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January 22, 1922 - Image 4

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Oxford University --- its student Life,
Traditions and Customs
BY W11. Bernard Butler land the man who defeats you in ten- never a case of dIrunkenness. ticipate in the debatfes, both that they
(Continued fronmlast Sunday) irtsor w ho shoots past you on the I spoke previously about the less' themselves may be known by the stu-
The Englishman is raty orinore dissitates with you by indul-i serious altitude ttf te English in dents and that the leaders in debate
genre in thIe intoxicant, tea. Iteir general actions and wort. This!utay ite ohservedl oith an eye to future
prised by the great crotvds whticlt wit-I The social life at Olxtord msay he less intense manner is aso shown in use its Parliamuent. For if a man is a
tess our athtletir contests, foir itslItis said to be of te fattily typse in its rsttonversatiotns aboust athletics and leader intthte Union, he is practically
couttry the "fatt" is th tsr ereplhtts. is,,pitaclity atnd geniaty- Earls tan'stIudlyittg. Oxford sten consider it not a ssotred of a seat in tParliamnent or
This is due ts thue Engtisltstsn'sIre- 1,-1o,is hisIti onie, sowhere he sleeps,!ssqite goosd torts to "ttlk sitop" or to sme notter resontsible positions with
ferring to play te gatos himselt rattser eat as, atnd tstlktst. Men areinot1stess their ptarticular sttudies as stuch the C'rowtn.
slplit up ito sttrhs tell-tdefittesd grotttps intshleir intimtttse ttter-the-table tsr It is ptracttically certain that Ralph
tia t aesi yertsv lto ay Atrtn rrtt-ls-t-tr parleys, Ath- Carston, '17, one of the Michigan
For tis reastsn, Englitlt colicg-ettistn retssartsstpott the abtsesnce of fraterni- lelit's play a relatively sutaltlItart in ,Rhode's scholars, will he the next
so not shsowo'their e0tsLtssatm>)y or- ties, atsd'tlisstt ltey are nost, sissest in; studsetconv ersastiotn. In the Atseri- presisdent of the Oxford Union, He is
gasnized cheering isselse a c(heer-leas t (Ie icot'o thingt. It is fturther csantcolsleges and utniversities, table stnow serretary, asnt the secretary
cc, bust insplire light Its 5 great shouttt stales titlati lse Englishts sens of hav-i tris stt tites, rssssista l rts'tpally of almsost invariably becomeapes idn
a th Iegnigotserseo r iisg sess live wsitlsien sotteger watts has fototbsall, trackt, brselsalt, or basket- at the followving election, Mr, Jeffer-
cruciatlntonenls of thse tattle whEts tt every asdvantage tof the fraternity sys- salt, wh~ile bltuebooks ainsd dreaded final ssoknsows Carson and says "he is
one snay htear on occasiontal "Iow. tetss, witht none of its disadvantages, iexamttinastions cosssmand a gol share -rr ihyetee"aoghsfl
Row!" dei rgoodlyg ohryoursegtsly oetheeented"onamongEnhish fet-
Ito! es snstssgIs rtts Ig- ,t reality, thse English student is ci teatnin teEglih s loss stusdents.
tatting to their re,,te tlive, teatmss hsowcrs'sssservatire rathter thass snobbish, In sdettl, ossthe contrary, hsas a tendency Anmerican university men are in-
clssoetheir nearest rio ala asre by lir-,l'swtrss tf one Americatn student, tsdiscusss prosbletssof a testocat dined ts dodge the discssion of many
ittg blasnkscartritdges. After ilse re- "'Tie tutndergradtuate psroved to he qitite natutre, such ssubjects as history,, philosophy,
gotta is over, ttsstch ltsttlicity is givenst astprssarhssttls. It uaserhaps exper- It is itis conversation of thte Oxford politis nnics , ro dcto
itssn tsotosspitsteassfIls eenti,essn ,:i, but nesverthteless genuine stutdents that imtpresses Ite Asmerican as too "high-brow" or "over their'
