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April 08, 1959 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-04-08

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For Direct Classified Ad Service. Phone NO 2-47156
from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'till 11:30A.M.
JOHN'S TAILOR SHOP MODERN furnished 2 bedroom Apt. for CLASS IFI ED ADVERTISING Having a party? Try Ralph
"The Clothing Stores' Tailor" 4 persons, near campus and hospitals, assortment of pastries, drinka
Alterations for Men and Women. available now, Call NO 5-6924 afterdesadheesWereo
Pressing While You Wat 5 p.m. C106desadcee.Wereo18 SPECIAL yu convenience from 7;30
!18 E. Washington NO 2-4617 ~yu
(above Conin and Wetherbee PLEASANT room for young lady. Kit- TNDY'lI midnight. Do drop in a
Clothing store) chen privilege - of f street parking. LINES ONE-DAY RATE RALPH'S MARKE"
)Pi Call NO 2-1279 or 2-7282. 0107 r '0Pakd(usofStt
BARGAI N CORN ER SINGLE' ROOM for Gentlemen In best L.2 SIJ ..3 NO 2-3175
-Southeast residential section. Phone
ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords - $7.25; NO-61.10 3 .96 .47 EXPERT TYPING
psckms c;Shorts,122E.cWamitarosp NEW furnished Apt., Available June '1.2 near campus, NO 8-851
ple.SmsSoe 2 .Wsigo.9th. Air conditioning, dish washer,A1 9f~
)WI disposal, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, patio, **
parking, near campus and hospital. SO LONG as man shall ii
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Call NO 5-7857. 0104 earth, so shall he seek the to
GUY CARP is now accepting applica- MODER P.frsme ercm Figure 5 average words to a ine, forn distinction -alt Moderne
tin nhsnws euyclee us and hospitals for 3 or 4. NO ported Jewelry Gifts -
Days, afternoons, and evening classes. 3-3138. 0105 Call Classified between 1 :00 and 3:00 Mon. thru Fri. LAKE DESIGNS
For student beautician. For more In -__________K_______
formation write or call Ann ArborTW FUNSE AT.,cmlty and 9:00 and 11 :30 Saturday -- Phone NO 2-4786 209 s. State t.
Beait Wshtnav TW FUNISHD ATS. CopleelyBelow Marshall's Book.S
BeautyYntrN College,-. 4567 Whtnaw, furnished w/exception of electricity.
Ypsilnti o NO 57500.)C~lPrivate Baths. Block from 'campus. ____________________________________
AvaiableJun lst NO -038. -100RELIBLE B3ABYSITTER b
BUSINESS SERVICES Avial -ue1t O206.00 ________________ ________________ April 27. Weekdays 2-6. *16
WOMAN'S GRADUATE HOUSE,' large FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS plus supper. Prefer perman
Shop for double room. Kitchen privileges. 0102____- dent with own car. Phone N
SEAFOOD SPECIALTIES Hue NEW portable transistor radios-Philco., GOOD MEALS: brat. five minutes from _____________
IONE BLOCK FROM CAMPUS:'Hue Cost 472; 7 trans. w/case $45 5 trans. Engineering Building. Reasonable.
IMPORTD FOO ITEM, keeing rom. 51 5. Frest.NO 2-$35. Must sell. Call Bob Vangelder, Any or all meals. -Steward NO 3-2600. Yorptaiskchdt
AND 1443. C17 NO 2-1059. B33YorptaiskchdtC
GOURMET SPECIALTIES NEAR CAMPUS. 5-room house fur- ENOL.sracer -0reaonable.eNOT2-6674
forhefourlmendfstudet.ReSontable. ENGL.__acer__reasonable___N__2-6
Washington Fish Market nishedotillensdes.eeste.nuiable 53-:0 AkfrJe.B5 I AMONOGRAMMING
208E. Washington NO 2-2589 Call NO 2-3600 or after six, NO 8-7891. USED Man's Raleigh with baskets, FO X \ M O TELOeWe evc
J6 093 generator and lights. $35. NO 2-6318. Room Phones Also 24' hour Specials
B34 Call atr6PM nTe
TPN:Thesis, Term papers, reason- NEWLY FURNISHED and remodeled ________________ Free T V Ms le aoe ..oTw
able rates. Prompt service. NO 8-7590. apartment for four adults. % block HARMONY GUITAR. Call NO 8-7386. 2805 . Michigan HU 2-2204 Mr.alny PoeN
J42 from St. Joseph's Hospital. From now $60 value for $35. B30 )M3
____________________ until Sept. 1. NO 2-0671. C89 GUITAR LESSONS:
SIAMESE Kittens. Stud service. Call PERSONAL Guitars, qualified instru
RIZSTUDY UNDISTURBED i NO 2-9020. 623_________________ Call Maddy Muic for de
RI ZLarge quiet rooms for men. Near NO__-_39_____E.
