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February 18, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

… civilian authorities. Cagers Track T Varsity Snaps Losing Streak In Dull Game, Capt. Rae Leads Scoring With 10 Points; 3,500 Watch Wolverines Win By CHRIS VIZAs Michigan's 29-18 victory over Chi- cago…

…'s basketball squad last night at Yost Field House was as exciting and impressive as an old ladies' rocking chair social. As the Wolverines waltzed into their first Conference victory in the last four games, the…

…- sions and State's Eastern Intercol- legiate Champion, Frank Gleason, tossed Jack Sargent after punishing the Wolverine for eight minutes with a figure four. Bill Combs scored a notable tri- (Continued on…

… Huskies their third win in the four game series, all three of their victories coming after the Wolverines won the first game in Ann Arbor. After two scoreless periods, Arne Mars opened the fireworks on a…

… goals, the first coming on a power play while Wolverine Jim Lovett was in the penalty box and the second on a double pass from Villeneuve and Norman Sihvonen. Barney Bourne wound up the after- noon…

February 24, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

… week-end, The Minnesotans have totalled 108 points this season, and have com- piled a 7.7 goal average per game. In their two earlier meetings this year with the Wolverines at Minne- apolis the high…

… present state, the Wolverines can be counted on to rise to the occasion and give the visitors a battle. At Minneapolis last month, al- though losing to the Gophers 9-2 and 5-2, the Wolverines gave the…

February 13, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 93) • Page Image 3

… outfit in its own league but highly outclassed by Michigan's National CollegiateI champions. The Wolverines, with- out Matt Mann who missed his first meet in 16 years because of illness, put on a good show…

… and drib- bled the entire length of the floor to get another field, goal. With less than four minutes re-, maining, Ruehle connected for the Wolverines and Bob Menke tallied from the field for Indiana…

… 10 to 19 charity tosses. AotherLoss Triangular Track Meet To Be Held Ton igh Pitt Swamped By Wolverine Natators,54-21 A 16-year Wolverine tradition along with five Niagara Association swimming…

… killing. Led by assistant coach Harvey Muller, the Wolverines won eight of the nine events and stampeded over five of the existing district records in their fourth straight dual meet vic- tory. Wolverines

… his ab- sence fronn the back line will be sore- ly felt on the undermanned squad. Together with Charley Ross, his other partner on the defense, Cal- vert has given the Wolverines much- needed defensive…

February 02, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 94) • Page Image 3

… the, season will be held in the Sports Building pool when Wayne Univer- sity's powerful natators engage Matt Mann's Michigan crew. Taking a back-seat only to the{ Wolverines and Yale's Eastern+ champs…

… without a doubt the toughest team Matt Mann has been able to schedule. Only Yale is rated above the Detroit team and they refused to meet the Wolverines. The nucleus of Wayne's strength rests with three men…

… Hockey :Keague. Apps scored the first goal and made the play for another one in the sec- ond period by Nick Metz. He was at the head of the charging Leaf lines throughout, Four Wolverine Athletic Teams To…

… represented in the fol- lowing events: 75-yard dash; high and low hur- dles; broad jump; shot put; mile re- illnm squad. The Wolverines have al- ready bested the Dearborn A. C. and the Northwestern squad in…

… suffered Shirts and Jockey Shorts defeat at the hands of the Wolverines in their opening game. 35c After the State tilt, the cagers ourney to Chicago on Saturday, there for $ .00 to do battle with the…

… Street1 & Co. I nc. Phone 4914 IF L Et_ e .... _ _i U OWN u NO INCREASE IN PRICES AT THE WOLVERINE r I WHY? 1. Yearly food contracts on a rising market. 2. Coowerative non…

February 27, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 104) • Page Image 3

… Stars As Sextet Loses, 5-i; Matmen Tie, 14-14, With Ohio State :1- ..__ Pink Stars In Last Home Game For Wolverines; Referee Calls 25 Fouls (Continued from Page 1) ago at Evanston, like a bunch of…

