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October 03, 1986 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-10-03

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In Weken a zine: George Benson - 'Children of a Lesser God'
SThe black Greek system * Mike Fisch

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Lt igan


Ninety-seven years of editorialfreedom

Vol. XCVII - No. 22

Copyright 1986, The Michigon Doily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, October 3, 1986

Twelve Pages

5,MW hopes
.to add to
They have lost a head coach, 12
starters to injuries, and three of
their first four football games, but
nobody is ready to count the
Wisconsin Badgers as a loser
when they take on fourth-ranked
Michigan(3-0) tommorow night at
Madison in the Big Ten season
opener for both teams.
Originally tabbed as the Big
Ten dark-horse, Wisconsin has
been lackluster, if not terrible, in
its first four games, and are thus
19-point underdogs. Michigan,
after improving against Florida
State last week, must guard
against overconfidence.
"I'M VERY disappointed about
my football team," said
Wisconsin's interim head coach
Jim Hilles, who took the job last
1 May after Dave McClain died of a
heart attack. "It's just a very
embarrassing situation to be in
both for me and my players. I
think Bo Schembechler will have
a tough time convincing his
players that Wisconsin is for
The Badgers opened up with a
20-17 loss at Hawaii. A week
later, they struggled defensively
during a 35-20 win over Northern
& Illinois. The bottom fell out the
last two weeks with defeats at
Nevada-Las Vegas and at home


Daily Photo by JAE KIM
Local actress Elise Bryant reads selections from South African activist Winnie Mandela's works at yester-
day's shanty rededication on the Diag. The shanty, a center of great controversy, was built in protest of South
Africa's apartheid system.
FSACC rallies against racism

Senate voted 78-21 yesterday to
override President Reagan's veto
of tough new sanctions against
South Africa, joining the House in
enacting measures designed to
force Pretoria's white-majority
government to abandon
In dealing Reagan one of the
most dramatic foreign policy
setbacks of his presidency, and
the first substantive override of a
Reagan veto, the Senate rebuffed
administration pleas that the
punitive economic sanctions
would prove most harmful to
South Afirca's blacks. Five
previous Reagan vetos, on lesser
issues, had been reversed.
DESPITE fierce lobbying by
Reagan and other White House
officials, and members of the
Senate supportive of the
administration's policy, the final
vote showed the president falling
13 votes short of the 34 needed to
sustain the veto.
Forty-seven Democrates and
31 Republicans voted to override
Reagan, while 21 GOP

lawmakers voted to back Reagan.
Sen. Jake Garn (R-Utah) who
recently donated one of his
kidneys to a daughter, was
In a statement issued from the
White House, Reagan said that
despite his objections to the
meassure, "Our administration
will, nevertheless, implement the
law. It must be recognized,
however, that this will not solve
the serious problems that plague
that country."
VICE President George Bush,
presiding over the Senate,
announced that the Senate's
sanctions measure had passed,
"the objections of the president of
the United States,
The House had voted 313-83
Monday to override Reagan's
While the newly enacted
sanctions stop short of ordering
outright American
disinvestment, and do not call for
a complete trade embargo, they do
take several significant steps

With a series of speeches and
dramatic readings, anti-apart-
heid activists yesterday re-
dedicated the Diag shanty, the
symbol of their protest.
More than 150 students gath-
ered near the wooden shack to
hear members of the Free South
Africa Coordinating Committee
(FSACC) condemn racism both in
that country and on campus.
"IT IS our obligation as

conscientious people to keep the
issue alive," said FSACC founder
Barbara Ransby.
Dressed in a colorful African
smock, local actress Elise Bryant
read from the works of South
African activist Winnie Man-
"It is quite a shock," she quoted
Mandela, "when some white man
tells you your country doesn't
belong to you and you must have a
piece of paper to stay in it."

THE SEVEN-by-seven foot
shanty was first built last March
as part of a national anti-
apartheid protest, and was
intended to stand for two weeks.
At the expiration of the shanty's
charter, FSACC leaders met with
Vice-President for Student
Sevices Henry Johnson. Ransby
and FSACC co-founder Hector
Delgado explained the edu-
cational purpose for the shanty
See FSACC, Page 5

