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September 06, 1973 - Image 76

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Michigan Daily, 1973-09-06

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Page Eight


Thursday, September 6, 1973

Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 6, 1973-

A choice in counseling

Finding the classes
and profs you want

supplement co-editor
The days of scheduled appoint-
ments with high school "guid-
ance" counselors pouring over
your SAT scores, predicting your
future are gone. The only aca-
demic counseling you'll get at the
Big U is that which you request:
It can be.all or nothing
As a freshperson in LSA you
can ch ose from two offices of-
fering different viewpoints: the
Freshman-Sophomore -Counseling
Office in 1213 Angell Hall and the
Student Counseling Office aown
the corridor in 1018.
The former is a regular Uni-
versity-run agency where mem-
bers on all levels of the teaching
staff are available for consulta-s
tion on a walk-in basis. The lat-
ter, though funded by the LSA
dean's office, is run exclusively
by students-all volunteersa ex-
cept for four student coordina-
tors minimally paid.

THE REAL difference between
the .two services is their perspec-
tives. Peter Honeyman, a sum-
mer coordinator for the Student
Counseling Office, compares his
service with that of a lawyer
and the University office with the
service of a judge: "They sort of
administer the rules; we try to
get around them."
Honeyman feels his office has
been "pretty successful in in-
forming students of the oppor-
tunities open to them." If, for in-
stance, a student finds a course
he or she wants is already
"closed," or if she or he doesn't
have the required prerequisites,
the Student Counseling Office can
point the way through various
channels to try to bypass the
"The more complicated a sys-
tem is," says Seth Comstock, a
summer coordinator of the same
office, "the more loopholes there
will be." And no one will dispute
that the University is a compli-
cated system.

"The important thing in couii-
seling," stresses 'Comstock, "is
to show students you've helped
how you went about doing it .. .
We can't help those who don't
want to help themselves."
OPEN 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. with
no lunch break, the Student.
Counseling Office's staff can rec-
ommend specific courses and pro-
fessors or help you explore your
own thoughts about your future.
"Quite a few freshmen come in
and say they're 'not interested
in anything'!" Comstock says.
"We try to motivate them to
figure out t h e m s e 1 v e s what
they're interested in," Honeyman
Harry Marsden, Assistant to
the Administrative Board of LSA
and a staff member in the Fresh-
man-Sophomore Counseling Of-
fice, feels his agency tries to do
the same. None of its counselors
are academically trained as such,
but they ,are faculty members
'im ie

such as graduate student teach-
ing fellows who "have some kind
of background and demonstrate
some kind of facility for this kind
of work with students," accord-
ing to Marsden. t
"We don't know nearly as much
as they (the Student Counseling
Office) about student reaction to
various courses and professors -
says Marsden, "but we have peo-
ple who can talk from the teach-
ing point of view-on what is ex-
pected from the student in a<
course, for instance. We're in a
better position to make referrals.
to other University agencies;.$
we're likely to know the people
who staff them.",
man, the Student Counseling Of-v
fice holds "a lot of respect" from
the faculty and administration.
Together, the counseling offices
offer much more than your high
school counselors probably did,
but it's up to you now. No sched-
uled appointments are forced up-
on you, though the resources are
here. Seek and ye shall find.
Academic alternatives help
students in s tructured rupt

Regi stration


steps to save sanity

If you've been through that
wonderful rite known as "fresh-
man orientation," your fall
schedule is probably all set. But
before you know it, course selec-
tion for winter term will be un-
der way. Don't panic. The follow-
ing is hopefully a comforting ex-

planation of the ominous - sound-
ing terms you'll face.
As with all phases of registra-
tion, the University publicizes-
in The Daily, for instance - the
dates of advance classification.
First, make an appointment with
your unit office. LSA freshper-

Finally, a women's
studies program.