…. ,.Brogan chalked up a long one to end the Wolverine scoring in the first period. But Northwestern did little better than the Michigan back line in the opening frame as they were held to five points until…

… tried to outrace the Wolverines and scored seven points. However, Brogan and Pink got tired of not scoring and went ahead and gave Northwestern a scoring letton as they connected for eight points within a…

… minute. Wolverines Come Back A Northwestern time out halted the fireworks for an instance, but the Wolverines came back as strong as ever and meshed 13 points in the next 10 minutes while the Wildcats…

… Fisher's Wolverines to their last Big Ten baseball title, began peeling off his sweat-suit. "California here I come," sang the big beanpole who is slated to receive a tryout with the Pittsburgh Pirates…

…, the Michigan alumnus is the only lefthander on the Bucs' pitching staff and Frisch is no doubt banking heavily on Gee for his ace southpaw. Ten Wolverines Contribute Best Efforts In Buckeye Massacre…

… the Wolverines lost to the Gophers, 5-0. The lanky Michigan leader stopped 51 of the 56 shots that the Minnesota puckmen rifled. his way. Chances Fade For Champion TennisSquad By STAN DAVIS With spring…

…- ning was the fact that 10 Wolverines contributed the best efforts of their track careers to the massacre. Capt. Ralph Schwarzkopf's great mile run, in which he broke every Michigan varsity record as well…

February 25, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

… Sofiak and George Ruehle tied the score at 2-all, the Wolverines were never on equal terms. Illinois piled up a 21 to 10 lead at half time, and led by as much as 26 points at one time in the second half…

…. Sofiak played a great game for the outclassed Wolverines, and received a great hand from the 5,692 specta- tors when he left the game with five minutes remaining. Although he was held to three points by…

February 14, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 94) • Page Image 3

… so, just .1 second off the Field House mark. Jeff Hall, Wolverine junior, took fourth in an event in which he is beginning to show considerable promise. The other record went to Big Bob Hook who added…

… right fashion, as far as Michigan fans were concerned, finishing ahead of Walter Arrington of State, Dave Con- way of Normal, and Wolverine Carl Culver in that order in the 60-yard dash. Smitty didn…

… Michigan Normal to the tape in the 60-yard dash at last night's triangular meet in the Field House. Carl Culver of Michigan was fourth in the race, Smith's winning time was 6.4 seconds. The Wolverines making…

… come out in points. His 13 field goals and favor of the Wolverines, then the big- eight foul shots topped the mark gest if of them all lies ahead, and of 30 set in 1939 by Indiana's Ernie that is that…

…' teams and a clean sweep for the Wolverines to take an undisputed title. When all this is added up the con- clusion is that it is possible for Mich- igan to tie or even more remotely possible that the…

Wolverines lead the Big Ten pack outright, but even the most optimistic basketball expert won't venture to make such a bold prediction. The answer is it's pos- sible (on paper at least), but in reality, very…

… regardless of where it finishes, Michigan's "fighting midgets" will give the fans a real show whenever they take the floor. The Wolverines are in a perfect spot to make life misearble for Pur- due, Illinois…

February 22, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 101) • Page Image 3

… captain, Allen Bergner d Jordan strongest Wolverine Jordan's six foot, 198-pound frame Las earned him the reputation of be- ng the strongest grappler in Wolver- ne athletic history. His foe Saturday brings…

…-room neighbor of the M1a s rewv Out To Extend Victory Streak Wolverines Have Enough Strength To Take First Place In Every Event (Continued from Page 1) Benham and Jack Wolin, the junior who came in first in the…

… is the' Wildcat sophomore sensation, Dick Klein, with 92 points. Klein ran wild against Michigan two weeks ago and scored 24 points, and the Wolverines will get no rest over the weekend for they meet…

… unleashed their full artillery and virtually wore the net thin with an amazing total of 33 goals in four games. The Wolverines, meanwhile, in the same number of battles against the same team were able to…

