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April 13, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-04-13

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THE HiciiiGAN ioAtjilw

#J UE6,I)A Y, A-eRtL, 13, 1954

PAGE FOUR ThE 3ii~Aki~Ai~ iA1AiiA~

On the Brink of

The Indo-Chinese Emergency

"They're Still Out here"

moving toward the
foreign entanglement.

policy may well be
brink of a major

Although "massive retaliation," Wash-
ington's newest catch-word to describe
possible future action in areas such as
Indo-China, implies a certain degree of
protection to American interests abroad,
it also implies an extremely dangerous de-
gree of American involvement. Already
the United States is openly aiding the
Vietnam government in Indo-China with
millions of dollars and hundreds of vol-
unteer technicians-but any "massive" at-
tempt to oust the Communists from Indo-
China would obviously involve the send-
ing of troops as well as technicians, and
the use of new high-powered weapons, as
well as obsolete World War II equipment.
Even If the United States does -decide to
send its present generation of youth to fight
Asian Communists, it is doubtful that we
could persuade many other countries to
join in with us. With strong French Com-
munist and right-wing pressuring, the
French are already considering pulling up
their roots in Indo-China and setting up a
provisional government there. Even many
middle-of-the-road French people realize
their country cannot continue indefinitely
pouring millions of dollars into Indo-China
while their domestic economy hovers dan-
gerously near a collapse point.
And Asian nations are not likely tosent
military aid to help out future American
and French forces in Indo-China either,
partly because they realize the struggle is
largely one of nationalism versus colonial-
ism as well as Communism versus non-Com-
munism. Many Asian countries are in a po-
sition to fear Chinese Communist intrusion
into their own countries and do not dare
hasten such a future attack. Others sin-
cerely question their right to support any
government scorned by the majority of its
own people.
Unfortunately, under the domination of
the French, Indo-China has largely been un-
ableto develop any strong, pro-Western na-
tional leaders who would fight simultaneous-
ly for independence and against Commu-
nism. Yet the only visible solution-short of
attempting a full-scale third world war, re-
plete with atomic weapons and hydrogen
bombs, _which would probably end in the
stale-mate of another Korea-is todurge the
French to set up an independent government
in Indo-China. Such a plan, long recom-
mended by some American diplomats, would
have the advantage of drawing some nation-
alist support from the Communist move-
ment and would also require the rapid de-
velopment of pro-Western leaders in the
The United States probably would not
have to use its dollar-pressure to obtain
such a program in Indo-China as the
French are already bordering on such a
decision. Furthermore, it could continue
economic aid to the country in the future
without the ethical stigma of helping
maintain a government that is actively re-
pudiated by the people it attempts to gov-
As long as there is such a chance for peace
in Indo-China, it seems reckless for the
United States to rush into full-scale war
there, especially now that the hydrogen
bomb is readily available. With the know-
ledge of its powerful destructive force, we
should rather attempt to prevent any war
which could lead so easily to a major world
-Dorothy Myers
nA Ve e
App ropriations
THE LEGISLATURE did an unusual thing
in surpassing the Governor's recom-
mendation on the University's current oper-
ations budget for next year by a little more
than a million dollars.
Considering that the added problem of

a last minute pay raise for all state em-
ployees by the Civil Service Commission
had upset the legislators considerably, the
Lansing lawmakers are especially to be
commended for being so considerate of
the University's operating needs. Of course
the probability that 'taxes will bring in
more revenue than the governor origi-
nally expected made it easier for the Leg-
islature to provide a two-and-a-quarterj
million dollar boost over last year.
The one slightly sad thing is that the
Legislature found it necessary to whittle
away a little of the capital outlay request
made by the Governor. The Governor had
already axed the University's request of
$14,337,200 down to $2,500,000.
The University can't take care of the big
increase in enrollment anticipated in the
next few years with its present facilities-
at least not without sacrificing high-grade
But facilities can't be expanded overnight.
As University officials have repeatedly
pointed out, the University cannot afford
to mark time in its building program now.
But there is nothing left to do now except

