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April 16, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 137) • Page Image 6

… ever. "Winning the Big Ten indoor meet was by far the outstanding event in my memory," reminisces Canham, Wolverine coach for the past 11 years. Michigan was expected to battle it out with Illinois for…

… the crown. In fact, the Illini were installed as the meet's favorite by virtue of their dual meet victory over the Wolverines two weeks previous. Perform at Peak But peak showings by virtually everyone…

…, gave Michigan a 23- point runaway. The Wolverines notched 71 points to Illinois' 48, making a shambles of the form chart. Major League Standings AMERICAN LEAGUE I NATIONAL LEAGUE Cleveland New York…

April 23, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 139) • Page Image 3

…'S Wolverine baseball outfit, victors in 11 of 15 outings against mediocre opposition so far this season, face the acid test of conference competition this weekend-playing three games on the road. Michigan has…

… looked like anything but a national champion so far this year, and if the Wolverines don't sharpen up awfully fast they don't stand much of a chance of holding on to the Big Ten crown which they've shared…

… the fact that Michigan has not earned its present .733 won-lost percentage by virtue of out-playing the opposition-the other teams have just been a little bit worse. Even the supposedly great Wolverine

… shortstop for Wisconsin, and the other with Corbett of the Wolverines. Kuenn, on his way to a .444 conference batting mark, got eight hits in ten trips to the plate, half of them for extra bases. Corbett was…

… Fisher has sched- uled Corbett and Wisniewski for starting roles. The Wildcats fea- ture a heavy hitting attack paced by 1952 All-American first baseman Don Blaha, and promise to give the Wolverines a good…

… workout. Messrs. Fisher, Ritter and Corbett hope the Wolverines have got their poor baseball out of their systems. If they haven't, it will be a quiet bus ride back from Evanston. Major League Standings…

April 25, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 138) • Page Image 3

…- more Lake this past week-end. The Wolverine tars collected a total of 123 points to finish ahead of DePauw University who had to f A wait till the last race of the meet before taking a first place yet…

…- ing second in the A division be- hind I.I.T. and third in the B divi- sion behind Notre Dame and De Pauw. HOWEVER, in the second race, the Wolverines came back and showed they were still the team to k…

… beat taking first in both divisions with plenty of water between them and the second place boats. . They took another first place in the A division of the third race. But, in the B clash, the Wolverines

… finished second when, after having lead most of the way, the De Pauiw crew pulled up in the last 30 yards and nosed their bow across the finish line a boat's length ahead of Michigan. The Wolverine dinghies…

…. Conference baseball heap by vir- The rest of the lineup will b tue of their successful weekend pretty well composed of newcome: stand, the Wolverines travel to with the exception of first sacke South Bend…

April 02, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

… RICHARD GEERT KEILSTRUP - scores "hat trick" ... Danish miler Future Looks Glum for Wolverine Nine; Statistics Show Lack of Power at Plate Free Throw Results Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Gom- berg House…

…. This could have been the season to break Illinois' eight-year reign in the Big Ten. But a long string of injuries to key personnel dis- pelled any chance the Wolverines might have had to do so. Early in…

… the season, a Daily article noted a "big smile" on Coach Newt Loken's face due to the fine performances of sopho- mores Nino Marion and Wolfgang Dozauer. Depth Added The Wolverines had given the…

… Illini a run for their money the year before and now Marion and Dozauer appeared ready to back up the Wolverines' many return- ing veterans and help provide im- portant team depth. The smile quickly turned…

… Fourth As it is, the Wolverines finished fourth in the meet. Ahead of them wree-as usual-Illinois, Iowa and Michigan State. Michigan had defeated the Spartans without Gagnier in an earlier dual meet but…

… their team depth and balance were minimized by the greater number of schools entered in the Conference meet. Thus the Spartans were able to edge the Wolverines for third place by a half-point. Coach Loken…

… interest than conference meets. Emphasize Big Ten In the Big Ten, the conference meet is emphasized over the na- tional meet, added Keen. He said that Wolverine Jack Marchello's primary ambition was to win…

April 26, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 139) • Page Image 3

… Detroit ten- nis team has never beaten Michi- gan, and Wayne has turned the tables only once. The Wolverines will try to add to these streaks, as well as their 21 straight dual - match record, when they…

… meet Detroit at home today and face Wayne tomorrow on the Tartars' home courts. Today's match with Detroit will begin at 2:15 p.m. on the Varsity courts. It will be the Wolverines' first taste of…

…-campus badminton singles championship. BARRY MACKAY, number one singles player, will lead the Wolverine netmen today in their home opener with the Univer- sity of Detroit. r- Rain HampersI-M Action By DON Mc…

… the corner, a look back to what Michigan's baseball team has accomplished thus far is pertinent. The Wolverines will face Indiana at Ferry Field tomorrow with six straight victories behind them. Add to…

…- pressing Michigan's hitting so far this season. Averaging about seven hits per game, not high considering the generally inferior grade of pitching faced, the Wolverines have been staging "big" innings…

…, as well as short passes over the middle. Ex- Aerial Attack Cicks in Grid Practice cept for a few games last year, the Wolverines did not have much success with long passes. With Jim Pace out of…

April 20, 1952 (vol. 62, iss. 137) • Page Image 3

… Relays here yesterday afternoon. The Wolverine quartet of Aaron Gordon,, Jack!Carroll, John Ross, and Don McEwen turned in a 9:56.3 performance to better by 3.1 seconds the old mark set by North Texas…

… the Wolverine quartet lagged behind at first, but didn't .,, lose any time in closing up the lost ground. Gordon, running the half mile, finished the opening leg in third place with a time of 1…

… more man reached second. He set the side down in order in four innings. Tomorrow the Wolverines con- tinue their long home stand of six games in eight days when a strong Notre Dame team will meet…

…, 231/2-121/2, and trounced the Buck- eyes, 25%-101. Purdue defeated Ohio State, 22-14. * * s IN DEFEATING Purdue and Ohio State, the Wolverines stopped two of the three teams which are expected to battle…

April 15, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 136) • Page Image 6

