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LSA Student
Service Will
The newly formulated literary
college Student Advisors Program
will make its debut tomorrow.
Student advisors from the vari-
ous departments in the literary
college will be available from 3 to
5 p.m. tomorrow in 1209 Angell
Hall to aid students in choosing
their electives for next semester.
STARTING the following week
the new student counseling service
will be available on both Wednes-
days and Thursdays for the re-
mainder of the semester.
The service is being offered in
conjunction with the literary
college's Office of Concentration
Advisors and has the full ap-
proval ok the University.
It is designed to allow students
to geehe lowdown on courses and
to acquaint them with the content
of the courses before their elec-
tions are made.
* * *
ADVISORS for the program
have been'chosen from their re-
spective departments on the basis
of grades, maturity and probable
ability to successfully counsel other
Representatives of 22 depart-
ments ill participate in the pro-
gram which is a product of the
A Student Legislature's Culture
and Education Committee and
the Literary College Conference.
According to Barry Levey, '52,
chairman of the Culture and Edu-
* cation Committee, the following
departments will have student ad-
visors taking part in the plan:
astronomy, bib logical studies,
chemistry, mathematics and phy-
Also. participating will be the
classical studies; English, geology,
German, journalism, philosophy,
political science, psychology, ro-
mance languages, speech, sociolo-
gy, Far Eastern studies and econo-
mics departments.
Advisors will also de available
for students in law, medicine and
dentistry pre-professional pro -
'Tennis Ball Weekend'
Meetings Slated Today
iN -
Two mass meetings for further
organization of the Tennis Ball
Weekend will be held today in the
One meeting for all entries in
the "Wolverine Derby" will take
place at 4 p.m. in Rm. 3-B. A
mass workers meeting for people
interested in working on all as-
pects of the weekend will be held
at 5 p.m. in Rm. 3-B.
* * *
AT THE "Wolverine Derby"
meeting, rules governing the race
will be discussed. "I want to
point out that although letters
containing r a c e specifications
were only mailed to housing units,
any individual or groups of indi-
viduals may enter," Jane Ellzey,
'53, publicity chairman for the
weekend, said.
The Derby will be held on
"Geddes Downs" starting near
the Geddes Rd. - Geddes Heights
No limit has been set on the
number of cars that a group may
enter. Women may not drive
racing cars, but they will be able
to select a male driver to take the
Other rules for the racing cars
1. The total cost of the racer
shall not exceed $10 (exclusive of
wheels and axles).
2. The size of the racer shall
not exceed 36 inches in height, 108
inches in length and 45 inches in
3. The total weight of racers
and driver shall not exceeda350
The Tennis Ball Weekend is a
part of a big activities weekend
sponsored by the Union and Wo-
men's Athletic Association on May
18 and 19. The weekend will be
highlighted by The Tennis Ball,
the Wolverine Derby and an all-
campus Arb party.
H 0 M E - C R O W N H 0 B B Y - Mrs. Robert S. Montgomery, of Kansas City, Mo., tends
her African violets of which she has collected ,1,000 plants of more than 250 varieties in a year.,
Adrian Lewis, of Manhattan College, N. Y., works at hobby of
etching leaves. His subjects are religious scenes and portray..
courageous last smile, Leo Ko-
ceski, '51 Ed, prepares to be
burned at the stake by the
"Maizigauma" tribe as a sacri-
fice in honor of the Frosh Week-
end dance Friday.
Engineering Open House Will
Feature Army, Navy Displays
Military and commercial exhi-
bits will be featured in the en-
gineering college's open house Fri-
day and Saturday.
Navy, CoastbGuard, and Army
displays will be included in the
two-day exhibit sponsored by the
Engineering Council,
Three model ships, valued at
$300,000, are being sent here by
the Navy Department for the dis-
play. The largest of the three
ships is 10 feet long.
Sale of Tickets
For One-Acts
Tickets for the speech depart-
ment's bill of one act plays Friday
and Saturday will go on sale at
10 a.m. today at Lydia Mendels-
sohn box office.'
The department's final produc-
tion of the season will combine
varied selections from the world's
drama witi ar original student-
written play.
Opening the bill will be a five
scene condensation of William
Shakespeare's "King Henry V."
"Ladies in Retirement" by Ed-
ward Percy and Reginald Denham
will add a touch of mystery to
the program.