AN AIR OF emergency about Indo-China
has developed in Washington and we
are bound to ask whether that is because
things have recently taken a turn for the
worse. Probably but not certainly, so far as
I know, the answer to that question is this:
There is a fear in high quarters, particular-
ly in the Pentagon, that owing to what may
happen at Dienbienphu the French will to
resist may fall so low that the Laiel gov-
ernment will not be able to negotiate ef-
fectively at Geneva. Dienbienphu, we must
remember, is about 180 miles from the port
of Haiphong. It is surrounded by the Viet
Minh army. It lies in country which has no
roads over which a modern army could
move to relieve it. What roads there are
run through country which is controlled by
the guerrila bands. The only way to the be-
leaguered French Union force is by air lift,
and when the rainy season sets in around
the first of May the situation will be very
difficult and Col. de Castries may not be
able to hold out.
The plight of Dienbienphu, which has
been made sharply visible by the heroic
resistance of the elite troops under Col.
de Castries, marks the failure of the Na-
varre Plan, adopted last year, for win-
ning the war. These French Union troops
were placed in this remote, inaccessible,
and to the Viet Minh most tempting, place
in order to lure the Viet Minh general in-
to committing his main forces in an or-
ganized battle. I have heard the strate-
gical idea of Dienbienphu described by a
Frenchman as tethering a goat in the
jungle as bait for a tiger.
The theory and the promise of the Na-
varre Plan, which we have backed, was that
in a pitched battle the organized Commun-
ist divisions could be decimated. Then the
French Union forces would be the only or-
ganized military forces in Indo-China and
their prestige 'would be such that the na-
tive population would rally to them. After
that the mopping up of the guerilla bands
could be carried out by the native troops
which the French are training and we are
The demonstrated failure of the Navarre
Plan on the eve of the Geneva conference
has produced the air of emergency in Wash-
ington. For the French have no other plans
for winning the war. Neither have we.
Without a plan for carrying on the war to
some kind of successful conclusion, the ne-
gotiating strength of the French and of the
Western allies is dangerously low.
The problem is how to repair the dam-
aged position. Last Thursday a good deal
of light was thrown on the nature of the
problem by the speeches of Sen. Ken-
nedy and Sen. Knowland. "It is time,"
said Sen. Kennedy, "for us to face the
stark reality of the difficult situation be-
fore us without the false hopes which
predictions of military victory and as-
surances of complete independence have
given us in the past." Then, with Sen.
Knowland agreeing, he went on to say
that "the hard truth of the matter is,
first, that without the wholehearted
support of the peoples of the Associated
States, without a reliable and crusading
native army with a dependable officer
corps, a military victory, even with Amer-
ican support, in that area is difficult if
not impossible, of achievement; and, sec-
ond, that the support of the people of
that area cannot be obtained without a
change in the contractual relationships

which presently exist between the Associ-
ated States and the French Union."
This was also the conclusion of the sub-
committee of the House Foreign Affairs
Committee headed by Rep. Judd, which re-
ported in January that "until political in-
dependence has been achieved, an effect-
ive fighting force from the Associated
States cannot be expected."
how soon, assuming that the French
were prepared to give an absolute promise
Df independence at a fixed date, the gap
could be bridged between being a depend-
ent colony and an independent state. Even
if the country were not torn by a civil war,
the Viet Nam would still lack every neces-
sary element for its life and its survival as
an independent state: the political organs
and the personnel for the conduct of public
and financial and cultural affairs. The fac;
of the matter is that the native peoples
have not been prepared, as were for ex-
ample the people of India or of the Philip-
pines, for self-government and indepen-
A firm promise of independence would no
doubt improve the psychological condition,
it is an essential element of any solution,
But we must not once again delude our-
selves over this, as we have so many times
before in regard to Indo-China, by sup-
posing that the promise of independence
will have a magical result, that it will con-
jure up out of the jungles a mass movement
eager and willing to conquer the Viet Minh.
After the first promise of independence i
given, we must envisage a long interregnum.
Ten years would not be too long a time in
which to develop the minimum essential in-
stitutions, to train the personnel and to a(-
quire the habits of a free state-one with'
sufficient authority and confidence of its
own to maintain itself against the pressure
of the simpler kind of government which
the Communist dictatorship imposes.
Sen. Kennedy's speech, which ought to be
widely read, has an impressive but depres-
sing review of the false hopes that have
been held out to us in the past three years.
One of the worst of the consequences of this
self-deception is that there has been no
genuine political preparation in Paris, in
Washington, or in Indo-China for the even..
tual negotiation which is now upon us. Yet
I do not know of any serious person invol-
ved in this business who has really believed,
once he has said what was officially ex-
pected of him, that the civil war in Indo-
China could be ended in any other way
than by negotiation. But the false publi
promises that it would soon be ended by a
military decision have served as an excuse
and as pretext for doing nothing serious in
a political way to make plans and to make
preparations for this negotiation.
Because of that sudden demonstration
of the failure of the Navarre Plan com-
bined with the lack of any other plan-
military or diplomatic or both-has left
a vacuum in this very critical area of the
globe. That is why there is an air of
emergency in Washington,. and a belated
attempt to improvise some sort of politi-
cal position on which to stand at Geneva.
I would not like to end this article leav-
ing the impression that a negotiating posi-
tion cannot be developed by France, Great
Britain and the United States. I believe it
can be and even that it will be-now that
the realities are no longer so deeply hidden
as they have been by official propaganda.
(Copyright, 1954, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