Wolverine coach Ray is pessimistic about his uture. "The opposition in was quite weak. Western At on par with Big Ten nd should be a real test." entered the Rollins Col- eball tournament at Win- , Fla. witl a…

… National Hockey League charh- pions. The players themselves figured they are over the hump in the se- ries, but aren't taking lightly the Bruins, who finished fourth dur- ing the regular season. Wolverine

… defending NCAA-Champion Wolverines. Two victories stretched their win streak to 45, tops in the na- tion. Georgetown and George Wash- ington were the victims as Mich- igan advanced into the finals of the…

… the season. Have Easy Time The Wolverines, who are re- building after losing five letter- men through graduation, had an easy . time. George Washington was able to win only one match, losing 8-1, while…

…'s golf team from playing competitively during its annual southern trip last weekend. The Wolverine golfers were sup- posed to meet Duke last Thursday and North Carolina Friday, but the bad weather forced…

April 13, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 130) • Page Image 3

… the closest game, 2-0. The win- ners had no hits, but were as- sisted by four errors and five walks. Harold Poindexter scored the only hit for the losers. Wolverines Blast Three Hurlers for ill…

… hurlers for 11 safe- ties in an abbreviated game that was called after the top half of the seventh. The Wolverines, who Saturday concluded a successful southern trip in which they picked up seven wins in…

… Peter- john, who allowed only three men to reach base after the first inn- ing when a streak of wildness gave Wayne its only run.. The Wolverine moundsman sent the first two men to face him down swinging…

… ended. The Wolverines put together hits by Ronan and Ray Pavichev- ich for another run in the second, and picked up another tally in the third on a pair of infield bingles with a stolen base sandwiched in…

… with an 87-80 victory over Syracuse that crushed the Easterns' rags-to-riches playoff bid. Los Angeles respectively. The Wolverines won all three events from the Indians, Coast Clubs The Michigan track…

… yes- terday after a week of intensive practice in the South, which in- cluded, as usual, a pair of losses to two well-conditioned southern squads. North Carolina defeated the Wolverines, 19%/-71/, and…

… white washed the UCLANS in the day's entire ac- tivity. The Los Angeles newspa- pers were moved enough by the Maize end Blue thinclad's per-1 formance against UCLA to com- pare the Wolverines with thef…

… injury. scored double victories in both meets in the 100 and 220 yards dashes. Pete Gray, ace half-miler, pick- ed up first place points for the Wolverines in the 880, against Stanford and UCLA and was…

… season and took the match. Stumpfig played the best golf of any of the Wolverines, turn- ing in a 75 against North Caro- lina. Katzenmeyer was satis- fied with the play of his charges though, and indicated…

April 01, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 128) • Page Image 3

… FUMAY, APRIL 1, 1955 THE MICHIGAN 11bAlT.V FRIAY.APRLlard5 Turl MIflJE1 L£1 ii . IN PAGE THREE 9 Wolverines Span Nat ion as Spring Sports Open Track Squad Travels West; Battles Stanford…

… to 48113. The Wolverines, some 22 strong, Canham's Caravan then rolls on head for the Golden West today, to the Phoenix region, where on where tomorrow afternoon they Saturday night, April 9th, the…

April 18, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 135) • Page Image 3

…I SUNDAY, APRM 19, 1954 TRIP MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE SUNDAY, APRIL iS, 1954 THE MICHI~A~ DAILY PAGE THREE a 1Vichigan Golf, Baseball Teams Trip Oppl-ionents Wolverines Register 14…

… yesterday. The Wolverines scored seven runs in a big third inning to ce- ment the victory for starting pitcher, Jack Ritter, who toiled the first six innings and gave up only one run and four hits. * * THRLEE…

…- son yesterday by handing the Uni- versity of Detroit a 23-13 setback at the University Golf Course. Wolverine Captain Jack Stump- fig was the medalist for the 36- hole match with a very fine score of…

Wolverines piled up a 13-5 lead at the end of 18 holes and coasted to their first dual meet victory of the young sea- son. Previously the Maize and Blue squad had dropped two matches, one each to North Car…

…, all that the Titan duo could muster was the two points that Stelter won over McMasters on the afternoon round, when the Wolverine slip- ped to an 80. Michigan's second group of Dick Harrison and Tad…

April 24, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 144) • Page Image 6

… is so ques- tionable. He can't remember any of his previous Wolverine pitching staffs being plagued with so many sore arms, and he has seen quite a few in his 38 years as Michi- gan's head baseball…

… mentor. Fisher is so unsure about the health of his pitching staff that he doesn't know who will start the Big Ten opener. When asked who would be on the mound for the Wolverines against Mic hig an State…

… seen in last Tuesday's Notre Dame contest in which the , Wolverine swatters blasted Irish starter Chuck Symeon, the fastest pitch- er Michigan has seen this year. Leading Hitters Leading the Wolverine

… Michigan's tennis team enters the Big Ten season next Tuesday as defending Conference champion with 45 consecutive dual meet victories to its credit, the Wolverines cannot be rated as favorites in their…

… quest for afourth straight Big Ten title. According to Michigan Coach Bill Murphy, Iowa, Illinois and Northwestern rank ahead of the Wolverines. Iowa is bolstered by the return of its top two players, Art…

… Michigan track coach will play host to the first, and maybe the first annual, Michi- gan Open Meet. The Wolverines will be host to athletes from Michigan State, Wayne State, Western Michigan, Eastern…

… to the dominating Wolverines. These returning juniors again place Northwestern in a contend- ing position for this year's team championship. Michigan suffered the loss of its top three men from last…

April 24, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 138) • Page Image 3

…FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TIREE Wolverine Ball Club Meets Buckeyes in Big Ten Contest Ritter Slated To Pitch Against Ohio's Ebert; Two Games on Tap Tomorrow with Illini…

… charges through a fast hitting drill on the local diamond yesterday af- ternoon before the Wolverines left for Columbus and the Big Ten wars-. Michigan collected a total of 11 hits last weekend as it split…

… a pair of contests with Western Michigan -a sum that giyves the Wolverine coach cause for worry considering the quality of hurling his crew will face today and tomorrow. Shortstop Bruce Haynam will re…

