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April 25, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-04-25

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U ___________________________ I

from the stre
York, "it is time f
iews of both our
Since American
hat peace is po
that our future p
hat peace. Toe
rould continue th
Y battering away
hat they will be
or peace.
But a war, w
"limited," canno
military front.
this aind permit.
has sdvised, UN
ply lines and bas
even in China vi

truman-MacA rthur
e confetti has been swept they have fought under any government in
ets of Washington and New their history and from the scant information
or a re-examination of the that we have about them, they're quite
civil and military experts. satisfied with their present regime.
a action in Korea assumes If MacArthur's strategy is to beat down
ossible, it logically follows the Reds on two fronts, thus hastening the
policy must aim to achieve end of the conflict, he is also fooling him-
do this President Truman self. Korea alone has been called a bottom-
he fight on in Korea slow- less pit of Chinese manpower. South China
y at the Chinese in hopes would prove a bottomless sea.
come discouraged and sue In addition, a China engagement would
necessarily divert too many troops from the
hether or not it is called European theatre. Obviously we cannot
t be fought merely at the leave Western Europe unprotected just be-
Truman should realize cause of a long-range hunch on Chinese
t, as General MacArthur capitulation.

bombing of Chinese sup-
ses in Manchuria, possibly

This actionIis not of enough importance to
ovoke either China or Russia into a full
ale iconflict. Bombing airbases is only a
ight etension of the Korean conflict and
a world war is inevitable, the foe will
loose someplace where they have a better
rategic advantage.
Unfortunately, MacArthur's policies didn't
op at bombing Chinese bases. He has also
iggested that we back a Chinese National-
t force in an invasioli of South China.
his is entirely pointless. If MacArthur aims
spearhead a resistance movement and
rce the overthrow of the Mao govern-
ent, his hopes are unduly optimistic. The
hinese are now fighting more fiercely than
ditorials published in The Michigan Daily
v written by members of The Daily staff
l represent the views of the writers only.

The goal of our policy should be the res-
toration of the conditions that prevailed
prior to the invasion of South Korea in
June. Certainly no one wants an unlimited
continuance of hostilities, and it would be
equally silly to advocate permanent Ameri-
can military occupation of the Korean pen-
insula. By 'far, one of the worst moves we
could make would be to support the evacu-
ation of all foreign troops. This would con-
stitute a political suicide, wiping out all of
the military gains that we have won in
the past months. It, would be a complete
genuflection to Moscow.
The policies of both Truman and Mac-
Arthur could lead to a solution of our
problem in Korea by division at the 38th
parallel. However both plans include some
shortcomings. We should take the wisest
points of each and incorporate them into
a sipgle policy instead of holding out
rigidly for either one man or the other.
This best solution to the Great Debate is
a compromise, not because a compromise is
a nice way to solve a problem, but because
it is the surest way available to maintain
American security all over the world.
-Harland Brit:


Hope ful s
WASHINGTON-A politically intense week
has just ended here which saw the Mac-
Arthur affair fortuitously coincide with the
annual convention of the American Society
of Newspaper Editors.
The editors normally bring out a great
parade of ambitious politicos who naturally
seize the opportunity to win friends and in-
fluence newspapermen from the 48 states.
Among Republicans the spotlight fell prin-
cipally on Senator Taft and General Mac-
Arthur; Democrats who got the nod were
Senators Douglas, Kefauver and Fulbright.
It seemed to many attentive observers
that the two men in the collection who
wanted most to be President and were
working at it hardest were Senators Taft
and Kefauver. They were therefore in-
clined to rate their chances as very bright
on the theory that while many candidates
for President are called, the few chosen
are those who get out and fight for it.
The late Senator Vandenberg was one
who held that men are never drafted for the
Presidency.He was always reluctant to ad-
mit White House aspirations and never al-
lowed his friends really to build a boom for
him; his own history thereafter went far to
prove his point.
With all his matchless publicity, General
MacArthur is approaching the Presidency in
this same role of the reluctant dragon. It is
a great relief to Senator Taft and others
who share the MacArthur views; it will also
tend to discourage the professionals who
like to do their bargaining well in advance
and no nonsense.
It so happened that the nation's editors
got a revealing glimpse of Douglas MacAr-
thur, the septuagenarian who hoards his
strength for major appearances and letsI
others adjust their routines to his. The Gen-
eralwas to have dropped in on the editors
following his capitol speech and public re-
ception on the Mall; President Truman can-
celed his own engagement with the editors
to avoid any conflict with this arrangement.
But the General found the long afternoon
nap of his Tokyo schedule an imperative so
compelling that the editors had to sit and
wait for him until well beyond the dinner
hour. That he was weary was not remark-
able; much younger men would have been.
That he took his 20 minutes of the editors'
time at their inconvenience was interesting.
Senators Taft and Douglas debated for-
eign policy for the concluding editors' din-4
ner. The Senator from Ohio, greatly in ear-
nest, displayed a certain caution about the
most controversial MacArthur views; he ve-
hemently foreswore the "war party" accu-
sations of Democrats and freely attributed
the world's ills to Mr. Truman. While he
was meeting the specifications of a cam-
paign speech, Senator Douglas with much
good humor fenced with him on the issues.
Afterward, it was Senator Douglas who
went swiftly to the senior Senator and held
out his hand. Senato'r Douglas had been
urged to "get tough" with Mister Republican
but it is not in accord with the role he wants
to play. He is happy to be a Senator and his
actions bear out his further insistence that
he is also content to be only that.
He can practically count on it that the
politicians will let him unless and until
he shows signs that he is in business with
his objective, victory in 1952.
The handsome Kefauvers, very much in
demand, were tirelessly polite and agreeable
to his large public. They offer a commodity
not much in evidence lately in the political

