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February 15, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-02-15

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Fair and warmer today, raini
or snow tomorrow.


41it i au


More Effect
For The Senate.



New Program

Eve Curie Will Discuss Work
Of Her Famous Parents Tonight

For Expansion
Of U.S. Fleet
Is Sanctioned
House Naval Committe
Votes $650,000,000
Appropriation Increase
Proposal Conflicts
With Day Old Cut
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14.-(P) -
Congressional economy and naval ex-
pansion programs collided head-on
today. The House Naval Commit-
tee unanimously approved a two-
year $655,000,000 fleet increase just
one day after another house commit-
tee had cut $111,699,699 from the
Navy's funds for the coming fiscal
year. m
Contending that the United States
must consider the possibility that "a.
number of potential enemies" might
join forces against it in the future,
the Naval Committee endorsed a bill
to authorize construction within the
next two years of 21 additional war-
ships, 22 auxiliary vessels and about
1,000 more airplanes. The measure
carried no appropriation. If it be-
comes law, Congress will be asked
later to provide the money.
Navy To Seek Expansion
Less than 24 hours earlier, the
House Appropriations Committee
slashed President Roosevelt's budget
estimates for the Navy for the year
starting July 1 from $1,078,472,000
to $966,772,000 and asserted that the
Navy's needs could be "adequately
met" with that sum.
There were indications that the
Navy would seek about $19,100,000
additional at this session of Con-
gress to start work on the expansion
Chairman Vinson (Dem., Ga.) of
the House Naval Committee said he
hoped to get the expansion measure
before the House early in March.
Shortly after his committee en-
dorsed the program, Vinson and two
committee members, Representatives
Darden (Dem., Va.) and Maas (Rep.-
Minn.) conferred privately with Ad-
miral Harold R. Sark, Chief of Naval
Operations, regarding the drastic
slashes made In the naval appropria-
tion bill.
Stark Urges Restoration
It was learnea tat Stark had
urged that a substantial part of the
money be restored to prevent "ham
stringing" of the naval construction
program. The legislators declined
to seek any major increases in the
bill but Maas and Darden agreed to
try to restore some of the 224 planes
cut from the bill by the appropria-
tions group.
Meanwhile, members from farm
states, resenting the deep cuts made
in the agriculture department ap-
propriation bill by the House, de-
clared they intended to try to trim
the naval supply bill even further.
They said, however, that there was
no organized campaign against the
Only 27 Policemen
Belong To Christian
Front, Mayor Says
NEW YORK, Feb. 14.-(P)-Mayor
La Guardia said tonight a city in-
quiry showed 27 members of the po-
lice department still belonged to the
Christian Front out of a total of 407
who had been affiliated with the or-
Of the 407 he said a "vast majori-

ty" joined in the belief that the
Christian Front was a "religious or-
ganization devoted to promoting re-
ligion and combating atheism."
The inquiry came soon after the
arrest of 17 men identified with the
Christian Front on charges of sedi-
tious conspiracy to overthrow the
government. None of those under
arrest was a policeman.
Art Ciema Tickets
Go On Sale Today
Tickets for the Art Cinema
League's first doubleJfeature pro-
gram, "Marseillaise" and "The City,"
which will be shown at 8:15 p.m. to-
morrow and Saturday, go on sale at
10 a.m. today in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn box-office.
"Marseillaise," a French film pro-
duced by the creators of the prize-
winning "Grand Illusion," is the

Daughter Of Discoverer
Of Radium Will Appear
As Oratorical Speaker
For years the two scientists, hus-
band and wife, labored in their labor-
atory, constantly and devotedly. Then,'
as if by magic, they isolated the pre-
cious substance, and published their
research to the world. Many people
told the two their discovery had com-
mercial possibilities.
But Marie and Pierre Curie, al-
though near poverty, sought no pat-
ent. Instead they gave to mankind
the result of their research-the ele-
ment called radium.
The story of Madame Curie and her
husband, Pierre, will be told at 8:15
today in Hill Auditorium by their
daughter, Eve Curie, charming French
author and publicist. It will be the
sixth lecture of this year's Oratorical
Association series.
Mlle. Curie will tell of her parents'
decision to publish a full report of the
process of isolating radium. An in-
quiry for information about the
Curies' method of separating radium
from ordinary pitchblend residue had
been received from American engin-
eers. Pierre Curie did not hesitate:
he freely gave the Americans a de-
scription of the process. Twenty years
later Marie Curie was to learn that
her process was in use throughout the
world for the manufacture of radium.
When, in 1920, a New York inter-
viewer questioned Madame Curie as to

