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May 05, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-05-05

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GPB Decorations for the annual Archi-
tect's May Party, which will be held
O on the night of Friday, May 11, in
HB Barbour gymnasium, as usual, are
nearing completion, according to a
FRESHME IN TO committee announcement. Howard

Cane-Spree, Rope Tying Contest, And
Obstacle Race Are Remaining
Events On Program
First blood and two points out of a
possible five went to the sophomores
yesterday afternoon as a result of
their victory in the traditional tug of
war across the Huron which opened'
the annual Spring games. The sopho-
mores, although routed by superior
numbers in the free-for-all tug, cap-
tured the two 50-man contests, win-
ning the event.
The freshmen appeared first on the
field about 4 o'clock, shortly followed
by the sophomores carrying the rope.
A preliminary skirmish occurred
when several freshmen crossed the
river to secure their end of the rope
which the sophomores seemed unwill-
ing to relinquish. After the difficulty
had been straightened out, the two
teams of 50 picked men from 'each
class entrenched themselves with
picks and spades and lined up for
the first tug.
:ph~oores Score Twice
The sophomores, led by Walter
Crego, '30, 'stationed on the softer
east bank, scored a decisive win when
they pulled the entire freshman team
half way across the river. The fresh-
men secured the jump in the second
tug and had captured several feet of
rope before the sophomores were able
to stem the rush and win back a.
ten foot advantage which they were
able to keep. On this margin they

Bunts and his colored orchestra, from
Detroit will furnish the music the
affair, and will present a number of
novelty features during the course
of the night.
As usual, students in the College of
Architecture are constructing their
own decorations which consist of
wooden frames covered with build-
ing paper upon which the designs are
painted. The outstanding colors will
be yellow, orange, and red, with oc-
casional touches of green, in keeping
with the chosen decorative design of
Senator Th mas J. Walsh of Montana
.Announces Resignation In Favor
Of Governor Al Smith

"A Terrace of Old Inca."
Costumes for the party should be
as much in harmony with the decor-
ative scheme as possible and as the.
setting is in Inca, a part of Peru,
those attending the party should be
dressed as nearly as possible in the
attire peculiar to that region. The
costume designs should bear a re-
semblance to the Egyptian costumes
and a feeling of the Spanish may be
added, such as mantillas, shawls of
bright color, and the like. Further
information concerning the costumes
may be had by consulting Mr. Myron
B. Chapin, on the fourth floor of theI
Architectural building. There will be
prizes given for the best costumes
for men and women.
There are a few tickets for this
party still left over, which will be
sold on. Monday and Tuesday after-
noon, between the hours of 2 and 5,
in the lobby of the Michigan Union.
As the number of tickets is so limit-
ed, the committee in charge urges
that those interested in getting them 1
should apply early.5
Leonard IW. Bonney, Pioneer Aviat r
And Inventor of a Wing Flapping
Airplane Killed In Crash.




e _



White House Head Believes Neither
Measnre Has Been Revised Enough
To Meet His Former Objections
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, May 4-Even before
finishing touches have been applied
at the Capital the shadow of the
presidential veto grew perceptibly
darker 7 ocay over the two major leg-
islative efforts of the present Con-
gress- -the Mississippi flood control
and McNary-Haugen farm relief bills.
Pr esident Coolidge has been giving
car iful study to the two measures and
as far as he has ascertained, neither
has been revised sufficiently to meet
t'ae objections he previously had rais-
He regards the farm measure, which
today formally was sent to confer-
ence betweenthe House andaSenate,
as still embodying the fundamentalI
principle to which he had expressed
strenuous disapproval. As to the flood
bill, he believes that but little has

