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October 14, 1978 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-10-14

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1 Iai1

Low 30s
See Today for details

Vol. LIX, No. 33
Diag rally
S. Africa
Carrying signs and shouting slogans
condemning South Africa's system of
apartheid, members of the Washtenaw
County Coalition Against Apartheid
(WCCAA) rallied on the Diag yester-
The demonstration was called to
promote student awareness and to
demand that the University withdraw
its holdings from corporations which
operate in South Africa.
"We want to try to find those who are
informed and activate them, but our
ajor purpose is awareness - to tell
people what is going on, what the
University's links are and what can be
done on campus," said Bob Stechuk, a
coalition member.
THE COALITION attempted,
through a series of African dances, to
portray the blacks' cultural heritage in
South Africa.
The dancers were warmly received
by a crowd of more than 100.
One of the dances, performed by the
Detroit-based group Amen-Ra, depic-
ted scenes of normal everyday ac-
tivities in South Africa. The group tried
to show visions of African animals
oaming the countryside, and African
women strolling to the marketplace.
"THIS ILLUSTRATION of daily life.
is the best way we have to explain our
culture," said Sundiata Keita, the
group's leader.
Another dance showed members of
.the coalition and other participants
dancing around a circle and en-
thusiastically chanting African
ilogans. Drummer Kwasi Aduonum,
;vho led the dancers, explained the dan-
;ie was intended to symbolize the
'atruggle of blacks in South Africa for
"The dance tries to invoke the spirits
of the African ancestry to be with us so
ey will help us win the struggle for
eration," Aduonum said.

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 14, 1978

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Quiek Mideast pact

WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary of
State Cyrus Vance said late yesterday
that Egypt and Israel may be able to
conclude their peace treaty by Nov. 19,
the first anniversary of Egyptian
President Anwar Sadat's visit to
"I think it can be done," Vance told a
reporter as he wound up a second day of
negotiations with the two sides on terms
of the historic accord.
THE FRAMEWORK devised at last
month's Camp David summit called for
completion of a treaty within 90 days -
by Dec. 17. But Vance, obviously
pleased with the course of the
negotiations being held at Blair House
across the street from the White House,
said it probably won't take that long.
In fact, Vance said, the work may
even be completed before Nov. 19 "if
everyone works fast." The anniversary
date was considered an optimistic
target at best considering the details of
Israeli withdrawal and security
measures that must be worked out.
The Israeli, Egyptian, and U.S.
delegations met for an hour and 20
minutes late yesterday and planned
further deliberations over the weekend.
Since today is the Jewish Sabbath, no
formal session was scheduled, but
members of the delegations will hold
"informal discussions," it was announ-
ced through the State Department.
"WE EXPECT regular negotiating

ted by
sessions to resume on Sunday," the an-
nouncement said.
Meanwhile, it was also announced
that the United States, in its role as
"full partner," has put forward a draft
treaty aimed at reconciling remaining
differences between Egypt and Israel.
As negotiations moved through a
second day, a conference spokesman
carefully acknowledged there still were
disagreements between. the two
delegations at Blair House even while
they continued to make progress
toward a settlement.
"THE DRAFT is aimed at fleshing
out the framework that was reached at
Camp David," said the spokesman,
George Sherman. He said both the
Egyptians and Israelis agreed the draft
should serve as "the vehicle for
Sherman did not disclose details of
the draft, which supersedes blueprints
Egypt and Israel had been drawing up
since last month's summit meeting at
Camp David, Md.
Vance laid out the American draft
during opening sessions on Thursday
with the two sides. By taking this
initiative, the United States appeared to
be fulfilling the "full partner" role
urged by Egyptian President Anwar
Sadat and accepted by President Car-
At the same time, Sherman said Van-
ce was discussing with the Egyptian

