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October 14, 1978 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-10-14

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The Michigan Daily-Saturday, October 14, 1978-Page 3





Activists stage anti-nuke protest

What's the area code?
University vice-presidents are busy persons, and they are often
difficult to reach by telephone. Thursday we called Vice-president for
Financial Affairs James Brinkerhoff's office, and were informed by a
secretary that Brinkerhoff was in a meeting and would return the call
later. We repeated the process several times, and were greeted with
the same response. When the vice-president failed to call by yesterday
afternoon, we doggedly tried the office again, and this time a different
secretary answered the phone. She also said Brinkerhoff was
unavailable, but offered a new excuse. She didn't deny that
Brinkerhoff was in a meeting - he may well have been. The only
problem was that meeting would have to be in Chine where the vice-
president had been since Monday. But we don't mean to impugn the
integrity of the original secretary. Perhaps Brinkerhoff is still waiting
for an open line to return our call. How much is a three minute call
from Shanghai to Ann Arbor?
Yesterday's article about the Regent's reaction to the last MSA
resolution misstated the contents of the resolution. The story said the
resolution called for written guarantees from the Regents that the
presidential selection process allow for a fourth group composed of
students, faculty and alumni which would narrow down the candidates
and send a final list to the Regents. Actually, the resolution said MSA
would also accept a written guarantee of formal discussion between
the groups in place of a specific fourth committee. The article also
said that a second demand - that the Regents divulge their own list to
the three committees - was an alternative to the first. The resolution
actually called for both changes.
'U'dean nominated
David Ragone, University Dean of the College of Engineering, was
among seven persons listed by President Carter for a nomination to a
six-year term on the National Science Board. The National Science
Board is the -policy-making board for the National Science
Foundation. If Carter's appointment gains Senate confirmation,
Ragone will join the 24-member board which already includes two
people with University ties: William Htubbard, Jr., former Dean of the
Medical School and director of the Medical Center, and James
Zumberge, former professor of geology.
Maybe he prints his own
While you football-starved fans are paying 20 bucks or even more for
a ticket to Saturday's football clash with the green and white,
University Athletic Director Don Canham is so sympathetic that he's
giving them away ... well, at least to his personal friends. The story
goes that after Canham padded his accoun( at his favorite Huron
Valley National Bank branch recently, he asked his regular clerk how
many tickets she wanted for today's grudge match. "Ten," she
jokingly replied, and low-and-behold Canham produced 10 tickets for
the happy clerk. Hey, gimme five, willya Don?
Take Ten
On October 14, 1968, Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity withdrew its
candidate for homecoming queen because "the questions the judging
panel asked her were abusive and plainly discriminatory." Janice
Parker, a member of the all-black Delta Sigma Theta, said, "I was
being judged as a black and not as Jan. They asked me questions like
'What special advantages does being black give you in getting good
grades or getting along with professors?"
Happenings .. .
. ..allow for some pre-Proposition D partying with your favorite
pals. Start with free beer at Senator Robert Griffin and Governor
William Milliken's bash outside Gate 9 of Michigan Stadium before the
game. . . Democratic party supporters will also have a chance to
imbibe at an open cocktail party for Rep. Perry Bullard at 3600
Geddes Rd. at 4:30. . . if you would rather soak up some poetry
instead of alcohol "Rhyme Space" poetry readings will be offered on
the second floor of the Union beginning at 2 p.m. . . . the Chinese
Fellowship is showing two films, The Piano and Evergreen Mt. at 7
and 9 respectively in Union Conference Rooms 3 and 4 ... and if the
State game doesn't have enough action for you, there is always the U-
M vs. Oak
Papal prin tout
A University of Chicago computer held its own conclave and has
picked a new pope - Cardinal Corrado Ursi of Naples. The papal
choice was made Thursday under the direction of Jesuit sociologist
Rev. Andrew Greeley, who programmed the computer with the
cardinals' positions on the 15 issues facing the church, along with their
relative power and influence. Greeley said before the last conclave the
computer outdid most Vatican prophets and rated Cardinal Albino
Luciani, who eventually became Pope John Paul I, third. This new
prediction came 48 hours before the start of the real conclave.
On the outside .. .
It appears that all the heat will be on the football field today, as it
will be on the cool and cloudy side. High temperature will just hit 50,

