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May 16, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-05-16

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WOMEN CLASSES HOLD SenosollclSe s and
(n(schoolslof the Unverstywil(1
LANTERN CERdMONIES r caps and gowns t iL
LANTERNaccord with previous announce-
D( mentu. This custom was fol- I
flF~flflT~fl Ilowedi last Wednesday, ffollowing I
ONthe Swing-otrt cerEmonCes andL
( practicall all graduating stu-
( dents participated, to the benefit
SENIORS PASS LANTERNS ON IN i of the University in every way. (
OBSERVANCE OF The custom will be observed I
TRADITION today and every Wednesday un-
1U i :L1I till the close of the academic
FRESHMAN PAGEANT GIVEN year Obviously every senior C
must -wear the academic robes to I
Juniors With Hoops, Sophomores And make the custom really success- i
Freshmen, Complete Colorful ful. Judging by last Wednes-
Line Of March ' day the ustom will be carefully
__ observed today and on succeeding I
Lantern night ceremonies drew to (IWednesdays.
a close just as the rain whih' had THE DAILY.
been threatening all day began to fall.(
The program was held on the athletic
field adjoining the new women's field 510I[NT IS 60U[SIt
house. Bunting and blue and yellow IP
balloons -decorated the stands erectedn
on the north end of the field.A
A picnic supper, held at 5:30, pre- ..
ceded the Freshman' Pageant, "The b
Cycle of the Seasons," by Louise Au- His ric Scenes Of Colonial Days Are
ble. This pageant was unique in that Enacted In Commemoration 3
the .prologue to it was entirely pro- Of 1876 Convention l
duced by the freshman nurses, who s,
have never before taken part in bhe RITCHIE WELCOMES PARTY
pageant. The pageant itself was the
story of Persephone's journey to the. (By Associated Press.)
underworld and the subsequent divi- t
sion of the year into seasons. The WASHINGTON, May 15.-Vivid re-
story was portrayed entirely in dane- production of stirring episodes of b
ing, supervised by Miss Ione Johnson colonial days called President and v
of the physical education department. Mrs. Coolidge to Annapolis yesterday i
The dancers were clad in costumes of Ito witness a pageant in commemora- j
striking color effects, suited to their tion of the Annapolis convention ofg
roles. Persephone was portrayed by 1786.p
Virginia Hosic, Demeter by Ruth Van Re-enactment of such historic .
Tuyl, Dis by Emmy Lou Smith, and scenes as the arrival of George Wash-
Hermes by Jane Robinson. Helen ington in Annapolis to accept thes
Jones was general chairman of the presidency of the United States and
pageant committees. the resignation of his commission int
Women Form Line the old senate chamber had been care- i
Following the pageant, Michigan fully rehearsed for the benefit of thec
women formed into, line for the Lan- distinguished guests.
tern march. First the seniors with Gov. Ritchie of Maryland had in i
their lighted lanterns came down the vited the executives of th other org-p
hill, led by Gladys Appelt, Laura Os- inal twelve 'colonies to the executive
good, Marian Welles, and Betty Nutt, mansion to welcome President Cool- ,
all prominent in campus activities. idge upon his arrival in the Maryland
The seniors < were followed by the capital. The state governors were tot
juniors with their hoops, and the accompany the president - to the old g
sophomores and freshmen completed state house ad to other historic man- ti
the procession. After marching about sions in the city, whic were opened
the field in intricate formation, dur- up and specially decorated in period
ing- which the jupiors passed their style for the occasjon;. ..
hoops to the sophomores and the sen- Presentation. of an ,Illumined ad-q
iors in turn gave their lanterns to dress of welcoziie 'to President. Cool-
the juniors, an "M" was formed in'the idge by Mayor Charles W. Smith had
middle of, the field, outlined by the been arranged for the state house
lanterns, and everyone' sang the Yel- visit.
low and Blue to the accompaniment of At the Hammond-Harwood house,c
the Varsity band. Gladys Appelt was built in 1770, John Hays Hammond ofb
general chairman of the Lantern Night Washington, a kin of the, originaln
ceremonies and Nellie Hoover was builder of the mansion, was to intro-t
captain of the line of march. duce the President and Mrs. Coolidge!
Representatives from the junior to various colonial characters, includ-
colleges of the state, and high school ing George Washington, Lafayette andI
students here in Ann Arbor for the other notables of the time, several of
Play day sponsored by the Women's whom were impersonated by their ownd
athletic association were guests of descendants in original costumes.
the W. A. A. last night. Following a visit to the Chase house,
Entertain Patrons ( where scenes from the "Tuesday.
The patrons and patronesses for club," a colonial gathering of wits,
Lanternnight were entertained at the had been carefully rehearsed, a meet-
picnic supper and at the pageant aft- I.ing with the board. of governors and
erward by the following houses: Al- faculty of St. Johns' college wast
pha Chi Omega, Dean Wilber Humph- scheduled. t
reys, Professor and Mrs. Herbert Sad-
ler; Alpha Epsilon Phi, Professor and ALPHA NU NAMES
Preston W. Slossen, Alpha Gamma '31 DEBATE TRIO
Delta, Miss Ellen Stevenson; Alpha '1T I
Omicron P1, Dr. Margaret Bell, Mr.
and Mrs. Jean, P. Slusser; Alpha Phi, Alpha Nu at its meeting in Angell
Dr. Edith Sappington, Miss Shurley hall last night, announced its fresh-
Titus; Alpha X Delta; Mr. and Mrs.l man team for the annual debate be-
Robert A. Campbell; Chi Omega, ,Dr. tween Alpha Nu and Adelphi as con-
and Mrs. William Hederson, Miss sisting of Albert F. Donohue, '31, LyleI
Ruth Figge; Collegiate Sorosis, Miss R. Chubb, '31, and Fenelon W. Boes-
Margaret Peck, Dean and Mrs. Joseph che, '31, with Douglas L. Edwards, '31,
Bursley; Delta Delta Delta, Dr. and as alternate. The debate will be held
Mrs. Edward Kraus, Professor and on Tuesday, May 22, in the society)
Mrs. William Frayer; Delta Gamma, room on the fourth floor of Angell
Dean and Mrs. Mortimer E. Cooley, hall. The question for debate is, Re-
Professor and Mrs. Ralph. W. Aiger; solved, that the ethics of modern bus-
Delta Zeta, Dean and Mrs. Henry M. iness are incompatible with sound

