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January 27, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 91) • Page Image 5

…v/ u F*. pe two and medley relay races for col- leges,and the interscholastic one mile 'LISTS IIU ACS[GOLDEN BEAR ASKS MEE~d T WIT B A LB .SDGE LUI U RIV UNU HI1310' a . FORMER MICHIGAN COACH IS WELL STOCKED WITH LAST YEAR'S VETERANS Urbana, Ill., Jan. 26.-Coach Carl Lundgren has gathered together his rookies and his baseball champions of last spring and practice is being held in the Illinois Armory every aft- ernoon. Prospects today seem e...…

January 27, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 91) • Page Image 6

…IA.] IN )PBE 1 iOFI ILDING I OKs *A. 4G. Ruthven, director of the mn. gave an illustrated lecture urneys of a Nturalist in South *W" at Three Oaks Sunday under Vetion of the University Exten- ievide. Yesterday Prof. Emi of the architectural college on "How to Judge a Work of ctre"In Ierot; Prof, . W. D. 'sun, iretor of the Extension , discussed "The Boy°Probem" ding; and Prof. R. K.Immel, of tblc speaking department, gave ervant. in the H...…

January 27, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 91) • Page Image 7

…LISTS Fl EXTRA HOP TODAY gow Screen Arcade-Wallace Reid in "Rent ( aestic-Richard Blartelmess in "~Tol'able David." ( Wuerth-Marie Prevost in "A' Parisian Scandal," Orpeum- Lottie Pickford in Re"TSheikay" wthRudolph j All organizations whose listsj of guests for the Junior Hop are j to appear in the Hop extra must mail or bring to the editorial of- flees of The Daily :a typewritten !list of guests, not later than Mon- 1day evening, Feb. 6...…

January 27, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 91) • Page Image 8

…tend( dical students are pdvised not to elect this course, as it is narily for those not planning to specialize in medicine. L. V. HEILBRUNN. Number 91 li 1 News of the IN BRIEF V 1922 the Arts: e Literary Faculty Monday. Jan. 30, at ider the final report of the Committee on the Committee on Revision of Entrance A. G. HALL, Registrar. Twilight Faculty Concert Series: The next number in this series will be givtn in Hill Auditorium, Sun-...…

January 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

…AND WARMER OW FLURRIES 04 1 AIWA k6 A .: 4 ... atA a jDAY ANDDTI( I SERV] 11. No. 90 ANN AR3Oi l MICHIGAi THURSDAY, JAkUARY 26, 1922 PRICE "Rica r 9FARMER TO BOARU' 15 iMPRACTICABLEI -CALHOUN BELIEVES AGRICULTURISTS CAN- NOT BE HELPED BY BILL - CLAIMS ACTION WOULD BE CLASS LEGISLATION Says.Federal Reerve System Must Be Free of Polities to Function Properly That the attempt by the "agricultur- al bloc" in the senate to force the p...…

January 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 90) • Page Image 2

…T f ulv eaclusle entitled to the se to itches credited to it or not otherwis' Sloca sew. publishedthere.' at Ann Arbor. Michigsn "eeeosu wuard Street I, if signed, the sig. ut as an evidence of in The Daily at the to The, Daily office sideration No man loses postae. ethe sentiments el. EDITORAL STAFF }my j ryji -Telepone 414 p , [NO EDITOR .......... BREWSTER P. CAMPBELL Maaging . .ltdl . Hugh W. Hiccock or '.:.~.*.*.. .......*... R P.ILov...…

January 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 90) • Page Image 3

…11 _ are S pecies OI Birds Seen Here TO week left for the com- aarios intended for the e, prospective entrants qick action by those in contest. A number of .e already turned in narios and indications ,est will be in' well be- ing of the competition xt Tuesday night, Jan atative of the producers appointed to assist in of " the picture will be again this week, with om 2 to 4 o'clock today rooms of the Press will be readytosconsult nt writers ...…

January 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 90) • Page Image 4

… , , " f.." , + muol , " 4 ri .. 40 .. : . 1.i r idi .... . ... ... Alumr Hotel .t rece at of]I Dublin.' . SVake .7ebr ni Dance, Fri- Something for 'sale? A Classified J 7 r AM PiD'aTht........ '1 Statler. Ini- Wi in The Daily will find a buyer.-- AL V5a J&515L4in s iDt Theta h.................03 3 AdvY. H __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __-Phi Kappa Sigma.............0 5 IThe finals standings of the frater-. Medic League IflII t1IIIIIII...…