'U' Council suggests

Pursell defends
financial aid stance

protest guidelines.
By REBECCA BLUMENSTEIN the council until Decemb
The University Council agreed BUT ANY form of pun
yesterday that students should imposed on a student thr
follow a set of guidelines when proposed University gu
participating in political protests, would appear on his a
but the council split on whether the record. "I don't wa
University should have any way transcript harmed is I ex
to enforce those guidelines. dissent," added Faigel.
"Guidelines are needed for Faculty and admini
both students and administrators members of the council
during instances of political are as committed to
expression," said student member expression as the stud
Ken Weine. "In addition to really would like to
procedures for students during people's right to dissent,
protest, there should be procedures feel pressure for an
for when an administrator can system of punishment it
call the police for arrests in severe cases of disturban
cases.". harrassment," said
The council, composed of Parnes, director of Un
students, faculty, and admin- housing.
istrators, has focused upon the Shaw Livermore, a
controversial issue of political professor, said, "You
dissent since' it shifted its decide to govern, or
discussion of the proposed code of governed."
non-academic conduct last THE ADMINISTR
month. appears to be growing in
ALTHOUGH student mem - with the council's indeci
bers argue that there has never University President
been any need for a code to Shapiro last fall threa
supplement the civil court system, bypass the council and pr
the council has been working on a d m i n i strati o n's
writing its draft since October of proposal-which has beer
1984. by the Michigan
"If we can lay out the guide- Assembly-to the B
lines, the enforcement can be tied Regents because h,
to other mechanisms," said dissatisfied with the
student member Jennifer Faigel. progress.
Just what those mechanisms MSA has the right to
should and can be is a question any code draft.
that has added to the council's Since it began its w
slow progress. "A code can be a council has been plagu
mechanism whereby students rotating membershi
know what's expected of them," frequent absences. Alt
said internal medicine Prof. has yet to come to an
. Donald Rucknagel, chairman of See 'U', Page 5

ough the
ant my
press my
say they
dents. "I
but still
in severe
nce or
have to
to be
tened to
opose the
n rejected
oard of
he was
work the
ed by a
p and
hough it
y sound

Rep. Carl Pursell (R-Plymouth) called charges that
he has supported cutting federal student loans
Pursell, a five-term incumbent United States con-
gressman, was referring to statements which appear
on the campaign posters of Democratic challenger
Dean Baker. According to Baker, Pursell's support
of the controversial Gramm-Rudman budget
balancing act has directly resulted in cuts in
financial aid to University students.
"The way to cut the federal deficit is to reverse the
way it was created. If we cut military programs, we
could slash the deficit significantly without harm-

ing our national security," Baker said.
PURSELL, who has made deficit reduction his
primary campaign issue, argues that every program
must take cuts. Pursell said a budget that he wrote in
1985, along with a group of other Republican con-
gressmen, would balance the budget in five years
because it would "hold the line in spending on
student aid and military and domestic programs."
But Pursell denies supporting legislation which
specifically cuts aid to students and claims that the
Baker posters are misleading.
Dallas Martin, executive director of the National
Association of Financial Aid Administrators,
See PURSEI4 Page 5

... calls charges "bogus"

--_ o ... a ., _. - - .., -

Jewish holidays clash, with classes

Two important Jewish holi-
days- Rosh Hashanah and Yom
Kippur- coincide with classes
this month, creating an incon-
venience for many University
Rosh Hashanah begins this
evening and is celebrated for two
days. Yom Kippur begins on the
eve of Sunday, Oct. 12, and
continues until the next evening.
Although students commonly
have to miss classes and
reschedule exams to observeathe
holidays, the University has no
set policies for the such students.
ROBIN Jacoby, assistant to the
provost, said, "Faculty are
encouraged, as a courtesy,nto
adjust schedules. They are not
expected to cancel classes, but if
an exam is scheduled, they are
encouraged to change it."
Jacoby noted that many deans

on campus issue memos to
remind the faculty when the
religious holidays are and to
encourage courtesy if students
need to miss classes.
In 1983, Rosh Hashanah fell on
the first two days of classes.
Memos, such as the one Jacoby
described, were issued to the
faculty to encourage them to keep
their wait lists open longer than
usual. They also requested that
students not be penalized for
missing the first few days of
classes. Assistant Vice
President of Academic Affairs
Robert Holmes the University did
not want to appear "callous." The
University, he said, is sensitive to
these issues, and tries to handle
them in the best way possible.
always consider the holidays
when they schedule exams.
Although political science Prof.

'Faculty are encouraged, as a courtesy, to
adjust schedules.

-Robin Jacoby, Assistant to the


Kenneth Lieberthal knew that
Yom Kippur falls on Oct. 13, he
scheduled an exam for that day.
He said he knew this would create
a problem for some students, so at
the beginning of the term he
announced that those observing
the holiday could make up the
exam the following evening.
He chose the exam date because
he wanted "to have the exam at a
natural breaking point in the

Lieberthal, a Jewish professor,
said he is upset about the situation
and "agonized on how best to
handle it. I'm very sensitive to
this problem. I wish there were a
painless solution."
STUDENTS such as physical
education freshman Chris Horn
are also sensitive to the problem.
"I think that people into their
religion should have the day off.
Professors should understand.

Register to vote
S tudents who ar 18 years old and United

Queller. Monday, Oct. 6th is the last day to
register. Registration booths are on campus at
the Fishbowl, the Diag, and the Union basement,
or at the City Hall and Secretary of States office.
Sky art
The technique is airy and light, the effect
. . . .«.. 1 ,..4.. . _A

if he never sees the $500 artwork again. "Air
can be described as lyrical or poetic or whatever
you want to call it. The art for me is the motion
factor." Several times, Charlotte Moorman has
donned a white-satin cape, strapped herself to
helium balloons and, drifting upward, played
the cello 200 feet off ground. The artists call her
work "Sky Kiss." The two practitioners in a

GIVE A HOOT: Opinion supports the expansion
of Nite Owl. See Page 4.
FUNNIES: Arts previews the University
. -- i wr o.._01 I


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