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October 18, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 36) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, October 18, 1978-Page 5 Taut acting inte By CHRISTOPHER POTTER jackals. She is perpetually obsessed In the Boom Boom Room, the current with a passion for self-improvement, production of Detroit's Attic Theatre, is yet the only goal she can conceptualize ,Rabe's is to someday jump from the sleazy commonly known as David RaesPhiladelphia discotheque where she ~"non-Vietnam play." Such a tag is ilaepi icteu hr h mi...…

October 18, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 36) • Page Image 6

…6-Wednesday, October 18, 1978-The Michigan Daily ___ .m-$ 45 It LL --1901 AU MAN rOLl 1..Hl is t wh 421 Sj A fI A I Iea bo~t I. PLP. R I ill rH S Ilanw Vccu 961-1 20 'lion L Info-" FOREST HILLS 4RMS! )SLYN G4tARDENS-28-10 rr"'frf' hdrmn oUur - ~T EWARRINGTON 111GL S35."00' S $5W"W"~ CALL 764-0557 IA. CPA seeks Jr to assist iversified D oaf- Gli~ t . i i Ssa sr, d-2 ~alm5 ltwn *l-.,tM V IIsI Bldg is a ldesir!Wbl...j.1 '...…

October 18, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 36) • Page Image 7

…"I Arabs vow to break Israeli-Lebanese ties The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, October 18, 1978-Page 7 GSA scandal may settle documents questioii BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP( - Seven Arab nations pledged at the end of a three-day summit yesterday to neutralize the right-wing' Christian militias that have been fighting for months against Syrian forces in Lebanon. They also threateied in an eight-point statement to use force if necessary to end collaborat...…

October 18, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 36) • Page Image 8

…iy, October 18, 1978-The Michigan Daily INSTITUTE FITNESS PROGRAM ichigan guards against injuries By ERNIE DUNBAR hat Michigan must Win all its ng football games to claim a the Rose Bowl, the threat of player to injury looms larger er. Bo Schembechier can ill afford searching for replacements to starters at this stage of the The offensive and defensive chembechler places on the field eek work best as a unit, with ers causing readjustments an...…

October 18, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 36) • Page Image 9

…Yanks New York LOS ANGELES (AP) - Slap-hitters Bucky Dent and Brian Doyle combined for six hits and five runs batted in; and Reggie Jackson added a monstrous homer as the New York Yankees defeated the Los Angeles Dodgers 7-2 last night to claim their 22nd World Championship. Crafty verteran Catfish Hunter scat- tered six base hits through seven innings to pick up the victory. Yankee bullpen ace Rich Gossage replaced Hunter after Joe Ferguson's...…

October 18, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 36) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Wednesday, October 18, 1978-The Michigan Daily U', interns to begin mediation By SHELLEY WOLSON A mediator appointed by the Michigan Employment Relations Commission (MERC) will meet with negotiators from the House Officers Association (HOA) and the University today in an attempt to resolve an impasse in con- tract negotiations. HOA repres'ents approximately 600 interns and residents at the University Hospital. THE PREVIOUS one-year c...…

October 17, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…U.N. to DUES See editorial page : ' LiEt iEtai1 BRIGHT See Today for details 'oI. LIX, No. 35 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 17, 1978 Ten Cents Twelve Pages SELECTS NAME JOHN PAUL II ~Polish Gatholics tere laud ew pope By GREGG KRUPA hen Jean Welka of Detroit heard 'news of the election of a Polish PopeX immediately thought of calling her ther Victoria Gawrysiak. Gawrysiak, a Catholic, came to the ited States from Poland on Ma...…

October 17, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 35) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Tuesday, October 17, 1978-The Michigan Daily * I TAKING THE LSAT? Join thousands of law school applicants nationwide in Amity's LSAT ReviewSeminars CALL TOLL-FREE FOR DETAILS AND LOCAL SCHEDULE INFORMATION: 800-2434767 Ext.761 McGovern calls U.S. tax cut disgraceful DETROIT (UPI) - Sen. George Mc Govern, (D-S.D.) said yesterday an $18.7 billion tax reduction awaiting President Carter's signature is "a disgrace to the human race," th...…