Millions Of Gallons Threaten Homes
And Lives; Fear Other Dams
May Burst
(By Associated Press)
GREENVILLE, S. C., May 4.-Sev-
eral thousand persons, residents of
South Saluda river valley, along a 50-
mile stretch late tonight fled for their
lives as some 5,000,000 gallons of wa-
ter, breaking through the new earth
dam of the Greenville water system
threatened their homes and lives.
Six other dams were in the path of
the expected torrent and it was feared
some of them might break, loosing oth-
er billions of gallons of water on the
residents of the valley.
Although at 10 o'clock tonight the
dam had not actually gone out, ac-,
cording to H. W. Perry, superintend-
ent of the city water works, it was ex-
pected that the strucure would col-
lapse at any time.
I iFther-Sn Affair To RB Featured Byi



Louie Weintraub
Wolverine third baseman whose
fielding and hitting featured Michi-
gan's second consecutive victory over
the Colgate team yesterday at Whit-
nall field. In addition to fielding his
position perfectly, Weintraub con- I
tributed two of the Michigan's seven
hits, both of them triples and scored
a run in the eighth frame which
proved to be the deciding counter of
the contest.



Councilmen, M-men, and all
members of honor societies are
urged to act as officials for the

Spring games this morning. +
Badges may be obtained in the
Union before the games start.
were awarded the victory. The free- I
for-all tug proved to be a walk away ,
for the freshmen when the sophomores
relinquished the rope as soon as the
situation appeared hopeless.{
After the final tug the sophomores
took possession of the rope by virtue1
of their victory in the event and'
snake-danced up State street to Hill 7
'auditorium on the steps of which they
had their picture taken.
By winning two out of the three tugs
the sophomores obtained a two-point
jump on the freshmen, and will need
to win but one of the three events
to be contested at Ferry field thisj
morning in order to be victorious in
he game's.
Three Events Remain
The cane-spree, obstacle race, and
rope-tying contest are the remaining
events on the Spring games program.
The cane-spree will be a contest be-
tween two teams of nine men who willi
be paired off to contest the possess-
ion of nine cane's. To' the class in
-possession of the larger number of
canes when the time limit has elapsed
'will be awarded one point
( The obstacle race will be run in
three heats of five men each with two
walls to climb over, barrels to dive
through, a large trapulin to crawl
under, and two teeter-totters to run
over. The point for the obstacle race
will be awarded to the clas's capturing
two out of three heats.
All To Compete
The rope-tying 'contest will be a
tree for all in which members of the
opposing classes will each be furn-
nished with five pieces of rope and
given 15 minutes in which to tie up
and make prisoners of their oppon-
ents. Suitable pens will be provided
for either class in which to keep their1
captives, but the privilege of escaping
will be open to all those who can
avail themselves of it. The class
which has the most prisoners suc-
cessfully confined at the end of the
allotted 15 minutes will be awarded
the point for this event.
The freshmen will meet at 9 o'clock
this morning in front of the Union and
the sophomores at the same tine by
Waterman gymnasium. The march to
Ferry field will begin at 9:30 o'clock.
At a meeting of the University Dis-
cipline Committee held Wednesday
May 2, William C. Lucas, '28, was sus-
pended from the University until next
September and will be placed on pro-
bation .for one acadenric year following
his readmission after his suspension

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, May 4.-The formal
withdrawal of Sen. Thomas J. Walsh,
of Montana, from the race for the
Democratic presential ncmination ,
furnished the highlight in another day.
of rapidly moving political develop-
ment in the national capital.
The Montana senator, famous as a
prosecutor of the S'enate Teapot Dome
nquiry, expressed the view that re-
cent events quite clearly indicate that
the democrats desire for their candi-
date Gov. Alfred E. Smith, of New
York, who now is well ahead of theI
field in his fight for delegates.
Announcing that he would carry
on his fight to the finish, Sen. James
A. Reed, of Missouri, said he wished
the Montanan had "arrived at his con-
clusion before he muddied the waters
by entering the California primary,"
and added that if he were a general in
a war he would not surrender his ar-
my because he had "lost a scrimmage."
Meanwhile the Democratic campaign
was taking a new twist, the special
Senate campaign funds committee lay-
ing plans to begin its investigations
into preconvention campaigns financ-
ing next Monday by examining the first
candidates for the Republican and Dem-
ocratic iiominations who are mem-bers
of Congress.
Governor Smith advised the commit-
tee that he would be glad to appear
one day in the middle or last part of
next week. Chairman Speiwer said the
committee probably would not ask the
governor to come to Washington, but
would proceed to Albany to hear him
-there. The procedure may be followed
in the case of Governor Ritchie, of
Maryland, the only other active state
governor now in the presidential race.
On behalf of Secretary Hoover, it
was stated that he would appear when-
ever called, but if the committee re-
ceived any reply from Frank O. Low-
den the other contender for the Re-
publican nomination, the fact was not
made known. The investigators will
meet again tomorrow at which time
the chairman said the replies from
the various candidates would be made


