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February 14, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-02-14

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Continued cold. Snow flurriel
In the afternoon,




An Understanding
Of Religious Beliefs .. .



Dohertymen Show
Power In Winning
Triangular Conte st

Kelly Wins Three Events
As Canham Shatters
Field House Record
Team Is The First
Coached By Doherty
Four meet records and one Field
House mark fell by the wayside at
Yost Field House last night as Ken
Doherty's first edition of the Michi-
gan track team reduced the triangu-
lar meet with Michigan State and
Michigan Normal Colleges to a highly
one-sided affair, scoring 79 points to
292 and 211/2 for the Spartans and
Hurons, respectively.
Only two first places eluded the
grasp of the Wolverines as they swept
on to an impressive triumph in their
first meet of the season.
Canham Breaks Record
The high jump was the big noise
as far as the records went, with Michi-
gan's brilliant junior ace Don an-
ham putting his new straddle style
jump on display for the first time
and cracking the meet, varsity, and
Field House mrks with a great 6 foot
6 and three-eighths inch leap. Can-
ham had won the meet three inches
lower, when Arrington of State missed
three times at that height, but kept
on by himself, and stopped at a
height which is better than the listed
Big Ten record. Don missed his first
two attempts at 6 feet 5 inches, but
then lifted himself over the bar, and
followed with a smooth leap at the
record height.
Warren Breidenbach started in
where he left off last May by clipping
a full second off the meet mark for
the quarter mile dash, winning easily
in 50.1 seconds, having led all the
way Bob Barnard, converted hurdler,
maide his first start in the 440 and
came through with an excellent third
Schwarzkopf Wins Easily
The expected battle in the two-mile
failed to develop, and Capt. Ralph
Schwarzkopf scored an easy win in
9:27.1. Tommy Quinn, of Normal,
who was expected to pish Ralph to
low figures, had an off-night, and
barely salvaged third place from the
Wolverine sophomore, Bill Ackerman,
both finishing considerably behind
the second place man, Dick Frey of
State. A slow first mile prevented
Schwarzkopf from taking a fall out
of any records.
Normal's sensational sophomore,
"Whitey" Hlad, came through to nose
(Continued on Page 3)
Prison Board
Retains Coon
No Action Is Taken Here
On Marquette Post
Michigan's Correction Commission
came to Ann Arbor yesterday-but
no new warden was selected for Mar-
quette prison.
It was thought by political observ-
ers that the conference had been
called here to discuss the long-hang-
ing question of the warden's appoint-
ment, but when the members ad-
journed in the afternoon the most
exciting action accomplished was a
decision to move a shoe factory at
Marquette to a vacant building at the
Southern Michigan prison at Jack-
Members of the Commission ad-
mitted that they had discussed choos-
ing a successor for Warden Marvin
L. Coon, but that it "was offhand and
unimportant." The board had pre-
viously received a telegram from an
organization of Upper Peninsula
county chairmen, recommending Earl

Case, a Houghton County lumber-
man ti a candidate for the office.
Civil Rights Rally
To Be Held Here
An all-campus rally in defense of
civil rights will be held at 8 p.m. to-
morrow at the Unlon, Robert Rosa,
Grad., president of the Ann Arbor
branch of the American Student
Union, announced yesterday.

Dorm Workers
Make Protest
To University
New Union Will Discuss
Laboring Conditions
With , Shirley Smith
Dormitory workers in the Univer-
sity's new West Quadrangle will meet
with Vice-President Shirley W.
Smith in a,. labor conference on Feb.
21 to protest wages and working con-
Plans for the conference with Mr.
Smith were announced last night at
a meeting of a newly organized Hotel,
Restaurant and Dormitory Employees.
Local No. ,004 Union (AFL) at the
Ann Arbor Labor Hall.
Attending the conference will be
representatives of maids, janitors,
and cooks; Charles E. Sands, or-
ganizer for Local 604; Albert Ren-
ner, of Detroit, an organizer of hotel
and restaurant workers; Thomas B.
Keaton, union officer, and Univer-
sity officials. They will discuss wage
rates, working conditions and hours.
Members of the Union, which has
been in existence two months, also
decided to continue a drive for mem-
bership of employes of the dormi-
tories, and also to secure written
pledges of support from "among the
400 or 500 employes who work in
the dormitories."
The Union was addressed last night
by Renner who assured the workers
that State and University authori-
ties were sympathetic to unions, and
that there was no danger that em-
ployes would suffer unfair discrim-
ination if they affiliated.
Renner said that six members of
the kitchen staff of the University
hospital were members of the Union,
and that they were "receiving sub-
(Continued on Page 2)