with a low in the mid-to-upper 30s.
Atention I oc n I0 ers
SUN. OCT. 151lpm -

Wearing makeshift skeleton masks,
about 15 persons staged a "die-in" next
to Ann Arbor's Detroit Edison building
yesterday to protest Edison's con-
struct ion of nuclear power plants.
The anti-nuclear group, Arbor Alliance,
pretested at the Edison building at
William and Main Streets to draw at-
tention to the construction of the Fermi
II nuclear power plant in Monroe.
It was the last day of a week long
"THEY (EDISON) are just a bunch
of business people trying to play the
game they were taught to play-trying
to maximize profits," said Tad Wysor,
Alliance coordinator.
The corpose-like poses were
representative of possible radiation
victims if a nuclear accident were to
occur at the uncompleted Fermi II
plant, Wysor said.
Edison officials maintain that an ac-
cident at the $1 billion plant is unlikely.
Fermi I, the new plant's predecessor,
was shut-down in 1966 following a
near melt-down. Although a nuclear
disaster never occurred, an accident at
the plant could have released
dangerous amounts of radiation in the
area, opponents claim.
CLOSE TO 10 University students
and others who belong to the Arbor
Alliance expressed fear of the same
sort of catastrophe occurring at Fermi
II, which is located within one mile of
Fermi I.
"We don't have anything against
Detroit Edison, except that they're the
ones building the plants," said John
Valentine, a medical science graduate
The biggest problem facing the
4 group, according to its members, is to
inform others of the dangers of nuclear
"STUDENTS ARE fairly apathetic,"
!Valentine said. "Our biggest problem is
mass education."
A number of passing vehicles, in-
cludingsemi-tractor trailers and school
buses, blared their horns to "Honk to
No Nukes" signs held by the protestors.

Inside, Edison employees remained
amused by the protestors.
"We feel they have a right to present
their views," said Bob Veenstra,
Edison director of customer and
marketing services. "They haven't
disrupted ouir business, but we don't
agree with them."
EDISON STANDS committed to the
idea that "nuclear energy is the
solution to the energy problem" in view
of depleted fossil fuel resources, Veen-
stra said.
Carfon Foltz, an Alliance member
and retired Methodist minister, said the
group was adequately voicing its
opinion by using non-violent tactics.
"We are opposed to violence," Foltz
said. "They learned violence didn't do
the thing in Vietnam War protests. It
was only counter-productive."
Last Saturday, the group staged a
protest at the Fermi II plant. Another
demonstration is set for Nov. 18.
Vohme LIX, No.33
Saturday, October 14.1978
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48i09. Subscription rates: $12
September through April (2 semesters) ;$13 by mail, .
outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published through Saturday
morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor;
$7.00 by mail outside Ann Arbor.
U-M Wept. of Dance Presents
former soloist with Jose Limon Co.
Oct. 13 & 14-8 PM
in STAGE: Solos Past & Present
with dances by
Jose Limon Anna Sokolow
Doris Humphrey Barbara Roan
Laura Glenn Liz Lerman01
In Shvdio A of U-M Dance Bldg.
1#S1M. Univ. Ct.-764-5460

I I 1 1 .1 1 F W |Daily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN
AN ARBOR ALLIANCE member aired her opposition to the Fermi II nuclear
plant with a sign and face mask. She was among other protestors outside the Ann
Arbor office of Detroit Edison Co., which is building the nuclear facility.

Cancer programs OK'd
The University Hospit l was recent-
ly awarded a three-year certificate of
approval by the Commission on Cancer
of the American College of Surgeons.
The Commission provides hospitals
and clinics throughout the country with
an evaluation system for the purpose of

maintaining a quality control on cancer
Among the many mandatory
requirements for approval is that an in-
stitution have a cancer registry which
regularly and continuously follows can-
cer-treated patients and include a
current staff analysis.



Daily Official Bulletin

Love finds its way between Robert DeNiro and Liza Minelli as World War II
ends and be-bop picks up the slack. DeNiro is intense as a swinging young
jazz musician climbing the ladder of fame and fortune. Scorsese, whose
THE LAST WALTZ is further testament to his sensitivity with musical material
and whose MEAN STREETS and TAXI DRIVER shows his experience with the
big bad apple, brings off a 40's revival.