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WASHINGTON-Republican ranks are not happy over a deal put+
across between the Teamsters Union in Detroit and Postmaster
General Summerfield to call off an investigation of labor racketeering
in the Detroit area. In return for quashing the probe, the Teamsters
Union in Detroit is to support Sen. Homer Ferguson, Republican, for
Though publication of the facts is certain to bring ringing
denials, this deal was what was behind the speech made on the
floor of the House of Representatives last week by Congressman
Clare Hoffman of Michigan when he said that his subcom-
mittee on labor racketeering and welfare funds "had but barely
entered upon its investigations when, apparently for political
reasons, it was liquidated."
It was the same Summerfield-Teamsters deal which also was be-
hind the statement made by Congressman Wint Smith of Kansas,
after a brief hearing last November, that the investigation of De-
troit labor racketeering was being called off because of "pressure."
"Where does the pressure come from?" Smith was asked.
"From so high," Smith told newsmen, looking at the ceiling, "that
I can't even discuss it."
Members of the committee staff, however, said it came directly
from GOP House leader Charley Halleck of Indiana. Halleck in turn
was acting as a result of the Summerfield-Ferguson deal with the
Here is the inside story of what happened.
LAST JUNE, Congressman Hoffman, chairman of the Government
Operations Committee, held a preliminary probe of the Team-
sters Union in and around Detroit, where it looked into alleged pres-
sure on the juke box employers to make Union pay-offs to Teamsters
locals; also pressure on automatic car-wash employers to make pay-
offs. This brought protests from Jim Hoffa, head of the Teamsters
Union in Detroit.
Following this, on July 15, the Government Operations Com.
mittee voted to side-track its chairman, cantankerous Clare Hoff-
man. This vote was not inspired by the labor matter in Detroit
so much as by the fact that Hoffman is difficult to get along
with and was conducting the committee's affairs as if he were its
sole member.
But Hoffman, blocked by his own committee, made an end run
by getting the House Labor Committee, of which he is also a member,
to probe the Detroit Teamsters. So a subcommittee, including Hoff-
man, Smith of Kansas, and Landrum of Georgia, continued the De-
troit probe, using information gathered by the staff of the Govern-
ment Operations Committee.
MEANWHTLE, HOWEVER, Teamster head Hoffa and Bert Brennon,'
his right-hand man, got in touch with Postmaster General Sivn-
merfield, former GOP National Committeeman for Michigan and the;
man who had run the Republican Party in that state.:
After that the Detroit probe was called off. After that also,
the Teamsters, usually strong for the Democrats, leaked word
that they are supporting Republican Homer Ferguson for the
Meanwhile, a county grand jury sparked by the initial Hoffman
investigation in Detroit has indicted 12 leading Teamsters, including
William F. Buffalino, head of the juke box local; Mike Nicoletti, head
of local 247 in Detroit, and David J. Keating, head of local 614 in
Pontiac. Dave Beck, national head of the Teamsters, has now sus-
pended all of the 12 except for Buffalino, and has named Hoffa as
trustee for the locals involved. "
Meanwhile also, a subcommittee of the Government Operations
Committee has been probing labor practices in Minneapolis and other
areas-but has been careful since last November to avoid Detroit.
WHEN JOSEPH PATRICK TUMULTY, former secretary to Wood-
dow Wilson, died the other day I couldn't help remembering a
rainy night many years ago when another man was dying and Joe
stood out in the rain until four in the morning. He stood outside be-
cause his old chief was dying and Mrs. Woodrow Wilson would not
let Joe in.
And at the funeral, uninvited, Joe followed with the Negro serv-
ants in the rear."
Behind that incident is not merely a story of human emotions
but of a clash which, if avoided, might have saved the peace of the
For, had Mrs. Wilson and Joe Tumulty .pulled together In-
stead of apart, had Mrs. Wilson not shut her husband offhfrom
the Senate during the tragic debate over the League of Nations
and the Versailles Treaty, they might have been ratified and the
entire world might have been different.
The two people who loved Wilson most, his second wife and his
secretary, have lived in Washington during the years since then, yet
have never spoken to each other.
Tumulty, whose only love was Wilson, wanted him to wait until
after the 1916 Presidential election campaign to marry Mrs. Edith
Galt. When Wilson finally decided otherwise, Tumulty said: "I'm
sorry you're going to do that, Governor. I was very fond of Mrs.
"I told Edith you'd say that," replied Wilson.
"Well, that's a nice way to get me started with her," shot back
Tumulty, and from that day the second Mrs. Wilson was in open
conflict with her husband's secretary.
Gradually they drifted further apart, so that when the League of