what she desired most, the famed sci-
entist asked for one of the fifty grams
of radium in America at the time. A
year later she was to come again to
the United States to receive the $125,-
000 gift from the women of this
Daughter Eve Curie became inter-
nationally known a few years ago
through her best-selling biography of
her mother. In Paris, however, Mlle
Curie was already recognized as a
brilliant feminine personality of the
younger generation. She has been
playwright, actress, lecturer and one
of the, world's best dressed women.
Since the war, Mlle. Curie has been
director of women's activities in the
government's Ministry of Informa-
This is Mlle. Curie's second Ameri-
can visit. Her subject tonight will be
"Science and A Woman." She will
be introduced by Alice C. Lloyd, Dean
of Women.
Prof. Carilson
To Open Series
Of SRA Talks
Religion To Be Discussed
By Visiting Professor;
To Give Scientific View
Presenting the views of a scientist
on religion, Prof. Anton J. Carlson
of the University of Chicago's physi-
ology department will speak at 8 p.m.
tomorrow in the Rackham Lecture
Hall in the first of the new lecture
series sponsored by the Student Re-
ligious Association.
Initial speaker on the general sub-I
ject "The Existence and Nature of
Religion," Professor Carlson will up-
hold the unorthodox point of view
on religion. On successive weeks, a
Catholic priest, Protestant theolo-
gian and Jewish rabbi will follow
him to the rostrum to present their
positions on religion.
Professor Carlson is a Fellow of
the American Association for the
Advancement of Science and is a
former president of 'the American
Association of University Professors.
Born in Sweden, he has taught at
Chicago since 1909.
His attitude, involving distrust for
institutionalized, ritualistic religion,
will be challenged on the following
weeks' lectures by The Rev. Paul H.
Furfey of Catholic University, Prof.;
Walter M. Horton, teacher of con-
temporary religion at Oberlin Col-
lege, and Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, di-
rector of the United Jewish Appeal
for Refugees and nationally prom-'
inent in religious circles.
Valentine's Postmaster
Cancels Lots Of 'Em!

Campus Civil
Liberties Rally
To ear Knox
New Leader Of Michigan
Federation Will Discuss
Detroit's Federal Raids
Rev. Owen Knox, newly elected
president of the Michigan Civil
Rights Federation, will speak on
"Civil Liberties and the Detroit FBI
Raids," at 8 p.m. today in the North
Lounge of the Union at an all-cam-
pus rally in defense of civil liberties,
according to Robert Rosa, Grad.,
president of the local branch of the
American Student Union. Rev. H.
P. Marley of the Unitarian Church
and prominent in the liberal move-
ment, will act as chairman.
Reverend Knox is a liberal Metho-
dist minister and is known for his
defense of .the Bill of Rights. He
is co-chairman with Prof. John F.
Shepard, chairman of the psychol-
ogy department, of the Defense
Committee formed to protect the 16
persons indicted in Detroit on the
alleged charges of recruiting men for
a foreign power.
The rally is in protest against the
apparent persecution of progressive
groups in the United States under a
law passed in 1818 which has never
been enforced in more than 122
years, Rosa said. It was passed in
order to avoid the impressment of,
American seaman by the British
navy, he added.
Bail for the 15 men and one wom-
an has been set at $150,000. It is so
high that it is an obvious infring-1
ment on civil liberties and a viola-
tion of the constitutional guarantee
in the Bill of Rights that states, "ex-
cessive bail shall not be set," Rosa
pointed out. Four of the men have
not been apprehended yet. The
woman is in solitary confinement in
a Detroit jail. The men were sent
to the federal prison at Milan, Mich.
Plans will be made at the rally for
aid to the indicted men and womanl
and to help secure their release.
'Perspec tives'
Tryouts Called
New Contributions Also
Sought By Editors
Campus literat who wish to share
in the publication of Perspectives,
the campus's literary magazine, will
be given an opportunity to try out
for its staff at 4:30 p.m. today in
the Student Publications Building.
Students may ti'y out for positionsl
on the fiction, essay, poetry, book-
review or publications staff. The,
only qualifications are that the stu-
dent must be eligible and must be at
least a second-semester freshman.
The student's task on the maga-E
zinc consists of securing manuscripts