are sottietiuses she n the ssssse lay°, ;get ti.ty In lolts he is about the las smucsh as attything. Intellectutality beasts," or as subject mattes' for pro-
At Oxfsos'i there' isnot t eisltesstoe =resp,,erltse average, despite catreless, is the dsomsinant stote. The Ensglisi ' feosors to handle. I have noticed here
athsletis' aristsscrat wso s is o crsstir- ctsssr rserless dress, hut there is non-1 pay espsecial sttention to dtebsating, iso table talk the nten prefer to deal
uous its Amsericanis t itt st ittst+ tsr rstlly ,in air of distisnction regardlessI This ativity is as sriotts withth lenswtant letis's, smalt pleasures, and
thltetics are rapt nsstnspsliz(estV by i ss stlprareo is generous self- as are osir atletirs wills is. 'this otther mtinor snattero. Mr. Jefferson
ssalt numnber ttf Ossen, tIrrtinsl tty sg-111atssi (if Ihiss it) is rarely aired. fart is niost rogeutly showvn in she stnd others of intimate Oxford associ-
salarietd and tI aperslizassI t,'toarttssor Ile is; welt-tmanneretd at table, despite high position of ftse Oxford Uniosn, pri- atito sayv flat the Engtish student does
do the rsnstaptsear beftore sucs a l!tor t tttse. iHI seldom efferovesces." manily t stettatitog orgastization, whbere stot wait tiltltte gradttates before he
snmtser of student's. Athletic s evs Michigans s sometimes bteen refer- tdist'tssits of tlarge pubtlic qusestions attemsst to apply this knowledge,
tdoes nost seteittite a mns's lto-itistst reto ts- th te tpootr nian's toltege," a Ithe place'. Stut's sen asLloyd Gsorge Large subjects of the day dominate
as tssurlh s so lsre. tpltce tvbere'tte smsan of small steasns 'antI Assitith freqtuentily rtone to par- , (Contissued on Page 8)
It go'necral, it mtay ttt'satidstht lies' tsssvso 'i'k his wasy thsrtotghs and estu-1
atletic sof Oxforsd strless ostrsssiat'l tite ltitts'f tatminsitmustmsexpens'. Al
thsas thsosse itnthis rsointry. Tlt tIts' lrigass, ttoo, tere is st'eohr .1ir~iii~lnottee ~tir sem heeooi-oils' le-
>rcrs's 'in<ts 'ssl, ssls slrtssstst.l i tt Ottxfosrsithsescotttrasts are nott
afterttnoo s'veryosie dotessosasoetlingil oss svsslett 'lbhtr'is saistto bea
110rethnealbe til o tetyiclnr',( tsr sslf-'tttivstissn of person-;C o Ir a
Astsrc ristoudesst. Tlusi' Enuists sesitslitp,. n"tutstral," tsr ''te yosur' stisi
ts hst tts i'tsoac the titlAtofsi' jsst stlf," sae-'ssto tte the sule. tIowis
t'nosgh ovorks aist just entough ls tls w isly tttstuggest in coitrast thte idlea of
Thpere is sa ttappy iseslissin, a issoser- tsnifssr a lquantlily prodturtions of stir- YTe a e to ma y c l"re m o ls
ation betweetsn sty ansd atthletirs. ents whsirchattiears so characteristic eet o m O r a st inn h aei o h ar fNteia nvriis
nloosnt idea, bsut, rather plasying a goosd .At Mirbigan, in years guise by, "Joe's
game. ansI the Orient," were great sociat but you can e p c ofn l h
After the lay on the field or osn testamping grosunds. Btut nosy the at- e p c o fn l h
river course, conies Tea. With its the mssphere osf Ssts'sra rtules. At OxfordL
worid "Tea" is closely assstsissed with Itse 'ien massy have their liquor in theirgo d ne h r .
the phrase "hen party." But in En,-- roms, althtough there is pratialyI

Chee Up
Even if youL have an exam. in Ec. I =
the day of the Hop, still you have
= one thing to he thcankfJul for.
IBesimers' Grilled Steaks
Ever sOnte is a Master in the Realm of Fine Cooking

IWXe try to keep our stock of toilet arti-
cles so complete that it will not be nec-
essary for -you to look elsewhere for
what you want.
Drug Company
324 50. STATE ST. 711 PACKARD ST.


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