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October 03, 1989 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-10-03

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Bothering the 'U': a tradition

Do away with Berets

AL playoffs: will it be the A's or the Jays?

Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
Vol. C, No. 19 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, October 3, 1989 *

Cost of
may rise
by Tara Gruzen
Daily City Reporter
The price of selling NCAA
championship t-shirts and other
paraphernalia on the streets of Ann
Arbor may soon increase by 250
percent. At last night's weekly City
Council meeting, an ordinance
passed on first reading to increase the
price of peddler and solicitor licenses
from $10 to $35.
"After the NCAA champi-
onships, there were T-shirts flying
on practically every corner," said
councilmember Terry Martin (R-
Second Ward) who proposed the or-
dinance. "It was obnoxious and ugly
and it should be regulated."
Martin said since vendors and
peddlers do not charge sales tax, it is
unfair for store owners to keep the
price of a vending license so low.
The cost of a license is compara-
bly lower here than in other cities,
Martin said, and it should be in-
creased so that everyone is "playing
the game fairly."
However, LSA senior Mike
Zucker, who makes and sells
"Wolverine Beer" T-shirts, said in-
creasing the price of a license will
only deter people from buying li-
cences, not from selling their prod-
"For $35 people are going to say,
'who needs it?"' he said.
asZucker said he bought a license
last year because he wanted to sell
his shirts legally. But, this year he
decided not to buy a licence because
so many people were selling things
without them. Zucker noted that the
license restricts selling in the area
around the stadium, but many vend
there anyway.
Councilmember Tom Richardson
(R-Fifth Ward) voiced concern at the
meeting that increasing the price of
the license would be hindering the
progress of young entrepreneurs in
Ann Arbor.
"The city should be wary of regu-
lating the progress of the poorest
businesspeople," he said.
Agreeing with Richardson, coun-
cilmember Larry Hunter (D-First
Ward) said if people have problems
with vendors, the city should con-
sider regulating them rather than in-
creasing the price of a license.
The ordinance will not take ef-
fect, however unless it passes its
second reading before the council.






Duderstadt delivers what may be his last
'dinosaur' State of the University address

by Noah Finkel
Daily Administration Reporter
President James Duderstadt chal-
lenged the University community to
"invent the University of the 21st
century" in his annual State of the
University address last night.
Duderstadt, speaking before a
sparse crowd of less than 100 in the
Power Center, called the speech pos-
sibly his "last State of the Univer-
sity address."
The address "is a dinosaur because
there are so many other opportuni-
ties for the President to issue chal-
lenges to the University," he said.
Nevertheless, Duderstadt did issue
a challenge last night.
Because of the growing pluralism
of society, the globalization of
knowledge, and the transition to a
post-industrial knowledge society,
Duderstadt said, "education and the
research University" must change.
He expressed hope that Michigan
would be a leader.
,"Who's going to determine the
new paradigm for a research Univer-
sity?" he asked. "Why not the Uni-
versity of Michigan?"
To that end, the President out-
lined what he saw as four areas of
major challenges in the 1990s:
-Paying for the costs of excel-

Because state financial support{
for education has leveled off, Duder-
stadt said other sources of funding
must be found if the University is to
"break away from the pack" of other
educational institutions.
Both private donations and federal
aid need to increase, Duderstadt said.
He noted that both federal funding
and tuition have surpassed state ap-
propriations as sources of University
-Changing the "corporate culture
of the University."
The President praised what he
called the University's traditions of
"activism" and "openness", but said
there needs to be "more respect for
pluralism and diversity," and "more
daring and adventurousness on this
However, Duderstadt's two anti-
discrimination policies implemented
in the past year have been assailed
by opponents such as Regent Deane
Baker (R-Ann Arbor), as being "a
great weight from above... creat(ing)
a climate of fear and distrust on this
-Building positive relationships
between the University and its vari-
ous constituents.

Duderstadt placed a high priority
on boosting the University's image
with the public and the state. "The
public has a love-hate relationship
with the University... it harbors deep
suspicions" about higher education,
he said.
But in the past, many University
officials and regents have blasted the
state legislature, possibly the Uni-
versity's most important con-
stituent, for levelling-off appropria-
-Combating "the forces of dark-
ness that surround the University -
namely, politics."
The President said the Universit)
has to combat "threats to the auton-
omy of higher education from thf
state and federal government," has tc
be wary of the "increasing erosion in
public confidence in higher educa-
tion," and fight the "extraordinary
unwillingness to invest in the fu-
ture" of education.
Duderstadt said that because he is
now finished assembling his "team,"
he will have to "get out of the way"
to let that team work. He said he
will now focus on the external rela-
tionships of the University.
After speaking of the future,
Duderstadt took some time to look
See PR EZ, page 2

President James Duderstadt yesterday at the Power Center challenged
the University to invent a model University for the twenty-first century.