Bates; Kappa Alpha Theta, Professor mrality.
Ethel McCormick, Professor and Mrs. mJohn E. Webster, '30P was reelect-
Flelding H. Yost; Kappa Delta, Presi- ed president beside being additionally.
dent and Mrs. Clarence Cook Little; honored by being chosen society del-.
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Dean and Mrs. egate to the Oratorical board. Paul
Allen S. Whitney; Gamma Phi Beta, Franseth, '29, was elected vice-presi-
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Abbot, Mr. and dent, Lyle R. Chubb, '31, secretary,
Mrs. Shirley Smith; Pi Beta Phi, Deandchtrle . Chubb, ,3,cretary,
and Mrs. Hugh Cabot, Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Boswell, '30, correspond-
Fredrick H. Aldrich; Phi Sigma Sig- ing secretary, Carpenter Hewitt, '31.
ma, Professor and Mrs. Arthur Book; treasurer, and Kenneth M. Lloyd, 30,
Phi Gamma Mu, Mr. and Mrs. Philip sergeant-at-arms.
E. Bursley; Sigma Kappa, Mr. and The program for the meeting con-
Mrs. Lawrence Conrad; Zeta Tau Al- sisted of the last of the inter-class
pha, Professor and Mrs. Irving Scott, debates, this being between the fresh-
Professor John and Professor Louise men and seniors. The debate was won
Van Sickle; Theta Phi Alpha, Mr. and by the seniors who took the affirma-
Mrs. Ira Smith; Betsy Barbour, Miss tive on the question, Resolved, That
Grace Richards, Miss Ella Rawlings; in the present day education is over-
Martha Cook, Miss Beatrice Johnson, emphasized. The seniors were Harold.
Miss Annis Hall; Helen Newberry, W. Charter, '30L, Jay A. Wabeke, '30L,
Miss Alice Lloyd, Miss Laurie Camp- and Alvin A. Neller, '30L, while the
bell, Miss lone Johnson. freshmen team consisted of Fenelon
W. Boesche, '31, Lyle R. Chubb, '31,

