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October 13, 1978 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-10-13

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See Editorial Page



1 Iai1

Low-low 40s
See today for details

Vol. LIX, No. 32
Tax slash
takes his
case here
Tax cut activist Robert Tisch an-
swered, ducked, and side-stepped
questions concerning his ideas from an
audience of about 60 persons at the
Lawyer's Club Lounge yesterday.
Tisch is the author of Proposal J,
which will appear on the November
ballot. The proposal would chop proper-
ty taxes from the present 50.per cent of
assessed market value to 25 per cent,
and place a 5.6 per cent ceiling on in-
come taxes.
"SNOT MANY people are bitching
about how much they pay for gover-
nment, but they are bitching like hell
about the kind of services they are get-
ting" Tisch claimed.
"We are only going to take so much.
We should take that candy away from
the baby, take the money away so he
doesn't eat so much candy."
Critics of the Tisch plan say it is too
extreme, asserting that an over-the-
board revenue cut would seriously im-
pair school, fire, and police services. In
his appearance yesterday Tisch rejec-
ted these claims.
"WE'RE GOING to live like we damn
well please," he shouted. "We're going
See TAX, Page 6

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 13, 1978

Ten Cents

Sixteen Pages

Push for



OK seen

Doily Photo by WAYNE CABLE
The piano man
Billy Joel enthralled a Crisler Arena crowd last night, leaving the audience dazed and amazed by his performance. His rock
IOMI "Vk Pm Ir n' rol show wa nothing short of spectacular.

WASHINGTON (AP) - Senators
worked in private yesterday to produce
a compromise Humphrey-Hawkins
"full employment" bill that would in-
clude strong anti-inflation language as
well as call for a cut in joblessness.
But civil rights and labor lobbyists,
rejecting one compromise proposal,
began trying to round up the 60 votes
they need to choke off debate. A vote
was set for today.
MEANWHILE, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-
Utah) filed about 200 amendments
designed to stall a vote in the final days
of the congressional session even if a
filibuster is broken.
Rep. Ausustus Hawkins (D-Calif.)
met with the Black Congressional
Caucus after sitting in on part of the
Senate negotiations.
Rep. Parren Mitchell (D-Md.),
chairman of the group, said afterwards
some of the provisions "are just not ac-
ceptable to us."
"WE ARE discussing every
possibility that we can," Hawkins said
after one closed-door session with
"It is our hope that we can work out
amendments that are satisfactory to all
parties concerned."
Hawkins said the discussions were on
the question of "an inflation target
compatible with full employment."
HE SAID A a bill that would permit
"a tradeoff" between jobs and inflation
would be unacceptable. The measure is
named for Hawkins and the late Spn.
Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn.).

If the negotiations fail to produce
agreement on a compromise, the
Senate is scheduled to vote today on a
motion to choke off debate.
The bill appeared caught in a squeeze
between liberal Democrats who were
insisting that the problem of unem-
ployment retain top priority and
Republicans who want to give inflation
at least equal emphasis.
THE MEASURE calls for reducing
joblessness to 4 per cent of the workfor-
ce and 3 per cent of adults by 1983, cut
contains no requirement mandating
jobs programs.
One compromise proposal also called
for reducing inflation to 3 per cent by
1983 and zero by 1988.
But one source, who asked not to be'
identified by name, saidsthe two sides
differed on "symbols and
mirrors"-the symbolic wording of cer-
tain provisions-as much as they did on
THE FULL Employment Action
Council, a coalition of labor, civil rights
and church groups created to work for
passage of the measure, said the com-
promise proposal worked out by a small
group of senators was unacceptable.
Sources said AFL-CIO President
George Meany had reached the same
"While we want a bill very badly, we
can't accept a measure that concedes to
an opponent on every key point without
a vote," said John Carr, council

. 'em, SOCK elll FUCK 11 vil n,,vw Woo avuau,5 o, v. v...j - -+ -- -

toard noncommittal to MSA plan

University Regents gave varying, but generally
noncomittal, responses yesterday to the Michigan
Student Assembly (MSA) request for changes in the
process for picking the new University president.
MSA passed a resolution Monday night stating that
its committee for choosing the students who will par-
ticipate in the search for Robben Fleming's
replacement will not make its recommendations to
the assembly until the Regents alter the present plan
for choosing the next University president.
ACCORDING TO THE framework adopted by the
Regents at their September session, students,
faculty, and alumni would each form committees and
submit separate lists of candidates to the Regents.
The plan makes no provisions for inter-committee
communication, nor does it require the Regents to
pick someone from one of the committees' lists.