Symposium aims to

See PREZ, page 2

by Ian Hoffman

Despite a low turnout at la
nority Affairs sponsored sym
Unity In A Multicultural Co
and participants said they wer
The symposium, intended
"unity on campus withinI
American, Latino-American
groups in light of heightened
within society," drew about 5
However, Cheryl Tilles, an
assistant who helped to plant
many deans and student leader
She said, "I would rather h
600 people blowing air." T
sickness and previous timec
dance down.
Participants highlighted th
different minority groups in

minorty unity
Rhetaugh Dumas, dean of the School of Nursing, "this
ast's night's Office of Mi- symposium gives different groups a chance to expand
iposium titled "Achieving boundaries and establish linkages among each other."
)mmunity", its organizers Dumas added, "I was very impressed with the serious-
e satisfied with the event's ness of the issues discused."
"Students of color share common issues that can be
to work toward achieving addressed when coalitions are formed," said Pamela Mo-
Black-American, Asian- toike, a counselor at counseling services. "Those coali-
n, and Native-American tions are not always easy to form," she added.
racial violence occurring Although the event was geared for all minority stu-
50 people to the Michigan dents, the turnout was predominantly Black. Partici-
pants were puzzled by this phenomenon.
n LSA senior and program "I don't know why other Native Americans are not
the event, said there were here," said Susan Hill, an RC first-year student. "I
s in attendance. hope they come next time."
have a quality turnout than "Maybe Asian-Americans don't feel these events are
illes said that midterms, geared for them," Motoike said. "Maybe they fear they
commitments kept atten- won't be welcomed."
"It really hits to the heart of the problem when all
e importance of gathering students of color don't attend these kind of events," Mo-
a shared dialogue. Said toike added, referring to the small See UNITY, page 2

Liability trial for Flight 255 crash begins

DETROIT (AP) - More than
Ptwo years after the nation's second-
worst air disaster, prospective jurors
crowded a muggy federal court hear-
ing room yesterday for a trial to fix
the blame in the deaths of 156 peo-
U.S. District Judge Julian Cook
began selecting a jury for an ex-
pected two-to six-month trial on
what liability Northwest Airlines
and McDonnell Douglas Corp.,
builder of the MD-80 jetliner, bear
in the crash of Flight 255.
Seated in close rows of chairs

were nearly 200 jury prospects and
about 30 of the nearly 70 lawyers in
the case. More than a dozen relatives
and friends of crash victims sat in a
row at the back of the room.
More than a dozen relatives and
friends of crash victims sat in a row
at the back of the room. Scribbling
reporters and scrawling sketch artists
stood along one wall.
The trial will feature about 4,000
exhibits, including shredded plane
parts and hundreds of photographs
from the Aug. 16, 1987, crash.
"This is probably one of the

hardest battles we have, coming to
the trial daily and having everything
come out in the open again," said
Betty Polec, whose pregnant daugh-
ter, Lisa, and son-in-law, Donald
Klaft, died in the crash.
The Phoenix-bound plane failed
to gain altitude leaving Detroit
Metropolitan Airport. It slammed
down on Interstate 94, killing 154
people on board and two on the
ground. The sole survivor on board
was Cecelia Cichan, then four, who
now lives with relatives in Alabama.
The jury will be asked to deter-

mine what liability Northwest and
McDonnell Douglas bore in the
The National Transportation
Safety Board said the pilots failed to
properly set the plane's wing flaps
and slats. Northwest claims prob-
lems with the plane contributed, in-
cluding defects in a flaps warning
When the liability question is
settled, individual damage suits can
be heard. Cook can send those back
to courts where they were filed or
have them heard in Detroit.

Jailed State Rep. Dutko steps
down from seat amid pressure

Professor Margo Halsted, the University's official carillonnuer, plays the
carillon yesterday to anybody within hearing distance of the bell tower.
The carillon chamber is open to the public everyday from 12:30 to 1:00.
East Germans upset by
refugees fleeing to West

P LANSING (AP) - State Rep. Dennis Dutko, who

The eight-term lawmaker, an acknowledged alcoholic

PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia (AP)
- A West German dinlomat rescned

In a forma nrotes delivered n

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