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February 14, 1940 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-02-14

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__ __ __ _ HE-M CHT6NAliD*IY __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _

Highway Meet,
Opens Today;
Gram Presides
Traffic Control Problems
Are Discussion Topics
For Morning Session
(Continued from Page 1)
County, Hugh Blacklock of K'ent
County and George Coyler of Mason
County. Safety in small communi-
ties and speed regulations will be an-
alyzed by E. Ross Farra, chairman
of the safety committea of the Mich-
igan Kiwanis Club, and Sgt. C. F.
Van Blankensteyn of the Michigan
State Police respectively.
At the engineering session at 2
.m. in the Union ballroom, Louis M.
Nims, deputy state highway commis-
sioner, will preside. Secondary fed-
eral aid policy and administration
*ill be viewed from the federal point
of view by L. P. Scott, senior highway
engineer of the U.S. Public Roads
Administration, and from that of
the state by H. C. Coons, deputy
state highway commissioner. Re-
certification of McNitt roads will be
discussed by Leon Belknap, Oakland
County road engineer.
An analysis of war and transpor-
tation from a contemporary point of
view will feature Prof. Preston W.
Slosson of the history department at
the smker at 7:30 p.m. in the Union.
Prof. Roger L. Morrison. of the high-
way engineering and transportation
division of the civil engineering de-
oartment will preside.
Dorm Workers
Make Protest
To University
(Continued from Page 1)
stantially better wages for doing the
same work as the dormitory cooks."
.An example of 'concessions that
fan be obtained from the State of
Michigan is Eloise hospital, Renner
elailned. "There are 400 workers, all
of them in the Union, and everyone
of them is receiving more salary than
they did before they joined," he ex-
Dormitory workers have uttered
several grievances, among them the
lfat that each woman maid is re-
cluired to clean 42 rooms a day; that
there are undue penalties for days
missed; that wages are low, and
that southern employes are given
Ohio State University's R.O.T.C.
equipment is valued at $506,000.

President Roosevelt Leads Rites At Lincoln Memorial

Nelson Reveals
Center's Plans
For New Term
To Offer English Classes
To Improve Speech
Of ForeignStudents
Several novel features are included
in the International Center's schedule
of activities for this semester, Prof.
J. Raleigh Nelson, director, announced
For the first time the Center will
offer classes designed to better the
English of foreig students at the
University. Instruction in speech and
vocabulary will be given free of
charge, without University credit;
students must attend classes regu-
The class in English will be con-
ducted by Adeline Pierce of the Uni-
versity Speech Clinic and Aileen Tra-
ver, who has done considerable work
in linguistics.
Also initiated this semester in the
Center's program is the conference
on education. Those foreign students
who have attended universities
throughout the world plan to discuss
and exchange ideas on education.
Plans will be discussed at a tea Feb.
29. Prof. Habib Kurani of the Ameri-
can University at Beirut, Syria, will
act as chairman of the group.
Programs of lectures will be given
each Sunday evening this semester.
Moving pictures will be shown on
Mondays, and the classes in English
will be given from 7 to 8 p.m. each
Tuesday and Thursday. Musical pro-
grams will be given on Wednesdays.
There are more than 26,000 plants
in the Clark University herbarium.

Julius Caesar' Cast To Wear
Authentic Elizabethan Costumes

Play Production's Version
Of Drama To Be Given
At LydiaMendelssohn
Play Production's Elizabethan ver-
sion of Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar,"
to be given Wednesday, Feb. 21,
through Saturday, Feb. 24, in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, will bring
true Elizabethan costume to the stage,
costumer Emma Hirsch explained yes-
Elizabethan costume, she added, is
sophisticated and stiff, with lots of
fluff, but all this is being toned down
and softened for the forthcoming
play. "Julius Caesar," she comment-
ed, presents stark tragedy, to which
puffiness would be detrimental. Along
the same line, decorations and jewels
will be kept at a minimum.
Period costumes were not in use in
Shakespeare's time, Miss Hirsch ex-
plained, so the actors performed in
their own clothing, in true Elizabeth-
an style. By presenting "Julius Caes-
ar" in real Shakespearian style, she
added, Play Production is doing away
with anachronisms so prevalent in
modern versions of the play.
Some Romanesque influence ap-
An ArborI