… Haver- kamp and Wayne De Neff who: supplied the hitting. Haverkamp hit a grand slam home run in the first inning to start the winner's attack. Penn Relays Run Today; wolverine Squad Enters Hollywood…

… competes in the annual Penn Relays at Franklin Field, Phila- delphia Defending champs in three events, the Wolverines find them- selves running in only one event today, the distance medley relay. The crack…

April 17, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 132) • Page Image 3

…FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE I I I M' Linksters Engage OSU, Purdue, Indiana Tomorrow Wolverine Nine Battles Broncos Rain Washes Out Game with Wayne; Yirkosky, Ritter…

Wolverine link- sters open their conference cam- paign with a quadrangular meet this Saturday on Ohio State's Scarlet and Grey course in Colum- bus. The Michigan linksmen, smart- ing from two straight defeats…

…-10 victors over Ohio Uni- versity. Of the three teams facing the Wolverines this Saturday, In- diana is regarded as the weak sister. Under the tutelage of Coach Owen L. Cochrane, the Hoosiers managed to cop…

… sixth place in the conference race in 1952. The Wolverine squad, a peren- nial powerhouse on the links, al- though facing the toughest com- petition that they may meet throughout the entire campaign, are…

….m. The Wolverines were scheduled to play Wayne University in De- troit yesterday, but the rain which fell Wednesday put Northwestern Field, the site of the game, in en unplayable condition for the con…

April 27, 1952 (vol. 62, iss. 143) • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 1952 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 1952 PAGE THREE I I Michigan Netmen Lose, t8-, to Indiana in Opener Stephens Garners Lone Wolverine Victory ; Hoosier Squad…

… Led by Glazer, Burnham 'M' Nine Defeats I New Sports Editors Named Penn Officials Mismeasure Track for Four-Mile Relay . r Buckeyes Twice Wisniewski, Corbett Star on Mound As Wolverines Win Eighth…

… Indiana's Eli Glazer to the limit before losing 4-6, 6-3, 6-4. The Wolverine co-captain rallied briefly in the final set, coming from 1-3 to 4-5, but Glazer's suc- cessful net rushes won him the deciding…

… relinquished an earned run to break this string at 343 innings. The Wolverines have now won eight in a row and lead the Con- ference with a 3-0 record. The sweep over the 1951 Big Ten champions was somewhat…

…, edging Michigan and Michigan State, who collected 1151/2 and 100 points respectively. Purdue took the lead by virtue of a protested seventh race when the Wolverines, leaders up to that point, were…

April 29, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 143) • Page Image 6

… Michigan's diamond squad in both ends of a double- header here yesterday in what may prove to be an early end to the Wolverine Conference title hopes. The scores were 4-3 and 9-8. IN THE OPENER Bob Larsen…

… couldn't find the plate and reloaded the bases by walking Chuck Cebuhar without throwing a strike. -Daily-'Roger Reinke LEO KOCESKI . . . Still in there swinging i Two New Wolverine Track e Relays…

… the loss and Larsen's eight inn- ing feat was forgotten in the heartbreaking defeat. The Wolverines stormed back in the second game, however, as they jumped on lefthander Bruce Marsh in the first inning…

Wolverine distance medley and 480-yard high hurdle shuttle re- lays sped to victories in the Drake Relays here yesterday afternoon. The 10:05.6 time turned in by the distance team, which lowered the existing…

Wolverine record by 3.3 seconds set indoors in the Michigan State Relays this winter, and the 1:01.1 effort of the hurd- lers raised to three the number of varsity records set by Michigan trackmen in the…

… collegiate cross coup-f try champion. SEMPER PASSED McEwen 251 yards from the finish, but the Wolverine ace overhauled the Kansas anchor man just before the finish. The two men had started their legs even…

… second in the race, while Missouri which was even with the Wolverines and Kansas going into the final mile placed third ahead of Arkansas and Marquette. THE SHUTTLE HURDLE relay employed its usual…

April 30, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 143) • Page Image 3

Wolverines pounded out 12 well-bunched hits, four of which went for extra bases, to post two four-run innings and a two-run 'M' Meets Irish Weather permitting, Michi- gan's Conference leading base- ball team…

… their fourth straight Conference victory. Only two Michigan singles failed to figure in the scoring. AFIVE WOLVERIN4E batters col- lected two hits apiece, highlight- ed by Leo Koceski's two-run hom- er in…

… second Conference victory, although he had to be relieved by Dave Settle in the sixth inning Indiana's Jim McGee, who fanned ten Wolverines in the first five innings he pitched, was the loser…

…'s bunt. WOLFF then singled over sec- ond base, Bob Fancett walked and Gerry Dorr blasted a single through the box that Ritter bob- bled to allow all three Wolverines to score. In Michigan's eighth Mc…

… single to right field that drove in the final two Wolverine runs. 1 d By CY CARLTON Despite an official weather pre- diction of snow, Bert Katzenmeyer hopes to start his Maize and Blue linksmen on winning…

… ways tomor- row when, the Wolverine golfers oppose Northwestern on the Uni- versity Course. Michigan's golfers are winless this season, having dropped three meets on their Southern trip and finishing…

… third in a Triangular meet with Ohio State and North Texas State. The Wolverines have twice been rained out of home contests with the University Detroit. of NEW CHIEF - The Board in Control of Student…

… and individual match score in the afternoon. The after- noon round starts at 1:30. Tomorrow will be the first of three busy days at home for the Maize and Blue linksmen as the Wolverines, weather…

… permitting, will meet University of Detroit on Tuesday and Michigan State on Wednesday. Drake Shot Put Crown To Fonvilie Special to The Daily DES MOINES, IOWA - Char- lie Fonville paced the Wolverine entries…

April 14, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 135) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1' PRECISION TYPEWRITER Precision Quality I Beautiful Styling o+r"" . { e Wolverine Nine Hosts Hurons Today WOLVERINES EDGE BADGERS: Saiing Club Victorious at Purdue The…

… - Standard machine line space lever With Dexter Thede leading the way the Michigan Sailing Club opened its season with a narrow victory in a five team regatta held Sunday at Purdue. The' Wolverine squad…

April 27, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 147) • Page Image 3

