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October 03, 1986 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-10-03

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Page 2.- The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 3, 1986

Festivities cause
schedule conflicts


(Continued from Page 1)
They should reschedule."
LSA freshman Amy Honig
echoed Horn's sentiments, saying
Jewish students "should be able to
celebrate their holiday just like
we take off for Christmas."
But LSA freshman Laura
Rollins said "I don't think it
matters because it doesn't affect
me. If they take the day off, that's
bolizes the beginning of the New
Year. It is a period of careful
introspection for Jewish people as
they consider why they have
failed others, themselves, and
God. The holiday marks a time
for them to start anew and better
themselves for the forthcoming
During Rosh Hashanah, Jews
create a relationship with God
while preparing themselves for
Yom Kippur, when they will stand
before God in a symbolic Day of
During Yom Kippur, Jews
repent for their sins and hope for
forgiveness from others, from
themselves, and from God. Yom
Kippur is a more solemn holiday
than Rosh Hashanah because it is
a more inward experience. A 24-
hour - fast symbolizes the
cleansing and purification of the
"BY FASTING," says Joseph,
Kohane, Associate Director of the
Hillel Foundation, "you feel
physical discomfort. It lowers
your guards and makes you feel
more vulnerable. You feel
empathy for others in hardship
and less well off. Ultimately, we

seek atonement for our sins so
that we can live a better life in the
next year."
Some residence halls are
holding special meals for Rosh
Hashanah. South Quad, for
example, is having a dinner
tonight that is a "special dinner"
just like a Christmas or
Thanksgiving dinner, said
Lynn Hammond, production
supervisor at the residence hall.
Information on the sig-
nificance of the holiday and why
the food is special will be given to
the students who eat there. The
menu consists apples and honey,
signifying a sweet New Year,
carrots, the roots of which signify
the beginning of the New Year,
egg bread, filet of sole, pot roast,
honey cake, and carrot cake.
The Hillel Foundation will be
holding Reformed, Conservative,
and Orthodox services for Rosh
Hashanah tonight. The Reformed
and Orthodox services will be
held at Hillel at 7 p.m. and the
Conservative services will be
held in the Union Ballroom at the
same time. Tomorrow Reformed
services are at 10 a.m., Orthodox
at 9 a.m., and Conservative at
8:30 a.m. in the same locations as
Yom Kippur services will be
held beginning Sunday, Oct. 12
in the same places as the Rosh
Hashanah services. Reformed
services are at 6:30 p.m.,
Orthodox at 6:15 p.m. and
Conservative at 6:30 p.m. On
Monday, Oct. 13, Reformed
services are at 10 a.m., and
Orthodox and Conservative are at
9 a.m.

Associated Press.
Unemployed steelworkers block the path of three Conrail trains enroute
to pick up steel at US X Corp.'s Fairless Hills plant yesterday. The
steelworkers have been out of work since Aug.1 in a labor dispute.
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds
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Monastery to care
for infants with AIDS

mountaintop monastery is
opening its doors to unwanted
infants born with AIDS who
otherwise might spend their brief
lives shut away in hospitals.
"We believe that in the few
months they have after birth and
before the disease takes them,
there is time for-these babies to feel
the leaves and see the sun," said
Brother Toby McCarroll of the
Starcross Monastery.
"THAT'S why we're going to
give them a home."
The Roman Catholic
monastery will care for as many
as four infants with the disease
and wants to help find homes for
as many as 20 others.
Starcross, located on about 115
acres in the Coastal Range
roughly 80 miles north of San
Francisco, is self-sufficient,

maintaining a small herd of
milking cows, gardens and
selling Christmas trees and
THE monastery has five
adults, a 16-year-old foster child
and one healthy adopted infant in
residence. In the past, the group
has cared for 15 children with
special medical and emotional
needs, McCarroll said.
After reading about AIDS-
infected babies last March,
Starcross members decided to
investigate the possibility of
taking in some of those infants,
McCarroll said.
Eventually, Starcross hopes to
find up to 20 homes for babies with
AIDS. He said several supporters
of the monastery, from Santa
Rosa to Marin County, have
expressed an interest in taking
care of such a child.