sons, for example, would go the
LSA counseling offices in An-
gell Hall. What has been known
as the Freshman - Sophomore
Counseling Office in the past
will probably be'merged with the
Junior - Senior Office by fall,
Appointments are scheduled as
group sessions at which you will
receive course forms to fill out.
The counselor present will then
approve them and answer ques-
tions, but for personalized con-
sultation, LSA students are urg-
ed to see counselors beforehand
in 1213 Angell Hall or the Stu-
dent Counseling Office in room
At the group session you will
self-address a postcard which
will be sent to you in the case of
closed courses or scheduling con-
flicts. The advance classifica-
tion office may, however, just
give you a section meeting at a
time different than the one you
requested. That's one of the sur-
prises you may discover at pre-
To hold the places in courses
for which you advance classified,
you must pre-register. As soon as
the University announces this
phase, you can rush your weary
body over to the LSA bldg. lobby
(if you're in LSA) or to your re-
spective counseling offices (if
you're in another University
college) and pick up a registra-
Filling out the registrationnaire
can be quite a trip. Although the
form lists some information as
optional, students have been
known to enter their religion as
"druid", "Zoroastrian," "existen-
tialist," "sanity," or "witch-
.craft." Their "country of citizen-
ship might be "Amerika," and
their pastor might be "Satan." It
is advisable, however, to enter
one's real name and address. '
With ID and registrationnaire
in hand, proceed to Waterman
Gym and just follow everybody
else. Registration workers will
give you instructions as well as
a handful of IBM cards, one of
which will show your. final sched-
ule. You'll get a fee assessment
form and have your ID validated
for the next term, too.
If you've pre-registered, you
can ignore regular registration,
which comes at the beginning of
each term, unless you want to
drop a course and/or add a new
You can drop-add beginning on
the second day of registration.
Go to your counseling office and
have a counselor approve your
drop-add form. Take it to Wat-
erman Gym where you will find
drop cards and adid cards to fill
You may drop and add courses
during the first two weeks of
classes as well. Your counseling
office will supply the forms and
tell you what to do with them.
In any case, you must get your
form signed by the department
of the course you're dropping and
of the one you're adding.
Good luck!

(Continued from Page 3)
classes in general, or if there is
a subject matter you wivant to
study and there is no class or
those you find are not satisfac-
tory, then you should find a kind-
ly professor who will sponsor you
for a semester of independent
Generally speaking, the num-
ber of credit hours, the aiount
of supervision supplied by the
professor, and any requirements
such as tests, written ,work or
oral presentations will be entire-
ly bqtween you and the professor.
Soon, literary college students
may be able to get credit for
some lower level courses merely
by passing a comprehensive test
in the .subject. This "credit by
exanrnation" plan was approved
by the literary college last Wn-
ter term, but most departments
are still attempting to figure out
how to deal with the situation
(Continued from Page 3)
sial mass transit plan, during the
last city elections.
Scanning the cluttered RC bul-
letin board, one senses the spon-
taneity of events ranging from
poetry-readings to concerts to
parties-a gala Coronation Ball
was held on inauguration day.
Now RC members await the
arrival of the new director for
hints of new trends.
Finally, in the winter of '72
Couzens caught on to the revolu-
tion in dorm living and educa-
Couzens differs from Lloyd and
East Quad in that half the resi-
dents are engineering and nurs-
ing students, the others LSA.
A. COUZENS GOAL of five in-
tra-dorm seminars, therefore, is
to bring together students from
varied vocational choices.
And.construction of a "Couzens
machine" is now underway to
make the bridge fiends and mus-
ical virtuosos aware of each
others talents this fall.
Although not on the same scale
or its parent, Pilot, the Couzens
program is demonstrating that it,
too, has growing appeal for stu-

and devising tests for various
The English department seems
to have the jump on the other
departments, and officially says
that credit by examination is
available this fall.
Individual s
If you want to graduate from
the University having officially
"majored" in something but that
something is not offered as a
concentration by the- University
then LSA has its Program of In-
dividual Concentration.
This program will allow you to
make up your own maj:r using
various courses from severail dif-
ferent departments as you see
fit. If you decide on an Indi-
vidual Concentration then you
have to work it out with the
counselors of the departments in-
volved and eventually apply for
an Individual Concentration to
the Committee on Interdiscipi-
nary Studies.
One possible drawbak of such
a concentration is that it is neces-
sary to chart your academic ca-
reer very early, which many stu-
dents find impossible to do.
Foreign stud y
Finally, if you can't find any-
thing here you like, before you