February 13, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

… hit five free throws. The Crimson got away to an early 6-3 lead but the Wolverines came back :to knot the count at 11-all Armstrong broke the tie with a two- Pointer and the Hoosiers were away never to…

… call time .. with three minutes remaining. The Indiana fives>.. poured three field goals throughhthe hoop, in machine- Dro gun style as the half ended The Hoosier reserves swept through the Wolverines

… with lightning-fast plays as the contest was resumed. Eddie Zimmer received a pass under his own basket and scored. Michi- gan again took time out. Wolverine substitutes came into the lineup in a vain…

… spirit. A new chapter in Michigan track history, as well as a new season, be- gins at 7:30 p.m. today when Ken Doherty makes his debut as head Wolverine track coach as the 1940 thinclads take part in a…

… his last freshman team, should pre- sent a group of trackmen almost as strong as Charlie Hoyt's last great team. While the all-around power of the Wolverines is expected to dominate the meet, the…

February 15, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 95) • Page Image 3

…THURISDAY, TTII: 15, 1940 THE MICIGAN DAILY PAGE 7 Wolverine Sextet Clashes With Huskies At Houghton' Today Hockey Squad Seeks To End LosingStreak Samuelson Shifted To First Line Position As…

… of defense. In the series here he held the Wolverines to a single goal in the first game, and blanked them in the second contest. Ken Doherty Lauds Track Squad For Its Excellent Demonstration After a…

… to world-but not a Michigan coach. allow him to become the best vaulter Ken Doherty's remark after watching Michigan has had. his first Wolverine varsity run away Johnny Kautz's display of strength…

…'ll not be able to resist owning a few. Sanforized- Shrunk (fabric shrinkage less than 1%). Your choice ofcolr sanA nllar "va , 1:42.6 as the Wolverines rolled up a Injuries Alter Hedt Refuses 61-23 score…

…- ter brings his Hawkeye mermen tog the I-M pool to share the spotlight cago Maroons this Saturday night. in the Wolverines' 1940 competitive Pink worked out with the varsity debut, but the Michigan…

February 21, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

… here tonight as they spent an hour and a half chasing Wolverine feet around the pool in a meet that ended with a 70-14 Michigan victory. It was a typical Michigan State- Michigan encounter with the Matt…

… record. Never be- fore has a Mann coached outfit com- pletely whitewashed its opponent as the 1940 edition of the Wolverines did tonight. Fourteen Michigan swimmers en- tered the Water and not one of them…

…-Bone" Martin remaining at home, the Wolverine swimmers were never in trouble. Francis Heydt, the Iowa transfer, captured the 150-yard backstroke event in 1:39.4 for a new pool record. The bespectacled dorsal…

…, the Wolverines (Continued on Page 3) Daily Calls For Tryouts Second semester freshmen in- terested in work on The Daily edi- torial, sports and women's staffs will meet at 4 p.m. Monday, Feb. 26, in The…

February 15, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…, the spkesman said that1 such a ship, from a legal point of view, would be a fair victim for ac submarine.1 Hockey Team Meets Miners For State Title Wolverine Pucksters Seek To End Losing Streak On…

… Opponent's Rink 1 By LARRY ALLEN Badly A need of a victory that will salvage them from the throes of a four-game losing streak, Michi- gan's puckchasing Wolverines will try to stop their backsliding at…

… Coach Lowrey's desperate sextet. To the team taking the two games will go the mythical championship of the state which the Wolverines won two years ago in the last meet- ing between the two schools. But…

… to the Michigan squad, a pair of victories will mean more than the state championship. Two wins will give the Wolverines the encourage- ment needed for their meetings with Minnesota's undefeated herd…

February 14, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

… Normal Colleges to a highly one-sided affair, scoring 79 points to 292 and 211/2 for the Spartans and Hurons, respectively. Only two first places eluded the grasp of the Wolverines as they swept on to an…

…-night, and barely salvaged third place from the Wolverine sophomore, Bill Ackerman, both finishing considerably behind the second place man, Dick Frey of State. A slow first mile prevented Schwarzkopf from…

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