October 17, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 35) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, October 17, 1978-Page 3 IFYUSEE t'&OIS E VPPO4CALL WDAJtY REGENT CALLS FOR END TO HEARING: Graduate union may win case Take ten On October 17, 1968, Attorney General Frank Kelley said he would seek a "top to-bottom revision of undemocratic laws" which prohibit write-in voting and place other restrictions on the Michigan electorate. Kelley said an example of such "absurd, unfair and undemocratic" laws was his rec...…

October 17, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 35) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Tuesday, October 17, 1978-The Michigan Daily Political risoners.: The Wilmington 10 By Ken Parsigian BEN CHAVIS has spent most of the last few years in relative obscurity in a North Carolina prison. This summer, however, U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young commented that there are political prisoners in the U.S., and suddenly the nation focused on Rev. Ben Chavis and the case of the Wilmington 10. Last month, Amnesty International corra...…

October 17, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 35) • Page Image 5

…New pope, rates here, (Continued from Page 1) and again for five days in 1976. He also visited then-Cardinal Wojtyla in 1976 in Krakow,. "I know the new pope as a fantastic man who fulfills all the requirements of being the leader of the Catholic world, said Ziemba. "He is a humanist, very pastoral, a realist, a tremendous theologian. And quite importantly, I might add he is very healthy and vital. While he was here at St. Mary's, he insisted ...…

October 17, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 35) • Page Image 6

… Page 6-Tuesday, October 17, 1978-The Michigan Daily Court strikes Skokie's Nazi ban . iSHINGTON (AP)-A small band of A merican Nazis won an important legal fight yesterday as the Supreme Court left intact decisions allowing Nazi demonstrations in Skokie, Ill. The nation's highest court refused to hear arguments by Skokie officials that the Nazis' free-speesch rights must yield to the rights of the Chicago suburb's many Jewish residents. Yes...…

October 17, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 35) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, October 17, 1978-Page 7 Bernardo 4 Bo urgeois By OWEN GLEIBERMAN Anyone who goes to many European films encou r ideology that leaves no room for question. Movies like Z, Above Suspicion, or The Battle of Algiers, accept a prior "attuned to the evils of right-wing extremism and the liber alternative. They don't explore political complexities a filmmakers' pre-digested ideologies. If one was riding high on Nixon's do...…

October 17, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 35) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Tuesday, October 17, 1978-The Michigan Daily UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES Words 1 2 3 4 5 add. 0-14 1.70 3.40 4.60 5.80 7.00 1.00 15-21 2.55 5.10 6.90 8.70 10.50 1.50 22-28 3.40 6.80 9.20 11.60 14.00 2.00 29-35 4.25 8.50 11.50 14.50 17.50 2.50 36-42 5.10 10.20 13.80 17.40 21.00 3.00 43-49 6.80 11.90 16.10 20.30 24.50 3.50 DAILY LINE CONTRACT Number of Weeks Number of Weeks line/week 13 26 39 inches/week 13 26 39 12 .34 .31 27 6 2.10 1...…

October 17, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 35) • Page Image 9

…j The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, October 17, 1978-Page 9 Washington as Moses? Colunmnist Wills thinks so By WILLIAM THOMPSON Today's loyal patriots,haccustomed to picturing George Washington chop- ping down cherry trees and crossing the IDelaware, would be astonished to see the Father of Our Country painted as Moses. But newspaper columnist Garry Wills claimed yesterday' that throughout American history many have,portrayed Washington as the Amer...…

October 17, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 35) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Tuesday, October 17, 1978-The Michigan Daily INJURIES HAMPER ORR'S WORKOUTS Ii's training time or Blue cagers d '. .% 1 By JAMIE TURNER Johnny Orr had his opening practice last Sunday all planned out. First he'd welcome the new guys, say hello to the old, and then blow the whistle in hopes of starting the 1378-79 basketball season in better fashion than the 1977-78. INSTEAD, ORR found himself juggling his early- season drills as ...…

October 17, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 35) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, October 17, 1978-Page 11 SUTTON TO PITCH AGAINST HUNTER: Stunned L.A. needs Game 6 win LOS ANGELES (AP) - Battered and bewildered, the Los Angeles Dodgers stagger back into their own ballpark tonight, hoping to prolong a World Series that has turned upside down on f them. The Dodgers left California last Thursday, sitting pretty with victories in the first two games against the New -York Yankees. They returned Mond...…

