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May 13, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-05-13

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Abr I t





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By Morris Quinn
Encountering unexpected opposition
from a determined Gopher team, the
Wolverine trackmen repeated their
performance of last week by coming
from behind to outscore the invaders
more than two to one in the last two
events on the program yesterday
afternoon on Ferry field to chalk up a
72 1-2 to 62 1-2 victory in the first
dual meet ever staged between the
That the teavlis were nearly equal is
attested by the fact that the Farrell-
coached team scored seven firsts, eight
seconds, and nine thirds, as compared
to a like number of firsts, seven sec-
onds, and five thirds for Minnesota,
the team's tying for the other first and
third places.
Individual honors for the day went
to Francis Rhea, lanky Gopher star,
who accounted for 10 of his team's
points. Cooper and Hester trailed him
by two points for second.
Ketz Sets New Record
Wilfred Ketz, Michigan's big ham-
raer thrower, *shared the honors of
the day by bettering the Ferry field
hammer record which had stood since
1904 with a toss or 160 feet 10 inches.
Hester, Moroe, and Cooper pooled
their efforts to take firsts in three of
the first four track events and give
Michigan what appeared to be a siz-:
,eable lead, but the Minnesota athletes
began to whittle down the Maize and1
Blue margin soon afterwards. when
Catlin beat Munger and Seymour in a
fast 440, winning in :49.7.
Eight more markers were added to
the visitors total in the' two mile,
when' North ran away from the field,
Anderson finishing second. Minne-
sota scored heavily In the discus and
the pole vault, taking 16 1-2 out of a
possible 18 points to go into the lead.
With four events remaining on the
program, the Michigan track stars'
amassed 26 out of the 36 points, in-,
eluding a slam in the hammer to re-
gain their early advantage and cinch
the meet.
'100 yard dash-Won , by Hester
(Mich.); Grodsky (Mich.), second;
Rhea (Minn.), third. Time-:10.
One mile run-Won by Monroe
(Mich:); Anderson (Minn.), second;
Strain (Minn.), third. Time-4:27.6.
220 yard dash-Won by Rhea
(Minn.); Hester (Mich.), second;
frodsky (Mich.), third. Time-:21.7.
120 yard high hurdles-Won by
Gooper (Mich.); Otterness (Minn.),
second;' Jacobs (Minn.), third. Time
440 yard, dash-Won by Catlin
(M4in.); Munger (Mich.), second
Seymour (Mich.), third. Time-:49.7.
.Two mile run-Won by North
(Minn.); Anderson (Minn.), second;
Wuerfel (Mich.), third. Time-9:49.2.
220 yard 'low hurdles-Won by Tar-
bill (Mich.); Cooper' (Mich,), second;,
Jacobs (Minn.), third. Time-:26.2.
?,Half mile run-Won by Bernhagen
(Minn.); Lamont (Mich.), second;
Leonard (Mich.), third. Time-1:58.3.,
Shot put-Won by Poorman (Mich.);
ohnson (Minn.), second; Arendt
(Mich.), third. Distance-40 feet, 9
3-4 inches.
Pole vault-Otterness and Hess
(Minn.) tied for first; Crowley (Minn.)
and Erickson (Mich.) tied for third.
Height-12 feet, 6 inches.
Discus throw-Won by Laemmle
(Minn.); Johnson (Minn.), second;
Carlson (Mich.), third. Distance-132
feet, 10 3-4 inches.
High jump-Rhea (Minn.) and Fel-
ker (Mich.) tied for first; Lane
(Mich.) third. Height-5 feet, 9 3-4
Hammer throw -- Won by Ketz

(Mich.);AM,,Arthur (Mich.), second;
Williams (Mich.), third. Distance-
160 feet, !0 inches (New Ferry field
Running broad jump-Won by
Chapman (Mich.),; Arendt (Mich.),
second; Iess (Minn.), third. Distance
--22 feet, 7 1-4 inches.
Javelin throw-Won by MacKinnon
(Minn.); Knoepp (Mich.), second;
Widman (Mich.), third. Distance-179