scene-youth, and with it a certain gusto
and pleasure in the contest for popular fa-
vor. It has been a long time since Washing-
ton has seen a serious candidate for Presi-
dent and his wife gaily swinging around the
dance floor and having a wonderful time.
(Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)






0 F A "o




TEHERAN-In the confusion of the sit4a-
tion here only one point is clear: This
crisis in Iran can quite conceivably spread
and grow more violent until a general ex-
plosion brings ,.down the whole shaky Iran-
ian structure. The rumored intention of the
Shah to fly to Paris for an appendicitis op-
eration threatens to remove the last ele-
ment of stability. No one can see ahead,
even as far as twenty-four hours.
As some time must go by between the
writing of these words and their publica-
tion, this reporter will prudently avoid of-
fering any forecasts. It may be worth try.
ing to indicate, however, how affairs here
have reached this stage, where the small-
est danger is an appalling setback for the
West, and a chain reaction leading to a
third world war cannot be absolutely ex-
What stands out, first of all, is the great
Middle Eastern policy. The stakes in the
astuteness the Kremlin has shown in its
game were vast from the start, for the mere
denial to the Western alliance of the Mid-
dle Eastern oil resource was (and is) enough
to turn the world balance of power upside
down. In view of the weakness and corrup-
tion of the Iranian and other Middle East-
ern governments, in view of their utter in=-
ability to resist a direct application of Rus-
sian strength, the temptation must have
been very great to plan to use naked force
in this region.
Instead, at the very moment when the use
of force became an element in the Kremlin
program, and the Korean affair was actually
in preparation, the Kremlin drastically
shifted its emphasis in the Middle East. A
new tone of sweet amiability in Moscow lull-
ed the incredibly feckless Iranian ruling
group. It is not too much to say that if the
Iranian politicians had not half-forgotten
the menace on their northern border, they
would probably not have challenged their
potential Western protectors by voting the
oil nationalization bill.
BY TEMPORARY amiability, in other
words, the masters of the Kremlin al-
lowed three processes to work for them.
These processes were the progressive decay
of Iran's internal situation; the mounting
irritation at the intransigence of the British
and their oil company, and the increasing
disappointment in Iran with the incompe-
tence and downright inattentiveness of Am-
eriln policy.
Oil nationalization was therefore voted,
immediately embroiling the already dis-
tracted and enfeebled Iranian govern-
ment in an open conflict with the British
and a poorly concealed difference with the
United States. This reporter reached Te-
heran when every leading Iranian was
still flushed with the happy afterglow of
successful self-assertion. There was no
fear then that the British would move
troops, that the Russians would intervene,
or that the oil nationalization coup would