Reveals RFC
Lending Pact
Madden Says Companies
Which Violate NLRA
Cannot Obtain Loans
Letters Confirm
Dual Agreement
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14. -(P)-
Chairman J. Warden Madden of the
Labor Board disclosed to House In-
vestigators today details of an under-
standing with the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation whereby the
Board sought to bar companies ac-
cused of unfair labor practices from
obtaining RFC loans.
The House committee also examined
writings of David J. Saposs, the
Board's chief economist, which led
to an inquiry as to whether he ad-
vocated revolution. Saposs dis-
claimed such extreme views.
Madden said the understanding
with the RFC had been suggested by1
that agency last fall and that the
Board had been glad to cooperate. He
presented correspondence from Board
offices setting forth details of the
An exchange of letters between
Nathan Witt, Board secretary, and
George Cooksey, secretary of the RFC,
confirmed the arrangement.
Witt's communication recited an
agreement that the RFC provide thet
Board weekly with a list of companies
to which loans had been authorized,
and that the Board check them1
against its list of pending unfair labor
practice complaints.
"In the event that the Board has
issued a complaint against the com-
pany, or will do so, we will requestt
you to withhold disbursements under
the loan that has been authorized,"
"Subsequently, after the hearing
based on the complaint, we will in-.
form you as to the Board's final de-I
cision in the case. If the Board finds{
that the employer has not engaged in
unfair labor practices, we will suggest<
that you resume disbursements un-
der the loan."J
Ann Arbor Groupt
Sponsors Exhibitions
Of Indian Painting,
Portraying the culture of the orig-
inal American, an exhibition of Ameri-
can Indian paintings will open todaye
in Alumni Memorial Hall, sponsoredt
by the Ann Arbor Art Association. The4
exhibit, loaned by New York City's
Riverside Museum, will last until
Thursday, Feb. 29.
The work of four Southwestern
tribes, Hopi, Zuni, Navajo and Apache,
is represented in the exhibition which
shows the new movement in art de-
veloped within the last few years
among the young Indians of the
Pueblos, near Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Encouraged by Dr. EdgarL. Hew-
ett of the School of American Re-
search and other Indian educators,
young tribesmen were asked to paint
their native dances and customs in
their own style. The educators dis-.
covered that the Indians, poor artists
in American style, conceived high-
ly imaginative and unconventional
drawings their own way,

American Neutrality Area
Must Be Observed Also
By Allies, Note Declares
Graf Spec' Incident
Protest Elicits Reply
BERLIN, Feb. 14.-(AP)-GermanyI
informed the Americas today that the
British and French viewpoints must
be "fundamentally revised" before she
could consider the American "safety
The German government declared
its readiness for a further exchange
of thought on the subject but said itt
saw little hope for success because of
the "will of the British and French
governments to destroy from the be-s
ginning the basic thought of thef
security zone."
Charge Delivers Note
The Nazi position was stated in a!
note handed to the foreign minister"
of Panama by the German charge
d'affaires there in reply to a protest
from the Pan-American Neutrality1
Conference on the running battle be-
tween the pocket battleship Admiral
Graf Spee and three British cruisers
off the Uruguayan coast last Decem-
That battle occurred deep in the
neutrality zone, extending roughly
300 miles from the American coast
and which was set up by the Americas
to insulate them from the European
Prize Law Cited
In a separate and oral statement,
German authorities cited German
prize law to justify the sinking of the
6,853-ton Netherlands liner Burger-
dijk 15 miles off the southwestern
coast of England last Saturday.
This law, they pointed out, sub-1
jects to seizure or attack any neutralt
ship which touches or enters an enemyt
harbor. The Burgerdijk was heading1
toward an English port before pro-
ceeding on to Holland, these sources
Asked whether the.same rule would1
apply to an American ship (like the1
S.S. Manhattan or the S.S. Wash-1
ington) touching at Gibraltar forc
contraband control inspection, eith-t
er of its own volition or by order of
the British, the spkesman said that1
such a ship, from a legal point of
view, would be a fair victim for ac
Hockey Team
Meets Miners
For State Title
Wolverine Pucksters Seek
To End Losing Streak
On Opponent's Rink 1
Badly A need of a victory that
will salvage them from the throes of
a four-game losing streak, Michi-
gan's puckchasing Wolverines will
try to stop their backsliding at
Houghton tonight when they meet
Michigan Tech's fighting Huskies in
the first of their two games in the
snowbound extremeties of the Up-
per Peninsula.
In their appearances at the Coli-
seum last month, the upstaters put
on a surprising show of strength that
earned them one victory in two
starts. However, tonight it will be
an even more improved squad that
Tech will send onto the ice in an
attempt to turn back Coach Lowrey's
desperate sextet.
To the team taking the two games
will go the mythical championship
of the state which the Wolverines

won two years ago in the last meet-
ing between the two schools. But
to the Michigan squad, a pair of
victories will mean more than the
state championship. Two wins will
give the Wolverines the encourage-
ment needed for their meetings with
Minnesota's undefeated herd due to
thunder into Ann Arbor next week.
The Lowreymen will start the
game tonight minus the services of
Larry Calvert their high-scoring de-
fenseman who has been lost to them
through graduation. Calvert's de-

