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April 13, 1954 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1954-04-13

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r TUESDAY, APRIL 13> 1954



- .--A- - ----



Way e, 9-1, in Home Opener

; ,

Taylor Wins,
15-1; Opens
I-M Softball
Led by the supurb pitching of
Doug Lootens who gave up only
two hits and two walks, Taylor
House crushed Williams House,
15-1, yesterday afternoon to open
the Intramural softball season.
Taylor had only four hits to ac-
count for the 15 runs, but the
four Williams pitchers gave up 11
walks, most of them in one inn-
ing, to give the win to Taylor.
' Dave Zolotow led the South Quad-
ders with two singles, and one
* * *
ED GODFREY'S batting, and
Bob Mann's pitching paced the
Gomberg nine to an easy 8-0 win
over Kelsey House. Godfrey lash-
ed out with a single, a double, and
a homerun, while Mann kept Kel-
sey from scoring as he allowed
4 only two hits and two walks.
Gomberg's powerful hitters took
six hits and four walks off Dick
Potter, on the mound for the los-
In another high scoring event,
Allen-Rumsey thrashed Strauss,
14-4. Strauss pitching allowed
the Allen-Rumsey crew 12 hits
and four walks while striking
out none. Strauss batters were
able to take only five hits off
the winning pitcher, Perry Dan-
iels. Jack DeCou hit two singles
and a double for the winners.
COOLEY WON the contest, 5-3,
mainly because of the excellent
pitching of Norman Kiel, who
struck out nine batters, and al-
lowed only one walk. He also led
the batting with two hits.
Both teams are protesting the
outcome of the game between
Lloyd and Hinsdale. Lloyd won,
6-3. The umpire's decisions that
are being questioned concern
several runs scored by both
squads by stealing home. Ac-
cording to I-M rules, this is il-
legal, but they were counted.
Wenley downed Reeves house in
the closest game, 2-0. The win-
ners had no hits, but were as-
sisted by four errors and five
walks. Harold Poindexter scored
the only hit for the losers.

Wolverines Blast Three
Hurlers for ill Safeties

Topple West Linksters Lose to North Carolina, Duke

... "hot-corner" expert
Snead Defeats
Hogan, 70-'71
AUGUSTA, Ga. - (AP) - Sam
Snead gambled with the "grave-
yard of the masters, the tortuous
13th hole, and beat Ben Hogan by
a stroke in an 18-hole playoff for
the Masters golf title yesterday.
Snead won by a score of 70 to
Hogan's 71 in a duel that carried
right up to the final green. They
had finished the regulation 72
holes Sunday with scores of 289,
highest ever to win a Masters tour-
The victory made Snead the sec-
ond man ever to win the Masters
three times puinting him even with
Jimmy DeMaret.

Michigan's NCAA baseball
champs took advantage of a shaky
defense to coast to an easy 9-1
triumph over hapless Wayne yes-
terday afternoon in the season's
opening contest on the Ferry Field
Sophomore pitcher Dick Peter-
John set the Tartars down with
three hits and struck out seven
men while his mates pounded a
trio of Wayne hurlers for 11 safe-
ties in an abbreviated game that
was called after the top half of
the seventh.
The Wolverines, who Saturday
concluded a successful southern
trip in which they picked up seven
wins in nine starts, will see ac-
tion at Ferry Field again today
when they meet an always tough
Western Michigan outfit this aft-
ernoon at 3:30.
The Tartars had little luck solv-
ing the southpaw slants of Peter-
john, who allowed only three men
to reach base after the first inn-
ing when a streak of wildness
gave Wayne its only run..
The Wolverine moundsman
sent the first two men to face
him down swinging, but then a
pair of walks followed by first
baseman Dick Ortiz' clean single
to left was good for a run before
Peterjohn sneaked a third one
past Paul Zdeb to record his third
strikeout and end the inning,
From then on Michigan had
things its own way. Centerfielder
Dan Cline walked to start the bot-