THE TUDEH organization was at once
ordered into action, first in the southern
oil fields and then all over the country, thus
seizing the oil issue from the Iranian na=
tionalists, plunging the whole nation into
acute crisis, undermining the remaining au-
thority of the government, and openly in-
viting a landing by British forces to protect
the staff and property of the Anglo-Iranian
Oil Company. The Soviets now obviously
have the usual minor and major objectives.
The lesser objective is provoking the British
landing, which will give the Kremlin the ex-
cuse to invade northern Iran. But there is
equally the hope that general disintegration
will puce all of Iran in the power of the
Tudeh and the Kremlin.
At this writing, with the Shah's final
decision uncertain and the outcome of the
efforts to restore order even more doubtful,
it is really possible for almost anything
to happen. At the same time, it must be
said that the present crisis wears the guise
of a preliminary test of strength. If the
army remains loyal and dependable, which
will of course partly depend on the, Shah's
final action, the immediate crisis is likely
to be got through somehow.
On the other hand, both the Iranians and
ourselves have now had a grim warning. The
country needs a strong government. The
government must proceed with all haste to
take the strongest measures to remedy Iran's
internal evils and remove the causes of in-
stability. In order to get a strong govern-
ment with a strong program, a powerful,
unified application of American and British
influence, sustained, at least for a while by
generous American financial aid, are the
absolute essentials. We have let things go so
long that it is going to be incredibly diffi-
cult to save the Western world's Middle
Eastern bacon, but this is the only chance.
(Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building, by 3 p.m. on
the day preceding publication (11 a.-
m. Saturdays).
VOL. LXI, No. 139
Faculty, College of Engineering: Meet-
ing, Wed., April 25, 4:15 p.m., 348 W.
Engineering Bldg.
Women students wishing to apply for
a Delta Delta Delta Scholarship for the
academic year 1951-52 may still do so
through the Office of the Dean of Wo-
men. Applications close May 4. Any
woman student is eligible for this
award. Qualifications will be consid-
ered on the basis of academic standing,
need and contribution to group living.
All-Campus Elections today, 9 a.m. to
5 p.m. All students, graduate or un-
dergraduate, are eligible to vote. I. D.
cards are necessary.
Opportunities for Summer Employ-
ment with U. S. Forest Service in the
Pacific Northwest, Northern Rocky
Mountains and Lake States. To qualify,
men must be in good physical condi-
tion and willing to do hard, outdoor
work. Experience in woods work would
be helpful but not required. If in-
terested see S. Preston, 4047 Natural
Science, 10 a.m. - 12 noon, Monday or
Student Legislature's campaign head-
quarters will not be in the Union but
at the Student Legislature Building,
122 S. Forest-34732. Will all reserve
personnel report to the S. L. Bldg. at
the time scheduled for them.
The Interfraternity Council of the
University of Michigan invites the sub-
mission of sealed bids for exclusive re-
cording privileges of the Interfraternty
Sing to be held in Hill Auditorium,
May 9, at 7:30 p.m. The firm chosen
will be granted exclusive selling privi-
leges of the record of the performance.
The Interfraternity Council will take
orders for the records from the public
and forward them to the recording
Estimates contained in the bids
should be on the basis of a standard
33 r.p.m. long-playing record. The
bids should contain the following in-
1. Retail selling price.
2. Commission to be allowed the In-
terfraternity Council.
3. Whether hand-cut or pressing, and
if pressing, what firm will do the press-
ing. Pressings will be preferred.
4. Delivery service-manner and es-
timated time required.
All bids should be sealed and ad-
dressed to Mr. George Cherpels, 1601
Washtenaw Ave. No bid postmarked
later than April 28 will be considered..
All girls desiring late permission Wed-
nesday, April 25, to count ballots from
the all-campus election must secure
permission individually from the Dean
of Women's Office today and tomor-
row. They must let their housemoth-
ers know of this late permission. The
ballot counting will take place in the
ballroom of the Union starting atn7:00.
List of approved social events for the
coining week-end:
April 26-
Alpha Kappa Alpha
April 27-
Alpha Rho Chi
Alpha Tau Omega
Class of 1953
Collegiate Sorosis
Graduate Student Council
Henderson House
Kappa Nu
Lloyd House
April 28-
Alpha Chi Sigma
Alpha Epsilon Phi
Alpha Epsilon P1
Alpha Kappa Kappa
Alpha Rho Chi

