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May 11, 1928 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-05-11

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More than 100 tickets have already been sold for the sixth
annual Father and Son banquet to be held at 5:30 o'clock Saturday
night in the Union ballroom and the balance are going rapidly, ac-
cording to William E. Nissen, '29, new president of the Michiganl
Union, and chairman of the affair.
The tickets which are selling for $1.50, can lie secured at either
the main desk or the side desk at the Union and will continue on
sale until noon Saturday. All students planning to attend should
arrange to secure tickets as soon as possible, according to Nissen,
in. order to assist the committee in making preparations for the


Annual May Party Is Uihersity's
Only Fancy Dress ('ostumne Ball;
Scenes Took Seven Weeks' Work
Amid brilliant decorations of the
wierdest stylistic type, and surround-
ed by "A Terrace of Old Inca," while
above, the sun of another day and
age is softly glowing, 250 couples clad
in every conceivable type of fancy
dress costume will tonight celebrate
the 17th Annual Architects May Par-
ty in Barbour Gymnasium.
When the dancing begins at 9:30 o-
clock tonight it will mark the culmin-
ation of seven weeks' work of m-ore
than 300 architects who have labor-
ed day and night in shifts to com-
plete the plan of decorations for the
For the benefit of those who are
not able to attend the party, the com y
mittee in charge has decided to leave
the gymnasium open for inspection
from 3:00 to 8 o'clock today so that
persons who wish may see the dec-
Is Only Costume Ball
The Architects' May Party is the
o nly fancy dress costume ball given
under the auspices of the University
throughout the school year, and is



Freshmen will burn their pots and become sophomores tonigh
at Sleepy Hollow and the seniors will take another step in thei
formal departure from the alma mater at a ceremony which wil
mark the return of an old and cherished Michigan tradition.
A huge bonfire is in the building, loud-speakers have been
hooked up to relay the speeches ,to every part of the hollow, an,
a program of speakers has been arranged to include Dean Mortime
E. Cooley, faculty speaker on the first Cap Night program, Judge
Guy A. Miller, 'ool, of Detroit, baseball captain in I897, Jo H
Chamberlain, '28, retiring .managing editor of 'he Daily, and Coac.
Tad Wieman who will present M-blankets to all graduating M-me-

The first event of the week end pro-.
gram which has been planned for the
visiting fathers will be held tonight
when many of the parents will attend
the annual Cap Night ceremonies and
the usual festivities. Tickets have
been secured for the Union guests so
that they may attend the interschol-
astic track meet to be held Saturday
Further athletic events of the week
end will also be attended by the guests.
The outstanding of these are the dual
track meet with Mnnesota and the
conference tennis match with Illinois
both of which will take place on Fer-
ry field Saturday afternoon.
Banquet To Be Saturday
The climaxing event of the program
3 set for 5:30 o'clock Saturday when
the annual banquet which is to be in:-
formal will be held in the Union ball
room. Plans fdr the dinner are al-
ready complete according to an an-
nouncement made yesterday and the
speaking list has been completed.
The prinrcipal-address of the evening
will be made by R. B. Alberson, '0L,
or Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. Alberson is
a member of the general counsel of the
Bankers Life Insurarlce company and
has held many positions of importance
in the city of Des MVtoines. He was
one of the officals of the Minneapolis
and St. Louis railroad for some time.
The other speakers of the affair are
William D. Henderson, director of the
University extension division who will
speak for the University faculty and
William V. Jeffries, grad., retiring
president of the Union, who will
speak for the student body. Carl
Brandt of the speech department, has
been selected as toastmaster.
Music at the dinner will be fur-
nished by Paul Omer and his Union
band. Tickets to the Majestic Thea-
ter have been supplied througlh the
courtesy of the Majestic management
for those who care to attend follow-
ing the banquet.
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, May 10.-Sir Austen
Chamberlain, foreign secretary, an-
nounced in the House of Commons to-
day that the British government de-
sires to cooperate with the American
government in outla.wing war. He
was speaking on Kellogg's proposal.
A similar welcome o the American
move to achieve world peace was
voiced by Ramsay McDonald, leader
of the Labpor opposition, who intro-
duced the subject,.
Sir Austen said he would proceed
in the ordinary diplomatic channels
in treating on the proposal, although
at first he had favored submitting
the matter to a conference of inter-
national jurists, as in the case of the
Locarno pact. This idea was dropped,
however, he explained, when "one of
the governments concerned"-under-
stood to be the United States-indi-
cated that it did not approve of this.
The B'ritish attitude, the foreign
secretary continued, already had been
forwarded to the' governments of the
dominions in order that all elements
of the empire might take a common
position toward the proposal. He ex-
pected to transmit the reply to Secre-
tary Kellogg soon after the response
of the dominions were received.
Sir Austen was heard with profound
interest by the whole chamber. The
only mark of disapproval came when
he said that war never had been used
as an international policy by any
British government of thc4 present
o..a ,arn r a a l Y ~hP,TB urs et

