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May 19, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-05-19

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Thomas Wilfred, Inventor Of Color
Organ, To Paint Scenes In Light
For Ibsen's "The Vikings"
Katherine Wick Kelly, leading lady
at the Cleveland playhouse in Cleve-
land, has been engaged .as featured
artist with the Rockford players for
their third season of summer plays,
opening June 25 on, the campus, ac-
cording to an announcement made by
Robert Henderson yesterday. Miss
Kelly is well known in Ann Arbor
through several appearances three
years ago with the Michigan theater
league at the Whitney theater. Her
outstanding performances is Mase-
field's "Anne Pettersdotter' and Dav-i
.ies' "The Mollusc" gained manyc
friends for her in Ann Arbor.t
Equal in importance with the en-
gagement of Miss Kelly as leading
lady is the engagement of Thomas
Wilfred, noted inventor of the color!t
organ, the Clavilux, who will paint the3
settings in light for the company's
production of Ibsen's "The Vikings."
Thpmas Wilfred has appeared twices
In recitals in Hill audit'orium to ca-
pacity houses; but the production off
"The Vikings" will mark the firstr
time his instrument has been c
coupled with an actual stage
production. "The Vikings" will
be presented in Hill auditoriumr
for two performances; Monday and
Tuesday evening, July 23 and 24, andI
in the Pease audtorium Wednesdaye
night, July 25.
To Present Eight Bills 7
Eight bills will be presented during
the first six weeks of the Summer ses-
sion, under whose auspices the com-
pany appears annually, and with thet
exception of "The Vikings" all of themz
wil be given in Sarah Caswell Angell.s
hall over Barbour gymnasium. TheI
theater is being redecorated for the
season, while the University is equip- I
ing the hall with electric fans and
other conveniences.
The opening bill will be Jacquest
Duval's French farce "Her Cardboard
Lover," in which Jeanne Eagle's re-t
cently appeared in New York and onY
the road with success. Miss Kelly
will appear in Miss Eagels' role oft
Simone and Robert Henderson wll
have the Leslie Howard role of Andre1
"Her Cardboard Lover" will be fol-
lowed by George M. Cohan's popular<
comedy "So This Is London!", which
will be followed in turn by Anatole
France's famous satire "The Man'
Who Married a Dumb Wife." This is
in keeping with the company's tradi->
tion of presenting one French bill in
every summer season.
The fourth production will be Mau-
rine Watkin's "Chicago" with Helen
Hughes, ingenue with the Rockford
Players last summer, in the role of
Roxie Hart. Opening Tuesday eve-
ning, July 19, Harry Wagstoff Grib-
ble's eccentric farce "March Hares"
with Katherine Wick Kelly in the part
of Claudia Ktts. This will e fol-
lowed by the three performances of
"The Vikings," and Kaufman and Con-
nelly's "Merton of the Movies" will
be the seventh poduction with Rob-'
ert Henderson in,the title role made
famous by Glenn Hunter.
Will Offer Shakespeare
The final bill will be Shakespeare's
"Much Ado About Nothing," presented
for three performances in modern
dress and for three performances in

traditional costume. Miss Kelly will
play Beatrice; Rikel Kent the part of
Benedict; and Robert Henderson thet
role of Dogberry..
In addition to Miss Kelly as leading
lady and Robert Hendersonas director
and juvenille, the personnel of the
Rockford players for the summer sea -
son will include Rikel Kent, recently
with Glenn Hunter in "Merton of the
Movies" and with Mrs. Fiske. Helen
Hughes will appear as ingenue, and
Lillian Bronson, remembered for her
brilliant work two years ago on the
campus, will return after several sea-
sons in New York with Richard Bol-
E l b e 'r t a Trowbridge, recently
brought on from New York by Jessie
Bonstelle to appear in her production
of "Two Girls Wanted" in Detroit with
Nydia Westman, will be the second
woman of the company; while Paul
Stephenson, former director of the
Ypsilanti players, will appear in char-
acter roles.
... .. ... 1 A V , V A i