January 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 90) • Page Image 5

…i be Fr IlU ,n. 24.-The add-' ial events to the et with the ap- ches throughout g to K. L. Wil' of Drake uni- ties and colleges, Di- ays, often are unable, 1 relay team but have sually good men who rs individually. The champions to these different sections of .riably results in rec- itests. Ural Items determined by elimination, the teamI rolling the highest score in this gamej winning, regardless of previous scores. Junior engineers are hi...…

January 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 90) • Page Image 6

…LHOUN WARNS A- as print- he Daily I n ~Arbor. ence. one went. into each of the three bookstores on State street and priced the book "Eighteen Thousand Words Often Mis- pronounced" by Phyfe. Two of them asked $2.00 for the piece, while the third considered $1.75 sufficient, This is but one example. There are many more-one needs but to pay a friendly visit to our bookstores to be -onvinced beyond a doubt that the stu- dent body is being impo...…

January 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 90) • Page Image 7

…have their the Juni given March and gownr 5. TODAY Screen 11 ne- work i Arcade-Wallace Reid in "Rent F:ee." Majestic-Richard Bartelmess in "Tol'able David." Wuierth-Marie Prevost in "A Parisian Scandal." get a supply of 3 from the booth last over the ex- e the booth will Orpheum-Alice Lake chartered Seas." In s"Un- Rae-"The Sheik," with Rudolph Valentino. Shave money collected iUniversity hail should orothy Jeffreys, '24, by sh to wor...…

January 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 90) • Page Image 8

…L L t I I' Professor John B. Andrews, a member c ployment Conference, will speak on the pro] students in Labor Problems today (Thursda: Econoimcs building. All those who are intere em of unemployment to the at 11 o'clock in Room 101 ed are invited to be present. ISADOR LUBIN. Know Your Alum (By Courtesy of Chimes) I. THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1922 Number 90 e of Literature, Science, and the Arts: here will be a meeting of the Literary Facul...…

January 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…±1J pt a I PRES' DAY AND ?LIGE SIR TIC] I'. :.. r ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 25, 1922 PRIOR 9'I a y RENCE f MANY :STIONS BERIAN, NAVAL, AND SHANTUNG PROBLEMS NEAR FINAL SETTLEMENT PAN'S SUGGESTION SETTLES TREATY ROW fny Difficulties Swept Aside and Agreements Reached As Work Speeds Up (By Associated Press) Washington, Jan. 24.-Swinging into ;h speed again, the arms conference lay made quick work of the Siber- x ques...…

January 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 89) • Page Image 2

…c a Stet. incloses postage. Cose the sentiments ex- OFF .BREWSTER P. CAMPBELL ....................ugh W. Hitchcock . ...... . P. Lovejoy, Jr G. P. Overton M. B. Stahl t Paul Watzel .... .., ..........L. Armstrong Kern E. R. Meis. .Thointen W. Sargent, Jr. ....George 1E. Sloan .Sidney B. Coate. .George .Reindel ..... - lisbetk Vickery R Meiss wick B. H. L I Geltz Robert M. Loeb dy 'J. E.Mack Heath atirine Montgomery Hibbard R. C. Moriarty ...…

January 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 89) • Page Image 3

…J Cfool lUI /l USZC Students To Give Reciral Tonight Advanced students of the School of Music will give the next student's re- cital at 7:3U o'clock tonight at the school. Their program will be as follows: Quartet, A minor, Op. 29.... Schubert, (Second and Third Movements) I D. Hartley Sinclair, Josephine Conn- able, Vio.ins; Clarence Post, Viola; W. L. Newbury, Violoncello Sonata, Op. 53 (1st Movement), Beethover, Marian Bland Sonata, Op. 10,...…

January 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 89) • Page Image 4

….. .. ' ! t . . .. ,. .. " C~ : . . ... . . ~ ., .. _.. .f ". ., . . '. '.: "' ;. .. ..,, , , . .- ". z: .. " . :z ! :. r2 ':_ . * I r . . . , , , rmural Items the Interclass Bowling will be rolled on Thurs- on. The two high teams of the semi-finals which will today, will qualify for the The teams still in the as follows: junior engi- neers, junior lits, and upper. Laws. senior engineers Today the following hockey games are schedule...…