Wilford etz
Wolverine weight star whose toss
of 160 feet, 10 inches in the hammer
event against the Minnesota entries
established a new Ferry field mark
for that event. Ralph Rose's effort of
158 feet, 8 inches had stood since
1904 as the old record.
Committee Plan Involves Bond Issue(
To Furnish Portion Of Cost
Of Construction
The project of dormitories, taken
over by the alumni several years ago
was submitted to the Alumni Trien-
nial and accepted late Friday evening
at the banquet.
The plan for dormitories as sub-
mitted by J. 'Arthur Wiitworth, '94,
chairman of the committee on dormi-
tories, consisted in' the main of a
plan suggested by a Trust company
of Detroit. Under this plan, given the
land, satisfactory buildings could be
built and furnished 'by issuing 5 per
cent bonds with sufficient rent pledg-
ed thereunder to pay the interest
and retire the bonds within 22 years
or less.
The bonds paid, the dormitories
would then revert to the University
as unemenumbered property. The land,
provisions for which are not includ-
ed in the plan, would be acquired by
the alumni association through gift
or subscription. Inasmuch as the land
will have been paid for and the pro-
perty as a whole free from local tax,
a great deal of overhead expense will
be eliminated. Also as bonds are re-
tired, the only source of overhead
outside of operating expenses will
be greatly decreased.
This represents the fourth year
since the alumni have assumed the
p 'oblem of financing the question of
dormitories. With the advent of
President C. C. Little the project re-
ceived great impetus.
The Detroit alumni have already
raised a sum of $25,000 toward financ-
ing the dormitories.
At the banquet the Ann Arbor club
also announced that it was sponsor-
ing the erection of the Burton Mem-
orial Campanile, which will house a
carillon, for which a campaign has
been started by the students. The
assembled clubs pledged their sup-
port to the Memorial.
As a special feature of the banquet
the University was presented with a
bust of Fielding H. Yost, an adopted
alumnus, which will be placed in the
field house.
Wisconsin 5, Minnesota 4 (10 innings.)
Iowa 6, Notre Dame 5.
A Northwestern 7, Purdue 1 (tennis).

OF $3,000
Rich To Inaugurate Unique FeaturesI
With Aid Of Picked Staff
Of Michigan Men
Tag days, on tomorrow and Tues-
day, the culmination of the drive to1
raise funds for the camp, are beingt
depended on, according to Henry S.
Grinnell, '28, chairman oftthe commit-
tee in charge, to make feasible thel
goal of extending the period of the
camp and enlarging the number oft
boys accommodated. Students are ask-e
ed to buy the tags, costing 50 cents
and $, from the M-men and members
of the various honorary societies whof
will be stationed at booths. These
booths will remain open from 8 o'clock
to 4 o'clock on both days, and will'
be placed in front of the Union, An-r
gell hall, the Library, at both ends
of, the diagonal and in front of thef
University hospital.
It is absolutely necessary that moree
than $3,000 be raised on these two
days. A new bungalow has been built
at the camp grounds on Patterson
lake, which allows 40 more boys toI
be accommodated in the four dif-
ferent sections of the camp. Aboute
one third of the fraternities and soror-e
ities have responded with checks al-e
ready, which amount to over $500.c
Besides this there was a miscellan-r
eous contribution of approximatelyI
Homer Grafton, secretary of thez
Students Christian association, has re-
ceived numerous letters from inter-e
ested parties in the state concerningt
the accomplishments of ithe camp.
Among these is the following fromr
E. J. Ottawa, '94, editor of the Port
Huron Times Herald: "There are so
many considerations that unite to
make the camp at Patterson lake1
worthwhile 'that it is difficult to pick
out the most important feature.'
"It is evident that the camp teaches
a healthy respect for the' rights ofC
the community; it inculcates the prin--
ciples of fair play, honor and jus-
tice; it teaches to those who need
them such minor civilities as table
manners and personal cleanliness; it
makes the boys water-safe for life
by teaching them to swim; it incul-
cates, too, a love of nature; it does
many things of this sort for theseE
city-bred boys, who do not always
see, nature, or fair play, for weeks ort
months at a time.
"Besides all this, I personally know
that the days at camp send the boy
home with an incentive to live, real-
izing that there is a chance for birr
in the world, and there could be n
greater good than this." -
Initiation of new members and
nomination of officers for next year
will be the business confronting Adel-
phi house of representatives at an im-
portant meeting in Angell hall Tues-
day evening, Russell M. Sanderon,
'29, speaker, announced yesterday.
Election of officers will take place at
a later'meeting.
The following will be admitted into
the organization: Donald M. Toby,
Louis Zlatkin, Henry W. Schmidt,
Frank Munger, Sol R. Epton, Irving
H: Cooper, Morris Friedman, and
Frank Rosenbaum, all of the clss
of '31.
Plans will be discussed for the an-
nual Adelphi banquet at the Union,




