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January 22, 1922 - Image 8

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St NIIAY, T\NtARtY 22, 1922

(OXFORDI) UNl V EI5111' JI'S 1,I1E. !cosidereui Iy most0a n cremoniousonc01Wo01his college halls. Iumighlt add
(1' -SlUMS?1', Ali )) 'III X1)1'i'10 tiS !thing. (:nea is more or less lowered that it took: nearly a year to efface th1w
tContiootes from Page 4) in the esteemi of his fellow stodents,.wor of art from the wall.
the rhats. 1Disrtasfoo is of deep an ti Conipolsory taking the train "for home u1'H1' 11A3) OF THE POTTERIS"
weighty sub~jert ;irc carriedl oil by' and mother" is usually not at all a AND) CRITICISM
unudergradnates wvith a masrked lark sit scott-attended departure. At Oxford, tnindto ae7
set-cosconsesatht i sedo oi-however, when one leaves bhy re-'
ticeid here.cline," if hie is popular, he is pre- ;sorts cormpetent critics as Mencken and
Says one :AmsericansiniiEngland-t seistedt ih, I might say, "Gorgeous" Nathan have vastly utnderrated thej
'Nowherec haveIr mset a sore rolti- fu neral, The onfortunate is escorted play. I can think of no social drama
voted, ,we lt-informsed, andst all-arosund' to lils"hiearse." hy Iwo hlack-rohed which hIsobleen its lbetter since
lot of to1es tthan here. Wits us there c hief mourners who constantly dtah at "Ghlosts."
is toso tssch emphasis onsamuseentssltheir eyes. All the cahs in lhe town; In closinig, I hog the pardoni sittihe
that dois not imspruove tie minds or the ire soiietiimes commandeered to hear reaiders who expected a reviewe of the
Suner sensiilities. Theiy smaske htter the retinueessf sorrowing friends of the tlay. This is not intemndedt as a re-
utse than wie sduoif leisure.IHow rwany "sleceasesl" to the station. Those who view. It is iiitended as a defemnce. If
yssunig felsows ain Anmericansi oltegres cannoist rule, trasil along as a rear you ston't know the play, yostousghit
are -fairl-iamatesir critics of musicgsward, sotha the long procession is to. Ansericamn dramsatists have psro-
painiting. architectsire, poietry, ans Iostesnsi particsilarly impressive one. 1liscest so few goosd laysatst they
drcamsa?" SIn fact, one msan, a membter of a promi-
In altlsiartsssf the waosrls, fsunesrals' nemit English family, was remembered
seemitos cssclsise thisis gesnerally, so nut usnly tsy probiahly the longesttfu-I
I nmigtuis aw-ott srawicthusrtainsoseir',iseral in the history of the school, hot WteRpeenaie
sy piestsre osit' et lie i''at Oxfordil alsi biy'aIseaustifully earveid "tombh-
isitw assith s:itlohiss1sat unesiral. Ex- }stsonie''execsutedl "inismenmory of'' and
'pilsionisfrossisoue sassnt'niversity is so sin. sassthe issleriosto sne-wourk sif # r' 1. 'C ITS-

ciii lie snumbseredsl s s sathan the
l ingers. of your twovhadssis, and gramil-
slin, for thesaske of sirgumnts, that
the slay is nut goosd, there are just as
few plays that are evens worthy of
Of thlefive novels bsy Hansasn puh-
liashedt hy Kniopf, "Growth of the Soil"
tias sold 218,0s0 copies, and "Hunger"
onsly as few less. Growth of the Soil"
las heens seiit to tress seven times,
"Hunsger" eight, "Shallow Soil" twsice,
"l'ass" three, anid luasun's newest
hosik "D~reamoers" hbss jnst bseen puh-
lished sod is bing sent to press samai
at ossie for reprinting. The shove fig-
sires are csosisdered remar'kahly large
tor fosreignsirislaionls.
'or the Women'a League i


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