(Continued from Page 2)
for positions as salaried Group Field
Representatives throughout the country.
Students wishing to schedule ap-
pointments to see this company may
contact the Bureau of Appointments,
3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371.
University Lecture, auspices of the
Department of Slavic Languages and
Literatures, "The Life of Slavic Folk-
lore in America," Svatava Pirkova-
Jackobsen, Lecturer in Slavic Langu-
ages and Literatures and Comparative
Folklore, Harvard University, Tues.,
April 13, 4:15, west Conference Room,
Rackhani Building.
University Lecture, auspices of the
Department of Neurology, "Muscular
Dystrophy," Dr. John N. Walton, of
Newcastle-on-Tyne, England, Tues.,
April 13, 4 p.m., University Hospital
Lecture Series, Susanne K. Langer will
give three lectures under the title "Piv-
otal Concepts in Philosophy of Art."
They are as follows:
Tues., April 13-Expressiveness
Thurs., April 15-Creation
Thurs., April 22-Living Form
The series is under the auspices of
the Department of Philosophy and will
be held in Kellogg Auditorium begin-
ning at 8 p.m.
University Lecture, auspices Michi-
igan Section of the American Chemi-
cal Society, "Chemical Applications of
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies,"
Dr. Richard A. Ogg, Jr., Professor of
Chemistry at Stanford University, Wed.,
April 14, 8 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Build-
ing. Dr. Ogg will also address the Chem-
ical Physics Seminar on the same day
at 4:10 p.m., 2308 Chemistry Building.
He will talk on "Nuclear Magnetic Re-
University Lecture. Joaquin Nin-Cu-
mell, Professor of Music and Chairman
of the Department of Music on the Ber-
keley campus, University of California,
will lecture on "Spanish Keyboard Mu-
sic of the XvIth, XVIIth, and XVIIIth
Centuries," wed., April 14 at 4:15. The
lecture is scheduled as a part of the
annual School of Music Honors Assem-
bly, and all music students and facul-
ty are urged to attend.
Academic Notices
The Seminar on Hilbert Spaces will
not meet Tues., April 13. The next
meeting will be Tues., April 20, at 7:15
p.m. in 247 west Engineering.
Geometry Seminar, Wed., April 14, 7
p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. J. H. Walter
will speak on "Automorphisms of the
Projective Unitary Groups."
The Daily welcomes communica-
tions from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all
letters which are signed by the wri-
ter and in good taste. Letters ex-
ceeding 300 words in length, defama-
tory or libelous letters, and letters
which for any reason are not in good
taste will be condensed, edited or
withheld from publication at the
discretion of the editors.