MSA's resolution sought a written guarantee from
the Regents that:
I believe its (the Board of Re-
gents') resolution is assurance
enough. I don't intend to do any-
thing in private. I do not believe
there will be any surprises what-
-Regent David Laro
" the presidential selection process would allow for
a fourth group composed of students, faculty and

House backs tuition ta
credit despite veto thre

alumni, which would narrow down the candidates
and send a final list to the Regents;
. or, as an alternative, all three groups would be
given equal access to the Regents' own list of
prospective candidates not on the committees' lists,
including biographical information.
Thomas Roach (D-Detroit) said he favors both
MSA proposals.
"I THINK THE principle of allowing the commit-
tees to communicte with one another is not a
problem. I would suggest that all the names coming
from whatever source (including the Regents) be
circulated among the committees," Roach said.
Paul Brown (D-Petoskey), who spoke with MSA
President Eric Arnson two weeks ago about the
procedure, gave partial support to the plan. Accor-
ding to Arnson, Brown assured the president that
See RESPONSE, Page 5
" The Carter administration
has informed Peking that China
may buy a U.S. communications
a t satellite. See story, Page 10.
and secon- " U.S. Representative Daniel
for college Flood (D-Pa.) has been indicted
for bribery and conspiracy by
a federal grand jury. See story,
has said he Page 10.
general tax
credits at
s attached a " Under threat of state action,
ax bill. the Ann Arbor school board will
form a committee to study
1 that would desegregation. See story, Page
to $250, the 16.
send the
nce with the
the elemen-
'isions. The
storation of
For happenings, weather
he separate ~and local briefs,
hesearae e e TDYpp 3.~

Gov. Milliken slams
voucher tax plan
Special to The Daily
LANSING - Governor William
Milliken yesterday announced he in-
tends to vote against the voucher tax
plan which will appear on the Novem-
ber 7 election ballot.
Milliken, speaking at a press con-
ference for college newspapers at his
campaign headquarters here, said heV
waited until the final weeks of his .

WASHINGTON (AP) - Over the
objections of Democratic leaders, the
House unexpectedly embraced yester-
day a Republican-backed effort to slash
federal income taxes in 1980 and
The House also restated its support
for tuition tax credits, despite
President Carter's promise to veto any
bill which contained such credits.
By a 268-135 vote, the House told its
tax bill negotiators it favored the long-
term tax cut concept contained in a
Senate proposal sponsored by SEn.
Sam Nunn (D-Ga.) and supported by
THAT PLAN would expand the 1979
tax cut bill to include $164.5 billion in
additional reductions in 1980 through
1983. The cuts are conditioned on
holding down government spending and
balancing the federal budget during
that period.

Under the Nunn plan, a typical four-
member family with a $20,000 annual
income would get a total tax cut by 1983
of about $769. Previously the Senate bill
provided only a one-year reduction of
$316 for next year.
Leading Democrats branded the
long-term tax cut plan approved by the
House yesterday as a phony and "a
Rube Goldberg scheme" that would
hogtie Congress in its economic actions.
THE VOTE WAS not binding on
House negotiators and does not guaran-
tee that this year's tax cut bill will in-
lude the $164.5 billion in future tax
cuts. But the vote could make it more
difficult for House conferees to reject
the long-term reductions.
Hoping to avoid a presidential veto if
the measure were included in the
general tax bill, the House late yester-
day reaffirmed its support for tuition

tax credits for elementary
dary pupils as well as
will veto any bill, even the
bill, that contains tuition
either level. The Senate has
college tuition credit to the t
In action on a separate bil
allow college credits up t
House voted 207-185 to
measure back to a conferer
Senate which had delted t
tary and sebondary prov
House vote pressed for re
those credits.
There was little chance t
measure would be actedi
ajournment, but the action
could intensify the fight to I
credits in the general tax bil

reelection campaign to take a stand on
the plan because he had mixed feelings
about its effect on the state.
"I RECOGNIZE in it some elements
that I have been supportive of in the
past - the idea of a free choice, even
with the shift away from property taxes
which I have been supportive of for
educational funding," Milliken said.
But the governor, seeking a third
term in office, said the large sums of
money that the voucher proposal would
cost concerns him.
"WE D4AVE a couple of billion dollars
involved and the uncertainty as to how
that would be worked out in the future.
If we have a tax limitation which is ap-
proved, then the additional cost would
have to be borne within the current

pie," he said.
The voucher plan calls for limiting
the use of property taxes for schpol fun-
ding. The amendment would require
the state to establish a general school
taxation program for support of schools
and provide for the issuance of a
voucher that could be applied toward
financing a student's education at
either a public or private school.
Milliken's Democratic challenger,
State Senator William Fitzgerald,
earlier said he opposes the voucher
plan because he is "concerned about
the effect of floating' vouchers on the
public school system." He said the
measure would create "unnecessary
disruption" for public schools.,

upon before
keep college

AC .IV MI v -


Former 'U' researcher awarded
Nobel Prize for genetic study

'Wolve rtnes
make bucks
or scalpers
Scalping tickets. It's illegal, and it's also
big business at the University in the week
before an important football game.
Despite the fact that scalping can be
punished by a $100 fine or 90 days in jail, it is
carried on fairly openly on campus and at the

ANN ARBOR (UPI) - Dr. Hamilton
Smith, one of three men awarded the
Nobel Prize for Medicine yesterday,
received his training in human genetics
at the University of Michigan Medical

study of a special class of viruses which
attack bacteria.
THE CAROLINE Institute in
Stockholm also awarded the Nobel
Prize for Medicine to Dr. Werner Arber

understanding of the fight against
disease and old age.
Smith, 47, a biochemist working
separately proved Arber's theories,
and Nathans, 50, pioneered the ap-

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