Alpha Sigma Phi
Alpha Tau Omega
Beta Theta Pi
Chicago House
Delta Chi
Delta Sigma Phi.
Delta Tau Delta
Delta Upsilon
Greene House ,
Hayden House
Kappa Nu
Lambda Chi Alpha
Michigan Coop House
Phi Delta Epsilon
Phi Delta Phi
Phi Delta Theta
Phi Gamma Delta
Phi Kappa Sigma
Phi Rho Sigma
Phi Sigma Delta
Phi Sigma Kappa
Psi Omega
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Sigma Chii
Tau Delta Phi
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Theta Chii
Wenley House
Zeta Beta Tau
Zeta Psi
April 29-
Martha Cook Dormitory
Nelson House
Phi Delta Phi
Personnel Interviews:
The following companies will be In-
terviewing at the Bureau of Appont-
Monday, April 30
North American Aviation, Columbus
Division, will be interviewing Aeronau-
tical, Mechanical, and Civil Engineers.
They will also be here on Tuesday,
May 1.
Pennsylvania Salt Company, Detroit
Office, will be interviewing men for
sales positions.
Pennsylvania Salt Company, Wyan
dotte Plant, will be interviewing Elec-
trical Engineers for plant work; Chemi-
cal Engineers; and women for chemis-
try positions.
Tuesday, May1
Boeing Aircraft, Wichita, Kansas, will
be intervciewing Electrical, Metallurgi-
cal, and Chemical Engineers; and men
and women for statistical positions.
Container Corporation, Chicago, will
be interviewing Mechanical, Industrial
Engineers and Business Administration
graduates for production supervision
and sales. Some positions will be in
Scott Paper Company will be inter-
viewing men for sales positions in the
Detroit area.
Wednesday, May 2
Austin Company, Detroit Office, will
be interviewing Civil, Chemical, Archi-
tectural, Mechanical, and Electrical En-
Herpolsheimer's Department Store,
Grand Rapids, will be interviewing men
and women for merchandising and re-
tailing positions.
Canada Life Assurance Company,
Jackson Office, will be interviewing
men for sales positions.
Thursday, May 3
Bechtel Corporation, San Francisco,
will be interviewing all types of En-
gineers who are interested in em-
ployment on the West Coast.
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard will be
interviewing Naval Architects, Marine,
Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic, and
Civil Engineers. These civil service ap-
pointments are permanent (not the
present Indefinite appointments).
Thursday and Friday, May 3 and 4
Arabian American Oil Company will'
be interviewing Mechanical, Electrical,
Civil, Chemical and Petroleum Egi-
neers; and Geologists. Although most
of these positions will be in Saudi Ara-
bia, there are a few openings in their
NewrYork office.c
Wright Aeronautical Corporation,
Wood-Ridge, New Jersey, will be inter-
viewing Mechanical and Aeronautical
Friday, May 4
Detroit Arsenal will be interviewing
all types of Engineers.
For further information and appoint-
ments for interviews call at the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Administration
Summer Employment:
A representative from Wabun Resort,
Oscoda, Michigan will be interviewing
students, Wed., April 25, interested in
the following types of positions: wait-
ress, bartender and cook. Call Bureau