… Penn, Drake Relays Buckeyes' Cisco Falls, 14-4, To Wolverine Sluggers Two Relay Teams, Owen In Contention for Crowns li - Special to The Daily STEVE UZELAC . . in Big Ten opener Big Ten Golf…

… meet, Ohio State~ has only one letter- ' man back. He is Fritz Schmidt. Last year this quadrangular meet was also played at Columbus. The Wolverine linksters upset everyone then. Ohio State was beaten 19…

…-17, Indiana 26-10, and Purdue 212-14%. Michigan will probably lead off with John Schubeck and John Law in the first foursome. Schubeck might well be the Wolverines top man. Law, a sophomore, shot good rounds on…

… the Wolverines meet In- diana ina double -header at Bloomington. Michigan's fourbaggers came off the bats of Ernie Myers, Ken Tip- pery, Steve Boros, and John Herr- stein. Breaking a 3-3 tie with a…

… Steve Jonas. In the top of the fourth the Wolverines took the lead 3-2 when Tippery singled, went to second on a wild pitch and scored when Herrnstein hit a 400-ft. home run to right center. The Buckeyes…

April 14, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 142) • Page Image 3

… 0 TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Three Wolverine Squads Return from Soi ith land * * * Linksters Drop Dual Meets To Tar Heel, Duke Sextets Baseball Team Wins Three…

… triumph over the Wolverines, while Duke eked out a 16-11 score over Coach Bert Katzenmeyer's Swing- ers. In amassing the identical score against the Maize and Blue six as in 1952, Carolina was hard put to…

… pressure to bury Michigan, competing in its first meet of the year. THIS DUAL test was featured by a ding-dong battle between Wolverine sophomore Bud Stev- ens and North Carolina senior Bob Black. Shooting…

… hole shattered Wolverine hopes of taking their first dual meet from the Blue Devils since 1938. Veteran Lowell LeClaire top- ped the Maize and Blue in that _f test with a two-over par 74, but he had to…

…) By BOB MARGOLIN Rain, inept batting and inade- quate pitching combined to make last week's spring training trip one of the most unsuccessful in re- cent Michigan baseball history. The Wolverines

April 10, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 132) • Page Image 7

… the competition. Martin will team up with Wally Schafer, Tony Seth and Earl Deardorff in the two-mile event. Wolverine Rela Teams To Compete at QuantcO Rc~woo& g Ross By MIKE GILLMAN The top trackmen…

… in the cbun- try, including a Michigan repre- sentation, begin competing today in the third annual Quantico Re- lays. Coach Don Canham is bringing a group of Wolverine thinclads to one of the major…

… acquitted itself fa- vorably in last year's meet by tak- ing a first and two seconds in re- lays. With this meet the Wolverines start a series of four weekend re- lay meets. Canham's full squad had its last…

April 07, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 129) • Page Image 6

… of Michigan students that did something besidgs "swim and sun" during their vacation trip to Florida was the Wolverine baseball team, which spent a good share of its time on the diamonds of Tallahassee…

… have contribu- ted to Michigan's poor showing in the tourney: the Wolverines were playing their, first games of the season while all the other squads had seen previous action (Florida State had 14 games…

…. Kane (right). Wolverine swimmers scored a record 137%2 points in the three-day exercises March 26-28 at Ithaca, N. Y. x 4 Gillanders, Hanley Pace Swimmers To Record-Smashing NCA A Victorv ,J Michigan…

…'by firing an even par, 70 over the tight Hope Valley course. This match wound up the Wolverines' spring trip action. Coaches Join In1 Coach Bert Katzenmeyer ex-, plained the difference' in scoring by saying…

… these changes are still tentative and that noneof the starting positions are taken. The reason for most of the changes is to put more power into a Wolverine lineup that at times was pitifully weak at the…

April 28, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 142) • Page Image 3

…. - The string was snapped on the Michigan ten- nis team yesterday. dThe Wolverines lost their first dual tennis meet in four years and their first in 27 starts to a strong Illinois squad, 5-4. The last…

… time Michigan lost a net meet was in the 1948 season when Notre Dame beat the Wolverines also by a 5- score. * * * WOLVERINE LOSSES in four of the six singles matches meant the match for the Illini as…

… three doubles to give the Illini the win. HETZECK AND Bromberg had much trouble disposing of Brad- ley and Buwick, the Wolverine duo winning, 6-3, 2-6, 11-9. Number two doubles proved a .shoo-in for…

… showers with the honor of being the "hatchetmen" of the Michigan string, one of the longest in mod- ern day collegiate tennis The Wolverines travel to Lafay- ette, Indiana today to engage the Purdue…

… at his first base post for the Wolverines, even though his left elbow is still noticeably swollen. Each team carries a conference record of no wins and two K setbacks into today's twin bill. Michigan…

April 01, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 132) • Page Image 3

… Exhibition Pool. Michigan won with 72 points, with Yale taking 63 and Michigan' State 62. The Wolverines had taken their second straight NCAA title, but to the surprise of many it was a very close finish…

… - Gary Morris of Iowa, Roger Anderson of Yale an -kla- homa's Jeff Farrell - had , ;h distance on Hanley to beat A..n. Tony Tashnick was the only Wolverine victor, with wins in both the 100 and 200-yd…

… thing 12 months ago in the second contest. The teams swing to St. Louis for the third game tomorrow night. Close Event wolverine Nine Faces Rebuilding As Only Nine Letterwinners Return Loken felt that…

… Michigan gymnastics coach, now in his tenth year, was dis- appointed with his high bar team. The Wolverines qualified three men on Friday, but when Satur- day came around they were only' able to muster six…

… Fish- er, as he prepares his 38th and final Wolverine squad for the 1958 season. Fisher has nine returning letter- men, but only three were starters on the 1957 team, which finished in a three-way tie…

April 26, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 146) • Page Image 3

… about half over. This victory gave the Wolverines their 35th "straight dual match win, the longest winning streak of any college tennis team in the country. Because of Barry MacKay's and Mark Jaffe…

…, Jansen with Harris, and Erikson with Cohen. Came From Behind First doubles foundhthe Wolv- erines' Jensen and Harris against Jerry Walke and Milazzo. The Wolverine pair found the first set fairly easy as…