Key bills keep
Hill in session

and Israeli delegations a second
framework reached at the summit by
Carter, Sadat and Israeli Prime
Minister Menachem Begin to govern
negotiations over the future of the
palestinian Arabs.
THIS SECOND framework is con-
sidered infinitely more complicated
than concluding an Egyptian-Israeli
peace agreement. Jordan and
Palestinian Arabs so far have not
signaled any willingness to negotiate
with Israel.
Carter stressed on Thursday that any
settlement between Egypt and Israel
ultimately must be broadened to in-
clude the Palestinians and neighboring
Arab countries.
Vance, posing for photographs during
a negotiating break yesterday, said
"We continued to make progress
today." Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe
Dayan, a glass of orange juice in his
hand, agreed that the negotiations were
REFLECTING THE strict secrecy
blanketing the negotiations, Dayan
brushed aside other questions with the
remark: "I was told to have some
photos taken and not to say anything.
While no session will be held today,,,'
the Jewish Sabbath, another round on:
Sunday is probable. The target is com-
pletion within two months of a treaty
ending the state of war between Egypt.
and Israel and establishing. normal
relations between the two Mideast:
The negotiations also are designed to
determine the pace of Israeli with-
drawal from the Sinai, which is being
returned to Egyptian sovereignty, and:
security measures on that front.
Draft of
spy code
The University Civil Liberties Board
(CLB) has drafted a set of guidelines
concerning relationships between
members of the University community
and government intelligence agencies.
The proposed guidelines are the
second set adopted by the CLB, a panel'
consisting of students, faculty, and ad-:
ministrators. The first set was rejected
by the faculty Senate Assembly last
spring. Faculty members argued the
first set restricted their academic
THE STATEMENT is tentatively
slated to be brought before the Senate
Advisory Committee on University Af-
fairs (SACUA) on October 31. If SACUA
approves the statement, it will then be
sent to the Senate Assembly.
CLB Chairman -Prof. Milton
Heumann called the draft "a document
which recognizes the importance of
maintaining the integrity of the
academic community while giving ap-.
preciation to the legitimate needs and
goals of intelligence agencies."
The draft states that:
" "No member of the University
community" assist an intelligence.
agency "in obtaining the unwitting ser-
vices of another member of the Univer-
sity community;
See SPY, Page 7

Daily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN
DRUMMER KWASI ADUONUM issued a rallying cry to dancers and spectators
asking if they are ready for the struggle to end the apartheid regime in South
Africa. He performed during yesterday's anti-apartheid rally on the Diag.

Student denies playing sp
in Greene Congress race
By AMY SALTZMAN around there," said McAninch com-
Top- officials in the Earl Greene for menting on his dismassal. "Dennis
Congress campaign have accused one Galbrith (the Ypsilanti coordinator for
of their own workers of being a Greene) just came up to me the other
(Republican incumbent Carl) "Pursell night and said that he had heard that I
;y- wasn't to be trusted and that he knew I
The alleged spy's name is Dave was a campaign worker for Pursell. I
just wanted to help Greene out a little;
the whole thing is ridiculous. Pursell is
(y L VP J IGV W, way right of my politics."
But according to Galbrith, tcAninch
was a Pursell campaign worker who
McAninch, a student at Eastern was infiltrating the Greene
Michigan University who not only does organization.
not work for Republican Carl Pursell, "He just wanted to do a small amount
but also has a history of liberal of work on the Greene campaign, but
Democratic politics., was asking a lot of questions. He kept
"I GUESS they're a little paranoid See STUDENT, Page 2
Profs selected to

-Saturday -
" The Yankees kept their
World Series hopes alive last
night with a 5-1 victory over the
two-game winner Los Angeles
Dodgers. See story, Page 8.
" Governor Milliken hit the V-
Bell, and his wife, Helen, hit the
Diag yesterday as the governor
pushed his re-election campaign
in Ann Arbor. See story and
photos on Page 2.
" Demonstrators opposed to
the construction of a nuclear
power plant staged a "die-in"
yesterday at Ann Arbor's Detroit
Edison Building. See story, Page
* Billy Joel's concert Thursday
night in Crisler Arena is reviewed
on the Arts page. See Page 5.
For happenings, weather
aand local briefs,
see TODAY, page 3.