Bursley Supports Merit System
Of AppointingUnion President

"I am very much in favor of the
proposed system of appointing the
Union president on the merit sys-
tem," stated Joseph A. Bursley, dean
of Students, yesterday. Dean Bursley
has served on the board of governors
of the Union since the board was first
organized, and has dealt directly with
many executives who have been eect.
ed under the old plan.
"While nearly every one of the pres-
idents with whom I have come in
contact has been a very capable man,
it has been largely through luck tat
good administrative officers have been
Creation Of New Positions Includes
Assistant Business Manager And
Women's Upper Staff
Plans for next year's Michiganens-
ian, announcement of a reorganization
of the business staff of the publica-
tion, and appointment of Harry Rus-
sel, '29, and Margaret E. Moore, '29,
as assistant business manager and
woman's business manager, respec-;
tively, of the publication were made
yesterday by J. Franklin Miller, '29,
business manager of the 1929 'Ensian.
This marks the first year that an
assistant business manager has been
appointed by the 'Ensian. Russel in
filling this office will work for the
most part with the new business man-
Another departure from custom
which is being made in the appoint-'
ment of a woman's upper staff. The+
appointments to the new upper wo-
man's business staff will be made1
early next week, it is announced, as
will the men's upper staff appoint-
ments which will be made at the
same time.
Under the new plan, five women
and four men will be appointed to
the upper staff offices. As a result1
men and women will work together
at the same positions. Michigan wo-
men will be given more responsibility,
according to Miller, than ever more
in view of the fact that during the+
coming year they will be carrying
equal responsibility with the men of
the staff.
Efforts will be made to bring the
total number of books sold next year
up to the standard number of an-
nuals sold in other big ten universi-
ties, Miller saids The majority of
Middle Western universities, he ex-
plained, sell annuals to approximately
55 per cent of their student body
while Michigan sells to about 35 per
In other words, attempts are to be
made to bring the total number of
'Ensians to between 4,000 and 5,000
next year as compared to the 3,000
sold during the present year.
As far as is known at present, next
year's book will be more elaborate
than past 'Ensians. It is also plan-
ned to extend to considerable extent
the scope of the satire section.
DALLAS TEXAS, May 18.-With
three persons known to have been
killed and several seriously injured in
two days of wind, rain and hailstorms
in the southwest, floods and oil field
fires have threatened more lives and
increased the heavy property losses.
A tornado Thursday night injured
several persons and damaged build-
ings at Thackerville, Okla., a town of
' about 300 population. Streams in
southern Oklahoma were at flood
stage. Plans were made to 'send food
by airplane to families marooned by
the Red river, which was five miles
wide in places.
Lightning ignited large oil storage
tanks at Midland and Burnett, Tex.,
A three-inch canon was fired at tanks

at Midland in an effort to drain the
oil before the flames spread.
Trains were delayed by washouts in
north Texas and scores of motorists
were marooned.