January 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 89) • Page Image 5

…e'MINNESOTA CONTINUES TO HEAD THE muICONFERENCE BASKETBALLSTANDINS Purdue Close on Gophers' Heels with But One Less Victory and No Defeats to Its Credit MICHIGAN AND IOWA DUE TO RISE FROM SECOND DIVISION 4L es on ground most popular 11 are missing part of pleasure of college if you do not make of them regularly. W. Minnesota..............4 Purdue.................3 Illinois.............. .2 Wisconsin........... Chicago. ..........2 Ohio S...…

January 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 89) • Page Image 6

…I versity Of Ilichigan League --a---- LTIONS ANNOUNCED LEAGUEPIN CONTEST gns from which to choose the nnbership pin for the University higan League may be submitted ontest to be carried on within xt month. All women are in- to enter the competition sub- the following conditions. 'he actual size of; the finished not to exceed one-half inch in eatest extremity. 2. The com- s are free to use any symbol will bring out the idea of the zation, bu...…

January 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 89) • Page Image 7

…it WLIomen I formal, $20; Delta Delta Delta, in- formal. $90; Gamma Phi Peta, spring fo m l 7 ; H l n d w e r ei -1once, inform al, $70; Jordan house, in- formal, $70; Delta Gamma, spring formal, $20; Kent residence, informal, $20; Kappa Delta, informal, $60; Kap- fow35Cents Every. Passenger Insured Against 'Accident E YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SEE "The Sheik" WITH RUDOLPH VALENTINO and AG'NES AYRES SPECIAL IMUSIC _______WITH MAX STERNLEIB'S ORC...…

January 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 89) • Page Image 8

…EFICIAL BULLETI -11 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1922 Number 89 of the University and Mrs. Burton will ay afternoon from 3:30 to 5:30. be "at home" as no conference of the Deans today. M. L. BURTON. ilty Lectures:° Atessor Alfred E. Zimmerfn, of Oxford University, England, will speak day, Jan. 25, upon the subject "Greek Political Thought in Relation ern Problems", and Thursday, Jan. 26, upon "The Political Frame- f Economic Policy". Both le...…

January 24, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

…I L 001- 1 1 tfr .: I VLFAA -I I OA Y L No. 88 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1922 uE SHOVV' RED TONIGHT R SPOTLIGHT '2s, WILL INTRODUCE ROUS DIALOGUE IN FIRST ACT True Russian Atmosphere Permeates Concert ~y The, Detroit Orchestra ARGE TICKET' SALE 0& CAMPUS YESTERDAY unap Emphasized in Four Act Program To Permit of Early Dismissal for Studying Variety and originality will feature he, acts which have been secured f...…

January 24, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 88) • Page Image 2

…West,, should not necessarily be Eing except Mondsy diWing te IWiVer. ird in Control of Stud&At eublwationaa- P OF THE ASS/aCATED PRESS Press is excluaive' etL-tied to the ns to. news die xtuhta credits-d to it or not otkervis. ar cndthe aoal news pa blished theit., postoafce at Ann Arbor, Michigan, a see d Tier mail, $3.50. r Pres building, )aynard Street. 966; Editorial, 2414. qm exceed 300 words, if signed, the sig. pear in print, but...…

January 24, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 88) • Page Image 3

…z r. r °'ti ,o e ' (2. AM TING TELEPHONE 214 F-1 FOR WORLD1 PEACE PONTIFICATE OF SEVEN AND A HALF YE ,RS PAN PARALLEL WITH WORLD WAR. I NEI I °ia1! (j f Knickers Custom Made While They Last $14.00, gbones steds Button or Buckle Cuffs DEL E. GRENNAN 14 Nickels Custom Tailor r i' r u, ,l Annual 'SRAOE WMA K R ALS UP, T CE. Shoe Sale Reduced YyPair CHOSEN LEADER FOR 300,O00,000 CATHOLICS Made Cardin-wIn May, 1914, Less...…

January 24, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 88) • Page Image 4

