Tryouts For 'Hi-Falutin!' To Continue Through Tomi
1- 1
Mr. McKelvey
And Committee
To Select Cast
Size Of 1940 Production
Assures All Candidates
At Least Minor Roles
Tryouts for parts in "Hi' Falutin!"
the 1940 JGP, will continue from 2:30
p.m. till 5:30 p.m. today and to-
morrow in the League ballroom un-
der the direction of Richard McKel-
vey, director, and members of the
central committee.
All junior women interested in
participating, whether for a major
role or as a member of a chorus,
must attend the tryouts, Lee Hardy,
'41, chairman of publicity, said.
Women who are working on commit-
tees may also take part in the play,
Miss Hardy added.
Must Pay Class Dues
Class dues must be paid, and all
those who intend to be in the pro-
duction should bring their eligibility
cards with them to the tryouts to be
signed by Annabel Van Winkle, '41,
chairman of patrons. Anyone un-
able to attend the tryouts should
notify Jane Grove, '41, at 2-2547 as
soon as possible.
Those who were unable to get an
appointment at the Health Service
for their re-checks before the dead-
line last week may still make ap-
pointments, Dr. Bell announced yes-
terday. These appointments must be
made immediately, and the cards
from the Health Service should be
brought to the tryouts to be signed
by Miss Van Winkle.
All Will Get Parts
Miss Hardy stressed the fact that
all women who come to the tryouts
will be given some part in the play,
whether or not they are given a
leading part. Everyone who wishes
to have any part at all, in the dances
or in the choruses, must attend.
"Hi'Falutin!" will be presented.
March 13, 14, 15 and 16 in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre in the League,
with the first evening's performance
given only for senior women.
Leroy Smith's
Band To Play
Maestro To Be At League
For Weekend DancesI
Leroy Smith, colored band leaders
who played for two dances at thet
League last fall, will bring his 14-v
piece outfit to Ann Arbor for a re-
turn engagement at the League fromP
9 p.m. to 1 am. Friday and fromc
9 p.m. to midnight Saturday. I
The success of his last appearance
had led the committee to engage
Smith for the regular weekly dances
this weekend, Beth O'Roke, '40, vice-t
president of the League in charge of 1
the ballroom, announced yesterday.I
Beside its Ann Arbor appearances, l
the orchestra has played a 17-weeka
run at the Mayfair Casino in Cleve- p
land, and also played with Ethel
Waters in "Rhapsody in Black" in a
1932-33. Again with Miss Waters they n
played in "Connie's Hot Chocolates" C
in 1936..
There will be tables and service at a
the League for this weekend, Miss a
O'Roke added.s
Graduates United In Marriage
. .. of cabhage
ad kings ...
FRIDAY AFTERNOON a strange, new glow descended on Ann Arbor.
Could it have been the lack of classes? Could it have been the abun-
dance of snow? No, it was intuition, telling people they were about to
see Utopia, in the form of J-Hop at the I-M.
However, it was hours before the sight of Utopia that the Delta Upsi-
lons, in the spirit of things new and dif-
ferent, hung a big sign over their front
door proclaiming the house to be "Under'
New Management." Among those to
.;.... take over were Marion Bill, Charlotte
Cleary, Betty Whitely and Annabel Van
Winkle, who were the guests of Mac
Blaisdell, Roger Madden, Port Brown
and Dick Adams.
Ja yho pmania Was Utojpia ...
After moving into a new abode, let's re-live the whole weekend. Start
with supper at the Sigma Chi house, with Bill Graham and Jane Vennell,
and Bob Collins and Ginny Alfin. Then rush to the most important event-
that Utopia J-Hop called Jayhopmania. In the crowds and crowds were
Janet Unruh with Carter Chamberlain, Betty Lou Robinson with Lynn Doc-
tor, Ginny Nathanson with Jeff Solomon, Peggy Cornelius with Gordon
Hardy and Annette Stroup with Bob Merriman.
Then the crowds got so thick that the only positive thing is that Bob
Sadler, David Ladd, Martha Scott, Tom Tussing, Carolyn Coller and Bar-
bara Simmons were there, but who was with who? So at that stage of
mix-up it was best to stay in the mood of a perfect world,
and follow Bud Cox and Harriet Stauffer to the Congress
breakfast at the Wolverine.