October 17, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 35) • Page Image 12

… I Page 12-Tuesday, October 17, 1978-The Michigan Daily Fitz says Gov. avoidin BY RICHARD BERKE Democratic challenger William Fit- zgerald yesterday accused Governor William Milliken of ducking face-to- face confrontations with him, charging that the Republican has rejected 10 debate offers. Fitzgerald, in a Lansing press con ference, said Milliken's attitude represents a "dramatic reversal" from a statement the governor made at the candidat...…

October 15, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…I E £1E1143a E ai1 CAMBODIA See Editorial Page SCHLOCKY High-1 TI Low-39 ° See Today for details Vol. LIX, No. 34 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, October 15, 1978 Ten Cents Twelve Pages plus Supplenient SPAR TAN OFFENSE DOMINA TES, 24-15 State win turns I lue green By PAUL CAMPBELL It happens earlier and earlier every year. Michigan, undefeated and ranked in the stratosphere, is humbled by a group of angry young men who are sick...…

October 15, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 34) • Page Image 2

…1 ,1 r.' Page 2--- Sunday, October 15, 1978-The Michigan Daily Cardinals meet to choose pope ( ontinued frn Page II Again cardinals have stressed the two carbon copies," said Cardinal John the decision to a committee of car- need for a pastoral pope but have un- Dearden of Detroit before entering the "It is the foreign cardinals who are dinals. A pope also can be named by derlined that this does not exclude those conclave. "Pope John Paul had...…

October 15, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 34) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Sunday, October 15, 1978-Page 3 trOU SE V4 KPE Ct:IWAlY NORMA LIZA TION COULD COME SOON: China seeks stability with U.S. HONG KONG (AP) - Chinese leader Hua Kuo-feng has written to President Carter outlining Peking's position on normalizing relations with the United States, something the Chinese expect "could come soon," an American ex- pert on China said yesterday. Dr. Ross Terrill, an associate professor of governmen...…

October 15, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 34) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Sunday, October 15, 1978-The Michigan Daily OKING BA KTHE WEEK IN REVIEW BAC U Fleming reviews turbulent decade Retiring University President Robben Fleming gave the last of eleven annual "State of the Uni- versity" addresses last Tuesday, and used the occasion to outline the challenges he expects the campus to face in, coming years. Money, in one way or another, will be one of the biggest problems confronting the University, Fleming...…

October 15, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 34) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Sunday, October 15, 1978-Page 5 Int'l Festival blends cultures By RON GIFFORD An International Festival of the Arts nd Culture, being held this week, "is sed on the theme of peace, love, and erstanding," according to its ogramming coordinator, Ema Ema. ~"The purpose of the festival is to emplify the emotional ties that are red by various people," he said. Designed to display and share the ~ stes and values of the world's p...…

October 15, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 34) • Page Image 6

…t Page 6-Sunday, October 15, 1978-The Michigan Daily Orchestra not quite up to pair _q~qqq By MARK JOHANSSON It would be unfair not to list a few of the generally good points about the presentation before attempting to University Philharnionia Friday, October 13, 1978 Hilt udirnhin 5 nphony No. 0 in Umajor ("Lndon")................Joseph Haydn Symphony N0.3 in C minor, Op. 78 ("Organ-t......_... ..Camille Saint-Saens ,Mainly, the choice o...…

October 15, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 34) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Sunday, October 15, 1978-Page 7 Dylan By MIKE TAYLOR Bob Dylan has written more good songs than anyone else in popular music-songs like "Like a Rolling Stone," "It Ain't Me Babe," and "All Along the Watchtower," songs that leave you in awe, begging for more.. Each new Dylan LP is treated as an 'event in the music community, even if it's an over-wrought clunker like Street- Legal or Self Portrait. Until recently, that is unt...…

October 15, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 34) • Page Image 8

…age 8-Sunday, October 15, 1978-The Michigan Daily I UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES 1 UND-Beige male kitten on Mary near Packard. 3-9701. dA1017 OST: Irish setter, male, 2 years old, Ryan. Please all 994-5287. Reward. 51A1020 PENTAX THREAT) mount Takumar 200/Four lens, head, and case. Absolutely mint. 662-0336 eves. 74D1015 Words 0-14 15-21 22-28 29-35 36-42 43-49 1 1.70 2.55 3.40 4.25 5.10 6.80 2 3.4Q 5.10 6.80 8.50 10.20 11.90 3 4.60 6...…

