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February 24, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-02-24

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W eather
Light to Moderate Snow Today,
C-enerab-y Fair Tomnorrow.

Sir ignn


Again, Fighting
And The Studentse

VOL. L. No. 102 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEB. 24, 1940


Self - Interest
Is Corrupting
Ruthven Says
Charges Schools Stress
'Incidental Objectives'
In Battle ForPopularity
Constructive Peace
SeenWOnly Solution
(Special to The Daily)
NEW YORK, Feb. 23-President
Ruthven last night charged that
American universities are corrupting
their most sacred obligations to man-
kind by participating in a dishonor-
able battle among themselves for self-
ish glory and unlasting fame.
Pleading for a durable peace be-
tween various educational factions,
he warned 2,500 alumni at a banquet
here, that schools today are blunder-
ing foolishly in a time of serious
world crisis.
Dr. Ruthven's indictment of edu-
cational rivalry was sweeping and out-
spoken. He charged that schools are
"fiercely and dishonestly" striving
for popularity by stressing "numbers
of students, the prowess of athletic
teams," and other objectives which
are "only incidental" to their major
Charges Athletes Hired
"Self-interest is being emphasized
to the destruction of integrity," he
Dr. Ruthven told the University
alumni gathering that universities
falsify attendance records, hire ath-
letes secretly, promote post-season
games as a business or gambling rack-
et, proselyte students,. juggle -en-
trance requirements and conduct ex-
pensive ,misleading advertising cam-
Michigan's president bitterly criti-
cize "the procession of college presi-
dents ' who wave before prospective
students banners bearing "strange de-
vices" offering such things as "educa-
tion without pain or effort."
Asks Peace
The public can hardly be blamed,
he added, for not having a proper
appreciation of higher education
when colleges permit this kind of ex-
aggeration and cutthroat competition
by their schools. The "nefarious
practices" will be discovered sooner
or later, he declared.
As a solution, Dr. Ruthven called
upon alumni, administrators, and
faculties of America's schools to make
a constructive peace in the realm of
higher education so that colleges and
universities may address to them-
selves the task of "preserving free-
dom, establishing justice, and incul-
cating mercy in today's chaotic soci-
To do this we must "take stock of
our colleges and universities and in-
sist that the schools properly co-
ordinate their activities and efficient-
ly distribute their functions," he
"In brief," Dr. Ruthven concluded.
"I would have those with the most
immediate responsibility force our in-
stitutions of higher education to
cease to strive for self-aggrandize-
ment and to become in spirit and in
very truth places 'of light, of liberty,
and of learning'.",
Simon Asserts
one-Sex opera

Is Valueless
Hollywood's youngest successful
director, S. Sylvan Simon, '33, yester-
day labeled the forthcoming Michi-
gan Union Opera a "long shot" in
a letter to the Daily.
In response to a reporter's re-
quest to describe his experiences in
one of the shows Mr. Simon, mega-'
phone-wielder for the recent "Danc-
ing Coed," denied his appearance but
branded the opera's "all-male pro-
position" as valueless, asserting that'
few one-sex productions have been
Mr. Simon' also observed that a'
mixed cast would present more op-'
portunity for everybody involved, and
that he could imagine "nothing more
discouraging than walking home armj
in arm with a fraternity brother who
played the leading lady."
Despite Mr. Simon's outlook, how-
ever, the "Four Out of Five" opera
will go on as scheduled. The first
rehearsal will take place tomorrow
nigrht in the Twdi a randelssnhn The-

Reciprocal Trade Pacts
Given House Approval
Three-Year Extension Resolution To Go To Senate;
$50,000 Voted Committee Investigating NLRB

To Speak


Trackmen Are Favored
Over Ohio State Today;
Pueksters FaceGophers

WASHINGTON, Feb. 23.-4/P)-The
House gave the Administration its
first great victory of the session to-
night with a vote extending the re-
ciprocal trade agreements program
for a period of three years beginning
June 12.
The continuation resolution, passed
216 to 168, goes next to the Senate,
where the Finance Committee plans
to begin hearings Monday, with
Secretary Hull as its first witness.
The Republican leadership fought
the legislation to the end, assisted by
a scattering of Democratic members
from farm and cattle sections partic-
ularly. These members have been in
rebellion against the program on the
grounds that tariff reductions effect-
ed under it have injured the producers
of their districts.
Realizing some days ago that the
battle was lost, the opposition con-
centrated today on a series of amend-
ments intended to place restrictions
Gov. Dickinson
Seeks Ousters
For McCrea.