_. _ _ . _. _ _ __ _ _ _ .... 1 " f i w w w w f wY i al tiw 1 t " a gas A /o. ON


Protection In Mississippi Flood Area
Will Be Assured As Bill Goes
Into Immediate Effect
(By Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 15.-The first
constructive achievement of the 70th
Congress, the Mississippi flood con-
rol bill, became a law today when
President Coolidge attached his sig-
nature. Just a short week ago, both
Senate and House were reverberating
with the struggle that marked the
birth of the gigantic engineering pro-
ject; yet neither branch paused today
ong enough to accord a passing
salute to the final act of the flood
control drama.
On the contrary, both houses
rudged along with elements of the
legislative program to be completed
before the interruption of the con-
vention. The Senate dealt with taxes,
third of the trio of big law making
obs that were on the slate when Con-
gress met last December. The House
put through the prison-made goods
enabling act designed to permit states
to .act for themselves in excluding
such goods from other state's.
There was little sign of haste about
tax debate today. For the most part
it dealt with the plight of American
corporations In the Philippines which
were denied any relief ultimately, but
t took two hours talking to reach that
The Senate then took up the con-
ference report on the merchant mar-
ine policy bill. Amonk the commit-
tees only the House rules body, which
got out an eigt-hour debate limit for
the Boulder dam limit, assured vir-
tually a vote in the House on that
subject before adjournment; and the
mnate,' campbign funds committee in-
qtiiry .did mnuch of Interest. They
learned more about the efforts of
Hoover's foes and friends in the pre-
cohvention fight.
The Senate committee investiga~ting
conditions in the soft coal regions
heard representatives of the Pen-
nsylvania railroad deny that they had
tried to influence downward the price
of coals from union mines and pro-
posed remedial legislation from the
United Mine workers.
In several of . the big committees
during the da other pending projects
were mentioned, but with agreement
by their, authors in most cases that
they. be conferred until the winter
session. A host of small bills are
waiting on the calendar and the Sen-
ate will stick tight next week to hurry
them through; but practically, the
first session of the 70th Congress is
clearing its deck for the convention
adjournment with the general outline
of Its accomplishments fairly well de-
WASHINGGTON, May 15. - The
United States Mine workers' sugges-
tion for legislation to bolster the sofi
coal industry has been embodied ir
bill form, and were distributed in exe-
cutive meeting of the Senate inter
state commerce committee today b
Chairman Watson. .
The bill seeks "to regulate Inter-
state and foreign commerce in bitum
inous coal; provides for consolidation
mergers, and cooperative marketing
regulates the fuel supply of inter
state carriers; requires the licensin
of corporations producing and 'ship

ping coal in interstate commerce; any
to create a bituminous coal commis
Watson, said he probably would in
troduce the measure in the Senate to
morrow, after which it will be re
ferred to the sub-committee.

Listen to this tale of romance,
Tale of Indian warriors bold-
In the early moon of green leaves
Came they forth, the stoics val-
Forth they romped to paleface
Wigwam once of friend Great
Palefaces mighty among his kind;
Camehesforth to takentheir token
Of the warpath they would tread.
Then to the mighty oak of Tap-
Dashed the screaming, yelling
To the tree of Indian legend
Whence the white men pale and
Stood around the mighty oak;
Warriors choice of paleface na-
Choice of Tribe to run the gaunt-
Down the warriors, painted
Swooped and caught their prey
like eagles,
Loud the war cry 'stirred the still-
As they seized their hapless cap-
Forth they bore them to their
There to torture at their pleasure.
There they ate around the glow-
ing campfires,
Heard the words of mighty wis-
Smoked the pipe of peace and
Thus there came, to Michigamua.
George Rich, J. Franklin Miller,
Carl Fauster, Dalton Walper, Donald
J. Corriden, Earnest McCoy, Richard
Spindle, Edward Hulse, Robert War-
ren, Thomas Thomas, Paul Kern,
Kenneth Patrick, Dana Norton, Fred
Edition Of Benjamin Franklin's Work.
Wins' Place Among Leading
For the second time a publication
of the William L. Clements litrary
has been accorded a place among the
"'Fifty Books of the Year" by a
committee of judges selected by th
American Institute of Graphic Arts
Each year an exhibition is held in
which are shown fifty volumes judged
I to be the best specimens of crafts-