drop out there is the option of
foreign study.
There are several University-
sponsored foreign study programs
which will count as credit for
graduation from the Big U. The
literary college offers two junior
year programs, one -in France
and one in Germany, plus the
University participates in the
Intercollegiate Center for Classi-
cal Studies in Rome. There are
also summer study programs in
Florence, Paris, London, and La-
One can participate in a study
program at Ibero American Uni-
versity in Mexico, and the Center
for " Afro-American and Afri-an
Studies sponsors the Study in the
Black World and Exchange Pro-
gram which offers an academic
year of study at one of several
universities in Africa and the
The School of Education also
offers courses in education at
the Universities of Sheffield,
Keele and Edinburgh.
All in all, academic alterna-
tives do exist at the University,
but like most good things they
take a little extra effort to search
out and take advantage of. And
you have to do the searching
yourself, but most students will
tell you it is worth the effort.

(Continued from Page 3)
can't let you drop a course late.
This is hogwash. Students have
been known to drop courses right
up to the final. Some have even
managed to drop courses retro-
Although counselor number
one won't let you drop, there is
bound to be somebody who is
willing to free you with the mag-
ic signature. Just beef up your
sales pitch and try another coun-
selor. If that fails, go to the di-
rector of the Freshman - Sopho-
more Counseling Office to plead
your case.
If, for whatever reasons (legi-
(Continued from Page 3)
number of papers and had good
course evaluations. "I don't un-
derstand, how they-didn't give me
tenure," he said.
ALTHOUGH NOT specifically
mentioned by anyone in the
chemistry department, the de-
cision seemed to be political.
Green taught his classes in a
rather untraditional manner., In
addition, Green had been sus-
pended from his duties earlier in
the year for showing an anti-war
slide presentation to his classes.
Dunn, who ordered the suspen-
sion, claimed the slide show dem-
onstrated a misuse of class time.
Green, on the other hand believed
the slides demonstrated the "mis-
use that is possible of technology
taught at the University. De-
fending the relevancy of the
.show, he continued, "Our edu-
cational goals are not to impart
our technical expertise in a
vacuum, but rather to pass on
the relevancy of our skills."
Dunn reinstated Green after
the formation of a review com-
mittee to look into the entire
affair. The committee reported
that Green had indeed misused
class time, while at the same
time it criticized Dunn for over-
reacting to the situation.
THE EMPHASIS on publication
coupled with attacks on radical
teaching approaches will make it
harder for the innovative, inter-
esting teacher to survive thie Uni-
versity. It will be students who
lose out in the long run, as more
and more professors are forced to

timate or otherwise), you are de-
termined to drop a course, do
not take no for an answer. Keep
on going up the hierarchy un-
til you get what you# want.
LET'S SAY YOU lucked out
and got into a great course.' The
professor is a good teacher, dis-
cussions are stimulating and the
readings are informative. Savor
it, because it doesn't happen of-
There are still some techniques
you can develop to make your
semester a profitable one. The
ability to negotiate is perhaps
the most important of these.
There may come a time dur-
ing the semester when you feel
a term paper or exam you wrote
received a lower gade than it
deserved. Do not hesitate-to talk
to the professor about it. There's
a chance he or she may have
misunderstood the point you
were trying to make. Or maybe
you misunderstood a test ques-
tion because it was poorly
Although the idea of groveling
for a few extra points may not
appeal to you, you may be put-
ting yourself ata disadvantage
if you don't even try, since just
about everybody haggles over
points when exams are returned.
NEGOTIATING ability also
comes in handy when you are in
a bind with an assignment dead-
line. If you work it right, a little
fast talking can get you needed
extra time without lowering your
All you have to do is come up
with a believable story. Since
many heads are better than one,
you may get ,the best results by
pooling ideas with the people on
your corridor during one of those
sessions when you're all sitting
around getting stoned (talking
about how much work you have
to do.)
As you may have guessed by
now, fibbing,, fast talking and
general underhanded activity will.
get you a long way at this Uni-
But take heart. It's not all that
crass. Sometimes a little ideal-
ism breaks through your cynical
exterior. And . sometimes you
may even enjoy your work.
thing to remember is that few
things at this university are ab-
solute. The rule can always be
bent or broken; the requirements
can sgmetimes be avoided.
But whatever you do, don't
just plug yourself into the sys-
tem and let it run your life for
four years. That's cheating!