… be the starting pitcher for Michigan this afternoon as the Wolverine baseballers face Ohio State in their Conference opener. JOHN HARRIS .. . topples Titans HEYLIGER TO STAY? 'No Resi gnation' Rumor…

…- cided to leave his post. Added was the fact that al- though Heyliger has been "ser- iously considering durirn the past week the possibility of staying as ice mentor of the Wolverines", as of a…

… reaching into his bag of tricks in hope that his faltering pitching staff can come up with a good performance in the Wolverine's Conference opener at Ohio State today. Actually, Fisher is reaching into his…

April 21, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 137) • Page Image 7

… inning they came to a dead stop, mostly because of the efforts of Western Michigan's hurler Gene Graham. He limited the Wolverines to only two hits after his second inning appearance. "Graham was about as…

…'s session as the Wol- verines prepare for their first Western Conference clash Friday with Northwestern at Ferry Field. SPORTS Night Editor PHIL DOUGLIS -Daily-John Hirtzel WOLVERINE Bob McMasters blasts…

… scoring1 difficult. Henry Loeb was the only man on either team to break 80 on the first tour as he carded a 77. After lunch, the Wolverine line- up was juggled slightly. Besides the addition of Mac…

… Hoosiers, cham- pions for the last three years, will be able to thwart the hopes of the Wolverines depends on how effec- tively a combination of veterans and sophomores will mesh to- gether, Stars Gone Gone…

April 19, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

… being a topnotch two-miler, Justin Williams is one of the best captains a Michigan track team has ever had." This candid opinion expressed by Wolverine track coach, Don Canham, just about sums up the…

…:26 flat. As a fitting climax to his sea- son feats, he ran his best indoor race in the rousing Western Con- ference finale at Illinois. * * * T H E WOLVERINE. captain brought home the bacon for the Maize…

… a sacri- fice and scored when Kinney slap- 1 ped his third successive double into leftfield. I The Wolverines knotted theI in the final frame. Barta had count in the seventh with two doubled inside…

… it to the tennis court in rightcenterfield for a homerun, narrowing the margin to 2-1. A two run splurge in the fourth gave the Wolverines a shortlived 3-2 lead. Walks to Ralph Morrison and Bob Wolff…

April 18, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 139) • Page Image 6

Wolverines' fourth and final run of the inning on a wild pitch. Nix, obviously disturbed by the pro- ceedings, had let loose a high fast 'M' Golffers- At Detro it For Opener Michigan's golfers will try to re…

…- peat last year's opening match victory over the University of De- troit when they begin the regular season today against the Titans at the Grosse Ile Country Club. The Wolverines, who won two out of…

April 25, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 145) • Page Image 3

…. The meet will be played at the West Side Tennis Club and will start at 2 p.m. First Match This will be the first match of the season forihe Wolverines net- men and they hope to get off to a good start…

…'s head. I-M SCORES TEAM VETERAN-Captain Dick Potter will play in the number one singles today when the Wolverines play the University of Detroit. This is the Hamtramck senior's third year on the squad…

… seems to like shortstop. He is the leading Wolverine hit- ter with a .400 average. Together with Meyers he has secured the left side of the Michi- gan infield with fine defensive play. All the comfort of…

…M. I W Black or Brown VAN BOVEN SHOES in the Arcade WOLVERINE GOLF SQUAD: Katzenmeyer Tests Sophomores By AL JONES Monday's 91-8/2 golf victory over Detroit was purely an experi- ment for Coach Bert…

… Katzenmeyer and his Wolverine linksters. For his six-man team Katzen- meyer used three sophomores, in- cluding Ray Lovell who hadn't played previously, and dropped two regulars, Capt. Steve Uzelac and Fred…

… was the case last season, the Wolverine team is so well balanced that no certain choice can be made about personnel for the big meets. In Monday's meet all of the Michi- gan players shot between 74 and…

April 08, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 130) • Page Image 6

… Dave Brown, one of the Wolverine starters. BOB PXJLFORD ... tying goal FRATERNITY SOFTBALL BEGINS: Power HittingShown in 'A' Contests By GARY WRIGHT The running for the "A" Fra- ternity Softball…

… the the touring Japanese Olympi< 7:15 time limit before being de- wrestling team at Ypsilanti. cided in the Phi Gam's favor. Former Wolverines competinE Chi Psi squeezed past Alpha were Ron Brooks who…

… Conference on Unifying Impulses in *Art Scien ce and Life Originating with Goethe and R. Steiner (1861-1925) Spring Valley, N.Y. June 13-July 4, 1959 I Michigan Thinclads Crush Ohio was a standout Wolverine

April 16, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 137) • Page Image 7

… wins, assertingtot that if the Wolverines don't im- UC n prove in the other departments, the competition of the Big Ten will" catch up with them. II .,l 1is - Only Glen Girardin, the Wyan-L dotte…

… the Wolverines to spend time outdoors. Katzenmeyer states that he was very impressed with the way that the seven Wolverines were hitting WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY FRENCH STUDY TOUR Comprehensive tour of…

April 05, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 136) • Page Image 3

… weather the team has been working outside the last two weeks and according to Canham is in "good shape." Flodin Improves Probably the most improved man on the Wolverine squad this Spring is dash man Dick…

… Wiggins, who was clocked By AL JONES Michigan golf coach Bert Kat- zenmeyer and seven Wolverine golfers will invade the sunny southland next week to engage two of the top southeastern link squads in dual…

… over the Wolverines. They are already mid- way in their season, having played outside the year around, while Michigan has been outside only a few days. Also, the meets will be held on their home courses…

…, which means that they will know the layout much better than the visiting Wolverines. Katzenmeyer points out that while the Michigan teams often lose these annual meets, they have usually been close in the…

… past. Often the Wolverines haven't fallen behind until the last few holes.. This year Katzenmeyer will be 13 ruins, Canadiens Win, DETROIT (AP) - The red hot Boston Bruins twice stru~ k from behind…

April 13, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 130) • Page Image 3

… Glenn Girardin, who isn't even listed on the official roster, and Don Poloskey combin- ed to hold the Tartars to three hits while the Wolverines were pounding out 11 hits for an easy win. Girardin allowed…