BEU YCtSLNcampus, NO 3-4747..' )C3 35 FOOT 56 MARLETTE, excellent CATHERINE.
cniinfuleqipdaico= D yohaeyudaefrteLOST AND FOUND dtioned. Call NO 3-2294 after . B2 'Markley Formal? You'd better hurry 'HAVE YOUR SWEATERS knit
pate____B___e__of___Be__u__k___ only 4 days left. It's April 11th - cially for you, designed to fit
Complt I ieofBaty aworn LOT:Glss2.n ronJas.neey P42actly. Choose colors,:style. N,
LS:GassnbrwcaeNedH ELP WANTED 9-F.1an 2
605 E. Williams them immediately. Call NO 8-9676. ________ ___________________________
Phone NO 8-7066 A4WNE!Grsworal att BURR: I will meet you at 1209 S. Uni-t
J5earn money during, summer vaca- vrsity to look at the official Michigan REAL ESTATE
LOST: Gold, heart shaped locket, on tion. Call NO 3-7947 between 4 and rigPtt
TPG-O531.eeigorm-March 25, on or near S. U. Call Sonia 6 P.M., H21 ri urr Pattronadtud. o FOR THE THRILL OF A L
TPN-O531,eeigorm-BrPatroanAudo.terials accepted 12 noon at U High Kronizk, NO 2-3225. A33 p46 see the six room ranch hom
office. Gladys Smith. J4 BABYSITTER in my home, 8-12 week- _________________Ing maogany panelig in lv
CAMERA LOST day mornings. References. NO 3-8056. ONLY IN MICHIGAN are box lunches with floor to celing fireplac
Easer gifts for mother. Select from our InfotofEs ud rdy evdo h ig. 141 room with built in china
fielnso ye vnwr.Lnon March 27. Early model of Argus Three large bedrooms, full
BieautlnstersexandenBreadLiBoxesC-4; GE exposure meter attached. INCOME TAX SERVICE ATTENTION-Brght Young' Students. with spaciosrecreation arm
BatCaitranBraBoe, Reward. Call NO 2-2886. A32 ___________________ We are looking for clever greeting window sills, aluminum win
Revere Stainless Steel Cookware. Rub- __________________ _________________ card ideas and art aimed 'at the col- attached carport n 104 by
band many otshdriersnatsinklyavrsUE lege market. Highest prices paid. Write lot, Just minutes from dowi~t
andmay thr atonll ave- SEACR-College Hall Cards, Larchmont, New Arbor. Call office, NO 2-568
usdbrns York. F139 nin s, NO 5-5136,' NO 3-399
MUEHLIG & LANPHEAR 5 E ra ontySainIt C Wagon, automatic transmission, radio 2- 9
311 S. Main St. & heater, white walled tires. Must be SUMMER PLACEMENTG DNLL1k1.
Phone NO 2-3277 sold this week. all after 5, NO " N Attention State of Michigan Rei- GODNLLI L4
J2 8-7085. N43 IT/A X dents free to work full time all REALTOR
J62__________________ summer. Earn $125 per wreek plus
RaiPhono T.V. 1957 RENAULT Dauphine'- good con- NoayPbi scolarship opportunity. Experience
Radio, ditlon. NO 8-7393, after six. N42NoayPbi not required. Car necessary. Appli- TRANSPORTATId
cants will be interviewed at the ________________
FatDpnal ikU eieyWANTED New Location: Union, Room 3G promptly at 3:00 WANTED: Easter ride to New
AnDpndboablikpa&deiVer We pap top dollars for good used cars.' P.M. Thursday, April 9, 1959. 137 for 1 or 3 grad, students. WY
1217 S. University, Phone NO 8-7942a GENE'S AUTO SALES FRANCES V. STJILSOJN driving and costs. Call 3-8
J61 544 Detroit St. NO 3-8141 9411 anSre BIG SAVINGS onrt 5929.