The first act of Noel Coward's
sophisticated comedy "Private
Lives" will be included, as well as
"Century," an original allegory by
J. D. Jackson, Grad,
The box office will remain open
until 5 p.m. today and from 10
a.m. to 8 p.m. tomorrow and Fri-
day. All tickets for both per-
formances are priced at 30 cents.
Daily Classifieds
Get Quick Results
ONE OF THE outstanding exhi-
bits in the commercial division will
be the ram jet and turbo jet en-
gines loaned by an airplane com-
pany in New Jersey,
Commercial displays from Ann
Arbor will include a research
physicist's micro - measurement
Students, will be able to visit
the various laboratories. in the
two engineering buildings as well
as the cyclotron and synchrotron
in the physics building.
Guides are needed badly for the
two day exhibition, according to
Jim Hood, '51E, publicity chair-
man. Engineering students who
wish to serve as guides may sign
up on the department bulletin
board or call Carroll Leedy, '51E,
at 38517, he said.
The Technic, on sale Friday,
will contain articles about the ma-
jor displays.
Youths Here
For Conclave
That crowd of camera-toting
young people that swarmed over
the campus yesterday were here
for the fourth annual convention
of the Retail and Office Club of
More than 700 students of office
practice and business subjects in
25 Michigan high schools were in
Ann Arbor for the one day con-
clave. They are participating in a
cooperative training program in
which they work part-time in of-
fice, and retail stores in their
home towns.
At a morning session they lis-
tened to Thomas M. Sawyer, Jr.,
of the College of Engineering speak
on the appearance and speech of
business people. Later in the day
they went on conducted tours of
the campus.
Long Career
In Field Held
By Fontanna
Stanley G. Fontanna, newly
appointed professor of forestry
and dean of the School of Natural
Resources, has had a long career
in the fields of forestry and con-
servation since his graduation
from the University in 1917.
Prof. Fontanna, who was born
in Powers, Mich., on Feb. 5, 1894,
has been deputy director of the
Michigan Department of Conser-
vation since 1934. Before that he
served as chief of the Lands Divi-
sion of the department,
* * *
THE NEW dean, who will take
office July 1, served as a first
lieutenant in the Infantry during
World War One.
After leaving the army, Prof.
Fontanna was connected with
the land department of an auto-
mobile company for five years.
From 1945 to 1947, he was chair-
man of the committee of consult-
ants to the Forest Products Re-
search Committee of the Michigan
State Planning Commission.
* * *
AND DURING 1946 and 1947,
Prof. Fontanna headed the joint
committee of the Society of Amer-
ican Foresters,
He is married and has a son
who attends law school at the
University of Colorado. Prof.
Fontanna's wife, Laura Mills.
Fontanna, is a 1923 graduate of
the literary college of the Uni-
In announcing the appointment,
President Alexander G. Ruthven
said that the present dean, Sam-
uel T. Dana will relinquish his
post a year in advance of his re-
tirement furlough which begins on
July 1, 1952.
Dean Dana, who has held the
position since 1927, will' continue
on the faculty for a year as a
Filibert Roth University Professor
of Forestry.
Bach Presentation
A program featuring "Musical
Offering" by Johann Sebastian
Bach will be given by the Collegi-
um Musicum at 8:30 p.m. Thurs-
day, in Rackham Assembly Hall.
Hans T. David, lecturer in music
at the University will be director
of the program. It will be open to
the public without charge.
M E.M O R IA L C H A P E L-_Robert Callahan, writer and
historian, stands outside the tiny desert chapel he built in memory
of his wife and his close friend. Will Rogers. in Los Angeles.
home hostess ensemble intro-
duced by Balenciaga in Paris is
of white satin ankle-tight pants
and strapless tunic top covered
tby white organza coat.
P R 0 V I N C A F A C T-Nancy Lindgren, 4, removes doubts
of skeptics that her Old English sheep dog, China, has eyes, during
interlude of the International Kennel Club Show. Chicago. P
TOUCH OF E X P E R I E N C E--Thomas Van Nuland,
67, works on his model of a sailing ship for exhibition in a hobby
show for New Yorkers sixty years of age and older next May
C R E A T 0 R I N W A X .- Harry Liston (right), of Santa Cruz, Cal., stands with figures of
his "The Last Supper," in wax. From left are: James the Lesser, Andrew, Judas, Peter and John.,
* 4
18 th Year
65-80 Day Bicycle' Tours
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