Most honored guests there were Tommy Dorsey and'
Ted Fio Rito. But prominent too were Phil Westbrook
and Rowena La Coste, Nancy Carstrom and Mike Massa
and Alice Lord and Jim Huber. The crowning event of
that breakfast was when Virginia Frey was in a tizzie be-
cause she was about to be late at the dormitory, so T.
Dorsey ordered out his orchestra bus for her and date
Jack Acker to ride home in.
Ps U's GoWne potn 0
Now stop looking so sleepy on Saturday afternoon, and we're off to
Huron Hills to watch the Psi Upsilons doing winter sports. Jim Grill, Phyllis
Fowler, Margaret Wright and Henry McDonnell were there. A spectacular
tobaggan run was made by Bill Langford and Jim Barrett, which ended
with the riders no where near the toboggan. Then warming themselves up
inside the club house were Paul Keller and Liz Titus, and Speed Harbert
with Jean Knappen.
Whirling weekend, isn't it? Now back into town to the Chi Phi house
to have an informal dinner with Ginny Osgood, Barry Ratliff, Jean Lang-
ford and Bill Church. A last glimpse there at Polly Donnelly and Tom
Hutton, who were also dining; then change into formal clothes for some
dances. At the Chi Psi lodge were Roger Kelly and Edith Longyear, with
Spec Reitz and Betty Keppler. Then at Phi Delta Theta your gaze might
have fallen on Joan Davidson dancing with Joe Reid, and Phyl Tonkin with
Jack Meyer. Also in evidence there were Dottie Merki, Jim Gormsen, Betty
Baile and Dick Sherling.
So to the end of a wonderful time, and the Beta Pi's said farewell at a
Sunday dinner where there was Sue McClure, Lorne Black, Sally Coburn
and Chuck Barrett. Others with the Beta's were Mary McConkey and
Betsy Robinson, sitting beside "Screamer" Hynes and Bob Johnson. With
that finale another glamorous J-Hop chapter is written.
Katherine Gibbs, Bryn Mawr
Offer Scholarships To Women
Freshman Project
Petitioning Begins
Petitioning for central commnittee
positions for the 1940 Freshman Pro-
ject will begin today and will con-
tinue through Monday. Betty Slee,!
'40, chairman of Judiciary Council,
announced yesterday.
Petition blanks will be available in
the Undergraduate Office of the
League, and should be filled out and
handed in soon. This is important,
since it is the first opportunity for
freshman women to participate in
extra-curricular activities on campus,
Miss Slee said.M
"Puddle Jump," last year's pro-
ject, was directed by Betty Fariss,
'42, and for the "Hayseed Hop," given
in 1938, Helen Barnett, '41, was gen-
eral chairman.
National President
Of Methodist Group
Is Entertained Here
The University chapter of Kappa
Phi, Methodist student sorority, had
as its guest last weekend its national
president. , Mrs. Gerald Whitney of
Brogan, Ore.
Mrs. Whitney was entertained by
the chapter with a valentine tea. The
cabinet of the chapter had luncheon
with her, with Kathleen Davis, ad-
visor of the group and Hilda Van
Tuyl, '40, president of the chapter,
presiding at the affair. The cabinet
members are Miss Van Tuyl, Ruth
Greiner, '40A, Dorothy Bell, '41, Ei-
leen Bohnet, '41, Clara Lee Keller,
'41; Marguerite Hamilton, '40 and
I Maryalice Quick, '40.
> . >:a,.