Hulse Selects Department Heads For
'1928-1929; Wachter Th Manage
Michigan Weekly
Appointments to the business staff
of The Daily for the coming year were
announced yesterday by Edward L.
Hulse, '29, recently appointed busi-
ness manager by the Board in Con-
trol ,of Student Publications.
Heading the list of appointments is
Ray J. Wachter, '29, who has been
selected as assist-
ant business man-
ager. It was also
announced yester-
day that Wachter
has been appointed
by the Board to the
office of business
manager of The
Sumniear D a ly.
He has had three
years 'work on the
Daily, having been
accounts manager
during the p as t"
year. Last year he
served' as assist-
ant business man-
Ray J. Wachter ager of The Sum-
mer Daily under
Lawrence J. Van Tuyl, '28.
Upper staff appointments in- The
Daily business office were mnade as
follows: contracts department, Alex
K. Scherer, '29; local advertising de-
partment, James Jordan, '30; copy-
writing department, Herbert iVarn-
um, '30; account department, Law-
rence Walkley, '30; publications de-
partment, Ray Hofelich, '30; circula-
tion department, George Bradley, '30;
and national "advertising department,
Carl W. Hammer, '30.
Wachter, it was also announced, has
been selected as business manager of
The Michigan Weekly for the next
year. In his capacity as business
manager of The Summer Daily, he
will have entire charge of the busi-
ness side of the summer publication,
which has a daily circulation of more
than 1,000, publishing extra editions
at Commencement, and appearing reg-
ularly throughout the summer ses-
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, May 10.-The parole
commission today ordered the release
of David Gordon, 18-year-old student
of the University of Wisconsin, who
was sentenced more than a m'onth
ago to a three-year term in the pene-
tentiary for writing an obscene poem,
published in the Daily Worker.
A federal indictment for sending
indecent matters through the mails is
still pending against Gordon.


Otto Wenzler, '28A
Who is general chairman in charge
of arrangements for the 17th Annual
Architects' May party.

Alexis Lapteff, '30A
Whose design, "A Terrace of Old
Inca," was chosen as the decorative

theme for the Architects' May party
from a large field of competition.
nr.- un n i nr lf UT