…La' PTS e r .. ., .. . " r a .. . , q " . _ " . ' " , .: , _ : v irgy, the President, and ing effect. This took place Oct. 14, the University signed a 1897. st the Corbett-Fitzsim- pe pictures at the Ath- Lost something? A Classified Ad in cause of their brutaliz- The Daily will find it for you.-Adv BE TOUR TO EUROPE JulpyAuust1 '22 K Breckenridge, Mus. B.. of Oberlin Conservatory of Mu'ic. Con-" Mrs. Howard lHuckins, i. B.. Former Presi...…

January 24, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 88) • Page Image 5

…'9ra I With the coming of cold weather and the recent adoption of free ice skating, the Coliseum has been a{ scene of merriment and sport. More than 250 persons, the great majority of them students, are attending the rink daily, an average which has nev- er been equalled in previous years. In addition to pleasure skating, the intra- mural department will hold innumer- able class and interfraternity hockey contests in -order to increase intere...…

January 24, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 88) • Page Image 6

…This Week' - - - 75c to S2.1EO Wed., Sat. - 50c to $1.50 gton Blvd. 1W Matinees: ni ATe. at Wazshiing BROCK PEMBERTON Presents ZONA GALE'S COMEDY SUCCESS "MISS THE SUPREME HJT OF, NEW YORK I LULU ET T" CHICAGO SEASONS t1 111!{ tttl lill'- with )LL McCOMAS ser Hale, Cati erie Calhoun Doucet, John Royce, Beth Varden, Lois Shore, Russell Vater Vaughn - Orig nal New York Cast INREASE - N MICH Seventeen Per Cent of Convicts Freed in 192...…

January 24, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 88) • Page Image 7

…v I should be reporte by Friday, Feb. 3. instructor Dorot Jeffreys, '4. wart in "The /Il1es' pro- Bet Nudyard Ki nefit of Cle Alma Rube s women." eik," yvith R ipling's rgy." ns in ,udolph Barry- THIS WEEK The cast and committee for the Jun- ior Girls' play will have their pictures taken at 12:15 o'clock today at the Spedding studio. All freshmen and sophomores are required to take a posture examination before the end of the semes...…

January 24, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 88) • Page Image 8

…YPLANSFO0 O IFFICIAL BULLETIN TUESDAY, JANUAMY 24, 1922 Dumber 88 11 LL Know Your Alumni ITiirrunl9 0-pI, ersity- Leetures: Professor Alfred E. Zimmern, of Oxford University, -England, will speak dnesday, Jan. 25, upon the subject "Greek Political Thought in Relation Modern Problems", and Thursday, Jan. 26, upon "The Political Frame- rk of Economic Policy". Both lectures will be given in the Natural S- o Building Auditorium at 4:15 p. m....…

January 22, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 87) • Page Image 1


January 22, 1922 • Page Image 1

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 1922 The Problems of the Stadium, (By G. P. 0.) ?incorporate the latest improvements in stands last year were made on a' of a mile away at the opposite extrem- Completion of the new wsooden design and the moost satisfactory baaia of $1550 per seat. This year ity af the bowl. stands on Ferry Field last summer isn every aspect. the figure wobuld he somewhat less, doe "In the stadiunm at Sy...…

January 22, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 87) • Page Image 2

…WICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN shed every morning except Monday during t lalvet- by the Board in Control of Stuaden Publiauas. MEMBER OF THE ABSOCIATED PRESS Associazen Press is exclusively entitled to the as I. ion of all riows dtpatcbea credited to it or not otherwise , this papeerAiathetocal news publihed therein. ed at the postoffice at Aun Arbor, Michigan, as seed ter. ription by carrier or mnail, $3.5o. !: AnnArbor Press ...…

January 22, 1922 • Page Image 2

…I. THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SuNDAY tANtAtY 12, 192a Resurget William Blake Editorial Nsote; This is the sec-ontd of actst not, breeds pestilence"; "twhatI read his "Songs of Innocence", and i t rot' " ft' 1he Tiger, Blke's most a eries o artictes ahout writers 01 is no0w troved woo once only imag-a"Songs of Experience" we can see tititonsoem)00, Sinbrne sid that it ott otdei' toy. iner";'the eage never lost so toucit'ahy Swinhtrne eulogizes...…

January 22, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 87) • Page Image 3

…Y22, 1922 THEMICHICA-M-DAVY - PAGE THE MICHICAN DAILY PAGI~ j.... ,._ . ._. , p , __ . Burton Writes Article lDicussing lien jal Traits Of JYen And Women SHOW PENCIL DRAWINGS BY, RAHN AND WENZELL HERE Pencil drawings by Albert Kahn and Herbert GI. Wenzell,' and photographs of somie of the more important parts of the Trocadero' collection; Paris, are on exhibit in the architectural corri- dor of the Engineering building. Mr. Kahn_'s sk...…