provided," he said. "The proposed
sytem will insure the selection of
capable men on the basis of ability
Lnd the quality of work done during
the period of work on the regular
"Furthermore, I should favor any
s,stem which would materially d-
crease the chances for camp; poli-
tics to enter into the appointment to
a position so important to all men in
school," he continued.
"I cannot see where there can be
any legitimate objection to the pro-
posed amendment inasmuch as it will
benefit all who are concerned and
will insure consideration for the qual-
ity and amount of actual work done
by those serving on committees which
lead up to the higher executive posi-
ticns. It is fortunate that the init-
iative is being taken by. the students
in this movement," he concluded.
"The Board of Governors has tried
several times to inaugurate such a'
system, but have not received the co-
operation of the students."
Memorandum Sent Chinese Generals
Declares Neutrality Under
Japanese Protection
(By Associated Press.)
PEKIN, May 18.-The Japanese
memorandum handed the warring
Chinese generals which in effect de-
clares the neutrality of Manchuria
under the Japanese military protec-
tion tonight overshadowed all other
phases of the confused Chinese situa-
Even the anxiety of Peking and
Tientsin over the approaching tide
of civil war, the business like prepar-
ations to protect the nationals by the
foreign military commanders and the
position of Japan in Shantung, has
been forgotten while official circles,
foreign and Chinese alike, discuss the
implication of the memorandum.
It is agreed that these are moment-
ous, probably more significant than
any Far-Eastern development since
the great war. Among the high
Chinese there is a feeling approaching
consternation, and the idea is ex-
pressed that Japan is taking advant-
age to ruin, the Chinese and to es-
tablish her permanent domination of
Manchuria and to demand recognition
of it. In many quarters neither
Japanese or Chinese; the phrase
"Manchurian protectorate" is being
freely used in speaking of the posi-I
tion of Japan in. relation to that ter-
Although the memorandum as pub-
lished in Peking is vague as is char-
acteristic of oriental diplomacy, it
does indicate Tokio's interpretation
of "appropriate and effective steps for
the domestic peace and order in
The objection handed to the min-
isters of the powers is more explicit.
Tokio has informed the ambassador
that Japan "will prevent as far as pos-
sible defeated troops or those in pur-
suit of the, regardless of whether
they are Northern or Southern, from
entering Manchuria," as such is nece-
sary for the protection of the social
position of Japan in Manchuria and
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, May 18.-Police guards
were established about the homes of
Queens county officials after the
bombing early today of Robert El-
liott, official executioner for New
York and three other states. Mean-
while a city-wide hunt for those re-

sponsible for the bombing was ,\art-I
ed, but without success.s
Elliott is saidbto have expressed the
belief that the bombing was the work'
of sympathizers with Sacco-Vanzetti,
radicals he executed several months

Postal And Indian Bills From House
And Senate's Indian Bills
Vetoed By President
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, May 18-With just
one half of the membership voting,
the Senate today amended the tax re-
duction bill to provide for opening
of all income tax returns to public in-
spection hereafter, 27 to 19.
The action, which came as some-
what of a surprise, reversed the de-
cision of Congress two years ago to
abolish the law enacted in 1924 which
permitted the publication of taxes
Senator Norris, Republican, of Ne-
braska, proposed the amendment and
it went over at the end of a long dayJ
of debate with Democrats generallyI
voting with the western Republican
independent bloc.
WASHINGTON, May 18-The last
gigantic financial log of the adminis-
tration's program for this session-
an urgent deficiency bill falling just
shy og $100,000,000-rolled out of come
mittee into the House mill today and
within an hour the legislative saws
were buzzing smoothly along, approv-
ing it slice by slice.
Irrelevancies Delay Senate
On the Senate side the tax debateI
rolled along under difficulties. Var-
ious senators had remarks outside the
subject to expound and Ashurst, of
Arizona, helped things a little by get-

TO ENGAGE POWERFs ithAndRVi For Democratic
lY a....r,..d:.. T.l......l. ,., 'i3r ~..


ting into the record an
torial cheer for Smoot
his stand against the'
In the midst of this
peaceful scene the first
of eight veto m-essages
gress during the day
Coolidge and was read.

Arizona edi-
of Utah, for
Boulder dam
more or less
of the volley
fired at Con-j
by President

