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October 03, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 20) • Page Image 4

…Page 4 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 3, 1990 EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 ,,. , NOAH FINKEL Editor in Chief DAVID SCHWARTZ Opinion Editor Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Reunification GAR6AI &&T YLK A NARukS...…

October 03, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 20) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 3, 1990 - Page 5 ACT-UP protests anti-Mandela fliers by Elizabeth Marshall The AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT-UP) protested in the Diag yesterday against last week's distribution of fliers - which de- picted Nelson Mandela with horns and a forked tongue, expressing wishes to enslave white people - to several law students. ACT-UP condemned the fliers as "racist" and "unacceptable." ACT-UP, a nation...…

October 03, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 20) • Page Image 6

…0 TIE M I GCAADAt Y CLASSIFIEDS wLine ad: $2.25/inefor first day $75/line for each additional. consecutive day DEADLINE is 11:30 am one business day prior to publication Paent Pre-Payment is required when placing an ad Personal checks from Ann Arbor area banks, business checks, cashier's' checks & money orders will be accepted. NO PERSONAL CHEWswill be accepted from out Iof town advertisers.I NO REUND*W~U WN L - m... - - - ... J LOST & FOUND...…

October 03, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 20) • Page Image 7

…D $ A ' I L Ati $ S sA V $1 I' GsS teros It atljanIMiarfkgt An 0%' every item in the market o - Fresh Pasta- * Fresh Bread' Mtalian Specialties " MeatsI f Cheeses . Groceries 301 N. Fifth Ave. I 663.2828, Olt World Recipes For Great Taste and Quality! 1952 G. So. Industrial Colonial Lanes Plaza, Ann Arbor 769.3500 SOrders will be delivered promptly* and FREE OF CHARGE in Ann Arbor j Large I Pizza Items + Qt Coke I7.89+= I exp...…

October 03, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 20) • Page Image 8

…0 Dg$ A I $1 ,. $.wl S A S\ V $1 GsS5 Old World Recipe's For Great Taste and Quality! Colonial 1952 G. So. Industrial CooilLanes Plaza, Ann Arbor 769.3500 SOrders will be delivered promptly and FREE OF CHARGE in Ann Arbor I L MediumI Pizza I 3 Items +I Qt. Coke 6.89+~ expires _1-1-91 769-3500 J Agieros Itatia Three iems for dhu price ofono I Create yow aown IPasta veggie, meat, or cheese I expires 1-1-91 L 769-3500 Mt I J...…

October 03, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 20) • Page Image 9

…$I r ARTS The Michigan Daily; Wednesday, October 3, 1990 Page 9 -t ,mwI Canin : not coke, The Last Show was better but the real thing by Carolyn Pajor Texasville dir. Peter. Bogdanovich 1 - N - - JF .. . -B-. The truth is that Ethan Canin does not really consider himself a writer. Others would definitely disagree. When Canin visited the University last year, English Professor Nick Delbanco introduced him with a quote from wr...…

October 03, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 20) • Page Image 10

…Page 10 -The Michigan Daily -Wednesday, October 3, 1990 0 r' Io r . \I r . r A -. Tm .su.A& 1 I 7j 0 0 I OL EGE TOURN N 4 r iS 0 fift ffis 9 mh A ft A p Aft s PRESENTED BY: OGERGLE e541oha Sowl 44 ,,I 7W Jeep * ERGLE I - ommm I w I DAYl gN1I VIDEO GAME nwnvrv 'So " l 1 1 " ' a : iJ~l kj 1 0 4 " Play the hot new Sega Genesis 16-bit video games- FREE " Experience the Arcade quality graphics/stereo sound " G...…

October 03, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 20) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 3, 1990 - Page 11 Concert review Hunt proves quite a Pistol The Wonder Stuff Nectarine Ballroom October 1, 1990 by Mike Molitor T he first thing that Miles Hunt said when he stepped onstage was "Fuck the whole lot of ya." The second was "We're the ugly cunts from England. And they call us the ugly cunts from England." The band then launched into "A Wish Away," which got the 200 or so people at the Ne...…