January 22, 1922 • Page Image 3

…SINl). Y, JTANtiARY 22, 1h22 TI-I MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINEa After Two Thousand Beers (Continued ftrom 1Page 1) i plot, lhii gr ave mtistate that yon MA1M1 (joyouly t's Jae t n itersAMES!: Amen! empty, too." And then, "Sure, a booze are mahing; for our stilt brews not with the still aol bottles) :IIATIrlIAILOT' (Seizing the bottles): hutnt's- better than a posum hunt. any booze hut beautifier. The liquid we A11! toy little soti's tiot tdead. ;T ...…

January 22, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 87) • Page Image 4

…. , .: _ _ topic for ;the eedn 'iikdri.W11~ be "Better Than Disarmament." "Can the Golden Rule be*applied to Busi- ness" will be the subject for discussion at the Student Forum at 5:30 o'clock. The last of the'series of three ser- mons on parts of religion will be given this morning at 10:30 o'clock in the Methodist church by Dr. Stalker, who Do You Need extra Courses?. Send for catalog describing over 400 courses in History, English, Ma...…

January 22, 1922 • Page Image 4

…4 .i THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 1922 Oxford University --- its student Life, Traditions and Customs BY W11. Bernard Butler land the man who defeats you in ten- never a case of dIrunkenness. ticipate in the debatfes, both that they (Continued fronmlast Sunday) irtsor w ho shoots past you on the I spoke previously about the less' themselves may be known by the stu- The Englishman is raty orinore dissitates with you by ind...…

January 22, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 87) • Page Image 5

… tire] time itlon the men. Decided improve- thas already been shown in many by Feb. 18, the time of the Chi- track meet, the men should, be e best of, sha~pe. The aspect of track situation has changed en- t in the last. few weeks. At that even the most optimistic were able to see a fair year ahead, but howing of both the old men and e men out for their first time is and, unless the wrecker of college s, eligibility, takes away some val- emate...…

January 22, 1922 • Page Image 5

…SUINDIAY, JANUARY ,t'2 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE "he Hand of the Potr-adCriticism "WHIATI, 1DI1 T[lE Till HIiND OF THlE CRIITIC SHAKE11" (lty (;. I). E.) hut, that thiey' arc- in ibis ca-se, s0 surne, tiot only fail to see antytihing ;rot support:. it is only a few weelks since tie brta'zen about it. smiackitng at immtorality, but applaud !hBt aside tromi this, gentle friends, What is a rallier arnusing side at the butsiness as is line hit...…

January 22, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 87) • Page Image 6

…the remarkable teamworkj an's informal hockey team, di game of the series with College of Mlines was lostI tore of 5-2. Only throughl ,rful exhibition of goal tend- lay~d by Taylor was M. C. withstand the storming at- he Michigan. forwards. Time ishots were rained on him yr gong true to the mark deflected to the outposts of jWan dicapped by a foreign rink. The new Remington and Underwood Portables are proving 'very satisfac- tory'. Have you p...…

January 22, 1922 • Page Image 6

…6 T1HE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDIAY, JANUARY 22, 1922 snt"'That Brute Simmnis," and "All nn who should have een an artist, That Mtessage." and 0n) dout, one who would have V o o k s / n d A u th o S'm On "WGinesburg, Ohio' there is not ban hos 1011he eensplaedl is a d(er- /jouc need of dwelling atl length. ent environment. ~J oo s n d A u'o Everyone who makes any effort to' Mr Fuesoe has tie belief that SM9E NOTABL III 11011'STORIJES ilime ...…

January 22, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 87) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGA4 DAI Y .+w w w urrYr OLEY FAVORS LONGER ENGINEERING COURSES IN ADDES T ST. LOUiS *T Advocates Five or Six Year Term In All American UnI- versities. PRESENT TRAINING IS TOO TECHNICAL, HE DECLARES, Lengthening of engineering courses in all American universities from the present four-year term to five or six years was advocated by Dean Morti- mer E. Cooley, of the engineering col- lege, in an address this week at Wash- ington u...…