H ome Gardening. Four classroom lee-
tu es, covering spring and summer work,
will be followed by four classes con-
ducted in selected gardens, available
through the courtesy of their owners.
Lecture topics will include lawns, an-
nual flowers and vegetables, shrubs,
and perennials. Outdoor classes will em-
phasize identification and use of orna-
mental and utility plants; landscape
delign, successful cultural practices
exemplified in the gardens chosen for
study, Student problems may be pre-
sented for class discussion. Eight weeks.
$8.00. Registration may be made dur-
ing the half hour preceding the class in
the room where the class is being held.
Instructor, Ruth Mosher Place, Lec-
turer in Gardening. wed., Apr. 14, 7:30
p.m., 176 School of Business Admilnis-
tration, on Monroe Street
Doctoral Examination for Martin
Weiss, Geology; thesis: "Ostracods of
the Family Hollinidae from the Middle
Devonian Formations of Michigan and
Adjacent Areas," Tues., April 13. Russell
Seminar Room, Natural Science Build-
ing, at 3 p.m. Chairman, R. v. Kesling.
Doctoral Examination for Dewey
George Force, Jr., Education; thesis:
"A Comparison of Physically Handi-
capped Children and Normal Children
in the Same Elementary School Classes
with Reference to Social Status and
Self-Perceived Status," wed., April 14,
East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at
4 p.m. Chairman, I. H. Anderson.
University Symphony Orchestra, Jlo-
sef Blatt, Conductor, will be heard in
a concert at 8:30 Wednesday evening.
April 14, in Hill Auditorium. The pro-
gram will open with "Till Eulenspie-
gel's Merry Pranks," by Richard Strauss,
followed by Debussy's Nocturnes, Nua-
ges, Fetes, and Sirenes, in which the
orchestra will be assisted by members of
the Michigan Singers, Maynard Klein,
Conductor. After intermission the
group will play Beethoven's Pastorale
Symphony (No. 6, in F major). The
concert will be open to the general
public without charge,
Events Today
Varsity Debate. Thde will be no Var-
sity Debate meeting today. The next"
meeting will be held on April 20.
Mathematics Club Meeting, tonight
at 8 p.m., in West Conference Room,
Rackham Building. Professor T. H.
Hildebrandt will speak on "Systems of
Stieltje's Differential Equations."
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent-Faculty led Evensong, Chapel of
St. Michael and All Angels, 5:15 p.m.
Generation fiction staff will meet to-
night at 7:15 in the Student Publica-
tions Building for discussion of man-
The Congregational-Disciples Guild.
Tea at Guild House, 4:30-6:00 p.m.
S.R.A. Council meets at Lane Hall,
5:15 p.m.
Committee on Religion in the Cur-
riculum (SRA and SL) today at 4:15,
Lane Hall Conference Room. Interested
people are welcome.
Square and Folk Dancing. Special in-
struction for beginners early in the eve-
ning. Everyone welcome. Tonight, 7:30-
10:00, Lane Hall.
Coming Events



At the State ...
THE LATEST Cinemascope effort, New
Faces, is a screen adaption of Leonard
Sillman's stage revue of'the same name film-
ed with the original cast. Actually, little
adaption has been done, and the show re-
mains much as it was. The major addition
is a love story, used to string together the
comedy skits and songs. It proves to be a
detraction, and is, unfortunately, very in-
volved and extremely dull.
In the comedy line New Faces really
excels. Ronny Graham is excellent in the
"Death of a Salesman" parody and as an
African lecturer. Equally delightful is Alice
Ghostley who stops the show with her
cleverly Iyriced "Boston Beguine." As long
as it sticks to comedy, New Faces is suc-
cessful; in other fields it is hardly more
than mediocre.
Producer Sillman, responsible for the dis-
covery of such personalities as Imogene
Coca and Henry Fonda, has assembled a
youthful and often talented cast. Perhaps
the most well known is Eartha Kitt. Miss
Kitt has achieved popularity through her
many song recordings, several of which have
been added to the film. Through six songs
(in French, Turkish, and English), Eartha
writhes and coos her way in the briefest
costumes possible. Her main commodity is
sex, and she sells it well, particularly in the
"Monotonous" number. But next to, Graham
and Miss Ghostley she comes off second
Chief male vocalist is Robert Clary, a
pint-sized Frenchman whose forte is the

