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Strong Action Will
Preserve Our Libertiles ,e
VOL. L. .No. 98
Rescues Prisoners
Aboard Nazi Ship
H.M.S. Cossack Invades Norwegian Fjord
To Seize Reich Prison Freighter Altmark
LONDON, Feb. 17.--P)---A conquering British destroyer came home to-
night with 300 Britons rescued from the Nazi prison ship Altmark, leaving
the German prison vessel rammed fast in the ice and rocks of a Norwegian
fjord after a defiant and furious fight on the very shores of a frightened
neutral nation.
Like a chapter from the exploits of Drake or Nelson, a boarding party
from H.M.S. Cossack, one of at least three British destroyers involved,
swarmed over the decks of the dingy, 12,000-ton Altmark, freed the sea-
men-prisoners taken months ago by4
the now-scuttled Admiral Graf Spee
and killed five Germans and wound-
ed five others.
The officer-leader of the boarding
party sprang eight feet to the lower
deck of the Altmark, knocked aside
a German guard, and raced to the
bridge to send the Altmark hard
ashore with a "full speed astern"
ring of the engine-room telegraph.
Then he rushed to the captain's
cabin and flung open the door, only
to be wounded in the arm by a pistol
fixed in a "booby trap."
In a spectacular side show to the
battle, the 5,805-ton German tanker
Baldur, cornered off shore by the
British destroyer Ivanhoe, was scut-
tled by her crew-"in German
fashion," as the British admiralty put
The British foreign office received
Norway's protest over the seizure
with counter-representations over
Norwegian failure to find and release
the British prisoners during a search
prior to last night's incident. This
failure, it said, left Britain no alter-
native but totake matters into its
own hands and free the captives.
An admiralty communique, de-
scribing the boarding of the Altmark
in stilted, official language, said shots
were fired by both sides and asserted
the boarders found two porn pom
guns and four machine guns on the
Altmark. It also described the rescue
of one German Altmark crewman
from the ice-filled water and told
how the destroyer Ivanhoe rescued
the crew of the Baldur.
Berlin Hints Revenge
For British Attack
BERLIN, Feb. 18.-(IP)-Dark hints
of revenge for the British attack on
the German steamer Altmark were
published by an indignant Nazi press
Wrathful official quarters took a
grave view of the act.
"The crime in Gjlessingfjord pre-
sents us with an entirely new state of
affairs in war policy and war tech-
nique, the effects of which cannot now
be foreseen in the slightest degree,"
raged Adolf Hitler's own newspaper,
Volkischer Beobachter.
"If old idiots and tiny criminal
minds were not at the helm in Eng-
land, then they would know that
National Socialist greater Germany
has the habit of striking back.
"They should know that the tragedy
has filled the entire German people
with a single determination: we will
present an accounting!"
The more reserved Berlin Borsen
Zeitung declared that the memory of
the brave, unarmed German sailors
who died "will continue to flame with-
in us and demand expiation."
The Lokal Anzeiger described the
incident as "a declaration of war on
A blunt declaration that non-com-
batant nations now must show whe-
ther they are "strictly neutral" was
published by the Essener National
Zeitung, which is close to Field Mar-
shal Hermann Goering.
Norwegians Protest
'Violation Of Neutrality'
(By The Associated Press)
OSLO, Feb. 17.-British invasion
of a Norwegian fjord in a daring raid
on the German prison ship Altmark
filled Norway tonight with alarm for
the delicate balance of her neutrality
and with resentment over the disre-
gard of her sovereignty.;
She protested vigorously to Great
Britain against the action of the Bri-
tish destroyer Cossack in forcing her
way in the darkness last night into
Gjessingfjord under orders of the Bri-
tish Admiralty to free the Altmark's
prisoners "with or without permission
Democrats Set
July5As Date
For Convention
Farley Schedules Meeting
At Chicago; Will Follow
Republican Nominations
(By The Associated Press)
July 15 was selected by Chairman
James A. -Farley as the date for the
Democratic national convention at
Chairman Farley called the Demo-
cratic meeting for a date exactly
three weeks after the Republican
national convention is to convene in
,Philadelphia on June 2b.
His announcement, at Miami, Fla,,
brought the comment from Republi-
can Chairman John Hamilton that
"it looks like some of the Democrats
don't think President Roosevelt's late
convention idea was so hot after all."