WASHINGTON (AP) - The 95th
Congress, pressed by the approach of
Election Day and a heavy load of un-
finished business, struggled yesterday
to deal with tax cut and energy
legislation and adjourn this weekend.
Leaders in the House and Senate
were predicting adjournment only after
an all-night session tonight.
AS CONGRESS moved into its final
hours, energy and taxes remained at
the top of the list of unresolved
Relations with President Carter tur-
ned out to be rockier than many
Democrats hadexpected.
The president was taking a hard line
on spending and was threatening to
veto the tax cut bill if it exceeded his
THE BIG QUESTIONS were whether
House and Senate conferees could
agree on a tax cut acceptable to Carter,
and whether House leaders could
muster the votes necessary to approve
the natural gas pricing bill, which Car-
ter says is the key element in his energy
In a procedural victory for the White
House, the House Rules Committee
cleared Carter's energy plan for a floor
vote as a single package including the
controversial natural gas pricing
measure. But opponents vowed to seek
on the floor a separate vote on the gas
Senate and House conferees met
separately to try to dispose of about 40
relatively minor differences between
thetwo tax bills before tackling major
issues between the two.
The conferees also were considering
a proposal to provide a college tuition
tax credit of up to $250 a year per

student, a plan Carter says will force
him to veto the bill if it is included.
signed a measure revising the federal
civil service. The bill, one of his prin-
cipal lelgislative goals, puts incentives
and rewards back into the federal
system," he said.
On other issues:
" Agreement was reached clearing
the way for Senate action on the Hum-
phrey-Hawkings "full employment"
bill. Negotiators representing differing
views on the measure agreed to allow
the Senate to vote on how its future
goals on reducing unemployment
should be related to reduce inflation.
* A dispute between the Senate and
House over the use of federal funds for
abortion held up action on the $56 billion
appropriation bill for the departments
of Labor and Health, Education and
Welfare. Both the House and Senate
bills included language barring use of
any of the money for abortions except
to save the mother's life.
* THE SENATE completed
congressional action on a $7.3 billion
foreign aid bill, $1.25 billion less than
Carter requested, which includes $90
million for Syria to be used only if the
president certifies it would help acieve
peace in the Middle East.
* The House investigation of the
Korean influence-buying scandal
moved to a close with votes on ethics
committee recommendations that one
member be censured and two others
reprimanded for accepting money from
South Korean businessman Tongsun
The committee recommended cen-
sure of Rep. Edward Roybal (D-Calif.),
and reprimand of Reps. Charles Wilson
(D-Calif.) and John McFall (D-Calif.).

help pic1k
The Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs (SACUA) Thursday
chose 15 faculty members who will
recommend presidential candidates to
the University Regents.
The group will be headed by Chair-
man Harold Johnson with William Kerr
serving as vice-chairman. The other
members are Gardner Ackley, Peter
Amann, Giles Bole, Angus Campbell,
Richard Crane, Thomas Dunn, Marvin
Eisenberg, Barbara Hansen, Lawrence
Kugler, Sallyann Payton, Eric Rabkin,
John Romani, and Rosemary Sarri.
ACCORDING TO the presidential
search process adopted by the Regents
at their September meeting, the faculty
group, as well as a 10-member student
and a 10-member alumni group, will
make a list of possible presidential
candidates and submit it to the Regen-
Aft a a .ammandatnnaream

JOHNSON SAID, "We're going to
look for someone with a future vision of
higher education, someone who can
provide leadership. . . someone who
has some national or international
The committee chairman added that
the next president should be someone
who can work well with elected of-
THE MICHIGAN Student Assembly
(MSA) passed a resolution this week
calling for guaranteed communication
between the three committees and
demanding that the Regents submit
their list of candidates to the three
groups for scrutiny prior to any final
Though he would not commit himself,
Johnson said the faculty committee
would discuss alterations in the
framework when the group met. The
members of the group have not yet
decided on a meeting time.


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