October 03, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 20) • Page Image 12

…Ice Hockey Blue-White game Friday, 7:30 p.m. Yost Ice ArenaI The Michigan Doily. SPORTS Wednesday, October 3, 1990 MICHIGAN'S CHAMPIONS OF THE WEEK OFFENSIVE CHAMPION: Matt Elliott DEFENSIVE CHAMPION: r Chris Hutchinson OFFENSIVE HUSTLER: Derrick Alexander{ DEFENSIVE HUSTLER: Martin Davis SPECIAL TEAMS CHAMPION: Otis Williams SCOUT TEAM CHAMPION: Ron Buff ROOKIE OF THE WEEK: t Bobby Powers t MICHIGAN'S LONG PLAYS OF 1990 RUSHING Jon Vaughn ...…

October 03, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 20) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, October 3, 1990 - Page 13 Wednesday is Prince Soccer ,Todd Neff finds Michigan to be just the right kind of kick Day Livonia college provides challenge Schoolcraft to be' gunning at M' by Walter Butzu Daily Sports Writer "I love the game." That is one of the reasons senior co-captain Todd Neff gives for his commitment to the men's soccer club. Neff's love for the game began at Dearborn High School, located ...…

October 03, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 20) • Page Image 14

…Page 14 -The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 3, 1990 'Fatman' stunned over Griddes loss A leading Washington administrator, sometime known as the "Cake Crusader" takes time out from the intense meetings toward deficit reduction to ponder an even greater challenge, this week's Griddes picks. He can't help but wonder how he let the fish get away last week. "I don't understand how a team called 'the Ducks' could beat that almighty Brigham You...…

October 03, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

… OPINION 4 ARTS 7 SPORTS 9 Bothering the 'U': a tradition Do away with Berets AL playoffs: will it be the A's or the Jays? Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom Vol. C, No. 19 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, October 3, 1989 * Cost of vending lisences may rise by Tara Gruzen Daily City Reporter The price of selling NCAA championship t-shirts and other paraphernalia on the streets of Ann Arbor may soon increase by 250 percent. At last ...…

October 03, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 19) • Page Image 2

…41 Page 2- The Michigan Daily -Tuesday, October 3, 1989 Nursing contract dialogue continues by Donna Woodwell Daily Staff Writer Contract negotiations between the University of Michigan Profess- ional Nurses Council (UMPNC) and University Hospital administration officials are proving to be a "slow 4nd lengthy process," said Toni Shears, a hospital information off- icer. University nurses went on strike in July after contract negotiations wit...…

October 03, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 19) • Page Image 3

…Court to rule on sobriety checks LANSING (AP) - The legal battle over sobriety check lanes in Michigan reached the legal pinnacle yesterday when the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to decide if police na- tionwide may use them to curb drunken driving. The justices said they will review Michigan court rulings that struck down the state's program as an un- constitutional invasion of privacy. Courts in other states have upheld virtually identical check...…

October 03, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 19) • Page Image 4

…a OPINION P~age 4 Tuesday, October 3, 1989 The MAkhigan Daily .m U A problem of control: What to do about the Daily By Mark Weisbrot The University is a wonderful micro- cosm of the world around it, where many of the contradictions between our society's mythology of freedom and democracy and its reality (corporate control, plutocracy) can be observed in exaggerated forms. Like ,a modern corporation, the University is run from th...…

October 03, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 19) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 3, 1989 - Page 5 Congress closes in on clean air WASHINGTON (AP) - Key House mem- bers, breaking a 10-year congressional stalemate, have tentatively agreed to a compromise on clean air legislation that would substantially reduce au- tomobile pollution through 2003, congressional sources said yesterday. The agreement would require the nation to ac- cept standards already approved for California, the state ...…

October 03, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 19) • Page Image 6