White House circles had indicated
several weeks ago that the President
was desirous of shortening the po-
litical campaign by delaying the
convention dates.
The OhiocDemocratic central and
executive committee, meanwhile,
went on rgcord in favor of the state's
delegation to the convention sup-
porting the President if he desires
renomination. The committee said
that if President Roosevelt eliminates
himself, the first choice for a "favor-
ite son" candidate should be Senator
Donahey, with Charles Sawyer, na-
tional committeemar, as second
Sturgis To Discuss
Simpson Institute
Summarizing the work of the Simp-
son Memorial Institute. for the past
12 years and the more important in-
vestigations relating to the cause and
cure of pernicious anemia, Dr. Cyrus
C. Sturgis, director of the Institute
will present one of two talks at 8
p.m. Wednesday in the Amphitheatre
of the Rackham Building before the
meeting of the Research Club.
Also scheduled to speak on the same
program is Prof. Everett S. Brown of
the political science department who
will discuss "The Restoration of Civil
and Political Rights by Presidential
Kabul Recalls Minister
ANKARA, Turkey, Feb. 17.-(P)-
Afghanistan's Minister to Turkey was
recalled urgently homeward to Kabul
today for military discussions which
were reported to be connected with
the possible spread of war to Western
Annual Parley
In Education
0pens April29
Contemporary Luminaries,
Books, Political Issues
IncludedAmong Topics
William L. Phelps
Featured In Talks
Searching analyses of contempor-
ary world figures such as Stalin,
Chamberlain and Roosevelt . . . de-
tailed discussions of American and
foreign policies . . . authoritative re-
views of the great books of 1939-
these compose merely a portion of
the program announced for the
Eighth Annual Adult Education In-
stitute convening April 29 through
May 3 in the Rackham Building.-
S o u t h America, contemporary
American domestic problems and a9
consideration of Near Eastern tradec
routes and culture are also included
on the program of the Institute whichi
is sponsored jointly by the Extension3
Service and the Michigan Federation
of Women Clubs.
Phelps To Talk
William Lyon Phelps, emeritus pro-
fessor of English literature at Yale
University, will discuss current booksl
such as Carl Sandburg's Abraham
Lincoln: The War Years"; Somerset
Maugham's "Christmas Holiday";
John Steinbeck's "The Grapes of
Wrath," and Margaret Rawling'sI
"The Yearling."f
Professor Phelps will conclude the
conference with an address on "The
Art of Living." He is noted as the
author of such best sellers as "Whatj
I Like In Poetry" and "What I Like
in Prose." ,
American and foreign policies to'
be considered are the national de-t
fense policy of the U.S., the U.S.1
and the Far East, the repeal of the
embargo and its consequences and
the Latin-American or Good Neigh-
bor Policy. Individual attention will
be given to Mexico, Brazil and Ar-
gentin a.
Contemporary Problems
Contemporary American domestic
problems such as the "Economic and
Social Significance of the Falling
Birthrate"; "Storms or Rainbows for
the Farmer"; "Labor's Objectives,"
and "Plums of Plenty or Grapes of
Wrath" are scheduled for discussion.r
Speakers at the Institute in addi-t
,on to Professor Phelps will include1
Ernest L. Anthony, dean of Agricul-
ture at Michigan State College; Ar-t
thur G. Dorland, head of the history
department at the University of Wes-
tern Ontario; Dr. Paul W. Harrison,
medical missionary to Arabia for 30
years; No-Yunk Park, Chinese au-
thor and lecturer and an authority
on our Far-Eastern relations, and
Arthur E. Raab, chairman of th
State of Michigan Labor Mediation
Roosevelt To Visit
Panama Canal Zone
Aboard U.S.S. Lang at Sea, Feb. 17
--(AP Via Wireless) -Lifting the veilF
of secrecy surrounding his cruise,s
President Roosevelt a n n o u n c e d
through an aide today that he wouldd
arrive at the Canal Zone early to-r
morrow for an inspection of the de-L
fenses on the Atlantic side of the
Panama Canal.
Brig.-Gen. Edwin M. Watson, theV
President's secretary and militaryI
aide, said Mr. Roosevelt would conferI
with Commanding General Van Voor- o
his of the Canal Zone and military,
naval and civilian authorities.