Maize And Blue Conceded Winners
In Six Of Fifteen Events With
Chance For Second Places
Conceded only an outside chance,+
Coach Steve Farrell's Wolverines will
engage the powerful Illini track team'
in their final dual meet of the season1
this morning at Urbana.
Although almost devoid of individ-
ual stars and considered as likely
winners in only six of the 15 events,+
if the Maize and Blue men can garner
enough spare second or thirds they
may spring the upset that has almost
become a tradition in the meets be-;
tween these rivals.
Michigan should establish a slight
margin in the track events but the
Illini's strength in the field events
should be more than enough to over-
come any advantage that the Wolver-
ines might have gained.
Favored In Century
In the century Capt. Buck Hester
and Grodsky have the edge over Tm,
Patterson, and Hale of the Illini,
Timm being the only one of the trio
who has been consistent. The 220
should be a reception of the hundred.
- The 40 should be between Munger of
Michigan and Chambers of Illinois
although Seymour may press them
both. Another factor to be considered
in the quarter is "Cowboy" Nickol of
the Illini. He is extremely erratic
but if he is right today he may take a
first. Hal White looks like the class
in the half mile and might beat the
dual meet record. Orlovitch is Coach
Gill's other entree in this event while
Lomont is the lone Michigan possibil-:
ity unless Farrell decides to run Mon-
roe in this event as well as in the
mile. .
Illini May Slam Two Mile
Illinois trio of Stine, McElwee, and
Seldon should take the majority of the
counters in the mile with "Big Boy"
Monroe having a chance for second
unless the Illini runners box him out.
In the two mile the Indians should
have little trouble with Abbott, Capt.
Fairfield and Tockstein. Ted Wuer-
fel will be the Michigan performer but
appears to have little chance of get-
ting better than a third.
The Wolverines should win a large
share of the points in the hurdles
with Cooper likely to break the meet
record in the lows. Jones should get
a place in the lows while Kinney
should score in the highs. Rodgers
will be the Orange and Blue mainstay
in the hurdles, aided by Johnson in
the lows.
With Carr and Miller in the high
jump, the Indians should place one-
two !although Waldo or Falker of
Michigan might spring an upset. The
Wolverines are hard hit in the broad
jump with Champman out, as he
should have had little trouble in tak-
ing a first. Arendt will be the sole
entree in this event, but he should
pick up a second.
Pole Vault Looks Bad
The pole vault looks like another
bad event for the Wolverines with
only Erickson to compete against
George Barnes and White of Illinois,
both capable of 12 feet 6 inches or
In the shot and discus Lyons should
have little trouble in taking two firsts
with Kimmel and Allman close behind
him. Kimmel has the advantage over
Alman in the shot while it is just
the opposite in the discus. In the
shot Poorman may get a third while
Carlson should take at least third in
the discus.

Convention Delegates; Walsh's
ame Still On Ballot
(By Associated Press)
PORTLAND, Ore., May 18.-Citi-
zens of Oregon exercised their fran-
chise today over the heaviest primary
election ballot since the last presi-
dential year,, ;1924. Fair weather
brought out a big vote.
Total registration in the 1,842 pre-
cincts in the state was 317,491 of
which 222,139 registered as Republi-
cans and 83,303 as Democrats.
Herbert Hoover was the sole can-
didate on the Republican ticket for
the presidential nomination. All the
Republican candidates seeking to be
delegates to the national convention
were pledged to Hoover except one.
who had declared for Lowden, and
one who favored a government liquor
control declaration by the Republi-
can party. Thirteen delegates are to
be elected.
Gov. Alfred E. Smith of New York
and Sen. James A. Reed of Missouri
were contending for Oregon's 10 dele-
gates to the Democratic national con,
vention although the name of Sen.
Thomas J. Walsh of Montana remain-
ed on the ballot after his withdrawal
from the race.