Union Opera s
Songs Named
By Committee
Music had its day on the schedule
of the Union Opera yesterday when
the music committee announced the
titles of 17 songs and dance num-
bers to be featured in the show.
The songs have been written espe-
cially for the Opera by the members
of the committee, under the chair-
manship of Robert G. Parker, '40.
Four songs have beenacontributed
by Robert Mix, '40, general chair-
man of the Opera. Their titles are:
"Lady of My Heart," "Drinking
Song," "Cream of the Crop," and
"At Midnight," a tango.
The title song of the Opera, "Four
Out of Five," is the work of Thomas
W. Cook, '42. Cook also wrote "Free
and Twenty-One." Gordon A. Hardy,
'41SM and Charles A. Bowen, '41, co-
operated in the composition of "Pony
Chorus," "I'm In Love With a
Dream," "Three Blind Dates," "Put
in a Nickel," "Doin' the Diag," and
"Parrot Waiter's Dance." Max W.
Crossman, '40SM, and Richard V.
Wolton, '42, wrote "Gentleman of
the Press."
Jack Silcott, Grad, who has the
part of Mrs. Roosevelt in the pro-
BMOC," "Meet Number Five" and
the closing chorus
To complete the list, Kenneth
Summerfelt, '4 0 S M, contributed
"Michigan Memories." Other mem-
bers of the music committee include
Thompson Pyle, '41SM, John She-
nault, '40"M, and Harold Mueller,
.According to the committee, band-
leader Tommy Dorsey showed inter-
est in 'two of the love songs at thk
recent J-Hop. The committee also
has a letter from Fred Waring stat-
ing that he will consider three of the
tunes for his nightly broadcasts.
religion Called
'Not Deffinable'
Morgan Gives Introductory
Talk For. New Series
Of Religious Lectures
As an introduction to the Student
Religious Association's new lecture
series on "The Existence and Nature
of Religion," Kenneth Morgan, direc-
tor of the Association, last night dis-
cussed the question of definitions of
religion at a Lane Hall forum.
After breaking down various tyes
of definition when applied to religion,
Morgan concluded that it is not defin-
able and can only be described in the
light of those properties each individ-
ual believes pertinent.
Morgan's discussion served as a pre-
liminary to the series on religion
which will be inaugurated at 8 p.m.
Friday in the Rackham Lecture Hall
by Prof. Anton J. Carlson of the Uni-
versity of Chicago's physiology de-
partment. Professor Carlson is a Fel-
low of the American Association for
the Advancement of Science and a
former president of the American
Association of University Professors.
A writer on science and religion,
Professor Carlson will take the un-
orthodox view toward religion in this

On Highways
Traffic Control Problems
Are Discussion Topics
For Morning Session
Delegates To Meet
At 10 A.M. In Union
Problems in highway traffic con-
trol will feature the discussions and
lectures at the opening session of the
25th anniversary of the Michigan
Highway Conference in the Union
Presided over by Prof. Lewis M.
Gram of the civil engineering de-
partment, the morning session will
open at 10 a.m. in the Union with a
discussion of the functions of the
Michigan State Highway Depart-
ment traffic and safety division by
D. Grant Mickle, director of the divi-
The function of the Michigan State
Police safety and traffic division will
be explained by Oscar M. Gunder-
son, traffic engineer in the safety
and traffic division of the state po-
lice. The concluding talk scheduled
is to be by Burton W. Marsh, di-
rector of safety and traffic engineer-
ing for the American Automobile As-
sociation in Washington, D.C.
A special showing of an illustrated
lecture of Michigan waterways en-
titled "Waters That Run to the Sea"
will be presented by Ben East, out-
door editor for the Booth Newspa-
pers, at the luncheon at 12:10 p.m.
in the Union.
Simultaneous sessions on traffic
problems and on the engineering
phase of highway problems will be
held at 2 p.m. in the Union.
Traffic problems will be aired in
Room 316 under the direction of M.
W. Cochran, city traffic engineer
for Detroit, starting off with an an-
alysis of hazard zones on Michigan
highways by Fred Taylor, director
of the highway planning division of
the State Highway Department.
County traffic control problems will
be discussed by a panel composed of
Sheriffs Thomas Wilcox of Wayne
(Continued on Page 2)

