The Problems of the Stadium,
(By G. P. 0.) ?incorporate the latest improvements in stands last year were made on a' of a mile away at the opposite extrem-
Completion of the new wsooden design and the moost satisfactory baaia of $1550 per seat. This year ity af the bowl.
stands on Ferry Field last summer isn every aspect. the figure wobuld he somewhat less, doe "In the stadiunm at Syracuse the
eain "The modern stadium is tbot one of to readustiment of prices. The cost track straight'away was made through
temporarily relieved the saig many ins tsarea of modern adoption of! of the wooden stand huilt last samuser a tunniel. This was found to he dis-
prohiem for football games, hut the anin eie ftetehcnuyaveraged $2.60 per seat, exclusive of advantageous as the draft from the
indications are that within at few years, nceds," says Prof. Cissel. "Thle sta- sonme other improvenments whirlh adid- insisde warimer air to the otside cooler
-just lsoss masy, 'athletic officials af diamn at Ahens wvas bait by Lyc'argus ed somewhat to tha t amount. air is in the apposite direction to the
the University are unahle to sa y. is 350 13. C. The sword itself comes "The Yale howl, so called because of ranners ini dashes. There is also a
Michgansvit befored r hod tanstheLatin form of a Greek name its shape, was built at a coat of $750, sdden chainge of temuperature of from
far a mseasure tsf distance. The Greek (000 with a seating capacity of 61,000.Ost 5deesaswl sasde
agala. ;type w-as semsi-circular at one end IThe addition af ssooden t'ads arousnd ch uige of light.
Meanwhile, tProf. jlamses it. t'issel,, al sopen at the other. The Romani the rim of the bosvl has since increased At thicagos coverings were provid-
of the strusctsural engineering delpart- style u's perfectly elliptical in design. the c'apacity to 78,000. Yet at the ed for the stands as a protection to
sisent, tinder whose directiots the plans' An exassplle of the latter type is the IlHarvardl gamse in 1920, it was nees thI ocee Te peetsaigo
C'sliseuiss at Rame. sary to refundt $t25,000 to persons chssppsssg off of the concrete from the
for the recent sadditions were dtrawni sip, b e-st of the sun.
is gathiering inforosation on staisum "A recent tesideacy in stadium con-
and howls icing built at other isisver- jstrssctioo is thse employment tof tlue
itcsgistsetm whni illeSTAD)IUML STATI$'UI('S jdosible decka, or balcony, as iii the new
nsecessary for Michiganu's programs to School Seating ('apaelty ('Cot tObia Stale structure. The chief ad-
take definsite form. Califosrnia .................... 60,000 $ 600,000 Vasisage of the double deck is that it
'tt t ' o~i i ylrf.Ca'l Ohio Sta te.... ............... 60,0100 1,250,000 titnclsiding addi- prosvide.' a larger proportion of the en-
'how th, theclarge-c attendanceitse f tirrual features.) tire seatinig capacity near the play'ing
single home g'ae ha.' exceeded the Illinis "............ a,0 2,500,000 (includinig en- fied than is 00possible with a sna
seating capacity rof Ferry field every tire a thlti c udc. The sipper deck is hardly more
'e 3r sine 1910, 'ith the exceptioni 1 plant and other {s l aec upedowrd ecti oft
of 1914 and 1910. during both of wvhich features. 'sgr ek svdfrvadutli
abota odtospeals.Te Kaunas ...................... 32.000 425000 'overlaps the loswer section. This form
former year marked the complletion of Oregoss Aricsultural to....... 5,000 40,000 (Scast unit ot a sucpperts ao ne pr indecurwing
the south stand, tbringing the perma- stadisin.)splrtfo th tierdc wih
isent seating capsacity up to 22,600, Stanrfrsd ............6,0 210,000 thesteroer ofsoplitt rs psie wth
while the largest attendance for the Washimsgtons ... .............. 60,000 600,000 thwer viine fspcaorkeae.o h
year was 21,236. In 1918, dtue to the! Y'ale .............61,000 750,000 (wvoodren stands ls-rdc.
sea, helaget rod amrees olyhave since in- Professor Cissel is of the opinion
warthe argst cowd umbred nlythat a howl, built along the lines of
15,755. Consequently, there baa reemsI creased the ca- the one at Yale, should be seriously
only oise year awieu the capacity wars pacity to 78,000) cosieehhr.Tetpgahy f
actually larger than whsat wriuld haveth le laud ims thse vicinity of Ann Arbor
been the ordinary deiuainds. Even witis is such that the drainage problem
the addition completed 1last season, the "Time first concrete- amiphittieatre ill! who crruldl not ti supplied with tick-caesiybtkncreohsy.
capacity was inadequate sin the occ as- the Ujnited States u-ass built tar the 1 ets. Had the howl been adlequate to cn'e oif bhe get tein eohe aos a.
sian of the Ohior State gatmie. t Uivsaer'sity rof talifornia in 1901. The the dermaiid for tickets, it is estinsated sh n o li the at tem intecosatof.