Saturdav ,October 1. 1979
General Notice
The University Center for Continuing Education
of Women CEW Scholarships are for women with
interrupt ions in their edIucation. Scholarships are
designed to encourage and assist women who have at
some time been out of school at least two consecutive
years and who will be students at any campus during
1979-80 academic year. They may he at any stage of
an undergraduate, graduate or professional
program as full or part-time students. Women in
business, chemistry, engineering. mathematics and
other fields less traditional for women are especially
welcome to apply. Applications are availbie from
Center and should be submitted by January 17. 1979.
Approximately 28 scholarships will be awarded in
A~riI grants between $500 and $2,000.
Applications and additional information available
at the Center, 328-330 Thompson St., telephone (313)
763-1353 or 764-6555.
Sunday, October 1), 1978
General Notice
Recent research on the American family and on
the changing workplace will be the focus of a
conference held on Monday, November 6, 9:30 a m.
to 5:00 p.m. in the Amphitheatre RackhamvSchool of
Graduate Studies. The conference, sponsored by
CEW, is free and open to the public.
Prof. Elizabeth Douvan, Department of
Psychology, will give the opening address. "'t'he
American Family in a Twenty Year'Perspective,"
reporting on the findings of a longitudinal study done
at ISR on the family and changing attitudes toward
How men and women view sex roles and role
sharing across a life span will be discussed in thre;
papers at the morning session. Dr. Regula Herzog,
Asst. research Scientist. ISR, will report on "High
School Senior Student Preferences for livisior of
Labor in the Family--1977." Dr. Arland Thornton.
Asst. Research Scientist, ISR, and Prof. Deborah
Freedman, Dept. of Economics, will review

"Changes in Sex Role Attitudes of Women: 1962 to
1977." Dr. Hazel Markus, Dept. of Psychology and
Jean Manis, Research Assoc., CEW. will report on
"Families, Careers and Self-Evaluation: Views from
Diifferent Points of the Life Cycle.'
Prof. Louise Tilly, [Jept. of History, will open the
afternoon session at 2:(K) p.m., providing a historical
framework for women's changing relationships to
the workplace in her paper. 'Women, Work and
Family." At 2:45 p.m. Prof. Robert Kahn of the Dept.
of Psychology and Research Scientist at the Survey
Research Center, will explore the relationships of
men and women to their organizations, on-the-job
stress, job and family conflict and role overload in
his report, "Work, Stress and Social Supports."
A group of organizational consultants,
researchers, and clinicians will present the
concluding panel of the afternoon session at 3:30
p.m., discussing alternative approaches to the study
of the family and workplace and implications for
practice. Panel members are Dr. Pat Bidol, Dr.
Beverly Flowze. Dr. Shulamith Reinharz, Dr. Denise
Rousseau, Dr. Val Suransky, Bonnie Carlson, and
Erica Serlin.
Coordinating the conference are CEW staff
members Dr. Susan Golden and Dorothy McGuigan.
Further information may be obtained from CEW,
328-330 Thompson, telephone (313) 764-6555.
* * *
Mondav, October 16, 1978
)a ilv(alender
Ctr. Near Eastern/N. African Studies: Robin
Barlow. "Some Impressions of the Egyptian
'Economy Today." Commons Rm., Lane Hall. noon.
William W. Cook Lecture: Garry Wills, "The Hero
as Moses," 120 Hutchins, 3:30 p.m.
Applied Mech., Eng. Sci: W. G. Knauss, "Crack
Growth Induced by Stress Waves," 214 W. Eng., 4
p. .
Music School: Composers' Forum, SM Recital
hall, 8 p.m. faculty organ recital, Robert Glasgow,
Hill Aud.,8:30 p.m.


7A i om


Tie Am Akbor Flu puments in MILB3
(Sam Wanamaker, 1977) 7 & 10:30-MLB 3
Special effects abound in Ray Harryhausen's latest venture into the fantasy realm of Sinbod. On a
voyage that takes him to the Arctic wastes, Sinbod encounters a giant walrus, a saber-tooth tiger, a
troglodyte, and various other creatures of myth and legend. "Roy Harryhousen's greatest visual
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Watch out! It's the flying saucers up against the U.S. military and our fighting boys have their hands
full, See Washington, D.C. reduced to a pile of burning rubble through the superb animation of Roy
t'arryhousen. With HUGH MARLOWE and JOAN TAYLOR.
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Although the Cinci formula is secret, certain factors in the
equation are well known:
1. Cinci has a hearty, full-bodied flavor.
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Our theory is that Einstein would have concluded: Its too good to
gulp. Relatively speaking, of course.

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