U i

Technic' Issue
Off ers' Advice
To Job-Seekers
Following last month's advice on
W'w to write a job application, Prof.
A. D. Moore and the February Tech-
nic, which goes on sale today, con-
t:nue with "Good Morning, Sir," a
tr atise on how to impress a pros-
pective employer in that all-impor-
tant job interview.
Designed primarily to enlighten
the graduating engineer, Professor
Moore's analysis of the problem pre-
sents advice applicable to any senior
faced with the problem of talking
his way to a desired position, accord-
ing to J. Anderson Ashburn, '40E,
In the line of technical features,
William Yenni, '32E, presents an an-
alysis of motor car troubles from the
point of view of necessary replace-
ments in the aging vehicles.

Mannerheim Line Holds
Against Soviet Attack
On Karelian Isthmus
Finns Declare Need
For AidImperative
(By The Associated Press)
Finland told the world late yester-
day that she was holding her own
against Russia despite fighting which
"surpasses" the "most strenuous
battles of the world war" but the little
repulic once more appealed to "civil-
ized nations" for help.
The Finnish High Command in a
statement reported the Mannerheim
Line defenses on the Karelian Isth-
mus remained unbroken after 13 days
of terrific fighting at Summa. It
added that conservative estimates
placed Russian losses at between 30,-
000 and 50,000 men, presumably in-
cluding wounded. Finnish officers
said their own losses were surprising-
ly small.
"The series of battles here (at
Summa) may be called something like
the 'Summa Miracle'," the statement
said, "comparable to the Somme and
Verdun, but nevertheless, despite the
fact that the Soviet men are falling
by the thousands and tens of thous-
ands, that's why we need help in all
forms-men, material, especially air-
"Thus far the Finnish army is able
to hold its own but we really rely on
civilized nations of the world to re-
lieve us in this situation."
As if to emphasize Finland's cry for
airplanes, Soviet Russian bombers re-
sumed extensive raids on cities and
towns behind the lines. The sungmer
resort town of Porvoo, northeast of
Helsinki, was wrecked and Laati, He-
nola and other communities were
damaged by high explosive and in-
cendiary bombs.,
Turks Push Military
Preparations With Allies
ISTANBUL, Turkey, Feb. 13.-(2P)
-Turkey pushed military preparA,-
tions in cocert with the armies of
her French and British allies today.
Australian troops, the vanguard .of
30,000 Australian and New Zealand
soldiers who landed in Egypt yester-
day, began arriving in Palestine.
Reliable quarters reported that
British and French officers, with
the aid of Turkish military authori-
ties, have made a thorough survey of
roads, railroads, food supplies and
other conditions in readiness for the
contingency of a movement of Brit-
ish-French forces into Turkey.
Seeks Tryouts
New Contributions Also
Called For By Editors
A dual hunt-for 'new staff mem-
bers and new contributions-is being
undertaken this week by the editors
of Perspectives, campus literary mag-
Students who wish to try out for
positions in one of the five depart-
ments are asked to attend an organi-
zational meeting at 4:30 p.m. tomor-
row in the Student Publications
C-editors of the magazine are
Harvey Swados, '40, and James Al-
len, '40, and they are assisted by:
James Green, '40, poetry editor;
David Spengler, '40, essay editor; Ed-
win G. Burrows, Grad., book-review
editor; Hervie Haufler, '41, fiction
editor and Seymour Pardell, '41, pub-
lications manager. Students may

try out for any one of these depart-
The editors are also beginning their
quest for manuscripts to be consid-
ered for publication in the next issue
of the magazine.
MacEachern To Give
Medical Lecture Today
Continuing its policy of presenting
addresses supplementing the regular
A7N tll-l_,. sv ri nl n 1 1 s