uit. while thm nsumber swhicha may h ! f irs 's taiumi, with a 'eating capacity- thiat inure than 125,000 pseople would Thieres are several locations arounid
ac-onmmaodatedl i' natusrally iseomst of 40u,000, 'ass consstrumcted at Harvardi save seen the game. Am Arbor svhere a minimurm of ex-
imiport'at comnsideraticon tsr tie shkea in tire samse yeair. Since that time ' hTi cincrete woark 0i5 the boslchavsationa wsould be necessary, with a
'ntis saccorust in staiis busisding oust thieve liaise beess built a isusmsber of sta- seas carmriedh on fronm year toi year ass 'ismsequts 'streduction imi cost, be point-
saally shunlt tire onmly s-ins', chich hlia 'hrhiots tiecorutntry, svvthb tire mis-ci for addltitiomnal Captacity sass 0i oiii,
i-sisies hio the imnimnd rft hit iaverarge forshot-arisig c'aplacities ranuginsg froms 0,0011 felt. -ail time lash ciomcrete saona waas Availabsility hio rairoad smit electric
hiatt spiectator, there ari' mianry tim-sits-h 60,i00. Thue coat tier seaif ahorwas i sit fiiheh hue ti iftwl-i years sigo. 'The line.', making spice for autom'obites
heras ofsitcigmn an n strucstion swhsich ramige frormm $3.50 irs $28.60. The H-asr-' bow)l extemnds 27 feet isesaw thie asirface anssd facilities for taking care sit thes
sisy seriosly affect lie conmveniemnce vaint staim cust $1t3 per seat; that of the surounding territoury. The ex- curafst ruto specta tars which weoumld
sit the asurchirre ir satu marterially ts art I'minscetosn $7.3' tier sasu. 'aivahed earth swas used far seat form- pour in tor a big game must all ho
tie coist. It is to ths.e factors that' "The coat of the coincrete stamnd rs nations. Thse top se'ato are 54 feet given careful thought in the selection
Prof. Cisae h 1as given hi. atsention Ferry Sid isas sipproximnately $90,000, ahoy' the gridiron. In a play near aof a site it the needs of the future are
uth the hope that when the Univer-for $6.50 per seat. Estimates for the gril the nearest spectator is 70 feet to be adequately met, declares Prof.
pity does build agains the result will'coimpletions of the coimplete concrete aseay onl the isle line and one-eighth C issel.
A fter Two Thousand Bleers
.i D111 ) NE'5 AltHE ' Yin do sot se-cii well tlits evening. I proclaiminig losidly, "Vinoi vest . wset.
(A lhNneesque by Sira Wae atnd cini Yo'ru appca mreso'cumpie. s ergo bitrinrs.' You ca' mt escape 1 MMMA: But you committed no of-
Elisabiethn Whiteoamb) JINS: Perhaps I am, a tife. imnsh." As you misy weell imaginse I fensae! (Places her hand affectionate-
thAI C TIlthi 'MAMMA: ,I c°anmiot comuprehend yasir w'a so startled that I let tall the hly urn hiss hasir.) Let us not. forget
suteo moinid. Arc yarn not tall and flask and it was shattered with great (that a thsimng of beauty is a joy for-
JAMES~,i lAift. , 5 cnilhlsd gin ii hasoumne, smnt the footbiall stan of tinstinnauslation ran thse stones, the llever.
MSiAMMA..... hia muaternal pass lit' the hesh correspondenmce school in this( precionms Sauid dashing omt in 'ill direc- (A knsk is heard at the door.
SAIN11 .. .. ..a5 soia asola~ 1SAPO cot)try.' tioa. "T his smash-up is not the cnd. "mter Saliuse, a batik scarf around her
soiu-urIM~b etvai i ua altesihyuao. n esssleAMMIA: Thens it's ooemus yu're rped away on Iis motorcycle. i SALINE: I ans the bearer of bad tid-
thinhisig shout. Nows it 's beems three MAMIMA: sairse noinie strums petit usigs.
SCENE. Theisntericr ss sias efssedh year- Simnce the Volatesd Ac'ochuon bleat-- Gust do not letJMAMMA: Quel osmaget Rara aviat
cullidc hosme in a small tosui, usowhiere IJAMIES: No. No. Alas, ass. That is this lass apupall you. We can readily tChiaroscusro!
intys andths. etwee isasea istl wins-,trot whsat troules mec. I'll hegim at replacc the diosipated Suld (point. to-JAE: hmpr ontnwant
itsivans te doris susallstilivth le begissninig. This afternoon after 1 wa'rd the still). JAMune:Amgpdno.t~m a o
fra- tol 1 s un s hel heussati. 1ud finshsesd my tit, ash iw'a plodding 1AMES: No, thsat is nut the point at 1 SAtINE': Tonight I heard Mr. Hatch-
An elderly cnlhludu lady uitb straight sisy iv"ary wiry hsomse, I reuammbered issue, mssamuma. You do not comspre'- plot telephoning. Me u-as talking to
wabite hair is polshinimg tbe spigot sitf suddieunly that my bottle was' in my ]tip henud hose serious is thse situmatious. Mr. another revenue officer. Me said,
tinestil. Jmes akeshisentrnceuspcket. As the motto of our house ha. 1-atchm-plot, since he is flue chief ot the. "Yes, 1, saw him myself, lie had a
tie hiss a steronsg breshs, though his {ever b-ca "Ars' longs, vita brevi.s," I Rum Raiders' Corps, will wrongly in- f'aoh of hooch:" Then a pause, and
h-sir is' tiurning gray. Proceeded( there ad then to uncork terpret my attitude. Hle will tell his ho scent on rest ow, "Yes, we ought
thse battle. At that moment Mr. Msatch- fellow boone-bunters that the bottle to get a tot of it. My cellar is nearly
M-AM MA: Ito' dir youn do, Jamie'. 1plot leaped trons behind the i~s stes container illicit liquor. I fear the (Continued on Page 3)