Before the House took up the defic-
iency bill, which measure invariably
heralds the closing hours of congres-
sional sessions, it rolled the commit-
tee reapportionment plan aside to fix
delegations in the House on the basis
of the estimated 1930 census back to
the committee by a vote of 186 to
185. The bill involves shifting 23
House seats away from 17 states to
give them to 11 other states; but
it is dead for this session.
Coolidge Vetoes More Bills
WASHINGTON, May 18.-President
Coolidge notified Congress today that
he had vetoed eight recently passed
bills of minor character and as soon
as the news reached the Senate the
authors of two of the bills rejected
served notice that they would ask for
votes to override the President.
The senators were Oddie, Republi-
can, Nevada, author of a measure to
appropriate $3,500,000 for roads on
public domain and on Indian reser-
vations; and Jones, Republican, Wash-
ington, author ofsa billtto permit In-
dians in his state to file claims
against the government in courts of
The other six vetoed measures orig-
inated in the House. That chamber
was busily engaged when the Presi-
dent's message arrived and its reading
was put off until tomorrow. Two of
the House measures related to postal
employees. One would have granted
to those assigned to night duties an
additional 10 per cent of their hourly
Exercises for the dedication of the
tablet in memory of the late Prof: Jo-
seph Baker Davis will be held at 3
o'clock this afternoon in the Engin-
eering quadrangle.
Professor Davis, who died in March
1920, was in continuous service for
the University from 1872 until his
retiremrent as Professor of Geodesy
and Surveying in 1910. He was alsc
assistant dean of the Engineering
college from 1904 until 1910.
At the exercises this afternoon, the
following will be the program: ad-
dresses will be given by George H.
Fenkell, '95, on "Professor Davis, the
Engineer,' by Gardner S. Williams,
'89, on "Professor Davis' Service tc
the College of Engineering and to
the University," by Louis E. Ayers,
'08, on "Professor Davis and Michi-
gan Engineers," and by George M.
Ames '85 ,on "The Influence (V Pro-

Verdi's "Aida" With Star Cast And
Chicago Symphony Concert To
Feature Day's Program
Ann Arbor's thirty-fifth annual May
Festival will reach its climax and
conclusion with two concerts today.
The first will be given this afternoon
at 2 :30 o'clock in Hill, auditorium and
will feature Frederick Stock and the
Chicago Symphony Orchestra as well
as Percy. Grainger, pianist and con-
I ductor. Guiseppe Verdi's popular op-
era, "Aida" will be the attraction to-
night at 8:15 o'clock when the last
event on the May Festival program
will be given.
Mr. Stock has included in his pro-
gram for th s afterroon Berlioz's over-
ture, "The Roman Carnival," Opus 9,
as well as one of Tschaikowski's out-
standing symphonies, known as Sym-
phony number five in E Minor, Opus
Mr. Gr;inger will cccupy the re-
nmainder of .he prog -,m with a con-
certo by crieg. It is a concerto in A
,inor ar .1 is said to te one of the
nmore popular of Grieg compositi ns.
Three movemeatf are included in the
selection, allegro mod erato, adagio,
and allegro marcato.
Leone Kruse will -ave the title iale
in the opera tonight when she sings
the part of Aida. Paul Althouse has
been selected to sing in the role of
Radames. Others taking part in the
preseutatio). of the opera tonight in-
clude 'Mar~ocr, Telva, Theinia Lewis,
Mario Basiola, Chase Baromeo sand
Frank Ryan. In addition there will
l be Earl V. Moore conducting the Chi-
cagonsymphony orchestra, the choral
union, andl the University glee club,
making its only appearance during the
May Festival on that occasion.
The history of "Aida" dates back to
1871 when it was first presented be-
fore the Khedive of Egypt, for whom
it had been written. It is known es-
pecially for its special chorus effects,
notably in the first two acts. Oriental
characteristics appear from time to
time, for example, in the melodiesand
tharmonies of scenes in which the high
priestess appears with the priestesses
and the priests. The scenes for the
opera take place in Egypt and the
action is in the days of the Pharaohs.

