Variety in Wardrobe Demanded
By Full Schedule of Activities
Winter Clothes Packed Away in Mothballs
As Women Plan, Purchase Cooler Outfits
The coed's life is a busy one.
Classes and social activities dictate a full schedule which calls for
a variety of different outfits. And with summer coming on; the list of
activities lengthens with the days.
* * * *
THE LONG-WORN winter clothes are being put away for another
year, and coeds are beginning to bring last summer's clothes out of
their packing and to supplement them with new styles.
Simplicity and smartness are the keynotes of summer fa-
shions this year. Warm weather clothes have been designed with
comfort and coolness in mind, as well as a neat, trim appearance.
For classes, casual cottons head the list. Soft pastels and catchy
plaids are fabric favorites. Sleeveless styles, which made their first
important appearance last summer, are again predicted to be favorites
by designers.
THEY WILL BE eye-catching in the tucked-front, high-collar
model. This style usually buttons up the front from the waist and is
highlighted by a white pique collar and a matching, or contrasting,
Pleats and full gathered skirts are giving way to trim, straight,
or flare types. The straight skirts give neater lines to a costume
and emphasize height, while on many persons the gathered and
pleated styles give a bunchy appearance.
Loafers are still the favorites with cottons, but coeds seem to be
taking over a masculine trend by wearing white bucks. Although
frowned upon by many as too casual, sneakers are seen on campus
more and more with cottons.
THEN THER IS that after class time. Those sunny afternoons fo
tennis, golf, biking and baseball. Here blouses and T-shirts, with
shorts, pedal pushers and jeans are basic sportswear.
Sports clothes are designed with freedom of action and com-
fort in mind.
For church and semi-formal wear, dressy cottons and summer
prints are put to work.
* * * *
DESIGNERS THIS YEAR have tried to work out a great many
styles which can be worn for different types of occasions. Much like
basic winter dresses in idea, these models can be worn casually with
loafers, but with the addition of a hat, gloves, purse and dressy shoes,
they are suitable for church and other more formal occasions.
Summer prints of silk and rayon materials are also popular
in dressy instances.
Suits of lightweight rayon and linen are tops in tra'vel wear.
Crease-resistant materials are being developed that make it possible
for one to look fresh and crisp even after a long trip.
WASHING AND IRONING cottons is always a headache, but with
the development of nylon materials and other fabrics which need little
or no ironing, the problem is fast disappearing.
Nylon, especially, is a favorite among coeds because washing
and drying space in a dormitory or sorority or league house is
Most nylon fabrics only require a light sudsing, a shaking out of;
the wrinkles before they are hung up to dry, and presto! they are
ready to wear. No ironing is necessary if nylon clothes are hung pro-
perly so that they do not dry with wrinkles in them.
SPRINGTIME IN ANN ARBOR also means dance-time. Pledge
formals and house dances fill the social calendar. Among coeds this
means a look at the budget and then a shopping trip for a new dress.
Crease and wrinkle resistant materials are also important in1
formal wear, and nylon again takes top billing. The new nylon1
net holds up very well, and if necessary can be easily washed. F
drgandy is a favorite for that cool look. It is especially popular
this summer combined with taffeta and satin. Strictly feminine is
organdy over a pastel taffeta, combined in a strapless design, and ac-
cented by a bow of matching taffeta at the waist.
* * * *m
THE HALTER TYPE is a fashion favorite this summer. It is
popular in organdy, but designers are emphasizing its use in nylon
and chiffon fabrics, also.
Artificial flowers and stoles are important accessory ideas.
They are used in matching or contrasting colors to highlight the
dress iself.
Summertime is an important style time for coeds. With the list of
social activities and fun goes a list of what to wear and where to wear
it. This year more than ever stylists are emphasizing the trim, neat,
look. Simplicity, combined with smartness, highlight the 1951 parade
of warm-weather clothes.s
COTTON TIME-Against a setting of the latest in furniture designs three coeds model the latest in cotton fashions. Mary Ellen Ney-
berg, wearing a dark dress with bold horizontal stripes, relaxes in a comfortable terrace chair at the University's recent modern furniture
exhibition, Betty Miller, in a solid colored dressy cotton, serves a cool drink to Pat Adams. Miss Adams wears a pastel dress marked
by thin stripes.
FLYING HIGH-Laura Hoffman is pictured modeling what the
well-dressed traveler will wear this summer. Light-weight suits
of rayon or linen, simply cut, are tops on the list of serviceable,
yet smart, clothes.
SILK PRINTS are being shown
not only in the usual all over pat-
tern, but with contrasting pat-
terns. For example, the designers
are sparking an all over pattern
with a stripe of completely dif-
ferent design, and sometimes of
contrasting colors.
Rhinestone and gold buttons
are also being used to dress up
a silk print as well as a plain
pastel silk.
Shantungs and linens will be
popular this year for dressy wear.
Linens of any color-both dark
and light-are ornamented with
tricky buttons, belts and collars.
ONE DRESS shown in a local
store is of brown linen, perfectly
plain with its blouse top and
straight skirt, but the collar and
FORE-With the return of warm weather, sports-minded coeds
turn to athletics for relaxation and fun. Shorts and cotton blouses
are typical sports attire, as evidenced by Anne Lautner and Ellen
Lonetti, who are busy practicing those tricky green shots.
Cottons Run Fashion Gamut
From Sun-Rise to Sun-Down
From dawn through date-time,
cottons can be in vogue.
For dressy occasions plain and
softly blended tones of pastels will
enter the scene. Large collars or
small perky stand-up collars will
give a rousing send-off while small
* * e
pearl buttons and choker pearls
at the neck will lend the finishing
skirts with or without pockets and
belted with"neat fitting bodices
are featured this spring. For cool-
er spring days, three quarter
length sleeves will be both com-
fortable and smart looking.
Colors will vary from blended
duotones of rose, gold, and lilac
in large blocks and stripes to
smaller multi - colored checks
with bold red, green or brown
For those who have trouble
keeping cottons pressed and wrin-
kle-free, manufacturers have put
out a perma-pressed chambray
which designers say needs less
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