(By The Associated Press)
Moscow-Russia claims capture
of 23 more Finnish forts, total of
84 reported taken in last five
London-Britain sends more
planes to scout Germany; calls
for 10,000 fishermen volunteers
to battle mines; three fighter
planes chase German bomber
from Thames River.
Paris-French police watch
Soviet Russian embassy.
Rio De Janiero--British South1
Atlantic naval commander tells
story of burning and sinking of
Nazi freighter.
House Slashes'
Navy's Funds1
Appropriation Still Breaks
U.S. Navy's Peacetime
Arms Finance Records;
bill providing $966,772,878 for the
navy-a record peacetime appropria-;
tion despite a slash of $111,699,699j
below President Roosevelt's recom-
mendations-started through the
House today amid warnings that to
guard its wealth the United States
tmust have greater naval power than.
any other nation.
While cutting deeply into estimates1
for ship construction, ordnance and1
naval aircraft, the Appropriations
Committee urged that the projected
battleships and new cruisers be re-
studied with a view to making them
the most powerful in the world.
The committee also recommended
a $1,000,000 start on a harbor project
fr the Pacific outpost of Guam, near
Japan. The navy's proposed de-
velopment of the island aroused a
storm of controversy last year.
Of $28,628,021 lopped from the
shipbuilding program, all but $5,522,-
521 was for four 45,000-ton battle-
ships and four new cruisers.
. First funds for two of the capital
ships-which would be the navy's
biggest-and two of the cruisers were
provided last year. The committee
said plans for all eight still could be
changed to make them bigger, add-
ing that under present plans they
would be practically the same as to
speed, armor and guns as ships now
being built abroad.
President Roosevelt told his press
conference he hoped the battleship
funds would be restored. Meanwhile
he signed a deficiency bill providing
$252,340,776 for defense and neu-
trality functions of the navy, army,
coast guard and Federal Bureau of
Investigation in the current fiscal
Chairman Scrugham ,Dem., Nev.)
of the Naval Appropriations Sub-
committee declared that because this
country owns or controls almost half
the world's raw materials it "cannot
avoid the issue."
Olympia Club
To Be Featured
*In Ice Carnival
Peering out from behind a pair of
somewhat soiled cotton whiskers
which were used as a "Silver King"
disguise, Charles Heinen, '41E, head
of the much-touted Ice Carnival to be
held Feb. 23 in the Coliseum, yester-
day parted with the information that
the Detroit Olympia Skating Club

will be featured in the program.
In addition to acts by the Detroit
Club as a whole, Evelyn Denne and
Eric Jaddec will star in several solo
events. Also starred on the program
are Betty Courtwright and Frances
Greschke of Ann Arbor.
Recently selected committee heads
of the carnival, according to Heinen,
are James Rossman, '42E, tickets;
Jack Grady, '42, program; Tom
Kohler, '42, house, and Frank Col-
liing 14 >nihlni+'t