Heinen Seeks Tropic
Frigidity For Carnival
Letters went out yesterday to the
Chambers of Commerce of Nome,
Alaska, and Miami, Fla., bearing re-
quests to each for one cubic foot of
native ice, both to be inserted in the
geometrical center of the Coliseum
rink for the coming third annual
University Ice Carnival. The let-
ters, oddly enough, were sent by
Charles Heinen, '41E, chairman of
the event.
The letters stated that "honorary
passes will be given to all members
of your Chamber of Commerce pro-
viding that the requested material is
received promptly and in good con-
dition." The Florida message includ-
ed specific instructions for protection
of the ice in Michigan climates.
The Ice Carnival will be held at
8 p.m. next Friday in the Coliseum.
The Silver King guardian of the oc-
casion, Heinen said, will make re-
funds on certain lucky tickets sold
before Tuesday. Sale starts today.
Power Expert
Speaks Today
On Electricity
Coleman Lecture Is First
In Series To Be Given
By Liberal Action Club
McAlister Coleman, authority on
gas and electric power in the United
States, will speak on "Electricity's
New Frontiers" at 4:15 p.m. today in
the Natural Science Auditorium. The
talk is the first in a series of five
lectures under the auspices of the
Liberal Action Club. The meeting
will not be held in the Union as
previously announced in The Daily.
A faculty committee headed by
Prof. John Shepard, chairman of the
psychology department is in charge
of arrangements. Other members of
the committee are: Prof. Paul Mue-
schke and Prof. Carlton Wells, Eng-
lish, Prof. Harlan MacFarlan, en-
gineering, Prof. LeRoy Waterman,
oriental languages, Prof. Arthur S.
Aiton, history, Miss Martha Colby
and Prof. Norman Maier, psychology,
Prof. Arthur Wood and Prof. Robert
Angell, sociology, Prof. John Brumm,
journalism, Prof. Charles Remer, ec-
onomics, Prof. John Dawson, Law
School, Prof. Roy Sellars and Prof.
Dewitt Parker, philosophy.
Other speakers in the series are
Norman .Thomas, socialist leader,
Lewis Corey, labor leader, Tucker
Smith, Royal S. Hal and Maynard
Kreuger. A small admission will be
charged at the door. Tickets for
the entire series will be available at
a later date.
Roosevelt Goes
Fishing In Gulf
Leaves Winter, Political
Storms In Washington
Aboard President Roosevelt's Train
Heading South, Feb. 14.-('P)-Presi-
dent Roosevelt traveled southward out
of a swirling snow storm tonight to-
ward the tarpon waters of the Gulf
of Mexico on a ten-day vacation.
His immediate destination was
Pensacola, Fla., where the cruiser Tus-
caloosa and two destroyers, the Lang
and Jouett, are waiting. With the
President were his customary fishing
cronies, Brig. Gen. E. M. Watson, his
secretary and military aide, and Rear

Admiral Ross T. McIntire, his physi-
The President left Washington just
in time to escape a heavy snowstorm,
possibly the last of the winter.
Worst Blizzard Of Year
PoundsAtantic eaboarAt * ab d
NEW YORK, Feb. 14.-(R)--The
.i~~f kir "A - {--- - -A A