Major League Season Begins
Today; Close Races Expected
(Continued from Page 1) >

Fast Start!
Grove, cf ........3 9 0 0
Osbinsky, rf ....... 3 90 90
Banks, ss .,....27 1 0 0
verbanac, if ..... 2 0 0 0
Ortiz, 1.b .......,....3 0 2 0
Zdeb, 3b ...........3 0 ! 2
Williams, 2b .......3 0 90
Gogolewski, c .....3 0 1 0
Hughes, p ............. 90 0
Worden, p..........9 0 1
Pearson, p ..........0o 0
Beilevich*...........1 0 0
23 1 3 3
Struck out for Worden in fifth
AB R .H F.
Cline, of ....... 3 1 0 0
B. BLeach, if .... 9 9 0
Ronan, 2b......... 3 2 1 0
Finch, 2b .,, it.. 0 9 0 90
Lepley, rf ..........3 1 0 0
Eaddy, 3b..........3 2 0
Corbett, b ........1 0 1 0
Pavichevich, lb ....3 0 1 0
Tommelein, if ......3 1 2 0
Branoff, of ,.......1 1 0 9
Benedict, ss ......3 . 0
Leach, c ............4 0 2 9
Peterjohn, p ..... 2 0 1 9
29 9 11 0
WAYNE ......1 0 900 0-1 3 3
MICHIGAN .,.411 201 x-9 110
tom half of the first frame, and
promptly stole second. Frank Ro-
nan sacrificed and everybody was
safe when Cline beat the throw
to third.
When righthander Russ Hughes
then gave both Paul Lapley and
Don Eaddy free tickets to first,
the latter forcing Cline across
the plate, the Tartar starter head-
ed for the showers.
First basemansJack Corbett
greeted Hughes' successor, Har-
lan Warden, with a sharp single
to left which scored Ronan and
Lepley with the second and third
Michigan runs.
Howard Tommerlein got credit
for a hit when he beat Worden's
throw to first on an attempted
sacrifice, then went to second
while Eaddy scored when the
throw sailed off into right field
for an error on the pitcher.
Moby Benedict and Peterjohn
added two more hits to the fiasco
to shove a fourth run across be-
fore the inning ended.
The Wolverines put together
hits by Ronan and Ray Pavichev-
ich for another run in the second,
and picked up another tally in the
third on a pair of infield bingles
with a stolen base sandwiched in
Eaddy's long double, a couple
more scratch safeties, and two
walks gave Michigan two more
runs in the fourth, while the Wol-
verines capitalized on a pair of
errors by the third baseman to
gain their final counter in the
Lakers Top Nats
To Cop Hoop Title
imperturbable Minneapolis Lakers
won their third straight National
Basketball Assn. championship
last night with an 87-80 victory
over Syracuse that crushed the
Easterns' rags-to-riches playoff

Los Angeles respectively.
The Wolverines won all
three events from the Indians,

Coast Clubs
The Michigan track team had
an extremely successful holiday
last week in California, as it
trampled Stanford and UCLA 86-
35 and 96-26 in Palo Alto, and


Michigan's linksmen returned
to the University Golf Course yes-
terday after a week of intensive
practice in the South, which in-
cluded, as usual, a pair of losses to
two well-conditioned southern
North Carolina defeated the
Wolverines, 19%/-71/, and Duke's
golf squad rolled to a 22-5 victory
over Bert Katzenmeyer's crew, but
according to the Michigan coach,
the matches were a lot closer than
the point spreads indicate.
IN THE MATCH with the Tar-
heels, the lead duo of Captain
Jack Stumpfig and Bob McMasters
lost the best-ball and individual
points on the 17th.and 18th green.
The second group of Tad Stan-
ford and Dick Harrison also lost
on the all important 17th and 18th
holes while the final duo of Andy.