New Plan Of Publication Authorizedj
By Board In Control Of


reare ymnwh ag cuntc
A ppointm ents to the staff of The i th the affair as Whaven oe t he U
gwihrted afai may whavn ne ofaite
Michigan Weekly for 1928-29 were an- imost eaboirate decorative schemes
nounced yesterday by J. Stewart of any party of a similar nature glv.
Hooker, '29, managing editor of that en in the entire state because of the'
publication. The staff for next year's talent available in the architectural
weekly has been organized in ac- school.
Invitations for the party are in the
cordance with, the plan authorized by l hands of a very representative list of
the Board in Control of Student Pub- people, including President and Mrs.
lications to rewrite rather than re- C. C. Little, Governor and Mrs. Fred
print from The Daily, copy for The 'Green, Regents and Deans of the Un-
Weekly, which i's mailed to outsideiversity and their wives, the Archi-
readers each week. If new subscrip- tectural faculty, and. many prominent
tions at the beginning of next year alumni and friends of the college.
warrant this change, this policy will Thegrand arch will forant ithe
bie continiued throughout the year. gymnasium about 11 o'clock tonight,
Follovlin are the staff appoint- and will be led by Otto Wenzler. 'z8A.
ments: literary editor, Ben S. Wash- general chairman of the Architects'
er Jr., 29; sports editor, Alex A.. May Party, and Miss Arzella Myers, of.
Bochnowskl, '29; associate editors,I Toledo, his guest. The dancing will
Howard Simon, '30, George E. Simons, conclude at 2 o'clock tomorrow morn' I
'30, Howard H. Maloney, '29, and j ing.
Lawrence R. Klein, '30; and reporters Contest Held For Design
Morris Alexander, '31, Robert Silba-, Through the m-eans of a competi-
'30, William Kerby, '30, and Joe tive contest which ended in March,
Zwerdling, '30. { the design of "A Terrace of Old Inca,"
Raymond J. Wachter, '29 was named by Alexis Lapteff, '30A, was selected
business manager of The Weekly for for the decorative scheme. The design
next year by Edward L. Hulse, '29,:. called for not only a building terrace,
business manager of The Daily, ye's- but also a landscape of sea and sty,
terday afternoon. 1 both of which were treated in a styl-
Washer, new literary editor, has istic rather than realistic *ntanner. The'
served two years on The Daily and decorations will be carried right on
will work on the Paris edition of the up to the ceiling of the gymnasium,
Chicago Tribune this summer. Boch- where they are topped by a giant In-
nowski, new sports editor, has served can symbol of the sun. All the light-
two years on the sports staff of The ing for the party with the exceptron
Daily, while of the associate editors, of one or two hanging lights will be
Simon and Maloney both served on indirect. and so the brilliance of the
The,;Daily during the past year, predominating colors of red, yellow,
Howell, Simons, Monroe and Klein and green, wll be seen in all then' i
recently received upper 'staff appoint- splendor, :)ut wil be enveloped in the
ments for next year, and Forbes was soft hue of shadecd light.
recently named one of the editors of I Howard Bunts and his orchestra,
the Gargoyle for next year. Wachter who will furnish the n'usic for the{
has been associated with the business dancing, have arranged some spec-f
staff of The Daily for two years. lty numbers which they will Ire-
Owing to the fact that it has been snt during the evening
decided to abolish the humor column t
in The Weekly in place of a "'Campus
Comment" column, no appointmenrt4VA RSIT Y GOLFER1
will be made for this position, IHook-i DEFEA T WILDCA TS
er explained. It was felt that a
column on campus and outside news Michigan's well-balanced golf team
would interest outside readers more defeated Northwestern at Evanston
than a column containing campus yesterday over a wind-swept course, 9
humor. l 1-2 to 8 1-2. Playing against a high
The proposed changes for The wind and in rain during the morning,;
Weekly will not be effected until the the Wolverines collected nine point's to
beginning of next fall, Hooker said INorthw'estern's three, leaving the
yesterday, when the staff will begin to I Wildcats only a chance to tie the meet
function. Thrce more issues will be ! by gathering the remaining six points
published this semester, in the afternoon.
Alston and Bergelin playing McKay,
_EARANCE TODAY and Whitaker in the afternoon tied

Sudden 'Postponement Caused By Boat
Being icebound Off Coast
Of Greenland
Cabled confirmation Wednesday
nxighxt from the Danish government of
a report that the Disko, which was to
carry Prof. William H. Hobbs a:t1
the third University Greenland expe-
dition from Copenhagen to Holstens-
borg, was stuck in the ice off the
southern coast of Greenland en route
to Copenhagen. caused a sudden post-
Sonem'ent yesterday of the expedi-
tion's plans to leave.
First news of the Disko's plight
reached Ann Arbor Tuesday night in
a radiogramx from the Disko, signed(j
by Oscanyan and Bangste, two mem -
bers of last year's expedition who
caught the boat at Holstensborg to re-
turn to civilization after spending tne
winter at Mt. Evans station.
Professor Hobbs imnmediately wired
New York to hold the expeditions.
freight, which was being loaded, and
cancelled the reservations for rim-
self Friday night and for the rest of
the party on May 19. With little pos-
bil y of the Disko's being able
to leave Copenhagen on its second
Greenland trip of the year before.
July 1, negotiations are at present un-
der way for some other means of
reaching the expedition's Mt. Evans

Girls' Glee Club Event Is Only Major
Honor Taken By Another School;'
It Goes To Bay City 1
Flint high school musicians scored,
an outstanding success in the finals
of the state school orchestra and chorus'
contest held here yesterday when they
carried off highest honors in every
field except girls' glee club, ywhich
went to Bay City. More than 2000 con-
testants from high schools all over.
the state participated in the competl-.
Schools were classified into three
groups, A, B, and C, according to tLeir
size, and there were seven fields of
competition: boys' glee clubs, girls'
glee clubs, mixed choruses, string en-
sembles, wood wind ensem-bles, brass
1ensembles, and orchestras.
Results of the contest were an-
nounced yesterday afternoon at a
mass meeting and concert at Yost
Field house. Other outstanding per-
formers in class A were Grand Rap-
ids, with three second places, and
Flint and Saginaw, with one second
place each. In class B, Ypsilanti won
first in boys' glee, Three Rivers in