upon the program. The Administra-
tion held clear command throughout
a day of voting, however, and, one
after another, the proposals were re-
Of particular interest was an
amendment offered by Rep. Crow-
ther (Rep.-N.Y.), which would have
changed the program into the tariff
system advocated by the Republican
platform committee, in the report
submitted by its Chairman, Glenn
Frank, early this week. He proposed
a reciprocity system, but one under
which all the trade agreements would
have to be approved by both Houses
of Congress before they could become
effective. After debate, the Crowther
amendment was voted down, 161 to
Smith Committee -
Given $50,000 More
WASHINGTON, Feb. 23 -(IP)-
Without a word of debate, the House
voted today to give another $50,000
to its special committee investigating
the Wagner Act and the National
Labor Relations Board.
Chairman Smith (Dem.-Va.) dis-
closed later that the first $50,000 the
House appropriated last year "already
has run out."
It was learned, meanwhile, that the
committee soon will submit to the
House a series of amendments to
the statute based on more than two
months of hearing.
Illinois Cagers
Are Favored
Over Michigan
Illini, Led By 'Wild Bilk'
Hapac, Are Now Third'
In Big TenStandings
By _CHIS VIZAS _....
"Wild" Bill Hapac and the Illinois
hardwood crew will play host to MIch-
igan's fighting, but floundering quin-

Detroit Prosecutor Pleads
Innocent Of Charge
Of Protecting Lottery
DETROIT, Feb. 23.-(IP)-Ouster
proceedings against Duncan C. Mc-
Crea, Wayne County prosecuting at-
torney, were ordered by Governor
Luren D. Dickinson today on charges
by Circuit Judge Homer Ferguson
that the prosecutor had exacted
thousands of dollars monthly from
operators of vice dens, racing hand-
books and slot machines.
The removal petition was present-
ed to the Governor shortly after Mc-
Crea and others of a group charged
with protecting the operation of a
baseball lottery here, had stood mute
upon arraignment in Circuit Court.
As McCrea, missing since Wednes-
day, appeared for arraignment, he
smiled and announced he would be
a candidate for the Democratic nom-
ination for United States Senator in
next September's primary election.
He referred to his indictment by a'
grandjury that has been investigat-
ing gambling in Wayne County as
"Dirty, rotten politics," and added:
"The publicity will help my cam-
paign for senator."
Pleas of innocent were entered for
McCrea; Fred W. Frahm, recently
ousted as Superintendent of Detroit
Police; Harry Colburn, chief inves-
tigator for McCrea and Detective
James Bennett, when they appeared
in court before Judge Ferguson.
Senate Discusses
Rejuvenation Plans
Plans to make the Student Senate
a more effective and smoother operat-
ing body were discussed at the Sen-
ate's meeting Thursday, although no
formal action could be taken because
of the lack of a quorum.
Increased campus insistence that
the Senate be rejuvenated was reflect-+
ed in the general tenor of the meet-
ing, and a suggestion was made that
the coming Spring Parley be made
to center about the whole general
question of student government.

* * *
SRA Lecture
Will Be Given
By Rev. Furfey
Sociologist Will Present
Orthodox Catholic View
In Series On Religion
The Rev. Paul H. Furfey, profes-
sor of sociology at Catholic Univer-
sity, Washington, D.C., will deliver
the second lecture presenting the
orthodox Catholic viewpoint in the
Student Religious Association's cur-
rent series on "The Existence and
Nature of Religion" at 8 p.m. today
in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
One of four nationally known ex-
perts in the field of religion to pre-
sent different viewpoints here on
the questions "What Is Religion" and
"Why be Religious", Rev. Furfey
will take the stand of the man who is
both scientist and clergyman. In
his discussion, he is expected to com-
ment on the anti-religion lecture giv-
en here last week by Prof. Anton J.
Carlson of the University of Chi-
cago's physiology department.
Rev. Furfey is a Fellow of the
American Association for the Ad-
vancement of Science, and co-direct-
or of the Catholic University Center
for Research in Child Development.
A member of the Committee on
roup Work, National Conference of
ocial Work,. he.,,has also written
nd worked in the fields of the psy-
chology and psychiatry.