been done to meet his views._
CROWD WATCHES TAKEOFF Of the changes effected in the farm
bill, the President feels that only a
(By Associated Press) handful of the provisions that led to
CURTIS'S FIELD, N. Y., May 4.- his veto of the measure last session
Leonard W. Bonney, a pioneer aviat- has been eliminated. In addition, he
or, was -carried to his death today looks upon these revisions as only in-
when his strange wing-flapping aero- cidental and not touching upon the
plane crashed in its first flight. principal feature to which he ob-
Bonney, who was taught' to fly by jects.
Orville Wright, called his craft the Dislikes Equalization Fee
Bonney Gull because he had shaped its The farm bill equalization fee ma-
wings as closely as possible to those chinery for crop stabilization is the
of that bird. chief point disapprovied of by the
A large crowd witnessed the takeoff White House. Opposition to this fea-
and cheered as the ship left the ture was stressed in Mr. Coolidge's
ground after a run of approximately veto message on the former measure
400 feet. It rose about 50 feet and ap- and at the same time attention was
peared to function excellently for a called to an opinion by Attorney-gen-
distance of 3000 feet. eral Sargeant that the fee was un-
Just as the ship cleared the bound- constitutional.
ary of the field it suddenly nosedived Mr. Coolidge likewise regards the
and crashed on the, Westbury Golf flood bill as embodying many points
course. Bonney was picked up 'ncon- of an objectionable nature. Despite
scious 50 feet from the wreckage of his the violent effort by House adminis-
plane. He died at the Nassau county tration leaders to revise the meas-
hospital, Mineola. I tre to conform to his views, lie feels
Both wings were broken off the ship that but little progress was made. He
and the plane broken in two in the had hoped to talk with members of
plunge. Before the wreckage could ; the House and Senate conference com-
be taken back to the field souvenir mittee regarding the measure but the
hunters had removed several parts, managers completed their work in re-
The flier had spent approximately ! cord time and opportunity for a dis-
t w y vaai a in UnaicrniI5 nnI i Ulili.. cussion of differences was missed.

