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October 03, 1990 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-10-03

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 3, 1990 - Page 5
ACT-UP protests
anti-Mandela fliers

by Elizabeth Marshall
The AIDS Coalition to Unleash
Power (ACT-UP) protested in the
Diag yesterday against last week's
distribution of fliers - which de-
picted Nelson Mandela with horns
and a forked tongue, expressing
wishes to enslave white people -
to several law students.
ACT-UP condemned the fliers as
"racist" and "unacceptable."
ACT-UP, a national organiza-
tion that is fairly new on campus,
believes that its role is to demon-
strate a "vocal and visible response
to any act of racism, sexism or anti-
gay bigotry wherever it shows up,"
said LSA junior Paul Carmoche.
Carmoche maintained that
racism is a direct determinant of
AIDS because "people of color,"
namely Blacks and Latinos, consti-
tute the majority of newly diagnosed
AIDS cases, but receive dispropor-
tionate government funding for
AIDS education and medical treat-
ACT-UP member Pattrice Mau-
rer, a Rackham graduate student who
organized the rally, explained that

although ACT-UP was protesting
against a racist act, they are primar-
ily a white organization in Ann Ar-
bor. Maurer said ACT-UP's protests
are aimed toward white students who
are the "beneficiaries and perpetuants
of racism."
"You must work to end
racism...We can't fight AIDS with-
out fighting its determinants!" she
told the crowd of about 40.
Maurer mentioned a series of de-
mands ACT-UP is presenting to the
University, one of which is the re-
structuring of what the group views
as an ineffectual affirmative action
She also criticized the role of
campus security in preventing acts
of racism and homophobia. "We
can't rely on campus security to pro-
tect minorities from violence," she
LSA junior Virginia Becerra
pointed out the necessity of opening
up AIDS issues to the faculty to
make students' statements heard. "It
is important to dispel the myths that

the University as a whole is perpe-
trating," she added.
ACT-UP member Valerie Park,
an Ann Arbor high school student,
said she hoped the rally and future
ACT-UP demonstrations would be
effective in "making it visible that
AIDS is not just a disease, it's a po-
litical issue." She said the rally was
just the beginning of ACT-UP's ac-
tions on campus.
Dave Blair, a member of Michi-
gan Anti-Racist Action and a sup-
porter of the Revolutionary Workers
League, also spoke, commending
ACT-UP's efforts in fighting AIDS.
He brought up the issue of the test-
ing and price of Azathiophrine
(AZT), the only licensed anti-viral
drug for AIDS that is available in
the U.S.
Charlie Sullivan, a Rackham stu-
dent, added that the testing of the
drug was also discriminatory because
the control group was only com-
posed of white males; no minorities
were given the opportunity to test
the drug.

Lawn psychologist
Taking advantage of favorable weather, Eric Lauber teaches his Psychology 172 class outdoors.
*Man tries to rip off Discount


Need the hot news fast?
Find it in the Daily.

by Josephine Ballenger
Daily Crime Reporter
An armed robbery occurred at
Discount Records October 1, when a
man entered the South State Street
store and attempted to steal a cas-
sette. When an employee confronted
*im, the suspect exposed a knife.
Two employees chased the man
down the street, and he was appre-
hended on the 400 block of the same
street. The man has been taken into
custody and is lodged at the Washte-

naw County jail.
An armed robbery at Buddy's
Mini-Market at 2315 W. Stadium

the cash register be opened. The man
grabbed money, fled on foot, and
was not apprehended.
A vehicle parked in the 525
Church Street carport was mali-
ciously vandalized between 6 p.m.
September 29 and 7:45 a.m. the next
day. The rear view mirror was
smashed and a door was dented.
A car parked on the100 block
of South State Street was broken and
entered through a smashed window
September 29 between 11 a.m. and 4
p.m., resulting in the theft of a

purse, TV, and two jackets.
A set of University football
tickets were stolen from an automo-
bile on the 300 block of Hill Street,
September 20, between 10 and 11:30
A waste basket was found on
fire, resulting from an alleged arson,
in the Michigan Union around 4
p.m. October 1.
e Two trash cans were set on
fire by an unknown arsonist
September 29 at 727 Packard. There
was minor damage but no injuries.

a 1

occured yesterday morning when a
suspect with a hand in his jacket
threatened to use a gun and demanded

p (


Debate on diversity class continues

-8 r

y Amanda Neuman
aily Staff Writer
Whether or not a diversity class
requirement for University students
would be coercive or indoctrinating
were two of the main issues debated
yesterday in the last of two public
forums held on the proposed curricu-
lum changes for LSA.
Next Monday the faculty will
meet to vote on the proposed re-
Oquirement for graduation.
Speaking against a requirement,
Thomas Dunn, professor of chem-
istry, cited the coercive nature of
such a requirement.
"To compel or not to compel.
That is the question," he said. Dunn
added that the "compulsive character"
and not the content of the proposed
requirement is at issue.
"Students are quick to recognize
when they're being used or when
they're being indoctrinated," Dunn
said. He insisted that the function of
the University is education, which
lies in the free election of courses,
not "compulsion and mandatory be-

havior modification."
McDonald responded that the
proposals do not "suggest behavior
modification as the content or result
of the class." He also negated the is-
sue of compulsion since it "applies
to all the requirements in the col-
The forum began with comments
by proponents of each of the four
proposals. Elizabeth Douvan, pro-
fessor of psychology and women's
studies, spoke for Proposals A and
C, which would require courses to

deal with ethnic and/or racial intoler-
ance in contemporary American so-
Ruth Scodel, professor of Greek
and Latin, argued for Proposal B,
which requires the student to exam-
ine the culture and/or experience of a
group in any society that has suf-
fered discrimination.
History Prof. Terrence McDonald
reviewed the merits of the Faculty
Proposal, which stipulates that stu-
dents focus specifically on the con-
cept of race ethnicity and racism

throughout the world to fulfill the
Faculty presentations were fol-
lowed by open discussion, in which
students had an opportunity to voice
their opinions.
LSA senior Brian Meadors said
he learns from life experience, not
necessarily from his classes. He op-
poses a mandatory class on diversity
because it "robs people of individual-
ity by putting them into groups."



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