… but two hits Eaddy Barred The Wolverine diamond squad encountered a case of discrim- ination against Negro players on their recent southern trip when Don Eaddy, star third baseman and one of Michigan…

…, a double in the fifth by Tartar left- fielder Joe Raich and a scratch $ingle by second baseman John Henry, leading off in the sixth. Benedict Opens Scoring The Wolverines opened the scor- ing with a…

… annual southern trip, winning five games while losing three and tying one. The Wolverines now have a 6-3-1 record. The Tartars have only had a few days of outdoor practice be- fore jumping into the season…

…'s schedule. Wayne coach Joe Truske indicated previous to the game that he expected the Tarters to have a "pretty fair" team with a few games under their belts. Today, the Wolverines meet an always good…

… University of Detroit team. However, the Titans will be in the same position as Wayne, not having much practice behind them. The game starts at 3:30 at the Ferry Field Stadium. Win Raises Wolverine Golf Hopes…

… sound thrashing of Detroit's Titans by a 15-3 score, here Mon- day after a weather - blessed Southern tour, is an indication that the Wolverines may improve on their dismal ninth-place Con- ference…

… is just beginning," he said. In fact, the score doesn't indi- cate the closeness of the meet. Many times the Wolverines battled their opponents on even terms un- til the last two or three holes, then…

April 29, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 144) • Page Image 3

… Fisher's The Wolverine pitching staff 'F By DAVE RORABACHER ~ ~ - Wolverines play host to Purdue should be well rested for this wl Sigma, 8-6. Zeta Beta Tau gained and Illinois on Ferry Field. weekend…

…'s action, and Fisher p1 Cal Haywood hurled a one hit a 14-11 victory over Theta Xi in The third place Wolverines will will probably start his big three, utout to lead Delta Tau Delta a seesaw contest in…

… perfect defeat in the Big Ten standings with 1-2Wio ame by catcher Ted Emerson, records. The Boilermakers con- * * ho cracked out a single for Psi quered Minnesota, 3-2, but drop- WOLVERINE hitting is fl…

April 17, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 138) • Page Image 6

… Marilyn Budd will be at the Summer Placement Meeting in Rm. D 528 in the S.A.B. from I to 5 to In- terview women for counseling posi- tions. Personnel Requests: Wolverine Boys State, Michigan State…

… University, East Lansing has need of four men, juniors or seniors, to be counselors from June 17 to June 26. Salary is $60 plus room and board. Wolverine Girls State, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor has need…

April 29, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 142) • Page Image 3

… SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 1936 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE' EN SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Wolverine Linksters Up Purdue, OSU at Columi Gof Sqlld set Wins Quadrangular Meet…

… year. The Wolverines trounced a not-so- sensational Indiana squad for their third win of the day. Once again the weather was an important factor. "The weather was warm, but a little windy dur- ing the…

… between the Wolverines and the strong Ohio State squad with Michigan emerging victori- ous in the grueling match, 19-17. The spectacular linksters had a much easier time with the de- fending champion…

… points. The Wolverines' brilliant effort drew plaudits from their proud coach. "I'm very happy with the play of my boys. They played very well." Michigan, whose performance in past years has been…

… has thwarted the Michigan baseball team. Because of the continuous rain, the Wolverines were unable to playc their scheduled twin-bill with the Ohio State Buckeyes at Ferry Field yesterday. The game was…

… three Hoosier runners across the plate. DROP The Indiana change of strategy in the fatal 11th inning which "bunted Michigan to death" was probably caused by the exit of Wolverine Gene Snider at the re…

Wolverines game-and-a-half yesterday at Eb- moved the Phils into a tie with the had to settle for the runner-up bets Field by defeating the Pitts- Giants for fourth place in the h d t set e f r t e r n e - p…

…Groundsofcoldorrainyweather. meets are concerned. I feel that winning mark was 6'8". Michigan is the team to beat." In the Drake Relays at Des n placed for the Wolverines. O'Reilly NATIONAL EAGUE GB AMERICAN LEAGUE GB 1 highjumped 6…

April 28, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 141) • Page Image 3

… extended their dual-match winning streak to 23. The match, however, was not a strong test for the Wolverines, who begin their defense of the Big Ten crown here next weekend. Easy Win for MacKay Captain Barry…

… Hoosiers won, 9-5. Skeet ers, who had just been hit by a. pitched ball, was trying to steal second base. HOOSIER BUNTS WHIP 'M': Wolverines Bow 9-5, in Eleventh Cindermen Qualify In Penn Relays By The…

…- ning. The Wolverine's quarter-mile team of Tom Hendricks, Bob Rudesill, Dick Flodin and Bob Brown was among the qualifiers who finished behind Penn's time of :41.7. Cornell had the best time in the half…

… the hardwoods at the Chicago Relays this winter. Beatty, the Atlantic Coast Champion, led virtually all the way, but he couldn't relax a second with the Wolverine's Wallingford breathing right down his…

… back. Miler Ron Delaney let loose with a terrific finishing kick to lead Villanova to a stunning 9:58.1 victory over England's Oxford Uni- versity in the sprint medley relay. The Wolverines will also be…

… shakily allowing two runs on two scratch hits, an error and a walk in the first inning, but then settled down to some excellent pitching, Meanwhile, the Wolverines chip- ped away at Indiana's lead. In the…

April 04, 1952 (vol. 62, iss. 131) • Page Image 3

…F'R'IDAY, APRIL '4, 1952 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1952 PAGE THREE I ii Track, Golf Squads Head for Dixie CLASSIFIEDS i Southern, Arkansas Relays Lure Wolverine

… Nilsson is scheduled to ap- pear in both the shot and discus events. The other Wolverine entries are team events. Jack Carroll, Bill Hickman, John Ross and Don Mc- Ewen have their eyes on the dis- 4Accident…

… enjoy a lead of three games to two. and Van Bruner, the high hurd- ler. Nilsson and Roy Pella will perform in both the shot and dis- cus, while Junior Stielstra will do the broad jumping. THE WOLVERINES