Kallio Again Seeks More
Material Help; England
ApprovesEnlisting Plan
Finns Admit Some
SovietArmy Gains
(By The Associated Press)
Fighting along the dented but un-
broken Mannerheim Line, Finland
rushed more men to the colors yes-
terday (Wednesday) and her presi-
dent proclaimed the determination of
the Russian-invaded republic to fight
on regardless of the outcome of the
While the Finns admitted Russian
gains in the Summa sector and called
up men between 42 and 43 years old
to bolster defenses there, President
Kyosti Kallio declared his people
had no choice but to carry on the
fight despite the overwhelming odds
against them.
* "Fifty To One"
"Everyone knows we are out-
numbered 50 to one," said Kaillo,
"but the issues at stake are clear.
"We appreciate the sympathy
shown us by Americans in our strug-
gle to be free-indeed to live at all
-but we really hope our cause may
stir onlookers abroad to offer us ma-
terial help. For after allwe are de-
fending the interests common to all
civilized peoples."
The Finns acknowledge the Red
Army gains in the Summa sector af-
ter 14 days of merciless assaults but
declared their stout-hearted defend-
ers had repulsed -the invaders else-
where along the Mannerheim Line
with tremendous enemy losses.
The Russians claim that a cotal of
84 Finnish steel and concrete em-
placements have been captured.
Finland's renewed appeal for out-
side help found a ready response in
London where therBritish govern-
ment approved the recruiting of
British manpower for service with
the Finns. Britons over 27 years of
age, or exempt for other reasons from
conscription this year, may enlist for
Volunteers Aplenty
The Finnish legation, sponsor of
the recruiting organization in Brit-
ain, said between 2,000 'and 3,000 vol-
unteers already had signed up. Five
hundred "blue ribbon" fighting Eng-
lishmen are receiving special train-
ing and 300 "deathshead" Hungari-
ans, sworn to kill 10 Russians apiece,
are awaiting the first boat to Fin-
Britain, meanwhile, announced the
sinking of two more German sub-
marines, one of them within 30 min-
utes after it had sunk a British
freighter enroute to England with
chilled beef from Argentina.
The French announced the capture
of a German cargo ship, taken to a
These victories were reported
against the loss of a total of three
British ships and one neutral mer-
chantman in a new spurt in the war
at sea.
Winston Churchill, First Lord of the
British Admiralty, announced that
Allied defenses against the Nazi sea
campaign would be enhanced great-
ly within the next month or six
Opera Makes
Ticket Plans
Exchange Service System
Will BeEmployed
The Union Opera, "Four Out Of
Five," is two weeks away, perhaps too
far in the future to permit students

to make definite plans for seeing the
show. The Union, therefore, will in-
troduce an "exchange ticket" plan
that will enable students to secure
tickets without specifying which night
they will attend, according to Ted
Spangleer, '40, ticket chairman.
These exchange tickets wil be
placed on sale at noon today. Later,
when the purchaser determines what
night he wishes to see the Opera, the
tickets will be exchanged for definite

Finland Rushes Reserves
To Help Defenses; Reich
Parries I ssues Of 'Zone'

VALENTINE, Neb., Feb. 14.-(R)-
Maybe it's because of leap year, but
Postmaster Marguerite Pielps re-
ported an upsurge in Valentine's Day
cancellations from this Nebraska
sandhills town today.
Mrs. Phelps hired extra help to
dispatch the more than 10,000 valen-
tines sent here for the cancellation
which becomes of interest to stamp
collectors once a year,

War And Speed Limits Discussed
In Michigan Highway Conference

Viewing issues ranging from speed
limit regulations to the relation be-
tween war and transportation, the
25th anniversary session of the Mich-
igan Highway Conference yesterday
opened its three-day meeting in the
Absolute speed limits to replace all
existing prima facie limits were ad-
vocated by Sgt. C. F. Van Blanken-
steyn of the safety and traffic divi-
sion of the Michigan State Police at
the afternoon traffic session in the
Pointing out the loopholes in ex-
isting prima facie limits, Van Blank-
ensteyn strongly advocated a strin-
gently enforced maximum speed
limit, established at that level below
which the greater majority of driv-
ers will willingly operate. Under
existing prima facie limits, he point-
ed out, the only legal requirement
imposed upon drivers is that he op-
erates his vehicle at a speed deemed
safe under existing conditions. The

stalemate in Finland, Professor Slos-
son declared that the transport of
both troops and supplies and the re-
liability of transportation facilities
have served as the deciding factor in
wars since the dawn of history.
Highlight of the second day of the
session here today will be the annual
highway conference dinner at 6:30
p.m. in the Union ballroom, featur-
ing a tribute to the founder members
of the original Michigan Highway
Conference held here in 1915 de-
livered by Murray D. Van Wagoner,
state highway commissioner.
With Leroy Smith, engineer-man-
ager of the Wayne County' Road
Commission acting as toastmaster,
the dinner meeting will present an
address by Thomas H. MacDonald,
commissioner of the U.S. Phblic
Roads Administration.
At the morning session at 9:30 a.m.
in the Union, Dean Gilmore D. Clarke
of the architecture college at Cornell
University will discuss parkways; the
status and utilization of the highway

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