PRESHDENT AND MRS. ROOSEVELT led the nation's observance of the 131st birthday anniversary of
Abraham Lincoln when they participated in brief, solemn rites at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington.
Shown standing at attention while the Army band played "Hail to the Chief" are, left to right: Thom,-
as Qualters, the President's bodyguard; Mrs. David Gray, aunt of Mrs. Roosevelt; Mrs. Roosevelt; the
President; Brig. Gen. Edwin Watson, presidential secretary and military aide, and Col. A. C. Crawford,

Colan TBe
Speaker Here
Lecture Series To Open
Tomorrow At Union
McAlister Coleman, author and lec-
turer on gas and electric .power, will
speak at 4:15 tomorrow in the Union
on the topic "Electricity's New Fron-
tiers," opening a series of lectures
sponsored by the Liberal Action Club.
Mr. Coleman has made studies of
gas and electricity in relation to the
consumer and was a member of the
Committee of Coal and Giant Power
which was bitterly attacked by the
National Electric Light Association
before that organization was disband-
ed following its expose by the Federal
Trade Commission. As head of the
Information Bureau of the Utility
Users League of New York, he was an
active participant in the fight against
the Public Service Corporation of
New Jersey which resulted in sub-
stantial rate reductions.
Others who will speak on the series
will be Norman Thomas, Socialist
leader of the United States; Lewis
Corey, labor leader and author; Tuck-
er Smith, educational director of the
Retail Clerk's Union and former direc-
tor of Brookwood College, Royal S.
Hall, professor at Albion College.

Prof. McCotter To Head
Advanced Anatomy Class
An advanced course in Applied An-
atomy will begin at 1 p.m. Thursday
in the East Medical Building, it was
announced yesterday by the Depart-
ment of Postgraduate Studies.
Classes will be held each Thursday
from 1 p.m.-10 p.m. until May 23 in-
clusive under the direction of Prof.
Rolla E. McCotter.

Lyons Gets New Post
Dr. Richard H. Lyons of the de-
partment of internal medicine has ac-
cepted the position of Medical Direc-
tor of the Dr. William J. Seymour
-Hospital, unit of Eloise Hospital. A
graduate of the University's medical
school in 1935, Dr. Lyons has also
been assistant resident in medicine
at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital,
Boston, Mass.

Here Is Today's
In Sumumar'



Effective as of February 14, 1939
12c per reading line (in basis of
five average words to line) for one
10c per reading line for three or
or two insertions.
nore insertions.
Minimum of 3 lines per inser-
These low rates are on the basis
of cash payment before the ad is
inserted. If it is inconvenient for
you to call at our offices to make
payment, a messenger will be sent
to pick up your ad at a slight extra
charge of 15c.
For further information sall
23-24-1, or stop at 420 Maynard
FOR RENT-Unusually desirable,
furnished single and double rooms.
Also apartment for men. All rea-
sonably priced. Cooking privileges
and garages if desired. 1412 Cam-
bridge Rd. Phone 7044. 259
tractive room, large, comfortable,
warm, quiet, for graduate or up-
per classman. 333 E. Washington.
See it. 267.
Daily 2-4-7-9 P.M.
T oday a id Trisnday
-Kf1y KY SE R
"That's Right
You're Wrong"
_____Coming Friday
Fred MacMurray
Barbara Stnwyck