…0 Page 6 --The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 3, 1989 CLASSIFIE-D TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED IN VIk Vidjutpu csU ... X ads cost $2.10/line for the first day, $.70/line for each additional consecutive day X ads must be placed by 11:00 a.m. the morning before publication X ads must be prepaid with cash, an in town check, or a money order IC ads may be removed from publication, but there will be no refunds 76 VOLARE WAGONI $375 Rough body, but...…

October 03, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 19) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily Facial anatomy engulfed in fire 4Y KEVIN FENCIL E HEN I first heard that I was to do a piece on the Flaming Lips, the only word to describe my feelings was "fear." I didn't sleep that night - my mother had warned me about stuff like this. "Always eat your vegetables, wear clean underwear ev- ery day," she said, "and above all, beware the Flaming Lips." What did I know about capitalization? I thought that "flaming lips" was a...…

October 03, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 19) • Page Image 8

…Page 8- The Michigan Daily -Tuesday, October 3, 1989 You Strike: Firm but rocky I BY JAY PEKALA FOR 90 solid minutes the three actors in You Strike the Woman You Strike the Rock act, sing and dance stories depicting the lives of Black women in South Africa under apartheid. Their ac- cessories are few. They have no elaborate set or props, and they convey various characters with the simple addition of a hat or scarf. The energy that Poppy Tsi...…

October 03, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 19) • Page Image 9

…Volleyball vs. Ohio State Friday, 7:30 p.m. The Varsity Arena SPORTS Women's Soccer vs. Michigan State Today, 3 p.m. Mitchell Field The Michigan Daily M' COACH ANSWERS FALLS, TELANDER Tuesday, October 3, 1989 Page 9. Bo speaks out on media by Adam Benson Daily Football Writer "Rick Telander is a loser, he's been a loser all his life. You wouldn't want him on your team, you wouldn't want him in your organization, you wouldn't want him w...…

October 03, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 19) • Page Image 10

…40 Page 10-The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, October 3, 1989 Blue Jays n S 1w+e spr\ \ the sporting \' .\m \D . .,It \ ^/wn1 sporting V ,e h At n w h s o t n Athletics Toronto lives by by Leonard Fritz Daily Sports Contributor heart and soul A s hitting and pitching is tops' With the score 3-1 in favor of the visiting Orioles in the eighth inning of the 161st game of the season, you had to wonder. Toronto was on the verge of losing not onl...…

October 03, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…'U' undergoes rapid growth at BY STEVE KNOPPER Too many students applied for Creative Writing 323 this term - it happens every term. In one section, the professor turned away about half of the 50 students who showed up the first day because their writing wasn't quite as good as the students' who got in. "We had to turn away students who wanted to take that course," said English Prof. Peter Bauland, who didn't teach the class. "Why? Because ...…

October 03, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 18) • Page Image 2

…4 Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 3, 1988 Growth Continued from Page 1 budget assigns $844,220 to the office in the coming year, more than four times its initial allocation in 1987. * The budget itself has doubled to $490 million since 1980, and the University has hired more financial administrators just to keep tabs on it. Other factors include a new University phone system, a stronger General Counsel's Office, and improved co...…

October 03, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 18) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 3, 1988-- Page 3 Group reacts to racism pro gram )Y ANNA SENKEVITCH Addressing a crowd of about 80 people at Stockwell residence hal fast night, LSA senior and Black Student Union representative David !Colbert told Black students to deny what he termed a "back of the bus" mentality and be proud of their race and their heritage. The purpose of the event - co- sponsored by Markley Minority Affairs Council an...…

October 03, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 18) • Page Image 4

…4 OPINION Page 4 Monday, October 3, 1988 The Michigan Daily 4 Storm shows Jamaican link to US. In the wake of Hurricane Gilbert, more than one half million Jamaicans - one third of the island's popualation -were left homeless. Hilary Brown, a graduate student in communications who grew up in Jamaica, spoke recently with Opinion co-editor Cale Southworth about the longterm effects of the disaster. Brown works with the Jamaican Hurrica...…

