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February 24, 1940 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-02-24

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SATURDAY, B. 24, 1940

WAOE TWO $ATUftDAY, FEE. 24, 1940

Ann Arbor

Here Is

Today's News

To be used for emergencies only,
a -complete mobile unit has been
added to the equipment of the Wash-
tenaw county sheriff's department.
The unit contains everything from
fire extinguishers to stretchers. It
was purchased with funds raised
throughoutthe county by American
Legion members.
The outfit will probably not be
ready for active service for another
month because of time required for
the installation of the various pieces
of equipment.
* * *
A community forum will be
held at 8 p.m. Monday in the
Ann Arbor high school auditor-
ium to discuss the city manager
form of government and its pos-
sibilities in Ann Arbor.
Prof. George C. S. Benson, di-
rector of the University curricu-
lum in public administration,
and Prof. Leigh J. Younr of the
forestry school and president of
the city council will speak. An
open discussion period will fol-
* *
The circus has come to town and
mnore than 700 persons attended the
opening performance Thursday eve-
ning at the Masonic Temple. Thirty
one acts are included, and shows
today will be at 1:15 p.m., 3:45 p.m.
and 8:15 p.m.
Commencement services for
58 newly naturalized citizens
were held Wednesday night in,
the circuit court room of the
courthouse the first ceremony of
its kind to be held in Ann Arbor.

Residence IIJal
H o0.se imothers
"Being housemother of 1 boys
is just like mothering your own chil-
dren," Mrs. Lura D. Niles, house
director of Michigan House, one of
the eight houses which comprise the
west quadrangle of residence halls,
declared in an interview yesterday.3
"Their., problems and troubles are,
ours," Mrs. ,Niles said. ,'In addition
to acting as house director-that's1
our official title, social director and
house mother, our duties often take
on the character of sewing on but-
tons, straightening ties just before
that crucial date, listening to tales
of misunderstandings with this girl
or that one or ecstatic descriptions
of newly-found loves."
"One of our most important du-
ties," she continued," is watching
over the boys 'health. If one of the
boys is reported..sick in bed, we take
his temperature . and if necessary
ship him off to the Health S evice;
that it, if our two staff physicians-
don't have. the necessary. facilities to.
cope with the situation., If.he is
to remiain in bed, we supervise his
meals and order trays for them."
"Another one of our. important du-
ties is that of working as social di-
rector with the ,social ~chairman in
each house,._pta the piespt,ime
outsoci4a e has in ded.flc-
ulty dinne Aea teadancesanda.
dance d&jrg which a floor show
was preented'"
Mrs. E. 1 *erdman , hosedirector
of Wenley House, who is holding this
position fox the first tide, ,saidl,, "I:
like my work and enjfoy the boy -very
much. They all cooperated beauti-
fully.'' A ,compact kitchenette placed,
behind what resenrbled closet doors
was revealed by Mrs Herdman as
the source of coffee andl tea-making
by the boys, at ,iigt " when they
like to come in and talk."
Co1rt Is Onfred
By Music Faculty
Five. members of the faculty of te
School of Mtusic will present the first
faculty concert of the season at 4:15
p.m, tomorrow in- >lYil1 Auditoiium.
Among'those who will play at the
concert will be a trio consisting of
Prof. Wassily Besekirsky,. violinist,
Prof. Hans Pick, violoncellist, and
Prof. Joseph Brinkman, pianist. Mary
Fishburne, pianist, and Thelma Lewis.
soprano, are also ricluded on the
program. Grace Wilson, Grad., pian-
ist, will accompany Miss Lewis.


SATURDAY, FEB. 24, 1940 1
VOL. L. No. 102
To Members of the University Sen-
ate: The Senate Advisory Committee
will meet on Monday, Feb. 26. Sug-
gestions for topics to be considered
should be sent this week to Dr. R. E.
McCotter, secretary of the Commit-
tee, or to J.P. Dawson, chairman.
..Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of this Facul-
ty on Wednesday, Feb. 28, at 4:15
p.m., in Room 348, West Engineering
Building. Agenda: Recommendations
from Committee on Coordination
and Teaching; Revision of Faculty:
rules on petition in discipline cases;
and routine business.
A. H. Lovell
LaVerne Noyes Scholarships: Those
who have recently consulted me about
Dean To Lead
Education Faculty Men
To Attend Meeting
Dean J. B. Edmonson of the School
of Education will lead a discussion
group. Tuesday on "Education and
the Economic Welfare" at the 70th
annual convention of the American
Association of School Administra-
tors, beginning today in St. Louis,
Attending the six-day meeting
fromthe .University will be Profs.
aleigh Schorling, George E. Car-
rothers, Arthur B. Moehlmann, Cal-
vin O. Davis, Edgar G. Johnson,
Frances. D. Curtis, Harlan C. Koch,
Clifford Woody, Willard Olsen and
Howard Y. McCluskey.
Glee Club To Broadcast
The varsity men's Glee Club will
present their second broadcast pro-
gram over Station WJR at 12:30 p.m.
tomorrow. Under the direction of
Prof. David E. Mattern of the School
of Music, the club will present a
half hour program from Morris Hall.
Finnish songs will be offered, as well
as a variety of Michigan numbers.