Unbeaten Minnesota Team
Prepares For National
AAU Championships
Visitors Have Two
Wins Over Michigan
An unbeaten Minnesota hockey
team that has blasted its way
through 14 consecutive victories this
season to win the ranking as the top
college squad in the nation, will turn
its big guns on Michigan's little sex-
tet tonight at the Coliseum.
The games here tonight and Mon-
day will serve merely as warmups
for the Gopher sharpshooters in
preparation for their participation
in the National AAU championships
at Lake Placid next week-end,
The Minnesotans have totalled 108
points this season, and have com-
piled a 7.7 goal average per game.
In their two earlier meetings this
year with the Wolverines at Minne-
apolis the high-scoring Gophers rung
up 14 goals to Michigan's 4.
In dismal contrast, the Michigan
team has lost 11 of its 15 games,
and at present is stalled in the midst
of a six-game losing streak. But re-
gardless of their present state, the
Wolverines can be counted on to
rise to the occasion and give the
visitors a battle.
At Minneapolis last month, al-
though losing to the Gophers 9-2
and 5-2, the Wolverines gave the
capacity crowds which jammed the
Minneapolis Arena for both games,
the most exciting exhibitions of the
The busiest man in the Coliseum
tonight will be Michigan's goalie
captain Spike James. At Minne-
apolis, it was his brilliant work that
held the Gopher scoring to a min-
imum, especially in the second
game. Tonight, without the defen-
sive aid of Larry Calvert who was
lost through graduation, his task
will be even more difficult.
In Calvert's place will be Bert
Stodden who has been moved back
from his forward position. Stodden
will be joined by Charley Ross on
the back line..
Coach Lowrey will start center
(Continued on Page 3)
High School Drama'
Meet Opens Here
The Michigan High School Foren-
sic Association's annual Dramatics
Forum opens at 10 a.m. today in he
Rackham Building Lecture Hall with
a speech by William P. Halstead of
the University speech department.
Besides Dr. Halstead's talk on
make-up problems, Prof. Valentine
B. Windt, also of the Speech depart-
ment, will talk on directing, James
Moll, Grad., on properties, Emma
Hirsch, on costuming, Robert Mellen-
camp, of the speech department, on
scenery, and Arthur Klein, Grad., and
June Madison, '40Ed, on acting.
Prof. Kenneth T. Rowe will lead a
conference on provision of non-royalty
plays to high schools with high school
teachers at 12:15 p.m. in the Rack-
ham west lecture hall.

Seeks Sixth

tet tonight at Champaign.
Resting in third place in the Big
Ten standings, but not too firmly, the
Illini are favored over the Wolverines,
who are tied with Northwestern :Nr
fourth place. However, the 12-man
traveling squad that left Ann Arbor
yesterday afternoon was determined
to smother the league's leading scor-
er, Hapac, and topple his teamimates
out of the third rung and take at
least a partial hold on it themselves.
Michigan has split even in eight
Conference starts while Coach Doug
Mills' squad has won five in the same
number of games. One of these vic-
tories was a 48-43 triumph over Mich-
igan; the first Big Ten defeat that
the Wolverines suffered.
Since its defeat by Illinois, in which
Hapac added 20 points to his scoring
column which has now risen to 108,
Michigan has had trouble getting
back on its feet and has defeated only
Chicago while losing to Northwestern,
Indiana and Purdue.
One the other hand, Illinois has
only lost one game since then. They
have beaten Minnesota, Northwestern,
and Wisconsin, and lost to the first
place Boilermaker quintet.
With the exception of one position'
(Continued on Page 3)