…. Schwartz, a powerful six-footer, is slated to play the number two singles position and either num- ber one or two doubles on this year's edition of the Wolverine net squad. CO-CAPTAIN SCHWARTZ has a year of…

… south- ern opponents next week. Seven Wolverine golfers will make the trip South, where they will meet Wake Forest at Wake Forest on Monday. North Caro- lina at Chapel Hill on Wednes- day, and Duke the…

… later Big Ten opposition in late April and May. In years past the Michigan golfers have not fared particularly well against the Southerners. Last year the Wolverines opened by downing Wake Forest, 17…

April 24, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 138) • Page Image 3

…THEMICHIGAN DAILY PAGE T ~'M' Nine O pposes Strong Western Michigan Today 111' Netmen Hetzeck Star as Wolverines' Win 26th Straight Meet, 8-1 Top Broncos in ener By GENE MACKEVICH Coach…

… the Wolverines who hold an over-all series edge of 24-20 with three games ending in a tie, LAST YEAR Michigan captured the first game, 8-7, when a three run ninth inning Bronco rally fell short. Western…

…, 3-6, 6-4, and 6-4. THE WOLVERINE'S sole defeat was suffered by lefty Jack Smart who lost to Yale Brandt by scores of 1-6, 6-8. The doubles matches found the invaders in complete control as Hetzeck…

…-Nuding combo into the court 7-5, 4-6 and 6-2 in the final match of the afternoon. The Western Michigan match served as a warmup for the Big 'I en season which begins friday when the Wolverines encounter strong…

… an eighteen hole round toward his team's total. If a Wolverine were leading his opponent in the number of holes won at the end of nine he would gain one point. If the first nine were even each player…

April 25, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 145) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN MAILY 'adatz Pitches Spartans PHOTOGRAPHERS EXHIBIT 'WARES': Photo Display Held in Administration Building 0 Win over Wolverines (Continued from Page 1) core from second on right…

… one of the. ew times all day the enthusiastic rowd was able to raise a cheer s Radatz kept Michigan bats rider control, striking out six in ne stretch retiring 12 batters in row. Wolverine hurlers Al…

… pleasant one for the Wolverines when Radatz walked the first two players to face him. But the home fans were quickly disappointed when Radatz got the side out without a run, and walked side out without a run…

… and walked only one man for the remainder of the game. The Wolverines will be trying to duplicate a feat of last season this afternoon when they take on the Spartans with lefthanders Nick Liakonis and…

… jump at the Penn Re- lays' mammoth two-day track car- nival. The 6'5" Wolverine star upset favored Mike Herman of New York University with a leap of 25'1%"4' his best ever. A damper was put on Bird's sur…

April 29, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 148) • Page Image 3

… Spartans. Little Support Liakonis allowed the Spartans four runs on eight hits in the Wolverine loss last Friday. The decision probably would have been reversed for the Detroit southpaw if he had received a…

… Penn. Gibson's vault was the sec- ond best ever recorded for a Michigan vaulter. Eeles Land- strom, presently ineligible to com- pete as a Wolverine, holds the mark at 14'6%". Landstrom went to 14'41" at…

… six matches, continued in 1955, 1956, 1957 with 37 straight wins, and has remained intact thus far this season with the Wolverines winning their first two matches. Coaching the Wolverine team since 1949…

April 14, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 131) • Page Image 3

… THURSDAY, APRIL '14, 1955 TIDE MICHIGAN DAIIV 1MA"Mr THURSDAY, APRIL 14. 1955.T..avt+.c T . i flAI..v-m A-r.~ Pz-aizn T~zaw 9 Wolverine Nine Shuts ut Titans, 5-0 Bengals Whip Kansas City…

…-German instructor has been head- timer at Wolverine track meets for almost 22 years. Since his recent retirement from teach- ing, he has been assisting Coaches Don Canham and Elmer Swanson at practices on an almost…

… grounder. the win, showed promise of becom- ing one of Michigan's top hurlers First Inning Assault with the acquirement of a bit The Wolverines started out with more control. an evenlouder bang, Combining…

… Cline. Eaddy knocked out a single to send Fox scurrying for home with Michi- gan's fifth and final score. Heads-Up Playing The Wolverines' wide-awake running paid off in three stolen bases, two extra…

April 14, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 131) • Page Image 3

… warm- ed up for the defense of its West- ern Conference and NCAA titles with its most successful southern tour in three years. The Wolverines finished the nine game trip with seven wins 'M on Airwaves…

… six game' tour. COACH Ray Fisher's men came out on the short end of a 1-0 score against Delaware and ab- sorbed a 5-2 defeat at the hands of the George Washington Uni- versity squad. The Wolverines top…

…. The three hurlers garnered two wins apiece to account for all but one of the Wolverine vic- tories. Ritter and Wisniewski pitched especially well in their two ap- pearances. Ritter stuck out 14 bat…

… Belvoir on one hit in the second game of the series. Mark Ferrelli was the other Michigan winner, taking the second game against Virginia. Third baseman Don Eaddy pac- ed the Wolverine batters with a…

…-game trip the Wolverine batting aver- Leach Gains. Sole'M' Run On Wak Hit (Continued from Page 1) The lads from Kalamazoo, who split a series with Michigan NCAA champs last year, turned in two defensive gems…

April 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 136) • Page Image 3

… fellow who has played some great baseball for Michigan in days past, ;goes the undistinguished title of "goat" of a 3-2 Wolverine loss to Illi- nois at Ferry Field yesterday. With Gerry Dorr batting with…

… CARRYING THE big burden for the Wolverines will be the two two top point-getters in the in- door " season, Don McEwen and Captain Don Hoover. McEwen will face the top Pacific Coast distance man and one of…

… year, set the Wolverines down with five hits (three triples and one double, how- ever) and struck out 11 for his fourth victory of the season. THE ONLY TIME he was in trouble, outside of the ninth inn…

…- ing, was in the seventh frame, when the Wolverines got their two runs on triples iby Leo Koceski and Al Weygandt sandwiched around Bill Mogk's infield single. Bob Larsen, Michigan's start- er, was…

… Ten meet next month in Ev- anston, Illinois. WOLVERINE coach Bert Katz- enmeyer, pleased with the per- formances of several of his less experienced men in the loss to the University of Detroit Wednes…