Carlstrom, Attorney General Of State1
Appointed Prosecutor; Will Be
In Complete Charge
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, May 15.-Chicago crime
at last is to go under the scalpel of
a special grand jury.
Chief Justice Brothers of the
criminal court decided Monday to re-
fer the whole series of political mur-
ders, bombings, intimidations and
kidnappings to a jury to be called to-I
gether June 4.
Oscar Carlstrom, attorney general
'of Illinois with the assistance of two
representatives of the Chicago Bar
association, which he has been ac-
tive in demanding a thorough inves-
The grand jury will be empowered
to go back as far as the 1926 elec-
tions in its ingiry into charges of
terrorism and fraud. It will be asked
to look into all the circumstances sur-
rounding the bombing of Senator
Deneen's and Judge Swanson's homes.
as well as the slaying of "Diamond
Joe" Esposito and Octavius Granady,
each of whom was a candidate for
ward committeeman on the Deneen
ticket at the April 10, last, primary
Crowe Requests Jury
State's Attorney Robert E. Crowe,
under whose regime the politico-
crime conditions are alleged to have,
existed, joined in the request for the
special grand jury. He suggested to
Judge Brothers that the prosecution
be placed in the hands of Judges
Swanson and Lindsay, 'Republican
and Democratic candidates, respect-
ively, for state's attorney next Novem-
Judge Swanson won the nomination
from Crowe at the primary election.
"One of these men will be the next
state's attorney," Crowe told the
t court, "and they might4 as well learn
what they are up against now."'
This suggestion brought objection-
I from Carl R. Latham, president of the
bar association, who said two riva'
candidates for the same office could
anot be expected to work in harmony.
Theer was some objection made to
e the designation of Attorney General
Carlstrom as prosecutor, it being
n pointed out that he was a candidate
for re-election on the Deneen Repub-
-lican state, which opposed the fac-
>- IHn" hn1Zrlnrl )tr CLo aLA+Uleyt'

Henry Roach Huff, '28D, who was
to have graduated this June with a
D. D. S. degree, died at 6:30 yester-
Iday morning at the University hos-
pital, where he had been removed
from the Health service. He was op-
erated on for brain tumor day before
yesterday and was at first reported to
be doing well. The body will be taken,
to White Pigeon, Michigan, where fu-
neral services will be held on Tues-
day, May 21.
Mr. Huff was well konwn in the
Dental school and expected to return
to White Pigeon and practice aft-r
graduation. He is survived by his
wife, Mrs. Lucille Huff, and one dau-
ghter, Georgianna.'
Magazine "Politics" Is Antagonistic
To Candidacy Of. Secretary,
Evidence Shows
(By Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON, May 15.-- Details
and interesting ,accounts of the forces
at work for and against the candi-
dacy of Herbert Hoover for the Re-
publican presidential nomination were
given today to the Senate campaign
expenditures committee in two long
The testimony disclosed that while
three Hoover organizations, national
in scope but acting independently, are
doing their utmost for the commerce
secretary, the magazine Politics pub-
lished here is fighting Hoover and en-
couraging the field against him.
The statement that Hoover 'support-
ers in California, New York and Wash-
:ngton are following separate courses
in an effort to win the nomination for
the cabinet member came from George
T. Lockwood, one of generalissimos of
his office here, and drew from Sen-
ator McMaster, Republican, South Da-
kota, a rapid-fire of questions. The
senator told the witness that Jame's
W. Wood, another Hoover counsul
had "led the committee to believe"
that the local office was the national
headquarters, directing operations of
those in California and New York.
Richie and George C. Akerson,
seretaries to Hoover, had told him
that unless he changed the policy this
country would be made too hot for
him in the event of Hoover's election
to the presidency.
From former Gov. Samuel R. Mc-
Kelvie, of Nebraska, the inquisitors
received a voluntary statement as to
his views on expenditures and circum-
stances surrounding the recent con-
test for Republican delegates in his
state. McKelvie said that it was his
understanding that the nine delegate's
elected for Senator Norris, Republi-
can independent, had been chosen
through a coalition between the Nor-.
ris, Lowden and Dawes forcestin hae
tstate, a coalition which is said to have
come about after Lowden's manager
had stated he would enter the name of
the Illinois governor in the primaries.