October 15, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 34) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Sunday October 15, 1979-Page 9 if -. " rIA n ire MtF or .1 the resource Fe nee )rr(w Our recruiters will be on on October 19and20th. campus to interview We generally recruit for engineering and science disciplines. Contact your placement office for specific details. An equal opportunity employer. …

October 15, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 34) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Sunday, October 15, 1978-The Michigan Daily BIG TEN ROUNDUP: Spoile rmake rs stop osU By The Associated Press WEST LAFAYETTE - Purdue quar- terback Mark Herrmann set up two touchdowns in the third quarter and passed for another score in the fourth period yesterday as the Boilermakers upset 16th-ranked Ohio State, 27-16, boosting the Boilermakers into first place in the Big Ten.. The Buckeyes, aided by Purdue penalties early in the ga...…

October 15, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 34) • Page Image 11

…9' nke NEW YORK (AP)-Lou Piniella drilled a dramatic two-out single in the 1f inning, scoring Roy White with the winning run as the New York Yankees b4Dnced from behind for a 4-3 victory ur Los Angeles in yesterday's rain ild$yed fourth game of the 1978 World / PINIELLA 'S RBI SINGLE WINS IT es drop LA in tenth,4-3 The Michigan Daily-Sunday, October 15, 1978-Page 11 LOS ANGELES NEW YORK ab r h bi ab r h bi Lopes 2b........... Russell ss...…

October 15, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 34) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-Sunday, October 15, 1978-The Michigan Daily Holy upset! MSU stuns Blue, 24-15 Spartans log 1st series win since '69 (Continued from Page 1) Smith was 20 of 36 for 248 yards, while the Spartan backs gained almost six yards a crack in 43 tries-for a total of 248. "We had no confidence we could stop them," Michigan defensive coordinator Bill McCartney said. "They were con- stantly coming up with second and short and third and short-we d...…

October 15, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 34) • Page Image 13

…Page 12-Sunday, October 15, 1978-The Michigan Doily I I --- I I - - 1 1. . . 1 .7% buckley (Continued from Page 3) everything he writes - which is con- siderable. While Buckley says his job as the editor of the National Review is his most important activity, it is not his most important "literary activity." Buckley writes a syndicated column, and often contributes articles to magazines such as Esquire, most of which touch on political theme...…

October 15, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 34) • Page Image 14

… X 3 v a;z' a O O N /p -qIz C. O O 3 pp N-3 -. q 0 c f. Q a G m-q q o aN''e 3 O . -. K U, '.7 A Z o M 'c a a , n 3 C iA a S a 3 N '<' a_ a a o+ aI a f v ,o sl . ' 'tn o AL I W I ., I W SF N I sl I QI I I { $i al a I N NI w! NI i a) al i I w NI al . I 1 I N'I 8i E I I I -I 61 I I I of 10 61 - I 0 - I N. 0 -0 * z S 0, Z a y* 40 ) X -" m 3 o C .C 3 - I 0.* 0 - ~ - 3- 0 0 rU 0O O 0 0, a S. 5l 'N -S m ME o r- C cro -, r. 0v v :i 10C...…

October 15, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 34) • Page Image 15

… ---7- li~elvi(crng~r I i y-Juuu y;- Page 10-Sunday, October 15, 1978-The Michigan Daily he cha enge, of being Anwar Sadat, w."-,"" Bill Buckley: Wine and words from the right By Sue Warner By Gregg Krupa IN SEARCH OF IDENTITY By Anwar Sadat .Harper & Row 343 pp. $12.95 T O STATE in matter of fact terms the events of a life so extraordinary as that of Anwar Sadat is a task that rivals the challenge of actually living that life. And yet i...…

October 15, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 34) • Page Image 16

… _______ F T .. ... .ti v 'C ...... Page 4-Sunday, October 15, 1978-The Michigan Daily Dollyin, camera one ..". By Shelley Wolson rHE CAMERA dollys in for a planning, the split-second blueprint of medium shot of the bedridden man. every speaker's words and each shot of He looks into the glass eye of the the camera. camera and quietly says, "I have acute The script is carefully penciled in leukemia and when I first found out I with the directo...…