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Student Weddings, Engagements
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Spring's newest oxford hit! "Bump'
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Announced IB,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin Voorhees
of Grand Rapids, announce the mar-
riage of their daughter, Virginie
Voorhees, '38, to John Wesley Col-
lins, Jr., '39E, son of Mr. and Mrs
John W. Collins, of Detroit. Mrs
Collins is affiliated with Kappa
Kappa Gamma, and is a member of
Mortar Board. During her junior
year she held a night editorship on
the Daily. Mr. Collins is affiliated
with Sigma Chi.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeVine, of
Ann Arbor, announce the marriage
of their daughter Beatrice Adele
DeVine, '38L, to Kevin Kennedy,
'37L, of Buffalo, N.Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira S. Roe, of Waban,
Mass., announce the engagement of
their daughter, Sally Ann Roe, '40,
to William DeLancey, '40L, of Elgin,
Ill. Miss Roe is affiliated with Col-
legiate Sorosis, and Mr. DeLancey
with Alpha Delta Phi, and Phi Delta
Mr. and Mrs. Crandall, of Ev-
anston, Ill., announce the engage-
ment of their daughter Elizabeth
Crandall, '38, to William Lord, '38,
of Evanston, Ill. Miss Crandall is
affiliated with Collegiate Sorosis,
and Mr. Lord with Psi Upsilon.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rauchwerger,
of Great Neck, N.Y., announce the
ngagement of their daughter, Ad-
rienne Rauchwerger, '41, to Robert
G. Spivack, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Cholmondlay Spivack, of Dayton,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lennon, of
Ann Arbor, announce the marriage
f their daughter Mabel Lennon, '35,
o Capt. J. Michael Saunders, of the
Royal Garhwal Rifles, at Lansdowne,
United Provinces, India.
Mrs. W. J. Canover, of Ann Arbor,
announces the engagement of her
daughter Anne Conover, Grad., to
106 East Washington Street
Ann Arbor, Mich.
Phones 9690 and 2-4431
Y Eight Families
, Charles S. Lueth, of Milwaukee, Miss
- Conover is affiliated with Delta
a Gamma, and Mr. Lueth with Phi
Kappa Sigma.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Holgate,
of Detroit, announce the marriage
. of their daughter, Alice Eleanor Hol-
f gate, to Robert F. Wikle, '35, son of
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Wikle, of
Ann Arbor.
fFour Awards
For Scholastic
Ability Offered
Petitioning for the Ethel McCor-
mick scholarships and the Alice I
Crocker Lloyd fellowship will begin
today, and will continue through
Monday, Feb. 26, it was announced by
Betty Slee, '40, chairman of Judiciary
Blanks for any women interested
in applying may be obtained at the
Undergraduate Office in the League.
By the McCormick scholarship, three
awards of $100 each will be made
from the fund of $7,727 which is now
accumulated toward the pledge of
Awards will be made to sophomore
or junior women on the basis of par-
ticipation in extra-curricular activi-
ties and maintenance of a 2.7 average
in scholastic activities. Recipients
will be given cash in full unless they
do not return to school in the fall.
Winners of the Ethel McCormick
scholarships will be announced at the
Installation Banquet of the League to
be held in May.
Bromnage Will Address
Local A.A.U.W. Division
Speaking on "Problems of County
Government," Prof. Arthur Bromage
of the political science department
will address the Ann Arbor social
studies division of the American Asso-
ciation of University Women at 8 p.m.
today in the library of the University
Elementary School.
The meeting will be open to all
members of the A.A.U.W. and their
husbands as well as the division mem-
bers. Questions will be asked the
speaker following his talk.
O'tber Styles
at 3.95
News of opportunities for senior
and graduate women in the Univer-
sity has arrived with the announce-
ments of scholarships and fellow-
ships from Katherine Gibbs School
and Bryn Mawr College.
Katherine Gibbs School offers two
competitive memorial scholarships,
consisting of full tuition for the Spe-
cial Course for College Women and
a cash award of $300, to be given in
memory of Mrs. Katherine Gibbs,
founder and first president of the
The tuition may be used in any
one of the three schools, in New
York, Boston, or Providence. As
stated in the pamphlet, "Awards will
be based upon high merit in schol-
arship and excellence of personal and
character qualifications The finan-
cial need of the student may be a de-
termining factor" Consideration will
be given to those students who show
promise in a business career.
Applications for the Gibbs schol-
arshilPmay 'be obtained at the Office
of the Dlean of Women and should
be filed not later than April 1.
Bryn Mawr's scholarships are of-
fered to any graduate woman, and
the fellowships are available only to
those who have completed one year
of graduate work. Twenty resident
scholarships and 20 resident fellow-
ships are among the many offered by
Bryn Mawr, and further informa-
tion about other awards may be had
from Dean Lloyd's office.
Applications should be made by
March 1, and women should consult
members of the department in which
they are interested, since all awards
are departmental.
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