October 03, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 18) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 3, 1988 - Page 5 A2 Tenants' Union tour focuses BY KELLY GAFFORD An hour-long walking tour with the Ann Arbor Tenants Union Saturday showed not the highlights of the city, but the areas in which commercial re-developers, big busi- nesses, and government have forced low-income tenants into homeless- ness. The tour began on Fourth Street in front of Braun Court, a seven- building court that once housed mod...…

October 03, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 18) • Page Image 6

…4 Page 6- The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 3, 1988 CI ASIFIED ADS 7405 WEEKEND MAGAZINE Fridays in The Daily 763-0379 FOR RENT PERSONAL FOR SALE 1976 VW BUG: New engine, exhaust, brakes. Jenson am/fm cassette. Excellent cond. $2500 OBO.662-4304. 3-SP BIKE, men's red Sheffield, almost new, perfect for around campus $75 Call Walden, Home:665-8582;Office:74-2361 BIKE: CENTURION ACCORDO 23.8 cm. Brand new. Paid $350 * Sale $250! Negot....…

October 03, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 18) • Page Image 7

…Page 7 -The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 3, 1988 Club reaches 85-year ,mark BY BERND STRUBEN Today marks the 85th anniversary of the University's Women's Research Club, an organization originally founded to encourage and provide support for women involved in research. The group began when women were not allowed to join the Research Club, then open only to men. They solved this problem by forming their own club over eight decades ago, and ...…

October 03, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 18) • Page Image 8

…ARTS The Michigan Daily Tania Schrader's Hearst goes inside the SLA BY MIKE RUBIN 1974 was a pretty good year. Not to experience, actually, but a year that shimmers brightly under my not-too-exacting microscope of pop culture nostalgia. Gas prices were beginning to skyrocket, musical tastes and fashion sense were begin- ning to plummet, and Watergate left an aftertaste that not even sugar- coated breakfast cereal could chase away. However, fo...…

October 03, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 18) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Dily - Monday, October 3, 1988 - Page 9 .Reshaping the U.S. Le - Popular Struggles in ti /olume Three of The Year 8d. by Mike Davis and Michael 'Verso : Paperback/$14.95 If you listen to the Reaganauts long enough, it becomes easy to believe that the '80s have brought us :inot only the "peace and prosperity". : ,eagan claims they have, but also a political climate in which few Americans would disagree with such 'an assessment. As...…

October 03, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 18) • Page Image 10

…4 Women's Volleyball vs. Michigan State Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Crisler Arena -SPORTS Monday, October 3, 1988 Football vs. Michigan State Saturday, 3:30 p.m. Michigan Stadium The Michigan Daily Page 10 SNAP JUDGMENTS BY MICHAEL SALINSKY SPECIAL TO THE DAILY MADISON - Did you see Tony Boles go? Did you see Chris Horn burst into the end zone? Of course you did, but did you see the guys who really made those plays - those off-to-the-races ru...…

October 03, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 18) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily --Monday, October 3, 1988-- Page 11 'M' Continued from Page 1 celebrated their 100th year of Wisconsin football Saturday, but the Wolverines crashed the party. Michigan's final tally marked the second-highest game total ever allowed by the Badgers. "I think when you break the very first play for a touchdown, and things went as well as they did in the first half, that was pretty much the game," said Michigan coach Bo Schembe...…

October 03, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 18) • Page Image 12

…4 Page 12 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 3, 1988 iii The University of Michigan Union " s .. 1 " i ' : 4 ,r _. ... s, -' .. a: -' ,, October 3 to October 9,1988 4 BANDSA W BOXE S You can Make Nobody knows boxes like Gary and bandsaw boxes are cleverly simple and affordable. Come learn about this technique before the holiday rush. Studient Woodshop Wednesday Workshop Octber 5, 740p $5.00 registrationfee0 The Woodshop, a part of ...…