Varsity Snaps
Losing Streak
In Dull Game,
Capt. Rae Leads Scoring
With 10 Points; 3,500
Watch Wolverines Win
Michigan's 29-18 victory over Chi-
cago's basketball squad last night at
Yost Field House was as exciting and
impressive as an old ladies' rocking
chair social.
As the Wolverines waltzed into
their first Conference victory in the
last four games, the Maroons slowly
sank deeper into the Big Ten cellar
as they ran their losing streak to
seven straight games.
Chicago Power Nil
Despite the narrow 12-11 lead
Michigan held at half time, Chicago's
real scoring power was practically
nil as only Capt. Dick Lounsbury,
who lead the invaders' attack with
nine points, scored the lone Maroon
field goal in that period with about
a minute to go before half time.
In an effort to crash through Chi-
cago's dull but stifling offense the
Wolverines committed nine personal
fouls in the opening frame, and Chi-
cago kept the running by connecting
on nine out of its eleven free shots.
The Maroons made good on their
first seven charity tosses and then
Lounsbury connected for his field
Score From Floor
The shock of scoring from the floor
was so great that it momentarily up-
set the Windy City quintet as Louns-
bury and Paul Zimmerman each
made only one free throw out of two
attempts, thus closing the first half
Only Charles Wagenberg, substitute
guard, was able to duplicate Louns-
bury's feat of sinking a field goal. It
was the last Chicago score of the
night and came with less than four
minutes of play left in the last period.
Lounsbury added two more baskets
from the floor to his total during
the second half and one foul shot by
(Continued on Page 3)
Team Displays Strength
Maize And Blue Wins Four-Mile
Event To Set New Meet Record
Don Canham Establishes New Mark In High Jump
At Annual Indoor Relay Carnival At Illinois
(Special To The Daily)
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Feb. 17.-Mich-
igan contributed two of the three
new meethrecords established to-
night in the 17th Illinois Indoor Re-
lay Carnival but the highly-touted
Wolverines captured only one of the
feature relay races--the four mile
university test.
The quartet of Karl Wisner, Jack
Dobson, Ed Barrett, and Capt. Ralph
Schwarzkopf set a new carnival
mark of 17:39.4, cracking the old
mark of 17:50.5, set by Pennsylvania
in 1930. Wisner was a few yards be-
hind at the end of his leg, but Dobson
handed Barrett a slight lead which
the latter increased to 45 yards be-
fore handing the baton to Schwarz-
kopf who took it easy, winning by
only 15 yards.
Indiana Takes Two
Indiana won the two-mile and
medley relays, with Illinois surprising
by capturing the mile relay in which
Michigan finished second asWarren
Breidenbach failed by a yard of
catching Illinois' Will McCown.
Don Canham, brilliant high-jump-
ing junior, added the relays record
to his collection by leaping 6 ft., 6%
in., to better the old mark of 6 ft.,
51/2 in., set by Burg of Chicago. This
was the same height as Canham's
new Yost Field House record set last;
Tuesday night.,
Charlie Decker, Michigan's sopho-
Grapplers Win
At Penn State
Lions' Elliott Breaks Leg
In Bout With Jordon
(Special To The Daily)
STATE COLLEGE, Pa., Feb. 17.-
Capt. Forrest Jordan's default victory
over Penn State's Warren Elliott in
the final bout gave Michigan a 16 to
14 triumph over the Nittany Lions
hitherto undefeated grapplers here
With the score at 11-11, Capt. Ernie
Bortz scored a surprise victory over
Don Nichols in the 175 pound class'
to give the home team a three point
margin going into the final bout.
Jordan's bout went into split peri-
ods and Elliott took the defensive.
The Lion broke away in a minute, but
Jordan was successful with a leg dive
and as the wrestlers fell to the mat
Elliott suffered a broken leg. .
Harlan Danner won his fifth
straight fall victory by pinning Roy
Gensler of State after the grapplers
had wrestled on fairly even terms for'
eight minutes.
Michigan was forced to come back
from an 11 point deficit when Tom
Weidig and Dick French lost deci-
sions and State's Eastern Intercol-
legiate Champion, Frank Gleason,
tossed Jack Sargent after punishing
the Wolverine for eight minutes with
a figure four.