Christian, Accompanied By Orchestra,
Will Play Number Composed
By Delemarter
Tonight at 8:15 in Hill auditorium,
Margaret Matzanauer, the Chicago
Symphony Orchestra, Mabel Ross
Rhead, Palmer Christian, Frederick
Stock, ad Eric Delamarter will all
combine in the opening concert of
the thirty-fifth annual May Festival.
. The program for tonight includes
seven solos by Miss Matzenauer, sev-
eral numbers by the Chicago Sym-
phony orchestra as well as the for-
mal dedicatory organ selection by Mr.
Christian. The symphony brehestra
will accompany Mr. Christian in the
presentation of the special number.
Mr. Delamarter, who composed the
work to be played will conduct the
orchestra when it accompanies Mr.
Christian's music.
Participants Are Famous
All those participating in tonight's
galaj opening have reached high pin-
acles of fame in their respective
fields. Miss Matzenauer has long been
an Ann Arbor favorite. She has been
heard in Hill auditorium on many oc-
casions,' both in concerts and in
choral work. In the several years
since she has been here, critics have
acclaimed that her voice has "rip-
ened to a full maturity." She h
said to have an unusually large re-
portorie and to be able to do any ol
the great roles almost at sight. Al-
though known primarily as a great
contralto, Miss Matzenauer's voice
range isssaid to be so great that she
.can be called upon to sing practically
any soprano part.
The fame of the Chicago Symphony
orchestra is known to music lovers
all over the country. It has long
stood out as one of America's most
remarkable musical bodies. The Ann
I A review of last night's organ
| recital by Palmer Christian in
t Hill auditorium will be found in
I the Theater, Books, and Music
: I column on page four.

manship and typography published Crowe
during the preceding year. Today the Scores Bar Association
sixth annual exhibition will be held Crowe, in appearing before 'Judge
in New York in the Golier club and Brothers ,scored the bar association
from there will be moved about the tir its activity inpressing for a spec-
country to more than forty cities. The assocation, Crowid,
All books manufactured in the "should bassoalledtre DenerBar as-
United States between Marchb 1,1927 sociation. They carry a Bible in one
and March 1, 1928 were eligible for hand and a bucket of mud in the
the competition. Selections were made other."
from 545 volumes submitted by pub- The association's original petition
lishers, printers, college presses, and for the special- grand jury was filed
private presses. One of the fifty se- fore sdeillr. The sas at-
lected was the edition of Benjamin torney, however, went before Judge
Franklin's "Proposals for the Educa- Brothers, who, after hearing both
tion of Youth in Pennsylvania," pub- Crowe and Latham, called for the
lished by the Clements library in the special jury.
fall of 1927. This book is the first es- in assuming jurisdiction the chief
say on the subject of higher educa- justice said that he was following the
tion to be published in ,America and law which specifies that special grand
this edition of the Clements library juries be called only by the chief 4us-
Acili n -rereclenyib te h 1f us


is the flust reprint since 7 9. ,
In the 1926 list, a previous publi-
cation of the Clements library, "The
Passports Printed by Benjamin
Franklin at his Passy Press" was in-
cluded. Both of these books were the
work of America's foremost typo-
graphical artist, Bruce Rogers; and
both were printed at the Harvard Uni-


The Weather
(By Associated Press)
Mostly cloudy with shmivers

The University of Michigan club of
Schenectady, New York, has just
been announced as winner of the
Rumney plaque for this year's alum-
ni Triennial meeting, according to T.E
Hawley Tapping, Field secretary off
the Alumni Association. The plaque
was donated by Mason P. Rumney,
'07 E, of Detroit, past president of
the organization, and is awarded to
the chapter which, at the Triennial,
has the best record with regard to
total miles traveled by the delegates,
total membership of the club, end
per cent of representation at the meet-
Robert S. Peare, '22, and C. W.
Stuart, '22, were the delegates for
the Schenectady club. Mr. Stuart is
President of his group and Secretary
Treasurer of the First district which
covers New York and New England.
Nineteen delegates from Detroit
traveled 10,000 miles to rank first in
the total miles traveled while the
New York delegation of six ranked
second with a total of 9,600 miles.