Ref rgerated
Fans Applaud
Ice Carnival
In spite of the fact that Ann Arbor
streets were icier than the Coliseum,
more than 800 refrigerated fans last
night were present to clap gloved and
benumbed hands at Michigan's third
annual Ice Carnival, providing an
4ce-melting reception for the members
of the Detroit Olympia Skating Club,
specialty acts and fraternity and sor-
ority relay teams.
Figure and comedy skating was the
order of the evening, as the Olympia
stars responded to acclaim with en-
cores. Surprise of the evening was
Jane Jones' "Bits O'Rhythm" special-
ty in which she demonstrated modern
jitterbugging on skates, to the tune
of "In the Mood."
Frozen gusts of laughter greeted
Pat Murphy and Don Grisson's
"Corktown Capers" comedy exhibi-
tion, as Silver King Forrest Evashev-
ski sat on his great throne attired in
regal robes.
In the rough-and-tumble spill-
and-thrill-filled Inter-Sorority Re-
lays, Gamma Phi Beta came up from
jbehind in an exciting photo finish to
nose out Alpha Omicron Phi for the
1940 Intersorority Skating Cham!
Phi Kappa Psi became Fraternity
Champions as they won with ease
over Sigma Phi in the men's finals.

* * *
Matmen Face
Famed Navy
Jordan, Danner, Nichols
To 'Sing Swan Songs'
In Final HomeEvent
A color-packed squad of grapplers
from the United States Naval Acad-
emy, another in the series of teams
which have earned for the Navy a
reputation as one of the top wrest-
ling powers in the country, will come
out of the East for the first time in
history for a dual meet this after-
noon with Coach Cliff Keen's
The largest crowd in Michigan
wrestling history is expected to wit-
ness the attempt of Navy Coach
Raymond Swartz to pin a defeat on
the man who taught him his first
bit of mat lore, Coach Keen. Headed
by the bout between Michigan's Cap-
tain Forrest Jordan and Navy lead-
er Al Bergner, last year's Middie
grid captain, the card shapes up as
the, best ever offered to local' fans.
Jordan, Harland Danner, and Don
Nichols, already down on the books
for places in Michigan's hall of
wrestling fame, will be 'singing their
swan songs' today as the Wolverines
bring their home season to a bril-
liant close.
. The colorful Danner is writing a
page in Michigan athletic history
that will stand as one of the great-
est. When he steps on the mat to
face Midshipman 155-pound Bob
Searle, the 1938 Conference cham-
pion, he will be attempting to score
his sixth straight fall of the season.
Nichols' exit will also mark the
(Continued on Page 3)

Record Expected To Fall
As Breidenbach Faces
Sulzman In 440 Event
Four Wolverines
Will Run In Mile
Michigan's well-balanced, title-
bound track team has its first and
only Conference dual meet tonight
when Ken Doherty sends the thin-
clads out to battle Larry Snyder's
Buckeye aggregation at 7:30 p.m. in
Yost Field House.
With an abundance of strength in
almost every event, the Wolverines
appear to be too powerful for the
Ohio team, and are favored to take
most of the events.
440 Is Feature
The feature race of the evening
shapes up as the 440-yard dash
where Warren Breidenbach meets
Ohio's Capt. Jack . Sulzman. The
Buckeye leader finished ahead of
Warren in the 300-yard special at
the Illinois Relays last week in 31.2
to hand the Michigan 440 champ his
first beating of the season.
Since both have turned in fast
times this season, the meet record
of 49.9 seems almost certain to fall,
with the Field House mark of 49.1
sdconds shaking at the thought of
the race.
All in all, five records may prove
to have lived out their allotted time
before the evening's festivities are
over. The mile, 880, high jump, and
pole vault standards are all well
within the capabilities of these com-
peting, so they may fall along with
the quarter mile mark.
Schwarzkopf In Mile
With the expectation that Ohio's
Les Eisenhart may prove to be too
fast for the Wolverines, and with a
slight intention of taking a fall out
of the Field House record, Capt.
Ralph Schwarzkopf has been entered
in the mile run. Along with him will
be Ed Barrett, Jack Dobson and
Karl Wisser, which make is prac-
tically certain that the Wolverines
will take two places, but with the
dangerous Eisenhart doubling in the
mile and the half, there is no telling
what will happen, especially since
the mile is the first event on the
program, and will find Eisenhart
fresh as he can be.
Again in the 880, the man to beat
is Eisenhart, who was second in the
Conference at the distance last
spring when only a sophomore. If
he carries through his plans to dou-
ble, he will have to go some to de-
feat Michigan's Dye Hogan and
Tommy Jester, who will provide all
the opposition that the Buckeye will
(Continued on Page 3)
Relief Concert
Will Be,, Given
Band, Glee Clubs Perform
For Benefit Of Finns
For the first time in campus history
three University musical 'organiza-
tions, the Band and th4e Men's and
Women's Glee Clubs, will join togeth-
er in presenting the Finnish Relief
Concert at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday in Hill
With tickets for the concert priced
at 50 cents and available at stores
throughout the city, the program will
be augmented by the appearance of
the Detroit Finnish Folk Dancers in
native costume.
Though complete programs are as
yet unannounced, Prof. David Mat-'
tern, director of the Band, last night
said that most of the numbers of the
Glee Clubs would be of Finnish com-
position. Prof. William D. Revelli
conductor of the Band, has' already