LaVerne Noyes Scholarships an
taken application blanks tbo b
out are urged to bring in their
cations as soon as possible.
F. E. Ro
Defdline for Change of El
College of Literature, Scien
the Arts: No. course may be
after the end of the third %
the semester. This correct in
tion conflicts with the sta
(page 37, "Announcement, Co
Literature, Science, and the
which reads, " No student s
admitted to a class after the
the second week of a semeste
last day for adding course is
day, March 2, the end of th
E. A. W
College of Literature, Scien
the Arts; School of Music; and
of Education: Students whor
marks of "I"' or "X" at thet
their last semester or summ
sion of attendance will re
grade of "E" in the course un
work is made up by March 1
dents wishing an extensionc
beyond this date in order to r
this work should file a petit
dressed to the appropriate of
their school with Room 4 U.H
it will be transmitted.
Eligibility for Second Se
Students applying for eligibi
tificates for the second seme
reminded that they must pres
semester report cards at Room
versity Hall, in order to ass
mediate receipt of their new
First semester eligibility cer
will be invalid after MarchI
L.S. and A. juniors eligiblef
centration at the end of the fi
ester who did not receive a b

.d have i.
e filled
ce, and
week of
llege of
hall beE
end of
r." The


of their record and triplicate con-
centration forms through the mail
should call at once in the Registrar's
office, Room 4 University Hall, for
this material. All students who have
had concentration slips signed this
February should return the white one
immediately to Room 4 in order to be
included in the second semester de-
partment tabulation-
Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar.
Summer Placement: The University
Bureau of Appointments has received
a call from the American Express
Concessions, Inc., for young men to
operate the guide chairs at the New
York World's Fair, 1940. All appli-
cants must be available by May 1.
Anyone interested, report to the
Bureau of Appointments for further
qualifications, 201 Mason Hall, office
hours 9-12, 2-4.

from the Dean of Students' Office
for participation in any of the activi-
ties of the Glee Club. Regular re-
hearsal this evening.
Senior Lit Students: Class dues are
payable Feb. 26-Mar. 1.
Academic Notices
Physics 196. I shall be unable to
meet this class this morning at 9:00.
E. F. Barker
German 211 Gothic will meet on
Mondays from 7-9 p.m. in 303 S.W.
Norman L. Wiley
Speech 41. Classes will not meetl
today. The students in these classes

are invited to attend the Dramatic,
Forum in the Auditorium of the.
Rackham Building this morning, 10-
William P. Halstead
History courses: The make-up ex-
aminations for all history courses
will be given in Room C, Haven Hall,
at 3:00 p.m., Friday, March 1. No
student will be allowed to take this
examination unless he presents
written permission from his instruc-
tor. See the instructor during his
consultation hours, which are posted
outside the DepartmenthOffice, 119
Haven Hall, for permission.
Flying Club Flight Training Course:
s (Continued on Page 4)

DANCE at the
On Saturday Nights .. .
LADIES. .. 25c
MEN .. . 40c
- Every Friday Night -
Ladies Admitted FREE
Men 30c



Over 3,000 cubic feet of
70 brands of beer - ales
cally controlled at

Because of its cleanliness,
this new electric teakettle 0- .. ...,>
can be used anywhere in ''
the house, and is a boon
in the sickroom. Simply
'plug into the nearest elec- .".r.y
tric outlet. Handy for
sterilizing, for the hot
water bottle,.hot drinks, '' '
etc. $4.95 at any Detroit
Edison office.


Satur- The Bureau of Appontments has
ie thir'd received notice from the City of
V er Pittsburgh of Civil Service Examina-
tion for Summer Recreation Work.
ice, and All applications must be filed by Fri-
d School day, March 15, 1940. Applicants must
received be bona fide residents of Pittsburgh.
close of Police Guard (male) salary $5.00
ner ses- per day.
ceive a Head Swimming Guard (male) sal-
less this ary $5.50 per day.
2. Stu- Swimming Guard (male), salary
of time $5.00 per day.
make up Summer Recreation Leader (male)
ion ad- (female), salary $5.25 per day.
ficial in Head Counsellor (male) female),
. where salary $5.00 per day.
Junior Counsellor (male) (female),
salary $2.50 per day.
hmester: Complete announcements on file
lity cer- at the University Bureau of Appoint-
ster are ments and Occupational Information,
ent first 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12,
2, Uni- and 2-4.
,ure im-
w cards. All students who plan to enter the
tificates Hopwood contests should read the
1. rules of eligibility before March 1.
K. W. Cowen
for con-
rst sem- Varsity Glee Club. All members
lueprint are reminded to get eligibility cards
refrigeration space keep the temperatre of
- sparkling wines and champagne scientif-
North 5th Avenue
ial 820
famous comics 'headed by
mers and including all the
ee Press favorites - that's
in the new, enlarged, 16-
e Press comic section.
number two-another big
2-page Sunday Magazhie-
iel ... short stories . . . fea-

a true crime story . . . car-
dor pictures. Enjoy BOTH
by Ruth Lininger Dobson

°.. - ..

e _
Thehe t ~1n 53 t
C ', rythe artilleer is.
Oh , th o ' e and the
Ce ouldnt-liksees
hundred kthe 1nft
sand years 'l

_ .}


F - ..
. .
. ~
- ,. u
' - -' _
. .




Private Punkett- teriffe one
man army...yto hear him tell iti



I p~

--26 in All!


--Ills ,
h Co
- - vier h P

A BIG parade of
S1X noted neweco
other Sunday Fr(
the treat you get
page Sunday Fre
And here's treat
issue of the new 3
a complete $2 nov
ture articles . . .
toons . .. Full-co
next, Sundiy.
A Romance I





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