October 15, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 34) • Page Image 17

…Page 8-Sunday, October 15, 1978-The Michigan Daily qqmpw- Th Mcia Diy-Sunday focus up on Many of the productions have won awards and national recognition. Slote is involved in all aspects of production at the center, but is especially concerned with the initial research for a program. He says instr- uctional television is growing in impor- tance and is beginning to dominate broadcasting at the University Television Center. WHEN EXPLAININ...…

October 15, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 34) • Page Image 18

…Page 6-Sunday, October 15, 1978-The Michigan Daily Fanatic upstage th When Andy Freeberg and hired to photograph performer past summer, they were in f flamboyant theatrics: a cape spooning out chords, accom lights and choreographed wa Humperdinck, smootching v %e during "Tonight's the Night; tuning his guitar to a 15-foot tun x As the dazzle of the stage two photographers discovered subjects that matched, if performers-the fans. If An Sinatra ...…

October 14, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…rSMITH IN WASHINGTON See Editorial Page E LIEn 1 Iai1 CHILLS IN THE STANDS High-50° Low 30s See Today for details Vol. LIX, No. 33 Diag rally condemns S. Africa BY MICHAEL ARKUSH and PAULA LASHINSKY Carrying signs and shouting slogans condemning South Africa's system of apartheid, members of the Washtenaw County Coalition Against Apartheid (WCCAA) rallied on the Diag yester- day. The demonstration was called to promote student awareness...…

October 14, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 33) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Saturday, October 14, 1978-The Michigan Daily mMR 1Mm1r M5rMrmr, ,=rar,=nni- r=mrF-mrF-mr=r,r= -Rf2;l, ;r=;rr ,=- rr-r-, -mre=rr-rr,=,r=ntt ra Church Worship Services LORD OF LIGHT LUTHERAN CHURCH (The Campus Ministry of the ALC-LCA ) Gordon Ward, Pastor 801 S. Forest at Hill St. Sunday Worship at 11:00 a.m. y October 15-A free luncheon com- plete with provocative conversation .will be served immediately following the worship service...…

October 14, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 33) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, October 14, 1978-Page 3 'DIE-IN' A T DETROIT EDISON: R ,t k 1 ,F YU SEEf EwS Ft&PVM CAVLL S-EA1y Activists stage anti-nuke protest What's the area code? University vice-presidents are busy persons, and they are often difficult to reach by telephone. Thursday we called Vice-president for Financial Affairs James Brinkerhoff's office, and were informed by a secretary that Brinkerhoff was in a meeting and would ...…

October 14, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 33) • Page Image 4

…1 Page 4-Saturday, October 14, 1978-The Michigan Daily Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LIX, No. 33 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Mr. Smith goes to Washington The Snepp case: Freedom of disinformation 3 -- --" T HIS WEEK has been eventful for , Zimbabwe. The Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Smith came to Washington D.C. where he announced he would meet with the leaders of the Nati...…

October 14, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 33) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, October 14, 1978-Page 5 Joel's image suits his show DAILY EARLY BIRD MATINEES -Adults $1.25 DISCOUNT IS FOR SHOWS STARTING BEFORE 1:30 MON. thou SAT. 10 A.M. ti 1:3b P.M. SUN. & HOLS.12 Noon til 1:30 P.M. EVENING ADMISSIONS AFTER 5:00, $3.50 ADULTS Monday-Saturday 1:30-5:00, Admission $2.50 Adult and Students Sundays and Holidays 1:30 to Close, $3.50 Adults, $2.50 Students Sunday-Thursday Evenings Student & Senio...…

October 14, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 33) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Saturday, October 14, 1978-The Michigan Daily UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES FOUND: Oct. 3, Med. Size Black Dog-Washtenaw & Niill. ann Arbor Humane Society. 665-5585. dA1014 FOUND-Oct. 3, Med. Size Black Dog-Washtenaw & Hill. Ann Arbor Humane Society, 662-5585. dA1014 LOST-Irish Setter, male. 2 years old, Ryan Please call 994-5287. Reward. 70A1014 FOUND-Beige male kitten on Mary near Packard. 663-9701. dA 1017 NEEDED-One male non-smok...…