Bill Combs scored a notable tri-
(Continued on Page 3)
more pole vaulter continued to showJ
great promise, and finished tied for
first place at 13 ft., 6 in. which is
better than he has ever vaulted be-
Smith Takes Second
In the 75-yard dash, Al Smith of
Michigan finished second to Big Ten
champion Myron Piker of Northwes-
Stan Kelley made a highly un-
successful attempt to defend his low
hurdle title won last year, when he
finished fourth behind Don Olsen of
Illinois. In addition, Kelley placed
fourth in the high hurdles behind
Ed Smith, Wisconsin's Negro timber-
Michigan's Conference 440 cham-
(Continued on Page 3)
Michigan Tech
Defeats Varsity
Pucksters, 4-0
Miners Score All Goals
In Game's Last Stanza;
Captain Villeneuve Stars
(Special to'The Daily)
HOUGHTON, Feb. 17.-Michigan's
luckless hockey team lost its sixth
game in a row and the mythical
championship of the state when
Michigan Tech broke out on a four-
goal scoring spree in the third period
here this afternoon to whip the Low-
reymen, 4-0.
The victory gave the Huskies their
third win in the four game series, all
three of their victories coming after
the Wolverines won the first game in
Ann Arbor.
After two scoreless periods, Arne
Mars opened the fireworks on a play
set up by Capt. Maurice Villeneuve.
The husky defenseman took a pass
from his center and beat goalie Eldon
"Spike" James after 2:50 of the period
had elapsed. Bob Petaja followed
with a pair of goals, the first coming
on a power play while Wolverine Jim
Lovett was in the penalty box and
the second on a double pass from
Villeneuve and Norman Sihvonen.
Barney Bourne wound up the after-
noon's scoring when he soloed down
the ice, feinted James out of position
and drilled home the fourth tally
shortly before the final gun.
The game was the final athletic
event on Tech's Winter Carnival pro-
It was the third time the Wolver-
ines had been shut out in the four
game series.
Varsity To Meet Purdue
The Wolverine cagers will meet
Purdue University's Conference
leading quintet at 7:30 p.m. to-
morrow in Yost Field House.
Dual Meet Sees
Wolverines Win
All First Places
Medley Relay Team Sets
Varsity Record; 1,206
Watch Michigan Power
Capturing first places in every
event on the program, Michigan's
National Collegiate and Western
Conference swimming champions
soundly trounced the Iowa Hawk-
eyes, 63-21, last night before 1,200
fans in the. I-M pool.
The massacre was even worse than
the 61-23 trimming that the Wol-
verines handed the Iowa mermen
last year in Iowa City when they
limited the Hawkeyes to two second
places in the individual events. Last
night, the Iowa squad gathered in
three seconds in the individual races
but failed to gain as many thirds.
RWed! Takes Second
One. of Iowa's seconds came in
the 150-yard backstroke event when
Matt Mann entered but one swim-
mer, sophomore Dick Riedl, who de-
feated the Hawkeye co-captains, Al
Armbruster and Charles Bremer in
The Hawkeyes scored their other
two second places in the 50-yard free
style sprint and the 200-yard breast-
stroke race.
Charley Barker, tie National Col-
legiate sprinting champion, took the
50 in 23:4 but Walt Bareisa, the
Iowa speedster, whipped Bill Holmes
to thenline by one foot for second
In the breastroke, John Sharemet,
Michigan's husky sophomore, but-
terfield all the way to finish seven
yards ahead of George Poulos, the
Iowa star, in 2:26.4. Aside from the
relays, the Wolverines captured first
and second places in every other
Medley Relayers Win
The Michigan medley relay team
started the evening off on the right
track by coasting to victory over the
Hawkeye trio in 2:55.4, a second and
a half better than the Western Con-
ference record and the fastest time a
Wolverine team has ever turned in,
The previous varsity mark for this
event was set in New Haven last
month when Bill Beebe, John Share-
met and Tommy Williams edged out
a crack Yale trio in 2:56.8.
Beebe swam the backstroke lap
again last night and his :59.7 timing
for the 100 yards gave Sharemet a
four-yard lead. Big John, swimming
against Poulos, held that lead for 75
yards and then opened up to add
advantage. The rest was just a romp,
with Gus Sharemet, John's free styl-
ing brother, easily outstroking Iowa's
Don Wenstrom over the last 100
Welsh Takes Two
The only double winner of the eve-
ning was Jim Welsh, Michigan's
middle distance ace, who finished
ahead of Tommy William in the 220
and Blake Thaxter in the 440.