revealed that Sibelius' "Finlandia"
would be played.
In addition to the soloists to be
offered by the Band, The Midnight
Sons, Glee Club quartet, will appear
on the program. The program is part
of the general local drive to aid Fin-
nish refugees which is headed by
Rudolph Reichert. Contributions for
the drive may be sent to either local


Swedish Aid To Finns Awaits
Pledge By Allies, Schaaf Says

Russians Claim Taking Forts;
Murmansk Reported Blockaded

It is altogether probable that the
only thing preventing Sweden from
immediately coming to the aid of
Finland is the lack of an allied prom-
ise of aid to Sweden in the event of
an attack against her by Germany,
C. Hart Schaaf, Grad., former edi-
torial director of The Daily who re-
cently returned to the University
after two years in the Scandinavian
countries, said yesterday.
"For instance," he explained, "a
few days ago I received a letter from
a Swedish friend who had just en-
listed in the Finnish air force, saying,
'their fight is our fight'."
Cooperation among the Northern
nations, Schaaf continued, has been
exceedingly high in recent years. This
has been in the form of economy as

forces are thus operating from bases
in the midst of territory which is pre-
dominantly Finnish. Thus, Schaaf
explained, opportunities are offered
for sabotage and the betrayal of in-
formation relative to troop move-
ments and concentrations.
The approaching fall of Viipuri,
while it may hamper Finland greatly
by taking a railway center out of her
control, he said, cannot mean the im-
mediate fall of the entire nation. The
elasticity of the Finnish defences,
Schaaf said, permits the loss of many
so-called "key towns" without an en-
tire defensive collapse.
"I should like to correct the im-
pression held in some quarters that
Finland has a Fascist government,"
Schaaf commented. "I would not
hesitate to say that her government,

Addition To Curriculum
Asked-Snow Shoveling
A break in the usual routine busi-
ness of the city council occurred last
night when alderman Arbie B.
Clever and Floyd D. Elsifor asked
City Clerk Fred C. Perry to read a
letter sent in by Will Hampton in
which he suggests that the Univer-
sity Board in Control of Athletics
establish a course in snow shoveling.
His suggestion was based on a claim
that most of the fraternities are neg-
ligent in the cleaning of their side-
Mr. Hampton points out that there
is a city ordinance which states that

(By The Associated Press)
The Command 'of the Leningrad-
Soviet military area announced to-
day that heavy snow and fog had
hampered the Red Army offensive on
Karelian Isthmus, but that 12 Finn-
ish fortifications had been occupied
The Red Army failed to capture
Finland's second city, Viipuri, for its
own 22nd birthday yesterday, but
was reported by the Finns to have
moved to within 10 or 12 miles of its
objective-at a cost of nearly 3,000
men killed in one day's fierce fight-
Meanwhile, Britain and France re-
mained silent on Scandinavian re-
ports that Allied warships had begun
a blockade of Arctic waters off Mur-
mansk, Russian port and a base for
part of the Red Army's drive on Fin-

Changed somewhat from the ver-
sion approved by the Senate, the bill
would permit the use of loan funds
for purchase of commercial aircraft
by the borrower and would deny loans
to any nation which has defaulted its
war debt to the United States.
While United States Undersecre-
tary of State Sumner Welles, en route
to Europe on a fact-finding tour at
President Rosevelt's behest, made a
brief stop at Gibraltar, it was dis-
closed in Berlin that Adolf Hitler
would receive Welles some time next
In London, the greatest crowd since
the coronation of King George VI and
Qeen Elizabeth turned out to cheer
the sailors who won the victory over
the German Raider Admiral Graf
Spee off Montevideo last December.

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