OPENER TOMORROW-Michigan's baseball team has returned
from Florida and is now preparing for its home opener Thursday
against the University of Detroit. Pictured above is junior Dave
Brown, one of the Wolverine starters.
... tying goal
Power HittingShown in 'A' Contests
The running for the "A" Fra-
ternity Softball crowns got un-
derway Tuesday afternoon with
the spectators being treated to
some fine offensive shows.
Delta Tau Delta showed tre-
mendous power in smashing Tri-
angle, 25-1. Bob Carlson lofted
two home runs, Boyd Henderson,
a four-bagger and a triple, and
Paul Herrick added a n o t h e r
round-tripper to lead the heavy
hitting Delts. With this type of
power the Delts loom as a strong
contender for top honors.
Trigon boosted by Bob Reeves'
three triples and Bob Copeland's
home run ripped Phi Kappa Sig-
ma, 19-3. Trigon moved out ahead
A FALLEN MARK - One of the oldest records in Michigan track history fell1
Competing in perfect weather against Ohio University the quartet of John
carried the baton for the 440 distance in 414. Their time knocked five-tenths
before the onslaught of these four thinclads 'last week.
Gregg, Don Chalfant, Dick Cephas, and Tom Robinson
of a second off the old record set in 1930.
in the early innings and had little Toronto on May 2 and 3. Th
trouble from there on out. Michigan team will fulfill its tra
Delta Upsilon foud the going veling obligations in the propose
sopd Ahome and home series next fall.
easy, as they stopped' Alpha Sigma ThjuktoTrnoint
'The junket to Toronto. in 3 th
Phi by an identical 19-3 score. autumn will see Michigan's repre
Like the Delts the D. U.'s found sentative take part in a four tear
the long-ball to their liking. Don- rugby carnival. The other team
ald Reeves, Arthur Wible, and involved will be Toronto, Ontari
John Grettenberg smashed home Agricultural College and Cornell.
runs to lead the D.U.'s. James It is the hope of both the Toron
Damm led the Alpha Sig's with a to and the Michigan squads tha
round tripper. this international rivalry will be
In contrast, pitching high- come a regular event. The captai
lighted the game between Alpha of the Canadian team, Nevill
Epsilon Pi and Theta Delta Chi Nankivell, promises that intereste
as AEPi squeaked out a 3-2 vic- boosters in Toronto Will put u
tory over the Theta Delts. Al Ros- some sort of incentive; Said Nan
enbluth fpr the winners: and kivell, "We have plenty of ol
George Schurr for the Theta Delts patrons kicking around who'd b
hooked up in a fine pitchers duel glad to donate a trophy for com
which was far from being decided petition between the two uni
until the final out of the game. versities."
Theta Xi showing a balanced
attack defeated Delta Sigma' Phi,
12-4. A home run by Larry LeddyA l
and two triples by George Ritsena aUU P
pushed Theta Xi to an early lead
and they went on to an easy vic-inn Wrestlers
Close Contest An All-Star wrestling team rep
Phi Gamma Delta took a tight resenting the State of Michlgai
one from Tau Kappa Epsilon, 6-3. won four of nine exhibition
The game, which was close all the matches it fought last nightwit]
way, was pushed right up- to the the touring Japanese Olympi<
7:15 time limit before being de- wrestling team at Ypsilanti.
cided in the Phi Gam's favor. Former Wolverines competinE
Chi Psi squeezed past Alpha were Ron Brooks who won hi
Delta Phi, 8-6, as once again the 125.5-lb. match and Willard Roo
long ball proved the deciding fac- who lost his match in the sam
tor. Bruce MacDonald and Paul weight division. Mike Rodrigue
Babas each smashed a triple to pinned his man in the 160.5-lb
lead the winners, class.
Led by Bill Molony's home run,
Phi Kappa Tau stopped Pi Lamb- EXHIBITION BASEBALL
da Phi, 8-1. Chicago (A) 20, Nashville (SA) 10
In the remaining game of the Baltimore 5, Philadelphia 3
afternoon Tau Delta Phi and Cincinnati 3, New York 2
Kapp Sima atted'to an 8-8 Chicago (N) 8, Boston
Kappa Sigma battled Cleveland 3, San Francisco .
tie. Milwaukee 5, Los Angeles 4
Come to
Conference room 2 at the League (opposite cafeteria)
Thursday & Friday 4:00-5:30 for coffee and talk with
L. F. Edmunds about the
Student Summer Conference
Unifying Impulses
*Art Scien ce and Life
Originating with Goethe and R. Steiner (1861-1925)
Spring Valley, N.Y. June 13-July 4, 1959
Michigan Thinclads Crush Ohio
was a standout Wolverine sprint-
man in 1929-30 and is the varsity
220 record holder, co-holder of the
century mark, and anchored the
440-yd. relay team that set the
record that fell to the latest edi-
tion of a Michigan track team last
week. The quartet that bettered
the :41.9 mark set' in 1930 was
made up of John Gregg, Don Chal-
fant, Dick Cephas and anchorman
Tom Robinson, who did the dis-
tance in :41.4.
Michigan also took the mile re-
lay with a time of 3:18.5. Dick
Cephas, Tony Seth, Dave Martin
and Marsh Dickerson did the
honors in this one. Bryan Gibson
usually runs as leadoff man for
the mile relay, but was withheld
from this race to take a first in
the 440 run.
Tom Robinson, hampered by a
cold, ran nothing longer than a
leg of the 440-yd. relay, but was
able to sprint a :9.4 100-yd. dash.
The time would have been a new
varsity record, eclipsing the pre-
vious mark of Tolan and co-holder
Sam Stoller, '36, if he had not
been aided by a strong wind.
Teammate Gregg. was only one-
tenth of a second off his pace.
Show Depth
Coach Don Canham's men show-
ed their depth as they picked up
their 12 firsts without any double
winners. Junior Ron Trowbridge
tallied his initial varsity first by
topping teammate Pete Stanger,
Big Ten champion, in the 220-yd.
low hurdles.
Other Michigan firsts were taken
by Captain Mamon Gibson in the
pole vault, Seth in the 880, Mar-
tin in'the mile, Stanger in the high
hurdles, Crownley in the shot put,
Cephas in the high jump. The
two-mile run saw a rarity in a
dead heat between Dick Schwartz
and Cam Gray, both of Michigan.
Sign up in Student Offices Apr. 6th-11th
3-5 P.M.
You will find in our little shop,
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