In the Duke match, the Wol-
verines, who up to last week had
had no outside practice this
year, were the victims of the
weather as well as their southern
opponents who have been play-
ing golf all winter.
Despite a driving rain that con-
tinued throughout the last half
All men interested in taking
part in spring basketball prac-
tice please report to the Intra-
mural Building on Wednesday,
April 14 at 3:30 p.m.
-Bill Perigo
of the match, the Michigan squad
had only one bad round. However,
the Blue Devils were more than

completely white washed the
UCLANS in the day's entire ac-
tivity. The Los Angeles newspa-
pers were moved enough by the
Maize end Blue thinclad's per-1
formance against UCLA to com-
pare the Wolverines with thef
great teams in mid-west track his-c
Probably the most encouraging
note of the entire trip was the
running of Michigan sprinter John,
Vallortigara. Val, who was out of
action last season with an injury.
scored double victories in both
meets in the 100 and 220 yards
Pete Gray, ace half-miler, pick-
ed up first place points for the
Wolverines in the 880, against
Stanford and UCLA and was edged
out at the tape by the great Mal
Whitfield in an exhibition en-
gagement with Edwards Air Force1
Ron Wallingford was a stand-
out for the Ann Arbor visitors, as
he sped to wins in the two mile, in
both encounters with the Pacific!
Coast Conference representatives.
Wallingford's 9:28.6 against Stan-
ford, was his fastest time in the
two meets. John Ross had little
trouble in the mile, as he waltzed
to the front in both clashes. Hur-
dler Jim Love, marked up a dou-
ble victory in the 120-yard high
hurdles, and the 220-yard lows
against UCLA.
Pole vault specialist Roger
Maugh leaped 13 feet four inches
in Palo Alto, and took first place
against UCLA to register an un-
defeated record for the Western
excursion. Michigan broad jumper
Junior Stielstra also picked up a
pair of first places against the
West Coast jumpers.
Grant Scruggs continued to mop
up the opposition's 440 runners
winning in both the UCLA and
Stanford meets. Teammate Jack
Carroll pressed Scruggs in each!

Andrews and Chuck Blackett lost
on the 18th.


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the Maize and Blue could handle
this early in the season and took
the match.
Stumpfig played the best golf
of any of the Wolverines, turn-
ing in a 75 against North Caro-
lina. Katzenmeyer was satis-
fied with the play of his charges
though, and indicated that they
played about as well as he had
This coming Saturday Michigan
will open its regular season play
with a dual match against the
University of Detroit here in Ann
Arbor. For the first time in the
'series with the Titans, 36 hole
matches will be played, both in
Saturday's meet and in the one
later on in the campaign, in De-

campus tool
kook at these Raleigh specialsl
" Sturmey-Archer 3-speed gear
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BROOKLYN'S big opposition is
expected to come from the Mil-
waukee Braves, with St. Louis,
New York, Philadelphia and Cin-
cinnati in "dark horse" roles. The
Dodgers' youth, speed, depth, and
power figure to put them ahead of
the field but should Charlie Grimm
glue his crippled Braves back to-
gether in time, they could make a
real race of it.
St. Louis is shallow, New
York has good hitting but lacks
reserve pitching, Philadelphia
Just doesn't have enough guns--
and while Cincinnati has power
to spare and can be awfully
rough on a given lay it doesn't
possess the polish and pitching
depth needed for the full season

So barring another "Milwaukee
miracle" like the one last season,
the Brooks seem a solid choice.
The professionals rate rookie
manager Walter Alston's outfit as
7-10 choices for the top rung in
the National League ladder.
* * *
AND ALTHOUGH picked for
the second division, the local fa-
vorite Detroit Tigers boast a "new
look" and will unveil thehr 1954
edition in the Motor city at 2:00
this afternoon.
The Baltimore Orioles will
provide the opposition in Briggs
Stadium and will send Joe Cole-
man to the hill in an attempt
to get the transplanted St.
Louis team off on the right foot
with their new name, Steve
Gromek is expected to get the
starting nod for Detroit.
s e.'
OF COURSE opening day would-
n't be complete without the first
ball tossed out by the President-
and President Eisenhower will
oblige at Griffith Stadium, Wash-
ington, where the Senators open
against the Yankees. The chief
executive is hoping that his aim
is better than it was last year
when he started off the schedule
by plunking an umpire in the back
with his throw.
Here is today's complete sched-
ule with probable starting pitch-
ers :
, * *

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