Delamarter And Percy Grainger
To Appear In Concerts As
Guest Conductors

Preparations are practically com-
plete for the presentation of the thir-
ty-fifth annual May Festival in Hill
auditorium on Wednesday, Thursday'!
Friday, and Saturday of the coming
week, according to Earl V. Moore of
the School of Music, musical director
of the annual event.
The programs have been so arrang
ed, according to Mr. Moore to provid
for a great variety of tastes in pre-
ferences of the musical audiences
Such matters as a consideration of
musical values, the psychology of au
dience, abilities of the individual per
formers, as well as the resources o'
all departments were carefully weigh
ed to provide what was wanted.
Concerts Are Varied
.Two concerts of a miscellaneous
nature are provided, one in which the
Festival will be opened and the new
Frieze memorial organ just complet-
ed at a cost of $75,000, with Margar-
et Matzenauer as soloist, and the oth-
er on Friday night when Leonore Cor-
ona, a well-known soprano, will ap-
pear as soloist. In both of these
programs guest conductors will par-
ticipate, Eric Delamarter in the first
and Percy Grainger in the second
The Chicago Symphony orchestra will
add numbers between the solo selec-
tions of both nights.
Likewise in contrast to the twc
miscellaneous programs two greai
choral evenings will be provided: oT
Thursday evening when a modern or.
atorio "St. Francis of Assissi" wil
be performed, requiring the services
of orchestra, chorus and soloists, and
the other on Saturday evening when
in contrast to the oratorio the grea'
opera of familiar nature will be list-
ened to.
Soloists Afforded Opportunity
This opera, like the oratorio on
Thursday evening contains wealthl
parts for the soloists, and in both cas-


Michigan outfielde
u single, double, an
n eight trips to the
erday's double hea
lendersoii Uses "f'

Theme In Oth
Talk On I

I ou



es soloists who have won distinction
in their particular roles have beenI
scheduled for their parts. It is just as
essential that soloists should be care-t
fully chosen for the roles in whicht
they have excelled, as it is for a foot-I
ball team to be made up of member.
who play the various positions.
Again in contrast to these two pairs
of concertsharesthe two afternoon
programs, the first of which will pro-
vide a splendid violin soloist with or-
chestral accompaniments, as well as
the great children's Festival chorus,
and a splendid soprano soloist; while
the Saturday afternoon concert will
give the orchestra an opportunity of
providing a symphony and a monu-
mental piano artist, thus- covering
well nigh the whole field of music
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, May 12.-An agree-
ment on the final form of the McNary-
Haugen farm relief bill was reached
today by Conferences of the senate
and house.
Differences between the measures
passed by the senate and house were
of a more or less minor character.
It is the hope of Senator McNary,
Republican, of 'Oregon, co-author of
the measure, to get the legislation
before President Coolidge by next
Wednesday. A veto is expected.
A two-thirds vote is required to
over-ride a veto. The senate passed
the McNary-Ilaugen bill by more than
a two-thirds majority but this margin
was not mustered in the house vote.

"The great task of
;ration is to maste
ige which the old
)uilt up and in wh
and to accomplish t
ttention to machin
'umanity, by givin
'eisure and by spen
"'ontemplatIon," R.I
>rominent alumnus
Iowa, declared last
ng his address befo
md sons assembled
'oom for the sixth
Don banquet sponso
"We don't need le
we need intelligent,
me explained. "W
iowever, is a bette
he man who work
nay help to solve o
il there is someth
Ainess than clothes,
wealth. That some
by your University
William- E. Nissen
the banquet comm
the toastmaster of
Brandt, of the sp
Brandt in turn intr
ers who with Alber
program. WilliamJ
ion president of the
ug first declared th
Son banquet was in
most worthy event.
Dr. ,William D. H
)f the extension
text, on the topic
Blocks." He likene
Ind their fathevs t
'The greatest reali
r come to a fath
once a son."
Last night's ban
climax of a week-e
visiting fathers sp
ion. On Friday nigh
itors watched the C
es in Sleepy Holl

