, AMIL 25, 19514
faize, Blue Teams To Duel
'or Honors at Frosh Weekend
4azigamua Tribesmen
o Return to Campus
Members of the ancient Maizi-
unua tribe will return to the
ampus in the Maize Team's pres-
itation of Frosh Weekend, "Make
ine Moccasins," scheduled from
p.m. to midnight Saturday in
ie League Ballroom.
The group will return to check
p on the activities of their young
hief "Yellow Mocs" who came to
ae University to reclaim his
ibe's lost land.
* * *
WHILE at the dance, the war-
tors will stage a show in which
aey will depict the many troubles
hich fell upon the shoulders of
Yellow Mocs" following his de-
arture from his homeland.
When he failed to regain his
tribe's lost land, the young
chief decided to enroll as a stu-
dent in the University.
Between the time he enrolled,
aid the date he received his in-
tation to leave, the warrior had
iany opportunities to take part
i campus activities. This included
is pledging a local fraternity, Phi
Cho Canoe'um.
* * *
TO ENABLE their visitors to feel
t home while attending the dance,
he Maize Team has based their
ecorations on scenes typical of In-
.an life.
There will be giant totem poles
at each end of the ballroom, and
tomtoms will decorate the front
of the bandstand. Large teepees
will also be placed around the
Some of the decorations are so
,rge that they will have to be
onstructed within the ballroom,
,nd the members of the Maizi-
amua tribe have promised to help
he team members with the task.
Tickets for the dance may be
purchased this week on the Diag or
a the Union and League. They will
[so be on sale at the Engine Arch.
Admission will be $1.50 per
Typewriter, Paste Potsr
To Depict News Office
Students will have an opportun-1
ity to test their "nose for news"
at the Blue Team's presentation'
of Frosh Weekend, "The Big
Scoop" to be held from 9 p.m. to
midnight Friday in the League
The floorshow of the dance will
portray a typical managing editor
hard at work on a daily newspa-
per. As each page goes to press,
musical numbers will depict the
various items featured in the edi-
* * *
ALL THE equipment used in
printing a newspaper will also
come to life before the eyes of stu-
dents viewing the show. The
objects, ranging from dummies to
paste pots, will also include a
singing and dancing typewriter!
While one of the featured
tunes of the show is played by
the orchestra, the keys on the
typewriter will spell out the
song's lyrics.
This human typewriter has
caused one of the horses from the
Kentucky Derby to leave his home
in the deep South and travel here
in hopes of seeing the show.
In the meantime, the visitors
haive been given an opportunity
to view the decorations for the
These are also based on the
team's coverage of a "scoop", and
will consist of murals around the
walls of the ballroom depicting
the various stages of newspaper
"Press passes" for the event may
be purchased all this week in the
Union, League or on the Diag.
The tickets, priced at $1.50 per
couple, may also be purchased at
the door the night of the dance.
ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED-Mr. O. T. Hamby of Highland
Park has announced the engagement of his daughter, Jean, to
James T. Potter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis J. Potter of Madison,
Wis. Miss Hamby is a graduate of the School of Education. Her
fiance, Mr. Potter, is attending the School of Architecture and
Design. The couple will be married June 30.
French Fashions May Affect
Entertainment Trends for 1951
Junior Styles
Now Designed
To FitFigure
More Mature Clothes
To Be Manufactured
By Fashion Industry
The fashion industry has finally
come to recognize the fact that
the junior figure is not necessarily
A new collection of styles shows
the trend in junior clothes; slight-
ly longer waistline and a more so-
phisticated aire.
- * *
THESE NEW junior fashions
are moderately priced and will
give women who wear them the
more mature designs they have
been desiring.
For daytime, the collection fea-
tures the sleeveless dress in both
wool and crepe, with deft fur
touches. The plaid and sheer
wool sheaths also appear, often
worked with tucks and pleats to
make a pattern
For evening parties flannel
dresses in white, slim black velve-
teen coats, ombre silk chiffon cre-
ations shaded from orange to tan-
gerine-pink are especially popu-
o* #
A PARTICULARLY pretty coat
and dress combination for parties
combines a pleated white chiffon
dress ivith a pyramid coat in
white taffeta.
,This is lined in pleated white
chiffon. The dress has a small
triangular collar with elbow-
length sleeves and deep, f old-
back cuffs.
A tent coat for evening is done
in Chinese red velveteen and is
very appealing to the junior figure.
The coat has triangular collar and
deeply-cuffed, e 1 b o w - length
The coat is edged with a narrow
binding of black braid and could
team with black velvet accessories.
IFC To Stage
'Greek Week'
Fraternity Week will be staged
May 8 through 11, the Inter-
fraternity Council has announced.