who have won two or more let
Members of all classes are requesi
ed to meet at 7:15 tonight on ti
campus to form a procession whic
will march to Sleepy Hollow, led b
the Varsity band. Seniors will mee
on the. walk between Barbour gyn
nasium a n d
the Chemistry
building.- Ju
iors will as-
semble on the
campus side ..' >
of the old
Medical build-
i n g sopho-
mores are re-
quested to
foregather be-
tween the
Chemistry and
.Na tural
Buildings, Judge Guy A. Mill
and freshmen
in front of the Library. Seniors wi
wear caps and gowns.
The march to the hollow will begi
at 7:15 .and proceed east on Nont
University avenue, past the new XV
men's athletic building and out Vo
land to Observatory' street. Turnir
north on Observatory it will mart
to the University hospital and tui
down the road that winds into Sleep
Classes will take seats in units
will be marked by placards, and tl
M-men who are to receive blanke
will go to a special section near tI
speaker's stand. Those who will r
ceive blankets are: Ray Baer, 'I
Clarence Batter, '28, Donald Coope
'28, Robert Darnall, '29E, Ralph Col

May Charter Vessel
The possibility of chartering a
vessel to take the expedition directly
from this country to Greenland v't
the Labrador coast was being consid-
cred yesterday by Professor Hobbs.
Tile Disko left Copenhagen about
the first of April on its first trip o?
the year to the various seacoast ham-
lets of Greenland. On this trip it car-
ried William S. Carison of the geol-
ogy department to Holstensborg, the
Greenland port of call for the Mt.
Evans observatory of the University.
On its return trip it evidently was
caught in the floating ice off the sou-
them coast of Greenland. Professor
Hobbs said yesterday that while the
ship was probably perfectly safe, it
was a question of the wind when the
ship would be released. A south wind
would jam tihe ice up against the ship
I and pin it to the shore, while a north
wind would break up the jam and
free the ship in short order. In any
case the second sailing from Copen-
hagen, originally planned for June
1, will have to be postponed a fort-
night or a n;onth, which would be too
late for the Greenland expedition.
Professor Hobbs left yesterday for
New York, and will proceed from
there to Baltimore, returning tg Ann
Arbor S'unday. This trip will be con-
cerned with matters pertaining to the
Prof. Robert Morss Lovett, head of
the Departmnrot of English at the Unmi-
versity of Chicago, well known a's an;
I author and member of tire editorial
board of the "New Republic," will de-
liver a lecture on "Tolstoy, Artist in
Human Life" at 4:15 o'clock today in
Natural Science auditorium.
Professor Lovett, who is speaking
under the auspices of the Tolstoy cen-
tenary commnittee which is made up of
faculty members, is the third lecturer
nr, t t v i n _It was v-

girls' glee club, Dearborn ii 'm'ixed
:chorus, Mt. Clemens in orchestra, St.
Joseph in string ensemble; Holland
got two second places, and Ypsilanti,
Niles, Ionia, and Wyandotte stood
second highest in one event., In class'
C, Decatur took two first places,
Fowlerville a first and a second, and'
Howel two seconds; other first place
winners 'were Mont Rose, Galesburg,
Blissfield, and Sandusky.
Have Seven Judges
Judges for the contest, who based
their decision on tone,, technique, in-
terpretation, deportment, and instru-
mentation in the case of orchestral
contests, were Karl Gehrkens of Ob-
erlin, Ohio; Eugene Stimson of' the
Chicago Daily Journal; G. R. Mont-
gonery of Cleveland; Harrison Le-
Baron of Delaware, Ohio; and And-
rew Webster, of Evansville, Indiana.
A speci,al concert complimentary
to the public is to be presented at
2:30 this afternoon in Hill auditorium,
by the winners of the contest yester-
day. Prof. William A. Frayer of the
History department will give an ad-
dress and the program- will close
with a performance of "America the
Beautiful" by the United orchestra of
about 250 pieces and the chorus of
about 150 voices under the direction
of Joseph Maddy of the School of
Musc. The program will be broadcast