LflIUUL U IIUIIILiI111it®11111 1/1111110II
By Iferbert E. Vedder
ILLINOIS FIELD, URBANA, May 12.-Truly bound toward a
Western Conference baseball chanpionship, it would seem the Michigan
nine refused to accept anything but victory here today and clouted out a
double win over Illinois, 10-5 and 8-5, bringing the Maize and Blue total
of consecutive triumphs in the 1928 Big Ten race to eight, with defeat
yet to stalk Wolverine premises. Since every other team has lost at least
two games, the Wolverines need only to win half of their remaining
contests to be assured a tie for the title.
" - wWhile almost every member of the Michigan squad contributed his
Lange share to success in the day, two figures stand out in bold relief-Eddie
r, who batted out Lange and Freddie Asbeck. Th6 Wolverine right field collared four hits
d two home runs out of eight times at bat in addition to coaxing a base on balls, sacrific-
plate during yes- ing and handling four putouts.
der. But there, mere figures do not tell the dtory-he made two home
S runs and a double. Even that does not convey the drama of the day.
With the score tied at 5-5 in the ninth and one out, Lange caught one of
Bud Stewart's fast ones for the home run that sent in Asbeck and Loos
ahead of him for the three-run margin which meant the double win.
ONS GRO The leading 'hero, "Big Slabber' Asbeck, didn't have to itch great the
first game and let the hits out at random, but tightened when necessary.
All this ordinary, but it was tie
his n" SECOND GAME sixth inning of the second fray that
hips and Blocks"
ier Principal Illinois AB R H 0 .A E Freddie stepped into the leading role
Program Finn, ss 3 0 0 3 2 1 by returning to the mound with one
Gundlach, lb 4 2 2 10 0 1 out and the bases loaded and pulled
1UTH'S TASK Sweeney, cf 3 1 0 2 0 0 the game out of the fire after walk-
-O'Grady, rf 4 1 2 2 0 1ing in a run. In addition to handling
f the younger gen- Dorn, If 4 1 1 2 0 0
r te mechanical Cann, c 5 0 2 4 1 0 imsef faultlessly Asbeck followed in
er beneration has Shaw, 2b 4 0 2 3 2 0 the wake of Bill McAfee to prove
iich we now live, Lymp'ous, 3b 3 0 1 0 0 0 that some pitchers can hit by making
his by paying less Stewart, p 4 0 0 1 6 0 two out of four times at bat.
ery and more to Walker 1 0 0 0 0 0. It was not a day of consistently
g more time to Brown 1 0 0 0 0 0 fine baseball by any means as the to-
ding more time in---- - - - tal of an even dozen errors, mostly
B. Alberson, 'OOL, Totals 36 5 10 27 11 3 by Illinois,, tells-but the spectators,
of Des Moines, * some 7,000 in number, were treated
nire the 400 fathers Nebelung, ef 3 0 0 2 0 0 to all sorts of baseball.
in the Union ball- Loos, ss 3 1 1 2 2 2 Wolverines Score Early
annual Father and Lange, rf 5 2 2 2 0 0 The first game was a pushover for
red by thatorgan- Corriden, 2b 5 1 1 4 3 0 the Wolverines from the very start,
Oosterbaan, lb 5 2 2 10 0 0 Michigan scoring three runs in each
aders as much- as Weintraub, 3b 4 1 1 0 5 0 of the first two frames to send Har-
concerted action," McCoy, c 4 0 1 3 2 0 rington to the showers after an inn-
hat we do need, McAfee, if 4 0 2 4 0 0 ing and two thirds. Andrews, who fol-
r understanding of Gawne, p 2 0 0 0 0 0 lowed Harrington, combined a slow
:s next to us. It Asbeck, p 1 1 1 0 2 0 ball with a lot of stuff and held the
ur problem. After -- - - - - -- visitors well in check most of the
ling more to hap- Totals 36 8 11 27 14 2 I rest of the time. Harrington showed
food, and material Michigan .............020 002 013--8 that he was not up to form when Ne-
ething is supplied Illinois ............."...000 041 000-5 belung drew a life on an error and
SummaryLoos was hit by a pitched ball, The
, 29, chairman of Two base hits-Lange.-Tyhree base bases were filled when Lange walk-
ittee, introducedo e -Lange. Tr k ed. After Corriden popped out, Oost-
the evening, Carl hits-Dorn. Home run-Lange. Struck erbaan broke his bat on a spinning
eech department. out by Gawne-1, by Asbeck 2, by infield roller and was safe when no-
oduced the speak- Stewart 3. Bases on balls-off Gawne,. one covered first base, Nebelung scor-
rtson made up the 6, off Asbeck 2, off Stewart 1. Stolen. ing. Weintraub's effort ireulted in
Jeffries, grad., Un- bases-Oosterbaan, Gundlach 3, Finn, Loos' being forced at the plate, and
past year, speak- when Cann overthrew first, trying for
hat the Father and Sweeney 2. Double plays-Weintraub she third baseman, ange and oster-
his estimation the o Corriden to Oosterbaan. Sacrifice baan scored.
sponsored by the hits-Loos, Asbeck. Winning pitcher Hits by McCoy and Asbeck along
-Asbeck. Hits off Gawne, 9 in 5 1-3 with McAfee's walk, a sacrifice by Ne
fenderson, director innings, Asbeck, 1 in 3 2-3 innings. belung plus a single by Lange re-
department, spoke sulted in three more counters. Har-
o "CisadOFFICERS CH SE ington leaving in the midst of theon
of "Chips and O F C R CHOSEN slaught.
. the sous to chips sagt
o blocks declaring, BY ORGANIZATION Illinois did not score until the sixth
when a brace of runs came on singles
zation that can ev- by Sweeney; O'Grady, and Cann. Th
er is that he was Domato Suyat, grad., was elected taste of fame spurred the Illini T
president of the Cosmopolitan club taste oiam spred the n t
iquet came as the for the coming year in an election 't like scoring spree in the next frame
nd of activities for held last night in Lane hall. Helen support in one base liows by Sha
onsored by the Un- A. Mihalyi, '29, was elected vice- snd Gundlach.
ht many of the vis- president, Helen L. Clarke, grad., se- Gn Starts Well
Cap Night ccemon- cretary, and Maximina G. Bueo, '28 After the first game farce, a differ
ow. treasurer. A t t ff
nt brand of baseball was ex iecteu