Senate Passes Legislation
For New Foreign Loans;
Finns Halt Russian Drive

Opponents Claim Measure
An 'Entering Wedge'
For Loans To Allies
Finland And China
To Get $20,000,000
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. -(AP-
Voting 49 to 27, the Senate today
approved legislation to make possible
additional loans of $20,000,000 each
to Finland and China.'
The bill, passed, over the protest of
a group which heatedly contended
that the action was an "entering
wedge" for later loans to Great Bri-
tain and France, now goes to the
Without naming either Fipland or
China, the legislation would increase
the lending authority of the Export-
Import Bank by $100,000,000 and per-
mit it to extend futured credit grants
to a maximum of $20,00,000 for any
one country. The money would be
used for the purchase of non-mili-
tary supplies in this country.
Amendments Rejected
In the course of the debate, the
Senate rejected two amendments-
one by Senator Taft (Rep:-O.) to ut
the proposed increase in lending
authority to $50,000,000 and a second
by Senator Danaher (Rep.-Conn.) to
forbid the bank to make loans to gov-
Meanwhile, the Senate Foreign Re-
lations Committee received from
Secretary Hull a letter opposing the
application of the Neutrality Act to
the undeclared war between China
and Japan. Although the letter's con-
tents were not made public, the Ad-
ministration is known to feel that in-
voking the act would help Japan and
hurt China.
At the same time, the Senate Bank-
mg Committee postponed action on
a proposal that the Treasury aban-
don its program and policy of pur-
chasing foreign silver. A subcom-
mittee had approved the proposal, but
many committeemen felt that the
views of the State and Treasury de-
partments should be studied before
action was taken.
George Leads Opposition
Senator George (Dem.-Ga.) took a
leading part in the opposition to the
Finnish proposal. Pending was a
measure to increase the lending auth-
.ority of the Export-Import Bank by
$100,000,000, with authorization to
lend up to $30,000,000 to any one
country. Finland already has bor-
rowed $10,000,000 from the bank.
China is also expected to seek addi-
tional credit if the bank's lending
authority is increased.
"There is already a feeling growing
up that we may be drawn into the
European war," Senator George said.
For this reason, he contended, the
United States should take extreme
care about any step that could be
interpreted abroard as unneutra.
Senator McCarran (Dem.-Nev.)
denounced the proposition as an "en-
tering wedge," which sets "a prece-
dent under a subterfuge and a guise."
He asserted that eventually under the
policy involved, the United States
would have to lend money to France
and England.
The author of the bill, Senator
Brown (Dem.-Mich.) cut into the
argument to contend that loans to
the Allies would be impossible unless
the Neutrality Act were revised or re-
pealed. Senator White (Rep.-Me.),
speaking for the bill, praised Fin-
land's defense struggle as an "epic."
Major G. F. Eliot,
Military Adviser,
Will Lecture Here
Maj. George Fielding Eliot, Ameri-

ca's foremost authority on military
subjects, will deliver a special Ora-
torical Series lecture Thursday,
March 7, in Hill Auditorium, in place
of Jan Masaryk, famed Czech diplo-
mat, who is unable to come to the
United States.
Mr. Masaryk, former Czech am-
bassador to Great Britain and son
of the Nazified democracy's first
president, was supposed to speak here
Nov. 14, but was forced to remain in
London. He was replaced by the



Eve Curie Speaks Here

Tomorrow; Egyptologist To Lecture

Renowned Frenchwoman
Comes To Oratorical
Series From War Zone
Mlle. Eve Curie will show another
American audience the spirit of
French womanhood in wartime when
she speaks here tomorrow in the Uni-
versity's Oratorical Series.
For the glamorous Parisienne,
daughter of the discoverer of radium,
writer and actress, will personify by
her appearance at 8:15 p.m. tomor-
row in .Hill Auditorium the way the
women of France are carrying on in
men's jobs.
In her first visit to this country,
Mlle. Curie came as one of the world's
best dressed women, author of the
popular biography of her mother,
"Madame Curie," and a member of
the French capital's gay society. But
this time she is on a lecture tour of
the United States, an example of the
wnmen whose normal lives have been-

Prof. Georg Steindorff
Will Give University
Lecture Next Week
Dr. Georg Steindorff, world famous
Egyptologist, will give a University
lecture at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday, Feb.
21, in the Amphitheatre of the Rack-
ham Building.
Doctor Steindorff will review the
subject "From Fetishes to Gods in
Egypt." His lecture, to be open to
the general public, will be under the
auspices of the University's depart-
ment of Oriental languages.
Until recently Dr. Steindorff was
Professor of Egyptology in the Uni-
versity of Leipzig, Germany, and
director of the Egyptian collection in
that city. He has also been the edi-
tor of the German Journal of the
Oriental Society and the German
Journal of the Egyptian Language.
He has been known to the world
along with the late Prof. Adolf Erman


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