pus, graduate lodgings with break-
fast and dinner. French if de-
sired; garage. 4678. 266
FOR RENT-Pleasant living room,
fireplace; use of kitchen if desired.
Woman or couple. No students in
house. Phone 5740. 264
FOR RENT-Apartment, living room,'
bed davenport, dressing closet,
bath, shower. Electric stove, re-
frigeration. 602 Monroe. 260
FOR RENT-For girls: Desirable.
rooms and also apartment for
women. 517 E. Ann St. Phone
2-3839. 258
FOR RENT-Very attractive room
near the campus. For girls. Mod-
erately priced. 411 E. Washington.
Phone 6318. 271
GRADUATE MAN will share double
room with upperclassman. Close
in. $2.50 a week. Gentile. Phone
2-1559.- 262
FOR RENT!-Double room, steam
heat, shower and bath. Half block
from campus. $3 per person., 2-3776
ROOM FOR RENT-available im-
mediately. Located midway be-
tween campus and field house.
Phone 6625. Inquire for Mrs. Close.
711 Packard at State.
FOR RENT-Single room, 2 blocks
from Michigan Union, continuous
hot water. Reasonable. Phone
8209. 522 Packard. 273
your discarded wearing apparel.
Claude Brown, 512 S. Main Street.
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 16
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company. Phone
7112. 13
TYPING=Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
2-1416. 34

WANTED-Girls of a special type
who have poise and grace to have
photographic tryouts for an ad-
vertisinv agency. Palmer Studio,
Michigan Theatre Bldg. 261;
FOR SALE-Slightly used man's
overcoat. Perfect condition. Dark
brown, half-belt. Size about 38.
Phone 2-3788. 269
FOR SALE-Black female Cocker
puppy, 3 months old. Can be
registered. 1905 Cambridge Rd.
LOST-Brown and gold Sheaffer
fountain pen Thursday morning
between Museum and Waterman
gymnasium. Return to Museum
information desk. Reward. 257
LOST-Ronson cigarette lighter:
Lost sometime Feb. 3; small; black
and gold. Initials CJG. Charles
Gibson. Phone 4017. Reward.
WANTED-Girl to share apartment
for three comfortable living ar-
rangements, very reasonable, phone
7278 after 5. 272
WANTED-Graduate or business
girl to share apartment. Phone
evenings 2-2808. 274

Ann Arbor police commissioners
announced last night that Clark J.
Earl would be promoted this week to
the rank of sergeant, filling the vacan-
cy caused last Friday by the death
of Sgt. Edward B. Iler. The commis-
sion also assigned Patrolman Rolland 1
J. Gaisley to be in charge of per-
sonal training. 5-!- h.
Willard G. Patterson, formerlycam
assistant physical director at the MORettrrs!
downtown Y.M.C.A. in Detroit,
has been named associate secre-
tary of the Ann Arbor Y.M.C.A.
in charge of physical education.
* * *
The largest Boy Scout Court of
Honor ceremony in the history of Ann
Arbor was held in Ann Arbor High
School Monday night. Some 650 per-
sons saw 198 boys receive awards.
Dale Evans, of troop 14, received an N
eagle badge, highest award in Scout-
Six thousand parcels of Wash- i LO NA
tenaw County land were placed
on sale Tuesday, as county treas-
urer Charles E. Crittenden opened Snsational New
the first annual state salvage SinginS er
sale of land acquired because of ChareR S
delinquent taxesM



. '


4 . speeds up

'YOUR tetepialf
0f the'!
la d a eth e r e a ef t e
You'll find them in stores, cating places, gas stations
along the highways-in all kinds of public places
Co"enycint for your use.
Nowhere else in the world is the distribution of tce,
phones so general. And nowhere else can you get such
fast, accurate, and friendly service at such low cost.

For washing win.
dows, scrubbing
floors, for the
kitchen, the laun.
dry or anywhere
in the house, this
new electric tea.
kettle saves time
and steps. "simply
plug it into the
nearest electric
outlet. $4.95 at
any Detroit Edi.
son ofice.

QUESTION: How much does it cost to call
your friends in Grand Rapids?
ANSWER: 80 cents during the day; only 40
cents nights after 7 and any time Sundays,
for a 3-minute station-to-station call.
And rates are proportionately low for telephone calls
to any point. For rates to towns not shown below, see
page 5 in the telephone directory or ask "Long Dis-
tance" (dial 0).



Alpena ...... $
Battle Creek ..... .
Bay city .1. ..
Chicago, ill. ......
Detroit . ......
Escanaba ....,..
Grand Rapids.....


On a call for which the



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