Arbor May Festival has been able to
profit by the friendly relationship
which has existed between the Uni-
versity Musical Society and this or-
chestra of 70 pieces in that it has
been possible to bring the group here
for each year during the last quarter
of a century.
Miss Rhead has gained an enviable
reputation as an accompanist and will
assist Miss latzenauer during her
seven numbers tonight through her
accompaniement on the piano.
Christian Toured Country
As official University organist, Pal-
mer Christian has been recognized
for his ability as an organist by be-
ing selected recently to be America's
representative at a concert given in
New York by four great organists
from Italy, Belgium, France, and Am-
erica. His services are in continual
demand from coast to coast. While
the work was being done on the in-
stallation of the new organ, he tour-
ed the country, playing in many of
the large cities, including Kansas
City, Denver, Los Angeles, Portland
and S'an Francisco.
Frederick Stock and Eric Delamar-
ter have both been actively identified
with the work of the Chicago Sym-
phony Orchestra, Mr. Stock as con-
ductor, Mr. Delamarter as associate
conductor. Many critics look to Mr.
Stock as the outstanding orchestral
conductor of the country. Ever since
his early youth he has been identi-
fied with orchestral work and attract-
ed attention soon after his first pub-
lic appearances. His rise to fame was
rapid and in 1904 he became the con-
ductor. Mr. Delamarter has conducted
the orchestra on many notable occa-
sions and his work tonight when he
will have the distinct honor of wield-
ing the baton over the dedicatory ex-
ercises for the new Frieze memorial
organ will be a tribute to his work.
A few tickets remaining for the con-
cert will be available today at the
University _School of Music.

'today and to'morro~w :



versity press. change in temperature.


By Red Eds
It has now been more than a year
since Michigan students were defin-
itely promised a free movie in Hill
audtorium following the winning of a
major Western conference champion-
ship. And ever since the free pic-
ture was promised no Michigan team
ha's succeeded in overcoming the
seemingly additional handicap.Z
Now that the baseball team is hav-;
ing a successful season and seems to
be well on its way towards a Big Ten
title, students are beginning to won-
der again if it will be able to escape
the jinx that has accompanied every
other 'set of Wolverine athletics this

willing to bet Michigan won't win an-1
other one for the next ten years." <
Still it may be that the group of
practical minded young men who wear1
Coach Fisher's baseball suits will for-
get about Timothy's gloomy prediction
and win their championship anyway.
Although repressing a naturally
collegiate desires to celebrate pro-
per occasions from time to time,
Michigan men so forgot them'selves on-
a number of nights last year as to at-
tempt to raid the local theaters after
certain athletic victories.
The first rush was quite success-
fully repelled by the bravery of Ann
Arbor's polic force who disbursed the
rioter's with tear bombs. A second

pionship. Ever alert, the student body
seized the opportunity and thi's time
went in search of the police guarded
theaters with decayed- vegetables.
The result was discouraging from a
standpoint of intellectual. iand cul-
mayed the police again rose to the oc-
casion with telling efectiveness, two
students were slightly injured in the
crush and one was burned about the
eyes by the explosion of one of the
gas bombs.
This was too much of a good thing
and arbitration set in between the
city, the University, and the Butter-
field management after which it was
announced that hereafter Michigain


Walter A. Reichart, of the German
department, acting upon an invitation
issued by Max Pinkus, the latter an
intimate friend and posse'ssor of per-
haps the best collection of the works
of the famous playwright, Gerhart
Hauptmann, will leave next week for
Germany where he will spend the

(By Associated Press)
LIMA, May 15.-Reports from Cha-
chanovas. capital of the department

and Carpenter Hewitt, '31.
The Michigan High School Debating


The final chapter in the Michigan
State College controversy centering


summer in study, it was announced
yesterday through Prof. J. A. C. Hild-

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