Borden" dance, Barstow's efforts are of the
type that one can readily find on television.
Poor planning is apparent in the camera
work here, for often the feet of the per-
formers are out of range and fail to appear
upon the screen; also, spins have the ten-
dency to look like just another blur on the
huge screen. It will take other musicals to
determine the possibilities and limitations of
the dance on the Cinemascope screen.
Camera work is poor in many other
respects. As must be expected with Cine-
mascope, the huge screen necessitates a
somewhat static, single camera angle. But
too often the heads of the performers are
lost, and more than once the entire pic-
ture blurs. Cinemascope will need much
work before it can achieve the clear vision
of "old-time" 2-D movies.
New Faces is a musical that deserves credit
chiefly because it is an experiment-an ex-
periment in directly filming a stage show.
The financial advantages of this are appar-
ent, and New Faces will help determine the
future policy of major studios in that field.
.It is mainly for this somewhat historical
reason, as well as for the several outstand-
ing comedy sketches, that the film is worth
As a footnote, it might be said that the
Twentieth-Century-Fox newsreel at the
State confirms a previous belief-namely
that this studio is using the newsreel as an
advertising medium. Plugs for three of its
latest films, have been worked into the
"World News" section by Fox. This should
prove to be disturbing to those who look
for news at a newsreel.
-Ernest Theodossin

Due Respect ...,
To the Editor:
IN THE PAST month, criticism:
has been directed against the,
Board of Regents of the Univer-
sity of Michigan concerning two
First, the "driving ban." The'
Regents have been referred to in
The Daily as being "Janus-faced"
and "hypocrytical" because of
their lack of action on the driv-
ing ban. This implies that the
students are justified in seeking'
elimination of the ban. Does the
student body always act in a logi-
cal manner and can we assume
that in the present instance the
student body is acting in a dis-
interested capacity?
Consider the poll The Daily
took onthe "18 year old's should
vote." The majority of the nega-
tive votes came from the students
above 21. If the students above;
21 are prejudiced, the students
under 21 are probably prejudiced
Since the students have been
biasedin other matters, I see no
reason to conclude that this time
their motives are lily-white. In-
deed, there have been no sound
reasons advanced why the stu-
dents should drive; they simply
want to drive.
In short, I believe that the stu-
dents position on the "driving
ban" does not permit the assump-
tion of a self-righteous air and
the branding of dissenters as
"Janus-faced" or "hypdcritical."
Incidentally, I can see an im-
portant reason why driving regu-
lations should not be relaxed. Al-
ready the "U" is losing some aca-
demic conventions to MSC be-
cause of the parking problems for
delegates. For every academic
conference that migrates from the
"U," the students lose the privi-
lege of attendance.
Secondly, let us consider the
MPA desire to open "Board Ses-
sions" to the press.
I can think of no useful pur-
pose that will be served by mak-
ing "Board of Regents Sessions"
open to the public. As a possible
applicant to the Board of Re-

f J

Premiere Production of Eugene Hoch-
man's 1953 Hopwood Award winning
play, Veranda onwthe Highway, will be
presented by the Department of Speecl,
at 8 p.m., in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, Thurs., Fri., and Sat., April 22,
23, and 24. Tickets will go on sale at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office Mon.,
April 19, for $120 - 90c - 60c. A special
student rate of 50c will be in effect
opening night,
Xi Chapter of Pi Lambda Theta will
hold its spring Invitational Tea on Wed..
Apr. 14, at 8, in the West Conference
Room of the Rackham Building. Thir-
ty-seven women from various depart-
ments on campus have been Livited.
The Congregational- Disciples Guild.
Discussion Group at Guild House, Wet.,
Apr. 14, 7 p.m.


t Ai

Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent Breakfast at Canterbury House-'
following 7 a.m. service of Holy Com-
munion, Wed., April 14.
Museum Movies. "Birds of the
Marshes" and "Birds of the Wood-
lands," free movies shown at 3 p.m.,
daily including Sat. and Sun. and at
12:30 Wed., 4th floor movie alcove, Mu-r
seums Building, Apr. 13-19.

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Sixty-Fouth Fear
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the;-
authority of the Board in Control 4
Student Publications.

Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn............Managing Editor:
Eric Vetter.. , ,..... ..City Editor
virginia voss.........Editorial Director
Mike Wolff........Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker...........Associate Editor
Helene Simon........ .Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye..............Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg... . Assoc. Sports Editor'
Marilyn Campbell......Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor
Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden.......Finance Manager
Don Chishom.. ...Circulation Manager


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