October 03, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…In Weken a zine: George Benson - 'Children of a Lesser God' SThe black Greek system * Mike Fisch j:j; b r Lt igan 1Eat1 Ninety-seven years of editorialfreedom Vol. XCVII - No. 22 Copyright 1986, The Michigon Doily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, October 3, 1986 Twelve Pages 5,MW hopes .to add to Badger *bues By PHL. NUSSEL They have lost a head coach, 12 starters to injuries, and three of their first four football games, but nobody is ...…

October 03, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 22) • Page Image 2

…Page 2.- The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 3, 1986 Festivities cause schedule conflicts IN BRIEF, (Continued from Page 1) They should reschedule." LSA freshman Amy Honig echoed Horn's sentiments, saying Jewish students "should be able to celebrate their holiday just like we take off for Christmas." But LSA freshman Laura Rollins said "I don't think it matters because it doesn't affect me. If they take the day off, that's fine." ROSH HASH...…

October 03, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 22) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 3, 1986 - Page 3 Reagan denies misleading press about Libya WASHINGTON (AP)-Administration officials acknowledge the White House ;plotted to deceive Libyan leader i oammar Gadhafi into thinking Pe faced a new round of U.S. bombing and a possible coup, but President Reagan insisted yesterday there was "not any plan ;of ours" to mislead the American kpeople and press. The aim of the secret plan was ,to con...…

October 03, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 22) • Page Image 4

…4 OPINION Page 4 3bie M1E11d311Ug atIn Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCVII, No. 22 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board' All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Friday, October 3, 1981 The Michigan Daily: Nite Owl A T LAST , THE executive officers of the University have...…

October 03, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 22) • Page Image 5

…r The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 3, 1986- Page 5 Imagainary 'sweetheart' inspired fraternity song ALBION, MICH (AP)-She will ho was the coolest coed, the frat's alums meow, a mythic queen of the compos( campus. and F.: She supposedly inspired two them to Sigma Chi brothers to pen perhaps in 1911 the most famous fraternity theme, A B tapping out the tune on an Albion membE College organ 75 years ago. "sweet] BUT "The Sweetheart of Sigma...…

October 03, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 22) • Page Image 6

…Page 6. - The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 3, 1986 0 I Di 7114'- 0I5i7I : LOST & FOUND CHEAP COMPUTER TERMINALS- 15 Bucks per month including modem. Call 761- 6100 NOW or stop by 334 S. State between 3 and 6pm. daily. FOUND: Watch on N. University near League. Identify. 764-1177. LADY'S BULOVA WATCH - Fri. Sept. 26 East Main Cam pus area. Great sentimental value. $50 REWARD! Janet, 764-7240. FOR SALE COMPUTER SALE: Color Monitor $1...…

October 03, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 22) • Page Image 7

…7, ARTS The Michigan Daily Friday, October 3, 1986 Page 7 . ............ . ... . .... ... Far freakin out; 'Doonesbury 'on stage By Brian McCann When Otis L. Guernsey put together his annual collection of Best Plays for the 1983-84 theater season, he noted that the short- lived Doonesbury would have another life on some other stage. This weekend Doonsebury re - turns from the comics to the theater as predicted: this time to the Trueblo...…

October 03, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 22) • Page Image 8

…Page 8, - The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 3, 1986 Halfway ho sts By-Mike Rubin Hey music lovers - are you k6moaning the fact that Ann ~bordoesn't possess a "scene" like the kind Rolling Stone, Newsweek, and Tiger Beat proclaim exist in Austin, Minneapolis, and Athens, GA? Well quit crying, because this weekend East Quad's Halfway Inn kicks off another year of ilusical entertainment through pain with two shows featuring some of the best...…

October 03, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 22) • Page Image 9