Gandhi survives gun attack
NEW DELHI, INDIA-A man in an army uniform fired a
homemade pistol yesterday at Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and
President Zail Singh, missing them but slightly wounding six
other people. Authorities said the captured assailant did not belong
to a terror group.
The shooting triggered an investigation into protection given the
prime minister, who has been threatened repeatedly by Sikh
separatists. Police said the gunman was not a Sikh.
The government said several police assigned to protect Gandhi
were suspended after the attack, which occurred as Gandhi and the
president left a prayer service commemorating the 117th
anniversary of the birth of Mohandas Gandhi, who led India's
struggle for independence from Britain.
Two of the injured said they were standing next to Gandhi when
the gunman fired, and were hit by pellets intended for the prime
Stud ysays child poverty up
WASHINGTON-The number of poor children jumped 30
percent between 1979 and 1984, while participation rates in two key
federal programs dropped sharply among America's
impoverished young, a congressional report said yesterday.
The rate of participation in Head Start and Aid to Families witb
Dependent Children fell more than 20 percent during the five-year:
period as the number of poor children jumped from 9.9 million t
12.9 milion, the study said.
"The record growth in poverty among children has not been
acompanied by increased availability of key safety net:
programs," said the report by the Democratic-run House Select
Committee on Children, Youth and Families.
"To the contrary, support programs are not reaching the
majority of those in need, (and) are not most available where child$
poverty is greatest."
But the report, entitled "Safety Net Programs: Are They
Reaching Poor Children?" drew blistering dissents from th&
panel's 10 Republican members.
House panel convenes over
US man held in Yugoslavia
WASHINGTON-A House subcommittee met in emergency
session yesterday on the plight of Peter Ivezaj, a naturalized U.S.
citizen expected to stand trial in Yugoslavia for joining in a
peaceful 1981 anti-Yugoslav rally here.
"He may languish in a dark cell for years if we fail to convince
Yugoslavian officials that we really do want him set free,"
testified Rep. William Broomfield (R-Mich.), the lone witness at
the hearing.
Ivezaj, of Sterling Heights, Mich., was jailed by Yugoslav
authorities in August while he and his family weme visiting
relatives in that country. He is an ethnic Albanian who was born
in Yugoslavia and emigrated to the United States in 1972.
"It is interesting to note that he protested legally on American
soil, and that he is being charged for an activity which is legal by
U.S. standards," Broomfield said.
Job stress threatens health
ATLANTA-Stress, boredom, and frustration at work are
causing substantial health problems for Americans, the national
Centers for Di'sease Control said yesterday.
Numerous job-related insurance claims filed around the
country are citing mental stress, and "there is increasing
evidence that an unsatisfactory work environment may contribute
to psychological disorders," the CDC said in its weekly report,
prepared by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and
A study released last year by the National Council on
Compensation Insurance found that claims for the gradual onset
of "mental stress" accounted for more that one in every 10
occupational-disease-and-injury claims, and the average cost of
those claims was higher than for other work-related health
Conditions such as work overload, lack of control over one's job,
non-supportive bosses and colleagues, limited job opportunity,
undefined tasks, rotating work shifts, and operating at a
machine-set pace all can contribute to a worker's dissatisfaction
with his job.
Thousands die annually-
from prescription misuse
WASHINGTON-Federal health officials are worried -that
America's "other drug problem"-the taking of prescribed
medications incorrectly or not at all-may be causing tens of
thousands of deaths each year.
Dr. Robert Windom, the Reagan Administration's top health
official, said yesterday up to half of the 1.6 billion medicines
prescribed to Americans each year are taken improperly.
He said one study indicated that 125,000 people die each year
from failure to take their medication for cardiovascular disease.
"The toll in mental disorientation, in physical effects, and even
in terms of life and death may be just as great when a 70-year-old
woman takes her blood pressure medicine improperly as when her.

grandson smokes marijuana or takes a street drug," said Dr..
Frank Young, the commisioner or food and drugs.
More than 10 percent of hospital admissions are related to
misuse of prescription drugs,,said Windom.
Vol. XCVII -No.22
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday
through Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription
rates: September through April-$18 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the
city..One term-$10 in town; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and
subscribes to Pacific News Service and the Los Angeles Times






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Editor in Chief....................ERIC MATTSON Associate Sports
Managing Editor...........RACHEL GOTTLIEB Editors.............DAVE ARETHA
('.y Editor ................CHRISTY RIEDEL RICK KAPLAN
reatures Editor .........AMY MINDELL ADAM MARTIN
NEWS STAFF: Eve Becker, Melissa Birks, PHIL NUSSEL-'
Laura Bischoff, Rebecca Blumenstein, Nancy SPORTS STAFF: Paul Dodd, Liam Flaherty,
Braiman, Marc Carrel, Harish Chand, Dov Jon Hartmann, Darren Jasey, Julie Langer,
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Stephen Gregory, Mary Chris Jaklevic, Philip Muth, Adam Ochlis, Lisa Poutans, Jeff Rush,
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Opinion Page Editor...............KAREN KLEIN Sales Manager..........DIANE BLOOM
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Editor...............HENRY PARK Classified Manager......GAYLA BROCKMAN
OPINION PAGE STAFF: Rosemary Asst Sales Manager ...DEBRA LEDERER
Chinnock, Gayle Kirshenbaum, Peter Ass't Classified Manager..GAYLE SHAPIRO
Mooney, Caleb Southworth. DISPLAY SALES: Barb Calderoni, Irit
Arts Editor ..........NOELLE BROWER Elrand, Lisa Gnas, MelissaHambrick, Alan
Associate Arts Editor..REBECCA CHIUNG Heyman, Julie Kromholz, Anne Kubek,
Music.................................BETH FERTIG Wendy Lewis, Jason Liss, Laura Martin, Scott
Film...............................KURT SERBUS Metcalf, Renae Morrissey, Carolyn Rands,
Books.....................SUSANNE MISENCIK Jimmey Ringel, Jacqueline Rosenburg, Julie
ARTS STAFF: Joe Accinni i.isa.erkowitz Sakter. Micael Stola n.ebra Sil.vem...

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