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May 06, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 162) • Page Image 1

… achievement and true de- mocracy are two great attainments. They go hand in hand., The political asnects of education must not be in- WOLVERINES ARE VICTORS OVER OHIO TRACKMimEN AT COLUMBUS; HARVARD ROUTS MI1…

… into the river. THREE RUNS CHALKED UP AS MICHIGAN OPENS WITH DRIVING ATTACK 0OSTERBAANHITS HOMER Asbeck Hurls For Wolverines; McCoy Leads Rally For Home Team In Fifth Inning (Special to The Daily…

…. The Crimson's advantage was short lived, as Michi gan knotted the count in the nexi. inning. McCoy led the Wolverine rally with a single,.Nebelung walked, and Cap- tain Loos, diminutive shortstop, sent…

… Buckey stadium, 77 1-2 to 57 1-2. With three events to be completed Ohio State trailed the Wolverine by a single point, but by taking al three places intthejavelin throw first and second in the broad jmn…

May 26, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

… in at the top by taking 15 pl-a.ces for the finals. 3fiehigan Qualifies Nine Ni'ne Wolverines, two of whom came to the meet on their own hook, earnedf the right ti compete in the finals, Michigan…

… singles tournament here to- day when he defeated Captain Bar- ton of Michigan, 1-6, 6-2, 6-4, 6-4, in Ctecourts. Budd's hard volleys from WOLVERINES SEE TQ AVENGE CHALLENGE BALLOT LEGALITY mid…

… DECISION TODAY came as a surprise, especially as the SELEcT M'AFEE TO PITCH Wolverine leader had defeated him Amendment Proposes To Change 6-3, 6-3, in a dual meet match at Chi- Crimson Has Won Reputation As…

… the proposed merit sys- ed a bit tired. years seems asured, when the highly tem at an assembly of Union mem- rated Harvard nine crosses bats with bers held Thursday night. Coac'h Ray Fisher's Wolverines

… schedule without a single defeat, the of the Union was put to a vote thButterfield Managers Are Providing Wolverines will be seeking to avenge male membership Thursday night. The Celebration In Honor Of Big…

…- chief of which occured following the Barbee is the only pitcher who has lications board appoints the business Michigan-Iowa basketball game last been able to turn back the Wolverines managers and managing…

… hit- argued by its adherents that it would iouncement that hereafter, the thea- ting aggregations, the Wolverine av- result in taking the offices in questior ers will supply an operator and the erage…

May 13, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

… : i IN CLOSE MEET RHEA TAKES HIGH POINT HONORS 'OF DAY By Morris Quinn Encountering unexpected opposition from a determined Gopher team, the Wolverine trackmen repeated their performance of last week…

…Kinnon (Minn.); Knoepp (Mich.), second; Widman (Mich.), third. Distance-179 Wilford etz Wolverine weight star whose toss of 160 feet, 10 inches in the hammer event against the Minnesota entries established a…

… the 1928 Big Ten race to eight, with defeat yet to stalk Wolverine premises. Since every other team has lost at least two games, the Wolverines need only to win half of their remaining contests to be…

… Freddie Asbeck. Th6 Wolverine right field collared four hits d two home runs out of eight times at bat in addition to coaxing a base on balls, sacrific- plate during yes- ing and handling four putouts. der…

… fathers Nebelung, ef 3 0 0 2 0 0 to all sorts of baseball. in the Union ball- Loos, ss 3 1 1 2 2 2 Wolverines Score Early annual Father and Lange, rf 5 2 2 2 0 0 The first game was a pushover for red by…

May 19, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 173) • Page Image 1

… the Senate side the tax debateI rolled along under difficulties. Var- ious senators had remarks outside the subject to expound and Ashurst, of Arizona, helped things a little by get- WOLVERINE

… Fifteen Events With Chance For Second Places Conceded only an outside chance,+ Coach Steve Farrell's Wolverines will engage the powerful Illini track team' in their final dual meet of the season1 this…

… have little chance of get- ting better than a third. The Wolverines should win a large share of the points in the hurdles with Cooper likely to break the meet record in the lows. Jones should get a place…

… place one- two !although Waldo or Falker of Michigan might spring an upset. The Wolverines are hard hit in the broad jump with Champman out, as he should have had little trouble in tak- ing a first…

…. Arendt will be the sole entree in this event, but he should pick up a second. Pole Vault Looks Bad The pole vault looks like another bad event for the Wolverines with only Erickson to compete against…

May 08, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

… construction and maintenance work, Mr. Pardon ex- plained yesterday, and the relative cost of various methods employed also receives consideration. M'AFEE IS STAR IN CONTEST HERE f r Bill McAfee Wolverine right…


… Wisconsi team its third Big Ten defeat of th season yesterday afternoon at Ferr field, 9-1. The victory was the Wolverine' fifteenth of the season and their fift -'-------' - -'+7straight Conference success…

May 27, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…M ihigaii Comes To Bat In Ninth Inning By Morris Quinn Louie Weintraub's long home run along the left field foul line in the Wolverine half oFf the ninth inning broke up one of the best pitchers' battles ever…

… from 9 until 12 o'clock a determination of the Senate to keep the run to the Wolverine cause by The Baccalaureate Address will be I Boulder dam as the unfinished busi- making a balk anh Umpire Greene…

May 05, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

… Featured Byi CAPT URES SECOND COLGATE ISERIIES 00STERBAAN PITCHES 'E I ( INNINGS; RELIEVED BY GAWNE a Louie Weintraub Wolverine third baseman whose fielding and hitting featured Michi- gan's second…

…. Bridges starred for Colgate, sensationally,'while Hagy, an also played well. Weintraub, Wolverine thirn starred at bat and in the fie Lange and Captain Loos alsc to advantage. Nebelung's sh aten 01 we'n iy…

May 04, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

… ball for the first two innn but in the third triples by McCoy Nebelung, and a single by Loos g the Wolverines a two run lead. ( gate tied the score in the fot frame, when Acker reached first Mc…

… oppose the Wolverine tw: f with Gardner, a veteran, held it - serve. I Seniors To Don Caps' And Gowns Tuesday In Annual Swing-out Following the swing-out exercises of the senior class, next Tuesday…

May 23, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

…> Wolverine Netmen Win Eight Matches Out of Nine In Final Dual Meet Of Season BARTON DEFEATS BU D D Losing only one match of the nine the Michigan Varsity tennis team ov- erwhelmed Chicago yesterday at the…

May 11, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

… and in rain during the morning,; Weekly will not be effected until the the Wolverines collected nine point's to beginning of next fall, Hooker said INorthw'estern's three, leaving the yesterday, when…

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