…Hockey Blue-White Intrasquad Scrimmage Tonight, 7:30 Yost Ice Arena SPORTS Men's Basketball Season Ticket Applications Today, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Athletic Ticket Office The Michigan Doily Red Friday, October 3, 1986 to showcase new Page~ Blue recruits By DARREN JASEY Excited fans will tell you the 1986-87 Michigan hockey season opens tonight at Yost Ice Arena. Well, not quite. The season actually starts next Friday night at Yost when pre-se...…

October 03, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 22) • Page Image 10

…Page 10- - The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 3, 1986 4 Schembechier shoots for 200th win (Continued from Page 1) against Wyoming. Of Hilles' 22 original starters, 12 E have suffered injuries. However, most of them, will return against Michigan, including All-Big Ten tailback Lary Emery (1,113 yards in '85). Vith that in mind, Schembechler is not taking the Badgers lightly. "WE'RE NOT going to play the, same Wisconsin team that played ...…

October 03, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 22) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 3, 1986-- Page 11 Improved Stickers face Big Ten rivals By AL HEDBLAD Perennial field hockey heavyweight Northwestern storms into Ann Arbor Sunday to take on Michigan in a 10 a.m. game at Tartan Turf. For the first time in several years, it appears that the Wolverines can compete with the Wildcats. "Northwestern is beatable," said assistant coach Andrea Wickerham. "They are similar to Iowa in that they ha...…

October 03, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 22) • Page Image 12

…0 Page 12--The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 3, 1986 oil 0 1 rr I nIN, ' I~n ,. r nn {fi III VIII nr~ { I I It/lpN Illlllllll ' i r q{I i f i~ i { I , II ! YI TM BUDWESER@'KING OF BEERS®ANHEUSER-8USCH. INC..S. LOUIS …

October 03, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 22) • Page Image 14

…mw MW w V V V V W V V V U _ Warontees 862-6969LOCAL *va"labl "A family tradition TRADE-INS for over 36 years '77 FORD LTD 2 '80 DATSUN B210 3-dr. excellent condition 5 speed, great in every way. $1995gasmileage. $1595 '83 SHELBY CHARGER '82 RELIANT 4-dr. 5 speed, power steering5 auoai&arnccr$29 and powerbrakes. $4495uoai inc a 29 '84 RELIANT 4-dr. '79 FORD PINTO power & air con- automatic steering & 95 ditioning, clean. $5195 brakes, 1 own...…

October 03, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 22) • Page Image 15

…ua a w v v . w U w U W L- J w w_ ".- f What's happening in Ann Arbor this weekend FRIDAY CAMPUS CINEMA CRY, THE BELOVED COUNTRY (Zoltan Korda, 1951), AAFC, DBL/7:00 p.m., MLB 4. Sidney Poitier stars in this early attempt to depict the wretched living conditions suffered by blacks under the Aparthied Policy. LOST IN THE STARS (Daniel Mann, 1973), AAFC, DBL/9:00 p.m., MLB 4. A musical remake of "Cry, The Beloved Country" with a rath...…

October 03, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 22) • Page Image 16

… music GREEKS w He may be fast, but 'the Bach of rock?' No way Yngwie J. Malmsteen TRILOGY Polygram Yngwie J. Malmsteen has been hailed by many as the next great rock guitarist, destined to follow in the footsteps of Beck, Clapton and Paige. He's been called a "Swedish Eddie Van Halen" by some, and praised with even higher accolade by others. Guitar World said he's become the fastest rising guitarist of the eighties, he was voted "Best ...…

October 03, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 22) • Page Image 17

… 0 w !. w w MICH.ELLANY 'Protest? Sorry, I'm just too busy' LET'S SAY THAT YOU'RE IN children too will say, "Never college a year before the United again." States entered World War , and IKEThe Holocaust and the atrocities you see a sign announcing a protest that occur today are different in against Hitler's Holocaust. Would F I SC H many ways. The Germans used gas you go to the protest? What if you chambers. Millions of victims were ha...…

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