LAIS ABESOP12Whitmore Lake Lf n Sports Illustrated
1108] S. University 1949 CHEVROLET convertible with H ck ..9221 4 1 yr. of Life $4.00
Only barber in town who is a turn signals and safety belts-$98Ikoy . 12 wks. of Sports Illus., $100 r
trained and licensed Ladies' Hair NO 2-5024 after 5. N139 Phn tuetPeidca gnc. P one NO 2-'
Stlit J7NO 2-3061 9 A.M. to 9 PM.
Stylist. __________ J17__ HILLMAN 1958 Four-door wagon eat- MUIAPMS. 138
Eddie's Paint Store er. Like new[ HU 2-7140. NIO MUDISCALPAIDSBR:Hve.,enth pca Pa
White paint .....$1.98 per gal.BUR: see the pecia fea
Colors................$2.48 per gal. CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIEStue of the official Michigan ring?
117 . Ann NO 8-6966 Come in and hear the latestPtt129.Unvriy 4
)d15 OEG A EVC Capitol Portable Stereo PORTRAITS 'SKETCHED C asfe
ON-DAY SERVICE Fully Automatic. At Cousins store, 309 S. State.
and COMPLETE SERVICE atWeeriealmksndoel With one free record - only $69.50 Tusysol.)4
!Rent a Guitar or Accordian for ______________________________
SANFORD'S of Foreign and Sport Cars, only $12 dollars with six lessons.
Shoe'Reairing - Hatsi Cleaning Lubrication $1.25GRNEL BOS
Shoe Shining. 323 South Main NO 2-5667
119 East Ann Street n i AL (t' Xs
(opposite court house) INye ivboor ca Ies
J2 514 E. Washington SERVICE and SALES
PAPERS EDITED and Typed. Quick Phone NO 3-4858 W Fast - Reasnable Rates
)87 W stock all types of diamond needles
Service. Spelling, punctuation need ANN ARBOR RADIO & TV SERVICE'
correction? NO 8-.6276. J30 - --- 1217 S.. University NO 8-942
WHITE'S AUTO PAINT SHOP' Across from Campus Theater
FREE' PICKUP and DELIVERY. Coi- Bumping and Painting X14
radios. Stereo conversions. Reasonable STERE
prices. Duraco, NO 5-5111. )J32 C-TED STANDARD SERVICEHiFPrtbe
Friendly service Is 'our business. =i iPral'
hoe O -4~OAtlas tires, batteries and ceor
#'A'f1 Y es. Warranted & guaranteed. See COMPARE MAGNAVOX, RCA VICTOR,
P o eN 2-76 us for the best price on new & WERCOR, ADMIRAL
used; tires. Road service-mechanic $0.5adu
for Michigan Doily on duty.09 ad>p
for ichiian aily "You exect more from Standard

and you get it!" . ..
Clsife.As1220 S. University at ForestUSI'iCEN1Et
C I ss f id Ad NO -911 300 South Thayer,
s1 . X12 -
RARE Violins & String Instrument
repairs, Pianos (Baldwin, Ivers "&
~ ~Pond,' Estey) and Organs (Baldwin,'
American Auto .Accessories Tr hmsa e n sd
123 W. Huron St. 126 W. Gralnd River M o . ilADDY MUSIC22
Open Sunday 9-12 a 0 .WlimN }2)Xl # TIME is running out for you, to buy your,
CAR NEEDS PIANOS--ORGANSyorbeoeiistole!CmuSaeTr-
Best offer Keyboard Service dy tteEgn rh n rdyo ig
GENEATOR EXHUST IPES213 E. Washington, NO 3-3109
AUTO POLISHERS CLUTCH UNITS ______________________
556 1
a announces
Two evenings on the Subject
I'l never get this place in
order. Too many people sawve "WHAT TIS
my ad in" the Classified Sec- -'M'--.9"'
tion of The Daily.. by
of, Midrasha-College of Jewish Studies
II'\kE V//V..
N ~iindamv Anril 12 and.19. at. 86PM.


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