Cap Night, Athletic Meets,
Fre Show
Board Approves Organization Plans
With final preparations fast nearing Of Regular Staff; New Positions C
completion, tickets for the sixth an- Will Be Created 1
nual Father and Son banquet to be WILL MAKE APPOINTMENTS t
held under the sponsorship of the Un-
ion will go on sale Monday at the side Several changes in The Michigan
desk in the Union building, William seerl thge in The hia
E. Nissen, '29, general chairman of the Weekly to go into effect at the be- 1
affair announced last night. ginning of next year were announced
A full week end of events has been yesterday, as the result of plans which f
planned for the visiting fathers, be- have been underway for the past few
ginning with% Cap Night on Friday, days. As a result of the decision of I
and including an interscholastic track
m'eet on Saturday morning together the Board in Control of Student Pub- j'
with a dual track meet between Michi- lications to expand The Weekly, fol
gan and Minnesota in the afternoon lowing its 'first year in existence, at
and a conference tennis matoh between staff will be organized for the coin-
Michigan and Illinois. ing year and the new policy of re..
Climaxing the event'will be a gener- g y
al banquet held at the Union Satur- writing to a large extent, rather than
day night. Plans for the speakers at reprinting the news from The Daily
the banquet are now complete, Nissen will be effected next fall.
stated. R. B. Albertson, '00L, of Des The following positions will be open
Moines, Iowa, will give .the principal to members of The Daily staff and oth-j
address with William V. Jeffries, grad., ers interested for next year's Week- t
president of the Union and William D. ly: a literary editor to have charge
Henderson, director of the University I of the music and drama column and
extension division giving the other to write book reviews; a humor edi-1
speeches. Carl G. Brandt of the speech ( tor to conduct that column; a sports
department has been selcted to act editor to have charge of the sports
as toastmaster. page of The Weekly; a business man-
Mr. Albertson attended the literary ager; and three associate editors to I
college of the University from 1859 to handle the editorials and news mat-j
1897 and graduated from the Law ter. Anyone interested in securingl
school in 1900. It has been largely due one of these appointments should con-1
to his son John W. Albertson, '30L, sult with J. Stewart Hooker, '29, man-_
that he has been secured as a speak-. aging editor for the coming year, as
er. -ppointments will be announced with-
Passes to the Majestic for Saturday in the next week. Charles E. Behy-{
night after the banquet have been ar- mer, '28, was managing editor of The l
ranged through the courtesy of tte Weekly during the past year.
Butterfield management. Everything It was felt that by organizing a
scheduled on the program will be in- staff of its own to write its news,
eluded in the one ticket for the ban- The Weekly would have a greater ap-
quet. peal to outside readers who comprise,
As an added courtesy, it is planned its subscription list and at the same
to furnish guides to the campus for time would better serve its purpose
any of the visitors who may desire as an outside news organ.
them. Although the new staff will be an-
them.L__---_______4___ nounced soon, The Weekly will not'

aroons Get Away To Early Le
Are Stopped As Fisher's Me
Bunch Four Runs In Four(
(Special to The Daily)
HAMILTON, May 4.-Hitting
inches and profiting by Colga
lays, Michigan's baseball teal
ired the second and final game
eries this afternoon at Whitna
y a score of 7-6. Oosterbaan
n the box for Michigan and :
well until the eighth when he
ned and was relieved by Gawi
inished the game succe'ssfull
Colgate got away to .a one rt
in the first inning when Hagy
base on balls, stole second, and
on Reichman's overthrow at th
Mi-chigan counted twice in her
the third, McCoy and Reicim;
lecting singles and scoring on
ice by Nebelung and Loos' long
The invaders lead was furt
creased in the fifth frame wh
Coy and Reichman got on 1
consecutive Colgate errors. Tw
ers choices, Corridens' walk a
.erbaan's single resulted in fou
Michigan runs.
Maroons Get Hit
The Maroons collected their
hit of the contest in their hal
same inning when Welch -co
for a hard double. The big We
twirler weakened in the next
Colgate scoring another run c
tcker's single and Hagy's tv
Colgate scored two more
the seventh. Steinberg sin
open the inning and Welch
at first on a fielder's choice.
drew a walk and successive
by Jones and Cardner sent be
ners across the plate.
Another counter was added
visitors total in the eight
Weintraub tripled and scored a
tore fumbled Straub's gronnd
Hagy and Detore singled
gate's half of the eighth and
baan was relieved by Ga
double steal advanced both
and they scored on Welch's s
Michigan's half of the ninth
eventful, the batters being rE
order, but Colgate, with o
needed to tie the score coul
better, only three hitters
Weather Perfect
The warmest day of the
made weather 'conditions per
the game. The veteran
pitched well for the Maroon's,
hampered by poor support in
innings of the contest.
Bridges starred for Colgate,
sensationally,'while Hagy, an
also played well.
Weintraub, Wolverine thirn
starred at bat and in the fie
Lange and Captain Loos alsc
to advantage. Nebelung's sh
aten 01 we'n iy Ut U- Q0

cwo years inaesigning and bulditng
the plane which was equipped with
a motor of his own design. It was
said that lie obtained many of his
ideas for the ship from' the study of aj
motion picture of a sea gull in flight.
In appearance the plane presents
features in striking contrast to the
conventional airplane. The wings were
gracefully curved anld pointed and.
were concave beneath. They were cov-
ered with a luiinum-like sections
j like a bird's feathers.

