the School of Music
information office for procedure.
EACH TERM, the marching
and concert bands coinbine with
jazz lab bands from the music
school to present a "Bandorama"
program, replete with profes-
sional soloists. During the 1972-
73 season, "Doc" Severinson and
Maynard Ferguson, well - known
jazz trumpeters, appeared with
the bands on separate occasions.
The School of Music's Univer-
sity Choir and Chamber Choir
schedule several concerts each
semester, often in conjunction

with one another or with Univer-
sity orchestral ensembles. The
Chamber Choir is a smaller,
more select ensemble which has
represented the U n i v e r s i t y
around the U.S. and abroad, most
recently on a successful tour of
the Soviet Union.
Vocalists not enrolled in the
School of Music comprise the
Arts Chorale and Men's Glee
Club, both of which concertize
and mai n t a i n high musical
THE GLEE CLUB has a resi-
dent membership of 80 and a
touring contingent of 45 to 50.
Touring the U.S. annually in
May, the club travels out of the
country every ,four years. The
Men's Glee Club is the only U.S.
group to have won the Interna-

tional Musical Eisteddfod award
in Wales three times.
The club has scheduled a Nov.
9 concert in Hill Aud. in addition
to its annual spring concert for
1974. Those interested in joining
can attend the mass meeting at
7:30 p.m., Sept. 19,dor contact
the club's faculty advisor, Prof.
dim Shortt.
Timid listeners are not advised
to attend productions by the
Contemporary'Directions Ensem-
ble (sometimes known as the
"Subsidiary Directions Moving
and Storage Co."). Musicians
from every department of the
music s c h o o 1 present recent
(written during the past 5-10
y e a r s) compositions utilizing
chamber groups, percussion en-
sembles, soloists and electronic

Burton Towers 53 bells . .
A nice ringing in our ears

supplement co-editor
Your very first day on cam-
pus you'll discover a welcome
alternative to high school hall
bells ringing class changes: the1
Charles Baird Carillon marking
each 15 minutes with the "West-
minster Quarters."
Located high atop the Burton
Memorial Tower, the carillon
does much more than automatic-
ally ring in the hour. It serves
as 'an actual concert instrument.
What exactly is a carillon?
It's a set of musically tuned bells
of two octaves or more on which
one can play harmonized music.
Not to be confused with a
"chime," which can play only
melodies and no chords, the
carillon in Burton Tower con-
sists of 53 bells, varying in
weight from 12 pounds to 12
University Carilloneur Hudson
Ladd, along with his assistant
William De Turk, students, and
visiting carilloneurs, keeps the
campus ringing with music from
international folk songs to Scott
Joplin to hymns and sonatas.
FROM MAY through Oct. 1,
Ladd and guest performers give

weekly Monday concerts on the
carillon between 7 and 8 p.m.
Then Ladd and his students
resume regular pla ding hours
from 12 to 1 p.m. and/or 5 to 6
p.m. daily.
"I like to start out in the
classical vein," Ladd says
about his concerts, "and end up
with something popular and rel-
evant. I feel it's my duty to re-
late to students. If I play songs
that people know, they're more
likely to stop and listen to it."
For those interested in seeing
the carillon in operation, Ladd
opens the performance cabin to
the public during concerts twice
a year. Otherwise, tours of the
premises are conducted Wednes-
days 4 to 5 p.m. and Saturdays
12 to 1 p.m. during April through
THE BELLS of the carillon do
not swing; they are operated
mechanically by clappers which
strike to sound them. The play-
er sits on a bench at the operat-
ing console and pushes wooden
handles with fists and feet. The
handles, acting like keys, are
attached to stainless steel wires
which mope the clapper-,

Ladd emphasizes that the Uni-
versity runs a "very active
teaching program" for carillon.
"We're the first North American
university to give credit for caril-
Ion performance," he says.
Potential carillon students must
be enrolled in the School of
Music, hoyever, to receive ini-
versity credit for their study.
"It's imperative," Ladd explains,
"that the performer first has a
thorough knowledge of the piano
keyboard and some familarity
with the organ."
Ladd even has one Ohio student
who travels over 100 miles to
campus to take carillon lessons.
His students practice on a model
keyboard in Burton Tower be-
fore performing on the real
thing. The keys of the model,
however, are connected to xylo-
phone boards instead of bells.
WHETHER YOU'RE interested
in the technical aspects of this
instrument or not, the Charles
Baird Carillon offers a rather
unusual concert series with some
thing to appeal to most tastes.
Just listen . . . or better yet, go
see it.

SURPRISED and bewildered
audiences sometimes chuckle
audibly during a Contemporary
Directions performance, reflect-
ing not the quality of musician-
ship, which in the past has been
excellent, but usually the wild
unfamiliarity of material being
presented. The listener can ex-
pect anything . . . except falling
Representing the opposite end
of the musical spectrum is the
School of Music's equally exciting
Collegium Musicum. In recreat-
ing Rennaissance m u s i c and
d a n c e, the Collegium employs
authentic replicas of period cos-
tumes and instruments in their
renditions of ballads, madrigals
and dance forms. Collegium Mu-
sicum concerts may be found on
or off campus, and in the past
the ensemble has participated in
outdoor medieval festivals.
Clearly the University's most
exotic performance group is the
Javanese gamelan, a consort of
indigenous Indonesian instru-
ments which performs the tradi-
tional and modern music of that
IN ADDITION to these more
publicized e v e n t s, individual
music students perform several
fine degree and honors recitals'
each week, usually in therSchool
of Music's recital hall on North
Campus. The avid listener will
recognize this opportunity to ex-
pand knowledge of repertoire and
to hear the less common instru-
ments, such as tuba and double -
bass, in recital.
Also, organ majors perform on
the mammoth Frieze Memorial
pipe organ in Hill Aud., which
can be an overwhelming experi-
ence both audibly and visually.
Recital dates are published both
by The Daily and the Record.
A fledgling organization, the
year - old All - Campus Orchestra
fills a void in the established
musical order by providing a par-
ticipatory experience for non-
music school symphony players.
The orchestra rehearses regular-
ly and programs major sym-
phonic works in occasional con-
certs. Notices of .audition pro-
cedure should be published at the
beginning of fall semester.
THE BACH CLUB is campus-
based with no official University

affiliation. T h i s group provides
weekly musical programs rang-
ing from Renaissance to modern
compositions. There is a minimal
charge to cover refreshments,
and all who enjoy music are wel-
Musicians are drawn primarily
from the School of Music but
anyone feeling capable is invited
to perform. For more- informa-
tion, watch for the ubiquitous
Bach Club announcements, us-
ually dittoed and posted around
The range of musical possibili-
ties is unlimited. Sadly, a stu-
dent's time is not. But with all
that Ann Arbor offers, the music
lover is certain to find adequate
activity suited to his or her tastes
and talents.


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Fender, Gibson, Martin,
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Hohner, Maestro, Fender,j
Standard, Story, Clark,
Chickering, Mason-Hamlin
Lowrey, Farfisar s
Leslie Speakers
ALSO, Craig radios and tape recorders,

- P - 'A
We~y'm .i i d 'i
. .. and welcome to the Village Bel. The Village
Bell is a campus-based restaurant/bar, located
minutes from the Diag. A familiar meeting place
for students, the Village Bell'is a great place for
students to enjoy beer, wine, and mixed drinks.
It is also one of the finest campus restaurants,
joining food and drink in 'a relaxed atmosphere.
D i n n e r is served seven days a week; Monday
through Saturday 5:00 until 9:00, Sunday noon
until 9:00. Sandwiches available.
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