of Appointments, Rt 2614, for an ap-
Summer Opportunities:
Students interested in summer em-
ployment will have an opportunity to
examine the Bureau of Appointment's
personnel requests from camps, resorts,
and business organizations, Wed., April
25, 1 to 5 p.m., Room 30, Union.
Psi Upsilon Fraternity: The Sub-
Committee on Discipline heard the
statements of the president and treas-
urer of Psi Upsilon fraternity and is
of the opinion that the fraternity has
made a "good faith" effort to py the
full amount of the $2,000 which it was
fined in November, 1950.
In view of the fact that some of the
Psi Upsilon members have since that
time left this campus and the remain-
ing number who are able to share the
responsibility of this obligation has
grown quite small, it is felt that the
fraternity has done all that it can be
reasonably expected to do toward pay-
ing the amount.
The Committee now orders that the
amount of the fine be reduced to $1,000
and that any amount over that which
has already been paid be refunded to
the fraternity.
Sub-Committee on Discipline
University Lecture, auspices of the
Department of Political Science,
"UNEScO, the UN, and the World Cri-
sis." Dr. Walter H. C. Laves, former
Deputy Director of UNESCO and Visit-
ing Professor of Political Science,
Thurs., April 26, 4:15 p.m., Rackham
Lecture, auspices of the Christian
Science Organization. "Christian Sci-
ence, Bringer of Peace." Harry B. Mac-
Rae, C.S.B., Dallas, Texas. Pri., April
27, 8 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hal. Open
to the public without charge.
Academic Notices
Wildlife Seminar: Mr. Ralph Mae-
Mullan, Michigan Department of Con-
servation, will speak on the program
of the Houghton Lake Wildlife Experi-
met Station. Thur., April 26, 7 p.m.,
Botany Seminar Room, Natural Science
Bldg. Film: "Coveys and Singles,"
Seminar in Applied Mathematics:
Thurs., April 26, 4 p.m., 247 W. Engi-
neering Bldg. Mr. Guilford Spencer
will speak an "Supersono Flow about
Bodies of Revolution."
Physical Chemistry Seminar: Wed.,
April 25, 4:10 pm., 2308 Chemistry
Bldg. Frederik Grnvold, University of
Oslo, Norway, will discuss "Recent
Work on the Oxides of Uranium."
Botany Seminar: '"The Genus Buel-
ha," by Henry Imshaug, April 25, 4 p.
m., 1139 Natural Science.
Orientation Sminar in Mathematics:
Meeting, Thurs., April 26, 4 p.m., 3001
Angell Hall. Mr. Osborn will speak on
"Affine Geometry Without Numbers."
Tea, 3:30 p.m.
Seminar of Mathematical Statistics:
Thurs., April 25, 3 p.m., 2016 Angell
Hall. Mr. J. B. Tyser will speak on
"Lehmann's Notes on Theory of Sta-
tistical Estimation."
Doctoral Examination for Thomas
Wynne Ross, English Language and Lit-
erature; thesis: "Middle English Didac-
tic Verse - An Edition of Representa-
tive Poems," Thurs., April 26, West
Council Room, Rackam Bldg., 10 a.m.
Chairman, J. R. Reinhard.
Applicants for the doctorate who are
planning to take the preliminary ex-
aminations in Education on May 31,
June 1 and 2, will please notify the
Chairman of the Committee on Gradu-
ate Studies in Education, 4019 Univer-
sity High School, immediately.
The Colegum Musicum under the
direction of Hans David, will present
Johann Sebastian Bach's "Musical Of-
fering," 8:30 p.m., Thurs., April 26, in
the Rackham Assembly Hall. A synop-
sis of movements of the work will be
played by Hambarson Bogosian, Flute,
Theodore Heger, Oboe, Myron Russell,
English horn, William Weichlein, Bas-
soon, Genevieve Shanklin and Gail He-
witt, Violins, Emile Simonel, Viola, Da-
vid Baumgartner,pello, and John Flow-
er, Harpsichord. The general public is
Carillon Recital, Thurs., April 26, 7:15
p.m., by Professor Percival Price. Pro-
gram: Selections from the Marriage of
Figaro by Mozart, Sonata for a 4-Oc-
tave Carillon by Mr. Price, and three

Irish folk songs.
Student Recital: Ann Wight, student
of organ with Robert Noehren, will
play a recital at 4:15 p.m., Thurs., April
26, in Hill Auditorium, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
Master of Music degree. Program: Works
by Buxtehude, Bach, Dupre and Duru-
fle% Open to the public.
Student Recital: Richard Skyrm, pu-
pil of Joseph Brinkman, will be heard.
in a piano recital at 8:30 p.m., Wed.,
April .25, in the Rackham Assembly
Hall, presented -in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Music. Program: composi-
tions by Haydn, Beethoven, Prokofieff,
Debussy and Chopin. Open to the pub-
Events Today
T.A.S. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., 1042 E. En-
gineering Bldg. Speaker: Dr. Eugene
E. Lundquist. "Structural Researches
at NACA."
UNESCO Council: Meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
International Center. Agenda: 1. Com-
mittee Reports 2. Secretarial Elections
3. Discussion of Study Project.
Roger Williams Guild: Tea 'N Talk
at the Guild House, 4:30-6 p.m.
Bridge Tournament held every week
in the Union Ballroom will start at
7:30 p.m.
Ulir Ski Club: Meeting to elect new
officers for coming year. Movies, in-