October 14, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 33) • Page Image 7

…Spy rules drafted The Michigan Daily-Saturday, October 14, 1978-Page 7 Apartheid attacked Just because you 're PA R A A(I/ . (Continued from Page 1) " "The express prior consent'' of an Y individual be obtained before the in- ' Mividual's name is mentioned to an in- 7t elligence agency for possible recruit- ment; " University members ''should not 7lend their names and positions to gain public acceptance for material they know to be misleadi...…

October 14, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 33) • Page Image 8

…age 8-Saturday, October 14, 1978-The Michigan Daily NEW YORK PLAYS CATCH UP; SERIES NOW 2-1 Nettk NEW YORK (AP) - Third baseman raig Nettles dazzled the Los Angeles- )odgers with four brilliant defensive iays, and Thurman Munson and leggie Jackson broke open a tight lame in the seventh inning, leading the few York Yankees to a 5-1 victory in ast night's third game of the 1978 World eries. RON GUIDRY, ace left-hander of he Yankees staff, batt...…

October 14, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 33) • Page Image 9

…COACHES RESPECT OPPOSING SQUADS: Here come the Spartans! The Michigan Daily-Saturday, October 14, 1978-Page 9 Spartans celebrateI even if they loseI j By ERNIE DUNBAR At least Michigan State coach Darryl Rogers is realistic about his team's chances for victory today in Michigan Stadium. He realizes that it's been nine logg years since a Spartan team knocked off the Wolverines, who enter the game ranked fifth with a 4- 0record. Even then it ...…

October 14, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 33) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Saturday, October 14, 197814-The Michigan Daily SC _i,- "HISL. ve.: TICE'S PARTY STORE 340 S. STATE "Open Soon After Today's Slaughter"' CHECKMA Levi's for every Open doily 'til State Street at / to !: 0o.55 the Week 3075S. MAIN-663-7 Open Daily? AM-9 PMd Sundays 10OAM-8 PM IS GREAT PLA4 TRAVEL CONSUI 216 S., 4th AVE.- (nea 769-1776 Thanksgiving Break New York Flights-From "The Friendly Travel Profess. I MICHIGI BOOKST...…

October 13, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…TENURE FOR SAMOFF See Editorial Page hie 31E 1 Iai1 SHOWERS High-5O Low-low 40s See today for details Vol. LIX, No. 32 Tax slash proponent takes his case here By DENNIS SABO Tax cut activist Robert Tisch an- swered, ducked, and side-stepped questions concerning his ideas from an audience of about 60 persons at the Lawyer's Club Lounge yesterday. Tisch is the author of Proposal J, which will appear on the November ballot. The proposal wo...…

October 13, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 32) • Page Image 2

… Page 2-Friday, October 13, 1978-The Michigan Daily AATA MOVES TO CUT SERVICES: THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION pre-applications are available in Room 160-A Rackham GRADS ,& SINGLES You are cordially invited to a Wie A Cheese SATURDAY, OC. 14 An evening of fun and music . 9:00 P..-it HULLE Charge $1 00 at t $U. ~ y t -o la 1429 KILL STREET 663-3336 Dial-A By JEFFREY WOLFF The Ann Arbor Transportation Authority (AATA) has begun to move towar...…

October 13, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 32) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, October 13, 1978-Page 3 ' ttJ SEE *A v ALI WD Hef leads the pack- What magazine leads the subscription lists in Washtenaw County, with all its institutions of higher learning and bright, affluent populace? Time? Newsweek? Fortune? Actually, it's Hugh Hefner's skin mag, Playboy ahead by a mile. With 12,288 readers, Playboy tops next-best read Time by 2,000, according to the Audit Bureau of Circulation, which ought...…

October 13, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 32) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Friday, October 13, 1978-The Michigan Daily Fact or fiction in the news . 0 . E~ight Yrsa l FrIQm Eightv-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom P By John Ellis Vol. LIX, No. 32 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan I nr c Sc{vu AdAv 1 j Tenure for Professor Samoff T HE UNIVERSITY administration and the Regents have shown time, and again over the years that they are not primarily concern...…

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