(Continued from Page 6)
Program, believes the program
will expand as interest and par-
ticipation grows.
The three official women's
studies courses are interdiscip-
linary. Wahlstrom describes them
as courses designed "to explore
the myths about women, their
socialization and their roles."
In addition to a standard lec-
ture and section format, the in-
troductory c o u r s e (Women's
Studies 240) will sponsor field
projects, availing students the op-
portunity to work in the women's


ward at local hospitals, at the
jail and the Women's Crisis 'Cen-
Wide ranging projects have
,paid off in the past for women's
studies. One of the first courses
taught was given a grant to
teach students how to use TV
A VIDEOTAPE on rape pro-
duced by women's studies* stu-
dents was shown at the Michigan
Women's Political Caucus in
May, at an Ann Arbor Commu-
nity Women's Symposium, and in
various University classes.

s i
It _
" Yr

One of the most familiar sights
on the University of Michigan
campus is people sitting on the
steps of the Michigan Union.
This ad is an attempt on the
part of the Michigari Union to.
move those on the steps into
the building. The Union has a
number of facilities and serv-
ices located under its roof. So,
the next time you find yourself
sitting there, go inside
you'll find it a nice place to
spend your time.



Regents: Wielding
power from afar

(Continued from Page 6)
as a rubber stamp for the poli-
cies of the Executive Officers?
Most of the monthly agenda for
the Regents comprises adminis-
trative paperwork a p p r o v e d
without discussionrand the group
relies on -briefing from the execu-
tive. officers in nearly every
issue they decide.
HOWEVER, THE .power of the
Regental rubber stamp is not
to be sneezed at. The body can
okay a four million dollar library
renovation plan in less than half
an hour, as they did in February.
Or they can stall, table and
turn back reforms pushed by
student and faculty groups for
months or years. Such was the'
treatment of the policy against
classified defense research, fi-
nally passed in a severely w iter-
ed-down form in March 1972 after
two years of deliberation.
The Reants more tha, anv

demands after a massive strike
in spring 1970. An LSA building
sit-in at which 107 people were
arrested and the tension of con-
ferring in a meeting room pack-
ed with angry students apparent-
ly convinced the Regents to ap-
prove a student-controlled book-
store in fall 1969.
However, as activism cools,
the Regents too became less en-
thusiastic about reform.
Of course the Regents do not
present a completely unified
front. Regents James Waters (D-
Muskegon), Hueb'ner and Dunn
occasionally distinguish them-
selves from the pack with liber-
al debate'and voting.
But Regent Robert Brown (R-
Kalamazoo), certainly represent-
ed one aspect of the board's
feelings about change within the
University in Spring 1972 when
the Regents rejected a proposal
for an Afro-American housing

/ "~ ..

1YV~J3T.. 00-O3d!
an OW ,flI) qoxc fcc. o
ope. 1 q Z7cp h ..7 0 103
p1X1Qt: 4i_____OIT n }

Bowling Lanes,
Billiard Tables
Music Practice Rooms
A Lounge
Barber Shop
Snack Bar
Souvenir Stand
The University Club
Hotel Rooms for Campus Visitors
R inna nnd MA tinn Rnn oom

Office of Student Services (O.S.S.)
Office of Special Services and Programs (O.S.S.P.) .
Office for Student Services Counseling
(including 76-GUIDE)
International Center -
Alumni Association
Development Council and Gift Receiving
University Activities Center (U.A.C.)
Student Government Council (S.G.C.)
Office of Religious Affairs
Inter Co-on Council (I C.C.)



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