In the shorter race, Williams kept
on even terms with the Wolverine
junior over the first century in :52.8,
but "The Swimming Automaton"
proved too fast and steady for his
sophomore teammate and at the 200
was two feet ahead in 2:02.7. From
there on in, it was all Welsh, whose
2:15.3 timing gave him a six-foot
margin of victory. Williams swam
the distance in 2:16.5.
In the quarter mile, Welsh went
(Continued on Page 3)
Benedict To Present
Science, Magic Talk
Picture a man with the scientific
ability of a Pasteur . . . the cunning
of a high priest of deception--mold
these qualities into a cohesive whole
and you have Dr. Francis G. Bene-
dict, former director of the Nutrition
Laboratory of the Carnegie Institu-
tion in Boston and New England vice-
president of the Society of American
Magicians, who will present a Univer-
Swimmers Beat Iowa, 63 To 21;
Church Groups
Plan To Hear
Today's Sabbath will see speakers
from various walks of life speak to
Ann Arbor congregations and student
religious groups.
Miss Muriel Lester, of London,
England, will talk at the morning
service of the First Methodist Church
and Miss Dorothy Beecher Baker will
describe the "Bah'i Faith" at the
meeting of the Liberal Student's
Union at the Unitarian Church.
"What I Think Jesus of Nazareth
Stood For" will be the topic of Rev.
W. Russell Bowie professor of homi-
lectics at the Union Seminary in New
York City, at the morning worship
f St. Andrew's Episcopal Church.
rhe congregation of the FirstPres-
byterianChurch will hear Dr. John
E. Bibby of the Michigan Synod de-
iver a sermon on "Triumphant Per-
sonality." At the meeting of the
Westminster Student Guild, Douglas
Miller, '40, will describe his "Personal
EUxperiences on a Mined Ship."
The Wesleyan Guild of the First
Methodist Church will inaugurate a
series of five roundtables at its meet-
ing today. The discussion groups
following the supper will be entitled
"Peace," "Racial Discrimination,"
"Workers' Rights" and "After Col-
lege, What Then?"T
Ann Arbor Skaters
To Star At Carnival
Spotlighting the festivities of the
Ehird annual University of Michigan
Ice Carnival to be held at 8 p.m. Fri-
lay in the Coliseum will be a skat-
"ng exhibition by Betty Courtwright
Mannerheim Reassures Finland
Of ContinuedForeign Support'
MOSCOW, Feb. 18. (Sunday)
(M)-The Soviet Russian military
headquarters today claimed the
capture of a station only four
miles southeast of the vital Fin-
nish city of Viipuri.
HELSINKI, Feb. 17.-(P)-Finland's
grizzled supreme commander, Field
Marshal Baron Mannerheim, tonight
reassured the nation that foreign help
"is coming continually" and exhort-
ed the Mannerheim Line defenders to
hold firm to the new defenses to
which they have withdrawn under
the weight of the Red Army's 17-day
"From abroad there already has
come aid to a considerable extent and
it is coming continually.
"You can rest assured that the
enemy never will be able to break my
defensive system, if from a deep for-
mation we raise new fortified positions
to wear down his offensive power un-
til the end.
"Soldiers of Finland! We must
stand without faltering. The de-
velopments of the situation gives us
every possibility of victory. The Fin-
nish nation stands behind us and
trusts us. Let us be firm."
Echoing the thunderous roar of
battle in the Karelian Isthmus and
the Eastern Front were the exnlosions
Pillsbury Finds High Correlation
In Grades Of Fathers And Sons
Father's mental powers are so
much like those of his college boy
son that Prof. Walter B. Pillsbury,
of the psychology department be-
lieves that University officials could
just as well use the father's I.Q. for
an entrance examination.
Professor Pillsbury has made a sta-
tistical study of hereditary intelli-
gence at the University, and he has
discovered that there is almost as
much correlation between the marks
of father and son as there is between
the marks of a student receives in
high school and college.
Because there is such conclusive
Pvic3nrP_ "n, mmigh Pvnie mam_
ity, and is not due to a similarity of
home and school environment.
Conclusions of the experiment are
published in the current issue of the
Michigan Alumnus Quarterly Re-
ollege grades of 123 pairs of par-
ents and children were compared in
Professor Pillsbury's study. It was
learned that in all instances there
is a similarity which could be traced
through the generations, and which
was not the result of pure chance
The study here was financed in
part by a grant from the Faculty Re-
C.t'.h NinAa nti a h m .,min ..b.a