Meanwhile, the conference report on
the Mississippi measure moved to theI
verge of its last step in the legisla-
tive journey at the capital. Represen-
tative Tilson, of Connecticut, the Re-
publican House leader, announced that
it would be taken up by that body
tomorrow and there is every indi-
f cation that it will be approved speedi-
Ily. It then will go to the Senate for
final action which likewise is expect-
ed to be taken without much discus-
The measure, proposing a compre-
Ihensive plan for the gigantic engi-
neering work necessary to control the


Specialization in education will be
a logical means of adjustment to the.
large amount of knowledge predicted
for the future, Dr. William F. Ogburn
of the University of Chicago, stated
last night at the Union at the annual
spring initiation banquet of the local
chapter of the Alpha Kappa Delta,
national honorary ssociological fra-
ternity, at which twelve students were
Dr. Ogburn made several predictions
of the future, giving social effects of
rapid changes which will be made
in a "huge mechanical environment."
He stated that religion, morality, and
law were likely to pass because so-
cial conditions would change so rap-
idly that codifying social standards
would be practically impossible.
Dr. C. H. Cooley, of the sociological
department also addressed the group.
He pointed out that social workers can
get the artist's consolation through
serving humanity in their work. Dr.
Carl E. Guthe, of the University Mu-
seum, delivered a short talk.
Dr. A. E. Wood, of the sociology de-
partment gave the formal charge and
welcome to the initiates. They are:
Margaret M. Gentz, '30, Catherine
Woodroofe, '29, Helen A. Mihalyi, '29,
Jean A. Gilman, '30, Bernice M. Mc-
Hale, '29Ed., Dorothy E. Haas, '30
t Pearl B. Waldman, '29, Edware C
- Jandy, Grad., Vahn D. Sewny, 29, Mor-
ris Klass, '29M Victor Rose, '29, and
, IRoy R. Ullman, Grad.

Included in the plan's for the last
issue of the Inlander of the year
which will appear on the campus May
15 is a freshman prize essay contest,1
it has been announced by the Inland-
Manuscripts for the contest must be
left in the Inlander offices in the
Press building not later than May 10.
Any member of the class of 1931 is
eligible to -enter the competition. The
type of essay may be formal, inform-
al or familiar but must not exceed
1,200 words in l-ength.
An award of $10 is being offered for
the vyinning essay providing it is of
sufficient merit. The essay placing
second will also be published in the
-coming issue of the magazine. In-
lander editors announce that they re-
serve the right to publish such oth-
ers as they consider worthwhile.
Judges for the contest are Profs
Erich Walter and Frederick Peterson
of the rhetoric department.
According to pre'sent plans, it is
expected that the winning poems of
the contest sponsored in the Poetry
isuse of the Inlander and now bein
judged by Robert Frsot will be pub
lished in the spring issue.
It :has also been announced tha
the following have been appointed to
the junior staff of the Inlander:
Hidegarde Schueren, '30, Edwin Fish-
er, '29, and Nelson J. Smith, '29.
V.'01% r .r. A . .A... AI

Mississippi flood waters then will go 3
to the White House where, in view
of the President's attitude, its fate is
problematical. '
WantsAid From States
Mr. Coolidge has disclosed that his
principal objection centered on the
I lack of contribution by the Mississip-
pi valley states for the undertaking.
The McNary-Haugen bill, as the re- COLU
stlt of its approval last night by the been r
House, today also reached the con- Noblea
ference between the House and States. wherer
with similar predictions as to speedy ployed
action being expressed by the imana- I ing cro
gers appointed by both bodies to ers,
smooth over differences. As none of A sr
t the differences are of major propor- remain
tions it is predicted that an agreement Floren
will be reached with dispatch and that and O
the bill will be transmitted to the mine w
White House some time early next A grou
week. have b
Both of the bills provide remedies eraion
- for two of the major problems con- the pr
fronting Congress and considerable they d
. doubt exists as to what will be done of the
.on Capital Hill should they be ve- T'he
r toed. The flood measure passed both .Ta a