Fighting Between Marines And Rebels
Is Most Severe Skirmish Since
Combats Last February
(By Associated Press)
MANAGUA, Nicaragua, May 18 --
Pushing their way through the jungles
of the north, American marines today
were tracing down the rebel slayers of
i comrade in arms.
In the most severe combat since
Feb. 27, one marine and one Nica-
raguan National Guardsman were kill-
d and the commanding officer of the
oatrol, Cappt. Robert S. Hunter, of
Kansas, and another marine, were
Sixty to seventy-five insurgents and
twenty-five marines and ten guards-
men took part in the clash, which
occurred near Paso Real, 45 miles
northeast of Jinotega and across the
Cua river.
Fighting against odds, the marines
killed five rebels , and wounded five.
The insurgents were under Jose Leon
Diaz, who has had previous revolu-
tionary experience and is reputed to
be a Honduran who has joined the
cause of Gen. Augustino Sandino.
The marine patrol was isolated.
Medical and surgical supplies were
dropped to them by an airplane squa-
dron under Capt. Robert ' A. Archi-
bald. The names of the enlisted men
who were casualties were not learn-
Two relief columns were rushed
from Jinotego toward the region,
which is thickly forested and has been
little explored. These marines, under
Maj. Keller E. Rockey of Indiana, were
to assist the wounded and take up the
pursuit of the rebels. The wounded
will be sent to Quilali and then evacu-
ated to Managua by airplane. Brigade
headquarters stated that they believed
Capt. Hunter's patrol was not in a
serious predicament.
Until word of the clash reached Ma-
nagua, it was not generally known
that it had pushed so far eastward
from Jinotega.. These patrols have
been chasing armed and organized
outlaws into practically unexplored
regions. Brigade headquarters be-
lieved that Sandino has retired to the
central part of the department of 1i
notega, a region nearly inaccessible.
(By Associated Press)
King's Bay, Spitzbergen, May 18.-
Ending a 68-hour flight over the Arc-
tic regions, the dirigible Italia re-
turned to its base here yesterday
morning. Gen. Umberto Nobile was
tired and nervous, but smiling. The
airship was in her hangar at 10:30 a.
The next trip of the Italia, it is an-
nounced, will be to the North Pole.
This will start in about five days.
Meanwhile the dirigible will be given
a thorough overhauling, as it is hoped
to make this the most important ven-
ture of the expedition.
Charles B. Wheeler, '30E, died yes-
terday afternoon in the University
hospital, following an illness extend-
ing over a period of three and one
half weeks. Wheeler, who is a resi-
dent of Saline, was operated upon
one week ago for acute masfoiditis-
The body will be removed to Sa-
line, where burial will take place ear-
ly next week. Wheeler is survived
by his parents in Saline.



Borrowing a red lantern and ball-,
p1$ying in the),treets have transferredt 7
considerable cash from student pock-
ets into the city's coffers recently
through the activities of the local
police force. In all $98.65 changed
hands yesterday afternoon as the re-i
sult of a dollar-and-a-half lantern
borrowed the night before.
The student holding the lantern
when the a unmetttewas annrehended

with the man holding the lantern.
Fifteen days in jail was offered as the
"I'll bet you could get a lot of
studying done in jail," volunteered
one of the criminals. "You ain't never
seen the inside of that jail," replied
the sergeant.
Nine dollars is the customary price
set on the heads of students playing
hasehall in the street. An instructor

More than 300 couples danced to the
music of Frankie Quartell's Victor
recording orchestra at the annual Sen-
ior Ball held last night in the ball-
room of the Union.
The hall was decorated to represent
a formal garden, soft, blue light be-
ing employed to give a moonlight ef-
fect to the entire scene. The entrance
was in the form of ha flower-laden
arbor while at one end of the room
an alcove banked with palms formed
a booth for the chaperones. Illum-
inated fountains were placed in each
corner while from behind banks of
palms blue light was reflected against
while pillars. Orange light glowed
softly through the windows on one
ma of thy na hsnr mnra the light on

cluded President Clarence Cook Little
and Mrs. Little, Dean Joseph A. Bur-
sley and Mrs. Bursley, Coach Fielding
H. Yost and Mrs. Yost, and Mr. Har-
vey C. Emery.
James C. Hughey, Jr., '28, was gen-
eral chairman in charge of arrange-
ments for the affair.
Decorations for the annual senior
ball which took place last night in
the Union ball roor will be left in
place for the regular Union member-
ship dance tonight through the cour-



Michigan ;defeated Wisconsin
yesterday afternoon 6-2 and
Ohio State blanked Minnesota,
Tex Rickard announced yes-
terday that Sammy Mandell will
defend his lightweight champ-
ionship against Jimmy McLarnin
tonight, the weather permitting.





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