January 22, 1922 • Page Image 7

…1) N Y, J N I A P)22 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE StAll XV, IANtARtY 22, 1522 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE dolelitss turn giveii iiore saice, for 1Ithose wcho run the Little Theaters, New York critics that Broadway twiceF hie is aic isnstc interestiiit chaiai-iiclh grouips as the Washington Square intended to stage "The Hand of the; tser. tie appeairs in a siubtly pathetic.,iplayers, soil the P'rovincetown Play- Potter" and then, wits a wary ...…

January 22, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 87) • Page Image 8

…I, THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDY, ANUARY 22, i9Z 'illitilililllilIilliiIiljilltilililill!' problem in a most novel mariner in . "Rent Free" which is the feature the, . n hoqi'tor rest of the week. The star is seen in one of his best roles, that of an WUERTH All- Suilts and O'coats 25%0Lson GIBBS SCHEDULE,,:,D FOR DETROIT TALK Sir Phillip Gibbs has been ehedulea to lecture on "What I Saw in Russi at Orchestra hall, Detroit. on Jan. 25. by the...…

January 22, 1922 • Page Image 8

…I THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE St NIIAY, T\NtARtY 22, 1922 (OXFORDI) UNl V EI5111' JI'S 1,I1E. !cosidereui Iy most0a n cremoniousonc01Wo01his college halls. Iumighlt add (1' -SlUMS?1', Ali )) 'III X1)1'i'10 tiS !thing. (:nea is more or less lowered that it took: nearly a year to efface th1w tContiootes from Page 4) in the esteemi of his fellow stodents,.wor of art from the wall. the rhats. 1Disrtasfoo is of deep an ti Conipolsory taking the...…

January 22, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 87) • Page Image 9

…at f ,' studio, Sped- "Writing Down the topic which RobertI ice" was the dents yesterday morning. "Tones are containing a t; st used in a kind of behavior." said Mr. Frost. without tone. it It Senior society has been expending much time and effort on the plans for their work among the league houses. The scheme which will be inaugurated after the beginning of next semester is elaborate in scope and detail. The idea of the society has bee...…

January 22, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 87) • Page Image 10

…I; AL BULLETIN AspIil BLL PERMITS D.U.B. TO HAISE RATES F. 2 SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 1922 Number 87 it Articles: All persons who have lost articles .on the Campus are requested to call the office of Sec. Smith in University Hall to inquire for them. There silk and wool scarfs, fountain pens silver pencils, books, money, satin pers, glasses, umbrellas, coats, gloves, caps and small trinkets, such as s, rings, keys, etc. S. W. SMITH. eulty o...…

January 22, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 87) • Page Image 11

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 1922 The Problems of the Stadium (By G. P. 0.) incorporate the latest improvements in stands last year were made on a of a mile away at the opppsite extrem- Completion ot the new wooden design and the most satisfactory basis of $15.50 per seat. This year ity of the bowl. stands on -Ferry Field kast summer in every aspect. the figure would be somewhat less, due "In the stadium at gyracuse...…

January 22, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 87) • Page Image 12

…Resurget William Blake i Editorial Note: This is the second of acts not, breeds pestilence"; "what read his "Songs of Innocence" and Verse." Of "The Tiger," Blake's most a series of articles about writers of is now proved was once only imag- "Songs of Experience" we can see famous poem, Swinburne said that it an older day. med"; "the eagle never lost so much why Swinburne eulogizes him, why was "a poem beyond praise for its time as when he s...…

January 22, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 87) • Page Image 13

…SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 1922 TI-IL MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE a After Two Thousand Beers (Continued from Page 1) aplot, this is a grave mistake that you MAMMA (joyously, as James enters JAMES: Amen! empty, too." And then, "Sure, a booze are making; for our still brews not with the still and bottles): HATCIIAPLOT (Seizing the bottles): hunt's better than a possum hunt any booze but beautifter. The liquid we Ah! my little son's not dead. He's Thought y...…

January 22, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 87) • Page Image 14

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, JANUARt Oxford University---Its Student Life, Traditions and Customs By W.,Bernard Butler land the man who defeats you in ten- never a case of drunkenness. ticipate in the debates, both that they (Continued from last Sunday) nis or who shoots past you on the I spoke previously about the less themselves may be known by the stu- The Englishman is greatly sur- river, dissipates with you by indul- serious atti...…

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