By Sir Thomas Katt

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third
of a series of weekly articles to be pre-
sented by The Daily oni the History o£
Michigan Music and the Union Operas.
Trhe material for these. articles was
compiled by Mrs. I-innie Maes Root,
manager of the lichig an Music Shop
in the Arcade, who has, four years fostered
M"ichign spirit in the work which she has
done, unaided, for the permanence of its
Following the production of the,
Crimson Chest, interest in Michigan

President Clarence Cook Little's
dress suit and a certain peach fig-'
ured in a crisis which occurred in the
past week in connection with the pro-
duction of "The Play's The Thing" by
Play Production. Although dress
suits and fresh, peaches are seldom in-
cluded in lists of 'scarce commodities
much difficulty was caused before so-
lutions were 'found foir 'te igrave
In the first place, when the actors
found it necessary to use a full dress

ters about a peach) at a time when,
according to Oscar, property man and
commander-in-chief of the searching
party, "Peaches are as scarce as a
British flag in the city of Chicago."
Detroit merchants were one after an-
other canvassed for the precious fruit,
but discouragement thwarted Oscar at
every turn. Every bit of energy was
being directed to avoid the awful ne-
cessity of using a wax peach.I
Madly continuing the hunt, Oscar
bellowed, "Half my estate for al

best loved of all.
The song was respectfully dedicated
to Fielding H. Yost, coach of Michigan's
song was respectfully dedicated to.
Fielding H. Yost, coach of Michigan's
teams. With the chairacteristie humor
that has not waned since public opin-
ion dubbed Mr. Yost with the title of
the "Grand Old Man," the coach lis-
tened carefully to the tune accomp-
anying these words which were des-
tined to become famous throughout
the land:
"Varsity, down the field, never yield.
raise high the shield,
March on to victory, for Michigan.
and the Maize and Blue . . .. " and
then exclaimed: "It's a good song.
and it doesn't take a Mme Patti to
sing it."
Thina +i,'h nv that "Vrsitv" rcame

,n rn oI aealNa epecd
and in a large measure realized. Dick
_awne ascended the mound for Mich-
igan and though none too steady man-
aged to hold the Indians scoreless for
:our innings, but in the fifth the
storm broke, wiping out a two to
nothing lead. which the Wolverines
mad assumed in the second inning on
'tits by Corriden, Weintraub and Me-
Stewart and Finn, the first two men
o face Gawne in the fifth, went out
without any trouble but Gundlach and
jweeney managed tosglean bases on
balls which seemed to serve as the
signal for a concerted attack. O'Grady
singled to left and this was followed
immediatply by Dorn's triple to cen-
-er. Then came three more singles
in quick succession to account for four
runs before Stewart flied out to Mc-
kfee. But Michigan was not to stand
Idly by and watch her lead slip away,
coming back in her half of the sixth
to even the count. Loos got on first
through an error but was caught off
lf, ' hnrr nn . ,n1ecf iarin T nfLanze


music continued to grow. It was at.
OPERX CHORUS TRYOUTS . this time that Michigan withdrew
from the Western Conference and
All those who have registered slated eastern teams on her schedule.
as tryouts for chorus. work in sc
the 1928 Michigan Union Opera i The "Victors," which up to this mo-j
! 'and any who were unable to do | ment had been so prominent and
so but still wish an opportunity ( popular with the students and loyal;
In onrolls honld rennrt at Mimes I r n- s n'mr fao1ct + A*- ra,

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