April 30, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 144) • Page Image 3

… Three Hits Apiece; Wisniewski Hurls Second Conference Win Wolverine Nine Defeats Illinois, 13-3 Oklahoma Aggies Move Into Drake Relays Lead 'M' Golfers Face Test On Purdue Links Today Battle…

… Boilermakers, OSU in Triangular Meet; Vie With Wildcats, Badgers Monday (Continued from Page 1) six times at bat to give him a .611 batting average in Big Ten competition. 'M' Scores in First The Wolverines

… two mile final, behind Bob Hunt of U.C.L.A. and Bob Buchanan of Oklahoma A&M. The Wolverines also qualified John Johnson for the 100 yard dash fi- nals to be held tomorrow. Johnson won the third heat of…

….-Disqual- ified from third place in its heat, Michigan's 880 yard relay team of Laird Sloan, Dave Hessler, Dick Flodin, and Grant Scruggs failed to gain a berth in today's finals of the Penn Relays. The Wolverines

… by placing two men in the finals. Willard Thomson and Abe Woodson both qualified with times of :14.6. The Wolverines expect to im- prove on their showing in today's competition. Also highlighting to…

…'s golf squad gets another rugged test this afternoon as Coach Bert Kat- zenmeyer's aggregation again faces Purdue and Ohio State, this time at Lafayette, Ind. The Wolverines won't return to the home base…

… Improvement The Ohioans could do no bet- ter than tie with the Wolverines for second place that day, and hope to make a strong showing. Wisconsin won six straight meets before bowing to Purdue earlier in the…

April 28, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 141) • Page Image 3

…, Strauss 2 Winchell 6, Van Tyne 6 (tie) League-Leading Wolverines Rained Out AgainYesterday in Scheduled Wayne Game PETE PAULOS . . . in top slot * * Paulos in Number One Position As 'M' Netmen Open…

… of Detroit. Paulos, a sophomore from Chi- cago, won the indoor tourney and has looked impressive on the out- side courts in the few open air practices which the Wolverines have been able to sandwich in…

… grounds swamped yester- day's scheduled contest w i t h Wayne on the Ferry Field dia- mond, but the rain couldn't wash the Wolverine baseballers from the crest of the conference baseball standings. FRIDAY…

… the Wolverines a half game ahead of Wisconsin, who came up with a pair of wins ov- er Purdue in the first weekend of Big Ten competition. Fisher is taking five pitchers to Detroit today, and hopes to…

… spite of a bad leg that has bothered him since the southern trip. But Haynam wasn't the only Wolverine who began connecting with the ball last weekend. Pla- gued by poor hitting all spring, the Maize and…

… conference last season. This coming weekend the Wolverines hop back into the thick of the Big Ten furor, en- Atertaining Minnesota Friday and Iowa in a twin-bill Saturday. In anticipation of the fast-ball- ing…

April 25, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 139) • Page Image 5

… Slated Today 71 IT B. iN - E Two mass meetings for further organization of the Tennis Ball Weekend will be held today in the Union. One meeting for all entries in the "Wolverine Derby" will take…

… place at 4 p.m. in Rm. 3-B. A mass workers meeting for people interested in working on all as- pects of the weekend will be held at 5 p.m. in Rm. 3-B. * * * AT THE "Wolverine Derby" meeting, rules…

April 26, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 146) • Page Image 6

…. The powerful Purdue team, led by last year's Big Ten medalist. John Konsek, and furth-place fin- isher Gene Francis easily disposed of all three challengers. Soundly Defeated The Wolverines were beaten…

… better reason. And the drubbing Michi- gan took at the Illini's hands the year before was the best of all. Bulging Crowd on Hand A bulging crowd witnessed with slight disbelief a fast Wolverine flurry…

…'sdtrampoline stars, who have dominated Big Ten gymnastic circles for the past few years, have served notice that the trend will continue for at least another three years. The newest Wolverine tramp ace is Ron Munn, a…

… took over the Wolverine gymnasts in 1946, trampoline has been one of the team's best events. THE FIRST Pressurized Shaving Lotion TO THE CLS L/ - '5:..... t E. It's not too early for all juniors to…

April 19, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

… is, 1958 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE? 19, 1958 TUE MIEUI&AN DAILY PAGE~ " Itlichiganb Koch, Finkheiner, Liakonis Pitch in Wolverine Shutout rurlers whitewash Wayne Sate, 9- ,., 1…

… plate with the next run of the inning.. The Wolverines got only two more hits until the sixth inning when they scored four rins on only two hits. Ralph Hutchings drew a base on balls and quickly moved to…

… different re- lays with six more open events, all to be decided this afternoon. Fresh from their fine perform- ance in the Quantico Relays, the Wolverines go into these relays against some of the stiffest com…

… championships. The Wolverines have a tremen- dous string of 45 straight meet vic- tories, but are faced with the prob- lem of finding replacements for five graduated lettermen. I These men are Barry Mac…

April 17, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 138) • Page Image 3

… Hyames Field. The Wolverines open their home schedule at Ferry Field to- day when they meet Central Michigan at 3:30 p.m. Michigan wasted no time against Western, exploding for three runs in the first…

… lefthander in 15 innings this spring. The Wolverine defense, which has been on the shaky side all spring, tightened a bit against the Broncos. Michigan fielders committed two errors, their low- est total in…

…. Reached at his home last night, Michigan Athletic Director H. O. "Fritz" Crisler commented after being informed of the decision that he was very much delighted to hear of the recommendation. Wolverine

… PEARSON, veteran Mich- igan wrestler, yesterday was named captain of next year's Wolverine mat squad. Pearson, who succeeds graduating cap- tain Mike Rodriguez, has won the Big Ten 130-lb. title in each of…

April 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

… split the two- game series last year, Western beating the Wolverines, 5-1, in the regular season home open- er, while Michigan edged the nesday. Southpaw Mark Ferrelli Broncs, 5-4, in a game later in…

… pitched the last two innings for the season. Michigan, taking over for Jack The Wolverines led off the '54 Corbett who had started. regular baseball season by trounc- Fisher plans to use a number ing Wayne…

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