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October 15, 1978 - Image 18

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-10-15
This is a tabloid page

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Page 6-Sunday, October 15, 1978-The Michigan Daily
upstage th
When Andy Freeberg and
hired to photograph performer
past summer, they were in f
flamboyant theatrics: a cape
spooning out chords, accom
lights and choreographed wa
Humperdinck, smootching v
%e during "Tonight's the Night;
tuning his guitar to a 15-foot tun
x As the dazzle of the stage
two photographers discovered
subjects that matched, if
performers-the fans. If An
Sinatra failed to provide ex
their audiences filled the gap.
A frenzied crowd is enou
exhibitionists into action and
harbor a soul too rambuncious
day life. With a little anonymity
shrink, and then vanish.

The Michigan Daily-Sunday,
e stars
I Darryl Pitt were
rs at Pine Knob this
Dr a hefty eyeful of
-swirling Liberace,
panied by colored
terfalls; Englebert
with an eager fan
" and Neil Young,
ling fork.
faded, however, the
d a new source of
not exceeded, the
dy Gibb or Frank
traordinary antics,
ugh to prod latent
release those who I
s to expose in every
y, inhibitions waver, 1:1

Photographs by
Andy Freeberg
and Darryl Pitt

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