A program designed to focus
campus attention on fraternities
has been lined up, according to Cy
Carlton, '52, IFC publicity chief.
Highlights of the annual "Greek
week" will be, as customary, the
IFC Sing May 9 and the IFC Ball
May 11.
Another feature of this year's
show will be a panel discussion on
"The Bias Clause on This and
Other Campuses." Three affiliates
from other campuses, plus one in-
dependent, one SL and one IFC
representative from the University
will debate the subject.
As a slogan for their week, the
IFC has picked "Best in Campus
Life." This slogan will glare down
at students from an 8-foot sign to
be erected on the diagonal Monday.
ATO's To Present Annual 'Blackfoot Bal';
White Bucks To Identify Sigma Nu Guests
Gigantic black feet will be in
evidence when the members of
Alpha Tau Omega present their
annual "Blackfoot Ball" from 9
p.m. to midnight Friday in the
main ballroom of the Union.
Ken Norman and his orchestra
will provide the musical back-
ground for this dance presented by
the ATO's in honor of their found-
ing at Virginia Military Institute.
u * s
IT WAS at this institution, that
both ATO and Sigma Nu were
founded. The original ATO's were
the cadets sporting black boots
while the Sigma Nu founders wore
white ones.
Thus began the "white and
black feet" riyalry of the two
groups. As a result, the Sigma
Nu's are the traditional guests
at the dance, and they gain ad-
mittance by wearing tiny white
paper feet on their lapels.
To distinguish them from the
members of their rival fraternity,
the Sigma Nu's will also sport
white bucks, but the ATO's will
wear black shoes.
Coke Dance
The first coke dance spon-
sored by the League will be held
from 3:30 to 5 p.m. today In
the Rumpus Room of the
League. The dances are free
to all couples attending. Three
later dances will be held on
May 2, May 16 and May 23.
CARRYING OUT their "black-
foot theme" the ATO's will place
gigantic black feet around" the
walls of the ballroom, and a thirty
foot "foot" will be suspended from
the ceiling of the room.
The backdrop will depict an
African scene with "a white
foot" being boiled In a large pot.
Members of Sigma Nu have be-
come traditionally known as the
"white feet."
In addition to the Sigma Nu's,
invitations have been sent to the
presidents of all campus residences
and student leaders.
Bert Wicking, general chairman
of the affair, has promised an/en-
tertainment program which will
feature outstanding campus talent.
COLLINS month-end
14 1
of Spring 'apparel
. ..with Harry Reed
In addition to the number of
old time stars returning to live TVe
work, many of them are coming
back to haunt living rooms viat
their early movies.t
Helen Mack, now director ofs
NBC's "The Saint," was a well-
known screen star a few years
back. Leaving a Hollywood res-
taurant recently with actor Vin-8
cent Price, she was almost bowledc
over by kids rushing to get hisc
. s 'f
ONE SMALL BOY broke aways
from the mob and asked her forl
her signature. To her statementv
that she wasn't important any
more, the youngster said, "Oh yes
you are, you've been re-issued on
Some of the aged but still
comely actresses of the picture
empire are finding it best to
confess to almost their real age,
rather than let fans guess it af-
Members of the Board ofi
Representatives of the Leagueo
will meet at 4:30 p.m. today,
Election procedure will be dis-
ter seeing them in some of their
early pictures.
After another winter of growth,
the television industry is getting
the nod at some schools as the
subject to draw students to the
summer session.
NORTHWESTERN is sponsoring
a radio and TV institute of three
courses beginning June 25. The
courses will be devoted to the "Chi-
cago school" of direction and pro-
duction, which is responsible for
such hits as "Kukla, Fran and Ol-
lie," "Garroway at Large" and
video soap opera "Hawkins Falls."
Barnard College is also setting
up a six weeks institute of radio
and television which is intended
to provide professional training
for young college graduates pre-
paring to enter these fields.
Co-eds who wonder if they're not
living the Bohemian life of real
college gals can compare notes
with three TV program women
students today at 9 p.m. by catch-
ing the "Kraft Television Theatre"
over WWJ-TV.
The program is entitled "Brief
Music" and concerns the mis-
adventures of three co-ed room-
The order of the evening for
1951 for those women who are af-
fected by the new French fashions
will consist of a great deal of
standing up and very little sitting
Women might as well prepare
for spendiig more time on their
feet if they are going to wear
these styles which, according to
various fashion experts, have some
vicious complications.