(By Associated Press)'
UMBUS, O., May 4.-Order had
estored tonight in the Belmont,
and Guernsey county coal fields
national guard troops were em-
last night against a threaten-1
Iwd of alleged union sympathiz-
r~'l dlCAniI1o tL h'a t uardSme 0

be changed during the rest of the i
present year, .the proposed changes
to be effected and work to %e begun
on the new project at the start of next
fall. Other changes are being con-
templated and will bed announced lat- I
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, May 4.-Tax legis-
lation continued to furnish a major
subject of debate in Congress today,
with the Republican plan for a $200,-

catch of Welch's fy in the secon
Bridges' sensational stops of 0
baan's liner and Reichman'
ground*, were the fielding feati
.the game.
Neiblung, ef.... 5 1 0
Loos, s's......4 0 1
Lange, if.........4 1 1
Corriden, 2b....3 1 0
Oosterbaan, p.....3 0 1
Weintraub, 3b ....4 1 2
Straub, rf .... . 4 0 0
ScCoy, lb.......4 1 1
Reichman, c.. . 4 2 1
Gawne, p.. ..0 0 0



houses by many more votes than the
two-thirds margin necessary to over-
ride the vetoes. Whether, however,
the bill could muster the same
strength in the face of veto is dubi-

r4 -



kly od
mnon p
an inju

ami ueac ~menL of gu Mec_
ed on duty, however, at the 000,000 cut drawing fire from the TOTAS.35
ce mine of the Younghiogheny Democrats who have lined up for a Ol T A.
hio coal companies. It was this slash of $325,000,000. COLGATE ..AB
which asked for aid last night. Senator Harrison, of Mississippi, op- Bn, If .....4
p of about 100 men, thought to ened up the attack for his colleagues Bonacker, rf......
een aroused by non-union op- and the resulting debate finally devel- a lb...... ...
ir1 the districthad been Istoning' oped into a discussion as to whetherb.. 4
operty, mine officials said, but France intended to repudiate her war Steinberg, 2b ......4
debt. 'IWelch, cf ...r......4
id not appear before the arrival Bridges, 3b .......3
troops. I ~~Harrison was challenged at inter-Jns ....--
troops. general's vals by administration Republicans in- anes,rc.........4
adjutant gnrl office hereto- IeuigSm'oo th n ed f~rne!.....
id there had been no report re- Dluding Sioot, of Utah, and Reed, of!*dowler .......I
of any serious trouble in the 'Pennsylvania.
fields. Companies operating The House took up the shipping bill TOTALS......35
at Caldwell and Belle valley, drawn up by its merchant marine *Batted for Cardner
committee as a substitute, for thel'
Jones bill passed by the Senate. Chairb innig.
d they woud appeal to the com ichgn......
pleas court of Noble county for man White explained that the measur- Colgate...........
unction prohibiting mass picket- es were designed to extend aid to pri- Two base hits-Wel
vate enterprise in building up -a non- base hits-Weintraub
government owned merchant fleet. The Stolen bases-Lange,
WINGKEL DROPS FROM Jones bill would have the government Detore. Errors: (C)
operate the ships for the present at Bridges, Jones (4); (
N PRESIDENCY RACE least. Corriden. Double P
Committee action wasconfined large- Jones, Loop (uniassi
n Ruswinckel, '28, withdrew yes- ly to the House side, where the com- bases- Michigan 3, C
_ --.-' .- ,.4 - mr~ .. --,t. nrlrn d heTni- _ -_ t,.. - ff nctra

1 (
0 1
in 9tl
..002 0'
..100 01
ch, Hai
2, Loo
M) Loo
A . 1


7 7
0 0
1 1
1 1
0 1

All persons who expect to be
enrolled in summer school and
who would be interested in se-
--_ _ _ _ Y .. . 1 ... . . - 41 .. r&

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