eluding those of recent Aspen trip.
1200 Angell Hall, 7:30 p.m.
Botany Club: Meeting at Dr. Clover's
home, 7:30. Speaker: Dr. Baxter.
Michigan Christian Fellowship: Uni-
versity Christian Mission Lecture Series
by Mr. Joseph T. Bayly, 7:30 p.m., Kel-
logg Auditorium. Subject: Are Jesus'
Teachings Relevant?
Westminster Guild: Tea N' Talk,
4 pm., First Presbyterian Church.
Senior Society: All members are
urged to attend the meeting at 715
p.m., Martha Cook, to consider possible
constitutional amendment.
Pre-Medical Society: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., 1200 Chemistry Bldg. Dr. Solomon
J. Axelrod, School of Public Health.
"Careers in Public, Health." Everyone
is invited.
Modern Dance Club will meet at the
dance studio, Barbour Gym. 7:15 p.m.
Coming Eveas
Sailing Club: Meeting and.hre
school, Thurs., April 2, 311 W. Mgi-
neering Bldg., 7:30 p.m.
Graduate Student Council: Meeting,
Thurs., April 26, But Lecture oom,
Rackhiam Bldg., 7:30 p.m. Discussion:
New handbook, student legislature re-
lations, orientation plans, elections,
Meeting of Student Advisors
Thurs., April 26, 3-5 p.m., 1209 Angell
Hall. It is advised that students see
the Student, Advisors before seeing
their Academic Counselors and Con-
centration Advisors.
Sixteenth Annual Conference on
Problems in Secondary Education, aus-
pices of the Bureau of School Services,
Sessions, 10 a.m. and 2:15 p.m., Thurs.,
April 26, Rackham Amphitheater. For
luncheon meeting and coffee hour, see
notice of Conference on Teaher Mu-
U. of M. Rifle Club: No meeting this
week. Intramurals will be fired May
2 and 3. Anyone who Is interested is
invited to shoot in the intramurals,
Delta Sigma PI: There will be neither
a business nor a professional meeting
this week.
International Center Weekly Tea; for
foreign students and American friends,
4:30-6 p.m., Thurs., April 26.
Polonia Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Thurs., April 26, International Center.
Mr. Teholiz will give a talk on Polish
Art. Everyone is welcome.
Panel Discussion. Co-sponsored by
the Michigan Union and UNESCO Coun-
cil. Topic: "What Kind of Education
Do We Really Need for Peace?" Parti-
cipants: Professors Robert a. Angell,
Dept. of Sociology; Kenneth E. Bould-
Ing,, Dept. of Economis; Samuel' J.
Eldersveld, Dept. of Political Science;
moderator, Dean Hayward Keniston.
Thurs., April 26, 7:30 p.m., Union.
Beta Alpha Psi: Business meeting,
Thurs., April 26, 177 Business Adminis-
tration School, 7:30 p.m.
Water Safety Instructor's Course-
will be conducted by the Red Cross ba-
tween April 30 and May 11 at the In-
tramural Pool. First meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Mon., April 30; subsequent meetings
will be announced then. The course s
open to both men and women. To be
eligible one must have a current Sen-
for Life Saving Certificate and be at
least 19 years of age. Anyone interested
should sign up in Office 15, Barbour
Hiawatha Club: Meeting, Thur
April 26, 7:30 p.m., League. Election of
officers.mTalk on Porcupine Mountain
development by Professor Whittemore.
Hostel Cnb: Au Sable Weeken$
Canoe Trip, May 11-13. Call Jac
Young, 2-7958.
* *t








BsSpeech & the U.S.

WITH THE BIG POWERS engaged in a
hot armaments race, the reasons why
Britain's former Minister of Labor, Aneurin
Bevan resigned his position are pertinent to
the present war economy policy of the U.S.
The crux of Bevan's speech was his re-
cognition of the dangers of turning over
"the complicated machinery of modern in-
dustry to war preparation too quickly."
Taking an indirect slap at the U.S., Bevan
pointed out that campaigns for arms produc-
tion are accompanied by campaigns of "in-
tolerance, hatred, and witch hunting." This
statement needs no further expansion when
one looks at the American system of loy-
alty boards and un-American Activities
Bevan rapped Parliament further for cre-
ating an arms economy which will under-
mine social legislation in Britain and eventu-

ally, as inflation increases, lower the stand-
ard of living all over the world.
This condition of gradually squeezing out
social legislation to make room for arms pro-
duction in Britain which Bevan fears, can
be extended to the United States' present,
budget. This budget calls for a staggering
58 percent of the budget to be spent for
military purposes while only 17 percent will
be allocated for domestic needs.
As further example of the gradual sell-
ing out of the Socialist party's principals
to the war hysteria, Bevan pointed to the
reduction of the National Insurance Fund
and Health Service budget.
Here another American parallel exists in
the fate of the National Health Insurance,
bill. This bill which was so enthusiastically
pushed as a liberal plank in the Democratic
platform has been quietly pigeonholed as one
of the social measures to be dropped in favor

Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed, by students of
the University of Michigan under the
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Bill Brenton ....Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans........Women's Editor
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Another time, I'm a-riding the old pony
express with a big uranium sIipment, and-

Yes, your realistic dad and I
were right ... Poor Albert, he's

Terrible, isn't it? What
over-stimulation can do to I



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