STANDING is going to become
necessary because of the simple
fact that it is impossible to sit
down in some of the new gowns
which either stick out too far in
front, in back or on the sides~
The man who is unfortunate
enough to escort a woman in one
of these creations, is going to
Bikini Fashion
To Disappear
T his Summer
The overall picture in the sum-
mer fashion scene is definitely
more feminine and subtle this sea-
son and will even be noticeable in
the bathing suit field.
The Bikini suit, credited to the
French-with the French handing
the credit right back to American
designers-is disappearing from
beaches. "It wasn't," say manu-
facturers, "flattering to the aver-
-age woman."
THE SAND and surf attire for
warm weather will follow the
trend toward the new "long look",
with garments moulded to body
contours without exaggeration.
Even the pockets featured on
many '51 styles will hug the hips
In the case of these particular
suits, the long look is no more
optical illusion. They are cut
slightly longer in the back to
eliminate tugging at the bottom
of a suit after sitting or swim-
Designers have traded the acci-
dent hazard for subtle appeal
when it comes to the tops of swim
THEY ARE BEING variously
shirred, ruffled, collared a n d
cuffed, and many will sport self-
locking zippers on plunging neck-
The days of the Bikini suits may
have passed, but stylists say that
two-piece beachwear has not dis-
appeared by any means. But they
are being selected with more dis-
crimination by women who feel
that they are built for them.
Along with the velvets, laces and
picture hats which are making a
comeback in dress fashion, are vel-
vets, lastex faille, slipper satin and
doeskin in the range of fabrics for
bathing suits. Fabric interest is
high with new and unusual weaves
find himself playing the role of
the standing attendant, if he fol-
lows the custom that the man
must stand as long as the lady
The new dresses have such fea-
tures as wings of stiffly-glazed
white linen that jut out to alarm-
ing lentghs and fan-shaped ledges
of stiffened black netting that ex-
tend 18 inches from the shoulder
OTHER DETAILS of the Paris
modes are funnel-like effects that
flare up from the bosom, great,
green trains that drap along be-
hind the wearer at incredible dis-
tances and bows, some a yard wide
and a foot deep.
It is predicted by the stylists
that this new evening wear is
going to ruin plans for an eve-
ning of bridge, canasta and other
seated entertainment of this
kind, because' there just will not
be room at a table for the
clothes and cards.
It is also easy to see that dining
may become a bit difficult with all
the extra details in front. Dancing,
too, may be limited for some of
the gowns protrude so far that it
is almost impossible to grasp the
hands of a partner, let alone get
arms in the position to dance.
THE LOST ART of conversation
may have to be brought back into
use since that is one method of
passing time that can be done in
the dresses. They also allow for
a certain amount of smoking al-
though the netting and fluff could
be frequent causes of fire.
In other designs there are
chiffon roses down the backs of
crinoline frocks, which allows
that either the wearer stand
the entire evening or else crush
her flowers.
One designer has created em-
broidered satin and faille bodices
with stiffly jutting basques and
topping full tulle skirts.
* *
over are now attempting to correct
the problem. The question is
whether to redesign the beautiful
creations, invent new entertain-
ment for wearers of the dresses
and their escorts or to build spe-
cial chairs.
Perhaps instruction wil have to
be given to women the world over
in the "do's" and "don't's" of be-
havior while wearing these crea-
"Before the season is over," said
one distracted trans-Atlantic ob-
server, "you will find women faint-
ing in drawing rooms all over the
Our haircutting and
styling will please you.
- 5 expert stylists -
Liberty near State
Formerly $25 to 69.95
$20 - $30 -$40
A group of one-of-a-kind.
Formerly $85 to 119.95
Entire stock of
including folding umbrellas
Formerly to 19.95
A group of
wool and corduroy skirts.
Formerly to 12.95
Pure silks, chiffons,
tissue failles, crepes
Formerly $35 to 59.95
$29 - $39 - $49
Formerly 16.95 to 45.00
Prints, taffetas, crepes
and sheers
A group of one-of-a-kind
Formerly 59.95 to79.95
kGroup of
"Where Quality is the First Consideration"
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Rain or shflne
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* .
the original saddle oxford
with the distinctive "tapered toe"
Spalding's saddle oxford is still walking away
with top honors. Not just the co-eds, but every
busy, comfort-craving young woman wants the
Spalding classic. A soft, tapered toe is one reason
for its tremendous popularity, and you'll love
the way it stands up under wear and tear! It's in
L.,. ..._ I I.. .- --L1 -- -J --L
eur pyramid-silhouette
Reversible Coat
of water-repellent rayon gabardine on
one side, for rain :.. rayon plaid taffeta
on the other, for shine. Deftly styled
wgth a choir boy collar and large
gold butonsm, it's permanently
wrinkle-resistant. Black, gold, red 4
or navy; sizes 8 to 16.
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