}28 Addison Connor, '28, Victor Dom
hoff, '28, Harold Donahoe, '28, Normal
Gabel, '28, Louis Gilbert, '28, Frank
Harrigan, '28, Robert Halsted, '2SE
Leo Hoffman, '28L, Clarence Horn,'28
Peter Jablonowski, '28, Stafford Jones
'28, Edward Lange, '28, Carl Loos
'30I, Philhip Northrup, '28I), Jame
Miller '28E, Herman Nyland, '28, Ben
nie Oosterbaan. '28, I. Munger, '28
Percy Prout, '28, William Puckelwar
tz, '28Ed, Edward Solomon, '28, Itus
sell Sauer, '30L, John Schoenfel
'30M, Robert Wagner, '28, and' Tor
Smith To Introduce Speaker
After the procession has take
seats in the assigned sections th
band will render several selection
and cheers will be led. The ceremor
ies will then be turned over to Court
land C. Smith, '28, president of th
Student council who .vill introduc
the speakers of the evening. Jp 1
Chamberlain will be the first speal
er, followed by Dean Cooley, afte
which Tad Wieman will present tI
blankets. The alumni address b;
Judge Guy A. Miler will end the pro
gram of speakers.
The bonfire will then be lit, and a
the flames mount up the crowd wi
sing the Cap night song, "Where, C

over station WWJ, the Detroit News.
Earl V. Moore, Professor of Music
in the University, was the director ofr
the state contest held yesterday.


Distribution of the 1928 Michigan-
ensian will begin at 8 o'clock this
morning in' the basement of the li-
brary and will continue until 5
o'clock this afternoon according to an
announcement made yesterday by
Wayne Brownell, '28, business man-
ager of the publication for the past
The books will be distributed from
8 to 12 o'clock on Saturday morning
and all day Monday beginning at 8
o'clock and continuing through the
day until 5 o'clock. Students ,are
urged to get their books as soon as
possible. Receipts must be presented
by students when calling for tire an-

games, and dramatic pre'sentations?
has been included by the editors.
The feature section introduces a
note of satire and burlesque which.
has not been present in past 'Ensians.
All have treated Happenings of the1
'school year in a serious fashion brut
this year many humorousincident. I
are included In the pictures of this
section. A special type of stipled
paper never before used will also fea-
ture the humor section of the d)bok.
In the fraternity section, the addi-
tion of more fraternity historyi's a
feature which has not been utilized
previously. A slight change in the ar-

the first nine holes and Michigan for-
-feited the remaining five points in
order to catch an early train to Madi-
son, where they play the University ofj
Wisconsin tomorrow.j
In the individual matches, Bergelin
tied McKay each scoring 79, and divid-
ing three points. Cole won his match
and got 2 1-2 points from Dexter.
Capt. Connor defeated Pierce 1 up and
two points while Vyse took Whitaker's
measure, 3 and 2, therehy taking all
three points.
Followiing is the individual point
McKay (N) 1 1-2, J. Bergelin (M)
1 1-2, Dexter (N) 1-2, R..Cole (M) 2
1-2 Pierce (N) 1, Connor (M) 1,
Whitaker (N) 0, Vyse (.M) 3. In the
doubles-Pierce-Dexter (N) scored 3;
Cole-Connor (M) 0; McKay-Whitaker


his works. He was no socialist and
much' less a Bolsheviki since he did
not expect politics to better mankind.
ie put all his faith in changing public
opinion while the Bolsheviki coerce!
people into being 'brotherly' (and
failed as Tolstoy predicted such at-
tempts must fail).
In commemoration of Tolstoys
100th birthday anniversay, the Tol-
stoy society in England, numbering
among it's members many famous
statesmen and writers, is publishing
. rnmnet, edition of his works to h4

Where Are the Verdant Freshmen?
with each class rising as its verse j
sung. At the concluion of the son
the freshmen will form a snake danc
about the fire and toss in their pots.
The band will lead the studeni
back the same route to the campu
and a free movie will be offered i
Hill Auditorium. by courtesy of tt
Butterfield theatres. The doors of t
auditorium will be opened at 9:00 an
the picture will begin at 9:15.
Freshmen to Build Fire
Freshmen are requested to assemi
le at one o'clock this afternoon by t'
Building and Groudicstorehouse bac
of the Health. Service, or at the ho'
low to assist in gathering materi
for the fire and in building the pyr
It is a traditional point of honor fc
each freshn-an class to build a bl'ge
fire than the preceeding one, accori
ing to the conmmiltee in charge 4
Cap night. A large pile of combust
bles to form the foundation of ti

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